看板 Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網:http://nihilum.com/ 不知道有沒有OP 在Forsen直播聽到的...... 由知名魔獸世界玩家同時也是爐石戰記愛好者Kungen(坤哥) 創立的魔獸世界公會Nihilum宣布轉型成職業電競團隊!!! 以下是Kungen的創隊(?)宣言 ============================================================================== Here at Nihilum we are excited about taking our team to the next step and becoming a professional esports organization! I established Nihilum back in the early days of World Warcraft more than 10 years ago. Since then I always knew Nihilum will be expanding beyond WoW universe some day. 在此宣布,Nihilum將邁向它的下一步-成為職業戰隊! 10多年前,我在魔獸世界中創立了Nihilum 從那時起,我便知道Nihilum總有一天會將其觸角延伸到魔獸世界以外 The moment has finally come with Hearthstone. An excellent game I have been truly enjoying myself. The stakes were high since Nihilum consists only of the most dedicated World of Warcraft players around. 爐石戰記即是它的實現,爐石是我真心享受的一款優秀遊戲 不過跨出這一步的門檻非常之高 因為Nihilum的成員絕大多數都是專注於魔獸世界的老玩家 So I have put forces together with Kinguin which helped me in recruiting some of the most committed and best Hearthstone players in the world. 於是我與Kinguin合力找來了一群厲害的爐石選手 Today I happily introduce to you the New Nihilum. 非常高興能在今天與你介紹全新的Nihilum - Thomas Bengtsson Amèdèo aka Kungen 選手 Jakub"Lothar"Szygulski (Sexy Boy) Thijs"Thijs"Molendijk (Hi! Mom之前在MYM的隊友) Adrian"Lifecoach"Koy (Rope Boy) Radu"RDU"Dima (Hi! Mom) ============================================================================== 註:(1)Forsen提到他在幾個月前便知道這個消息,可見坤哥籌備了不少 從選手名單之豪華可略窺一二 (2)Kinguin是一個賣遊戲的網站,不少知名實況主都有受其贊助 感想:好險坤哥是將自己歸類在魔獸選手那邊XD -- A real man should keep doing workout for his whole life. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1420828269.A.BF3.html
Comebuy : 樓下Kungen 01/10 02:32
※ 編輯: zxf123 (, 01/10/2015 02:36:54
yulo : 不是 01/10 02:42
rogerxji6 : 陣容猛猛的 01/10 02:50
rogerkidd : 只認識 HI MOM 囧 01/10 02:56
d03n3ji3 : Lifecoach 偶像 01/10 02:57
xrdx : 坤哥事業越做越大了 01/10 04:29
moolover : 看坤哥打爐石很有趣啊,大家一起智商下降 01/10 04:53
jsai : 坤哥的戰士永遠是個傳奇!!! 01/10 07:22
bluetory99 : lifecoach真的超酷的 01/10 08:20
abcdeffg : 很厲害的爐石選手有包含昆哥本人嗎... 01/10 09:10
abcdeffg : 看了他許多比賽....恩... 01/10 09:10
abcdeffg : 看到了最後一段XD 還好 01/10 09:11
x04bp6 : sex boy!!!! 那手臂真不像打電動的阿XD 01/10 09:47
kungen : ………… 01/10 10:01
ohruin : 樓上坤哥 01/10 10:32
Knossos : 竟然沒有坤哥!! 還以為又有綜藝戰隊了呢.. 01/10 10:33
Muting46 : 之前的八卦果然是真的 01/10 11:20
thatscott : 這陣容太強啦!!! 01/10 13:21
abcdeffg : 不敢說帥,但全隊外貌都很有特色 01/10 13:35
vic830710 : ropecoach也來啦 01/10 15:32
ATGC : forsen怎麼自己不加個戰隊! 01/10 19:19
wind8905 : 坤哥這種反應一流的玩家來玩爐石感覺就適應不良XD 01/10 20:57
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