看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文出處:http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118065200/ Sundance: Docu filmmakers hit 'Linsanity' jackpot Deal nearing on the right place, right-time Sundance docu 日舞影展快報:林來瘋紀錄片尋找發行商一事即將大勢底定 By Josh L. Dickey When director Evan Leong and his crew first approached Jeremy Lin during his senior year at Harvard, the hope was to get enough material for a web series that might interest Asian-Americans, Christians and other fans of the obscure NBA journeyman. What they did instead was catch the documentary filmmaker's version of lightning in a bottle -- and wound up at Sundance with a film that's a buzzer-beater away from closing a distribution deal. 當導演梁伊凡團隊在向當時在哈佛讀大四的林書豪提出拍片的要求時,他們計劃的是拍 一系列在網路上播放的短片,目標觀眾則是亞裔美國人、基督徒和這位在NBA載浮載沉的 球員的球迷們。 然而在日舞影展公開放映後,因導演的靈光一閃而成就出的這部紀錄片,與發行商的協議 只差臨門一腳了 "We pursued this with Jeremy and his family declined numerous times," said Brian Yang, a producer on the film. "They just didn't want the attention, and he's a conservative guy. They really didn't understand, they were like, 'Why would you want to put a camera on Jeremy? He's just a kid playing baskeball at Harvard.'" 「當初在追著他們提出拍片計劃時,林書豪和他的家人拒絕我們好多次,」紀錄片製作人 Brian Yang回憶道。「他們不希望受到關注,而林書豪是個保守謹慎的人。他們完全無法 理解,覺得『你們為何要拍Jeremy?他不過是個在哈佛打籃球的孩子。』」 When Lin was selected for the NBA, the idea made more sense to the family, and the filmmakers started tracking Lin during his rookie year with the Golden State Warriors. During that time, a member of Lin's sports management team became involved with the filmmaking team, and the player and project became firmly intertwined. 當林書豪加入NBA後,他的家人才比較能理解拍攝紀錄片的意義為何,攝影團隊從林書豪 在金州勇士的菜鳥球季開始追蹤他的職業籃球生涯,同時林書豪經紀團隊的成員之一也成 為攝影團隊一員,從那時候開始,這名球員和這個紀錄片企劃終於有了深入而密切的合 作。 "The idea was to make a modest, simple webisode series," said Yang, "just to tell his story of what made him who he was." 「我們原始想法是製作一系列簡單真實的影片在網路上播放,讓網友了解林書豪這個 人,」Brain Yang說。 Then, last February happened. 然後,去年二月那件事發生了。 Having played sparingly and on the verge of being cut by the New York Knicks, Lin was thrust into a starting role and led a remarkable seven-game winning streak that generated a global following known as "Linsanity." Suddenly, Lin was being bombarded with requests from major directors and media outlets to capture it all -- but the family remained loyal to the ones who'd been with them all along. 在極少的上場時間與被紐約尼克裁員的危機下,林書豪一夕爆發空降球隊先發並成就了 聞名全球的「Linsanity」經典七連勝。突然間,許多知名導演和媒體平台的拍攝邀約像 炸彈般不斷向林書豪襲來,但是這家人最終還是和一直長期拍攝林書豪的梁伊凡團隊合 作。 "Everything changed," Yang said. "We went from making an eight-part webisode series to a feature-length doc in a real hurry. People were like, 'How did you know this was going to happen?'" Yang and his fellow producers, many Asian-American basketball fans who had been tracking Lin since his earliest days at Harvard, knew all along how lucky they were to have exclusive access during a truly global viral sports phenomenon. 