看板 JasonMraz 關於我們 聯絡資訊
演唱會的日期已經訂出來了! 剛才收到 JM 官網發的電子報 Announcing the 'YES!' Tour in Asia & Australia YES! We're excited to announce that the 'YES!' 2014 Tour will continue this November with stops in Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, and the Philippines. The added dates kick off in Singapore on November 17 - and we can't wait to bring the #jasonandjane acoustic evening to a city near you! Fan pre-sales begin this week and vary in each city, so be sure to visit JasonMraz.com for the latest ticket links and pre-sale information. Note: All times listed are local time. FAN PRE-SALE PASSWORD: lovesomeone 11/17 Singapore at Star Theatre (PreSale: 27 Sep at 10am) 11/18 Singapore at Star Theatre (PreSale: 27 Sep at 10am) 11/21 Daejeon, S Korea at Daejeon Trade Center (PreSale: 9/29 at 12pm) 11/23 Daegu, S Korea at EXCO Convention Center(PreSale: 9/29 at 12pm) 11/24 Seoul, S Korea at Sejong Art Center (Pre-Sale: 29 Sep at 12pm) 11/25 Seoul, S Korea at Sejong Art Center (Pre-Sale: 29 Sep at 12pm) 11/27 Manila, Philippines at Araneta Coliseum (On Sale: 29 Sep at 10am) 11/29 Taipei, Taiwan at Taiwan International Convention Center (Pre-Sale: 01 Oct at 1pm) 11/30 Taipei, Taiwan at Taiwan International Convention Center - Tickets (Pre-Sale: 01 Oct at 1pm) 12/03 Melbourne, Australia at Palais Theatre (Pre-Sale: 29 Sep at 12pm) 12/06 Sydney, Australia at State Theatre (Pre-Sale: 29 Sep at 12pm) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JasonMraz/M.1411539531.A.C13.html
aaabbb111: 哈哈 好快~~終於來了 09/24 14:23
smileya: 剛要分享!看到演唱會消息差點在辦公室尖叫!好期待啊! 09/24 14:25
smileya: 場地一樣是TICC耶!真不賴! 09/24 14:27
Cipolin: yayayaya 搶票囉~~~ 09/24 14:30
chachi: 是我結婚那天!準備搶隔日場次太期待了!!!!! 09/24 14:48
snowoo: 真的太興奮了!!! 在辦公室看到消息,差點跳起來 XD 09/24 14:50
jaff8071: 那個單位買票阿 09/24 14:53
roxetee: 華娛售票 09/24 16:26
aa1: 太開心了!! 09/24 16:47
streetmusic: yeah 正要發!!! 09/24 17:21
cheeseisme: 我也差點在辦公室尖叫 謝謝分享>///< 09/24 17:38
AKIHISA: 兩場!!! 09/24 18:52
boz: 竟然有兩場! 09/24 19:32
pdself: 竟然有兩場! 但那時我在日本賞楓! > < 09/24 20:15
chachi: 請問有人收到粉絲預購密碼了嗎? 09/24 21:11
chachi: 我是官網會員可是我好像沒收到啊阿啊啊啊!T-T 09/24 21:12
chachi: 阿!找到了!!!抱歉大家可以不用理我..囧 09/24 21:40
dora1390: 怎麼大家都擠著來...年底好噴錢喔 已經買了Mariah Carey 09/24 21:55
dora1390: 年底還有好多場婚禮紅包要包= = T_T 09/24 21:56
gn02620938: XYeeeee!!!! 09/24 23:49
wulove: 天阿,兩場都想去,只希望買得到票 09/24 23:52
gn02620938: XXXX怎麼找密碼呀!!! 09/25 00:00
tony77998: 阿 不要TICC阿QQ 09/25 01:07
bluelou: 兩場都想去! 09/25 01:11
selab: 其實文章裡面就有寫fan presale password囉!! 09/25 01:21
killualove: 天啊好噴錢可是好期待!!! 09/25 04:35
gn02620938: 1Thx!!! 09/25 08:21
aa1: 有人有粉絲預購密碼嗎T_T 09/25 11:50
Grindr: TICC一場可容納多少人QQ 09/25 12:16
※ 編輯: christol (, 09/25/2014 12:31:15
gn02620938: 上面寫password是lovesomeone 所以大家應該都一樣…吧 09/25 12:31
christol: 對 大家都一樣 JM官網也是這樣直接公佈的^^ 09/25 12:42
christol: http://goo.gl/vZ4Hc9 09/25 12:42
enigma1112: 我要哭了!!!! 09/26 01:10
jennis093067: 年底噴錢…… 09/26 02:00
pudding74520: 官網直接公佈秘密,所以沒加會員也沒關係的意思嗎? 09/27 01:05