看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
4/6之前的IELTS可以用來申請簽證,包含PRE-S及學位課程; (所以4/6之前考IELTS的成績就不用討論了) 4/6之後IELTS BY UKVI可以申請PRE-S及學位課程, 舊制IELTS只得申請學位課程。 每間學校公布的訊息不同,但我認為若沒把握一次就考到UNCOND, 最保險就是報IELTS BY UKVI。 因為一般來說沒有辦法預知自己拿到的分數, 再者通常申請英國的學生會一次申請多所, 好不容易考到的成績若無法申請PRE-S的簽證不就完了。 我覺得採比較保險的方法是比較好的。 目前收集到的資訊: Goldsmiths: After 5 April, students who have not yet taken an English language test should be advised to take a SELT. IOE: Applicants for PASHE(pre-sessional programme) are advised to get their test at an approved SELT centre. Leeds: This means we must use the new restricted UKVI list of SELT for entry to Pre-sessional language. Bournemouth: Students taking a SELT for Tier 4 visa purposes from 6 April 2015 must take the new IELTS Test for UK Visas and Immigration at a government approved IELTS test centre. An IELTS certificate dated 6 April 2015 or later from an unapproved IELTS test centre is NOT VALID FOR A VISA. RHUL: For applicants applying for our 4 or 8 week Pre-sessional English Languag Programme (PELP), and who are eligible for a single CAS which includes both the PELP and their degree programme, any of the English language tests listed on our website are acceptable and these tests can be taken at any test centre. Applicants applying for the 12 week PELP, and who are normally issued with two separate CASs, will be affected by these changes and we are currently exploring the options that may be open to these students. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1428077220.A.299.html
WaTMeLon: 4/6前的IELTS確定可以申請pre簽證嗎? 因為在官網上並沒 04/04 00:34
WaTMeLon: 有看到相關的正式公告,有點好奇消息來源~~~好安個心! 04/04 00:34
WaTMeLon: (還是我有所漏看XD) 04/04 00:35
cerenis: 4/6前考的IELTS皆不受影響。 04/04 00:41
neofuptt: 目前聽到的另外版本,今年的雅思學術組還是可以唸pre課 04/04 02:20
neofuptt: 程(版本好不一致=_=) 04/04 02:21
cerenis: 這個是目前學校已公佈的結果。 04/04 07:07
cerenis:轉錄至看板 AdvEduUK 04/04 19:51
qqgoody: 可以上雅思官網查詢:www.ieltstaiwan.org 04/08 11:13
guildford: Kent 也是pre要考ukvi ielts 04/21 18:42