「計畫完全被顛覆,從8段網路短片一瞬間變成長篇紀錄片,我們老是被問說『你們怎麼 知道這一切會發生?』」Brain Yang說。 從林書豪在哈佛時期就已經在追蹤他的消息的Brain Yang和製作團隊的人(許多都是亞裔 美籍籃球迷),自始至終都知道他們有多幸運可以在這個漫延全球的體育風暴裡能夠獨家 近距離接觸暴風中心。 "There is footage from that period, when he was just getting hounded and stalked by the media," Yang said. "There are definitely scenes in there where you're like, 'Wow, that's what this was really like.'" 「我們拍攝到他當時被媒體緊追不捨的情景,」Brain Yang說,「那些景象你絕對無法想 像!!! 但我可以告訴你, 相信你的眼睛吧!。」 ***************************************************************************** 有錯請指正 感謝Peter16大贊助最後一句翻譯~:D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
silviasun:才64p幣 錢好難賺 哭哭T_T 01/28 17:54
claudia1419:謝謝s大翻譯 01/28 17:55
yun0215:推推推...好久沒見你翻譯了XD 01/28 17:56
claudia1419:尋找發行商底定是否代表我們可以直接買到中文版? 01/28 17:56
plzsmile:感謝翻譯~ 不是晾久一點在發文章P幣會比較多嗎 XDDD 01/28 17:56
mico409:請用ㄅ半注音法~~~ 01/28 17:57
peter16:最後一句可以翻成 那些景象你絕對無法想像!!! 01/28 17:57
peter16:但我可以告訴你 相信你的眼睛吧 XDDDD 01/28 17:57
peter16:S大 算了啦 我每次都不到10p...... 01/28 17:58
※ 編輯: silviasun 來自: (01/28 18:01)
handlesome:推!感謝! 01/28 18:01
silviasun:謝謝peter大~那句我想超久的 Orz 01/28 18:02
silviasun:不到10p!!!!(驚) 翻譯文為何pay這麼低?! 01/28 18:02
peter16:因為我都在彩色編輯的地方編好貼過來 上色卡方便 01/28 18:03
peter16:所以真的是血汗勞工 01/28 18:04
silviasun:喔喔~我是先在WORD檔打好再過來...所以是要直接在ptt頁 01/28 18:04
silviasun:面上打字嗎? 01/28 18:04
yun0215:複製貼上幾乎都會這樣...所以如果沒要上色的話 01/28 18:05
peter16:我就不知道了 總之翻譯真難賺 不如投靠明燈 01/28 18:05
yun0215:直接開兩個PTT 一個編輯一個瀏覽這樣比較有P幣 01/28 18:05
silviasun:找到發行商應該是說上美國本土院線放映的機會增加 01/28 18:06
peter16:沒關係啦 有上色一方面我自己才不會看花掉 XDDDD 01/28 18:06
peter16:是的 在台要上映 要找到片商願意買進來 01/28 18:06
sdfsonic:送翻譯小紅包 01/28 18:06
claudia1419:板上有沒有要辦團購阿? 我好像無法加入林家花園的fb 01/28 18:07
silviasun:開兩個ptt...那是要有2個帳號? 01/28 18:07
sdfsonic:收到請回報 01/28 18:08
silviasun:sd大是好倫~(痛哭) 01/28 18:08
sdfsonic:以後翻譯文我都固定送翻譯小紅包 01/28 18:09
akthebest:推sil大........進火坑...XDDDDD 謝謝翻譯,辛苦了。 01/28 18:09
peter16:真的是看林比賽練英文 我以前超級懶得翻外電的 XDDDD 01/28 18:09
peter16:最多就是要幫被記者惡搞的球員或球隊平反的時候 找出原文 01/28 18:11
w08152266:推翻譯 01/28 18:16
nancyh:感謝翻譯! 01/28 18:22
olivelee:感謝翻譯,林版有你們真好 01/28 18:24
bluesunflowe:感謝翻譯~~台灣片商快點出來啊~~~~~~~~~~ 01/28 18:25
PTT0000:感謝si大翻譯!>////< 01/28 18:33
tinamo:感謝翻譯! 01/28 18:36
wuling1001:感謝翻譯!!!!! 01/28 18:40
wengna:推~ 01/28 18:50
bonnysu:辛苦了!感謝翻譯 01/28 18:58
momomiruku18:哇有紅包~ 為什麼都沒有日文外電 嗚嗚嗚... XDD 01/28 19:31
sdfsonic:樓上翻譯日文有關林書豪的外電我送大包 01/28 19:32
momomiruku18:日本黑子的籃球不是很火?!結果都沒啥林的新聞 哈哈XD 01/28 19:33
jt:謝謝翻譯喔! 01/28 19:38
likesea:有上電影院的話,一定進場捧場!!!!!!!!! 01/28 19:52
rutenac:板上外電小組好棒!有你們真幸福+1!!! 謝謝silvia大! 01/28 20:07
jaykinki:l感謝翻譯! 01/28 20:22
ppppllo:最難能可貴的 是在你還沒發跡 就默默支持著你的人 推!!!!! 01/28 20:36
snowwof:momo大要不要去2ch找找 01/28 20:36
verna312:感謝翻譯 01/28 20:38
iswearxxx:感謝翻譯:) 01/28 23:21
iswearxxx:提醒一下:複製貼上賺不到多少P幣喔 要賺錢最好直接打字 01/28 23:22
momomiruku18:2CH不會用 哈其實我在林板有幫翻過1次日文留言喇~(艸 01/28 23:43
sharonsh:感謝翻譯 01/29 01:39
damontso:senior是大四 sophomore才是大二 01/29 14:40
※ 編輯: silviasun 來自: (01/29 15:29)
silviasun:謝謝damon大~已修正 01/29 15:30