看板 Kings 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kings willing to trade for Kevin Love without assurance he'll re-sign By Marc J. Spears 1 hour ago Yahoo Sports The Sacramento Kings have let the Minnesota Timberwolves know they are interested in trading for All-Star forward Kevin Love – and the Kings would make a deal without any assurance from Love he'd re-sign with them, a league source told Yahoo Sports. The Kings are willing to give up their eighth overall pick in this year's NBA draft and a combination of players for Love, even though he would not be expected to sign a contract extension before next season – if ever, with the rebuilding, small-market franchise, the source said. Sacramento envisions Love and DeMarcus Cousins playing alongside each other in the front court. Swingman Rudy Gay has a player's option for next season. The Kings know they'd have to gamble on convincing Love to re-sign, given that the franchise is rebuilding and Love is looking to play for a contender after never reaching the playoffs with the Timberwolves. Love's suitors also figure to include a number of bigger markets, including the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers, New York Knicks, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets and Chicago Bulls. Love's representatives with Excel Sports have pushed Timberwolves president Flip Saunders to find an acceptable trade prior to the start of free agency in July. Without a trade, Love plans to opt out of his contract in the summer of 2015 and likely leave Minnesota as a free agent. The Kings showed in their first season under new owner Vivek Ranadive and general manager Pete D'Alessandro they are willing to spend money. They acquired Gay and signed Cousins to a four-year, $62 million extension. Sacramento struggled to a 28-54 record last season and missed the playoffs for the eighth straight season. The Kings expect to begin playing in a new downtown Sacramento arena in 2016. 愛神有可能變成愛之王? 來源:Yahoo Sport http://ppt.cc/qejc -- 叫我鬍子就好了 _() ▃▄▅▄ 我會很有禮貌的 ( ﹎﹎ ) § ● ● = = ◥◤) ψmroscar 斗╯ | | 三明書局-你所不知道的關二哥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1401161171.A.CE1.html ※ 編輯: kickyourass (, 05/27/2014 11:27:33
starcry:Love+表弟的禁區防守... 05/27 11:38
hihi29:根本不合... 沒好PG餵球 Love進攻數據直接打七折 05/27 11:54
drift024:表弟跟他感覺不好搭 05/27 11:56
ziwebber:小市場的悲哀,能有這新聞我已經很欣慰了 05/27 12:04
pennykidd:Love+表弟個人認為進攻端會非常華麗但Gay可能會留不住了 05/27 12:14
ziwebber:先不說合不合,我欣賞新團隊大破大立的做法 05/27 12:19
pennykidd:就算愛神只來國王一個球季不續約只要能帶走長約國王也賺 05/27 12:27
pennykidd:目前長約就是JT和洗衣店 不過要換走他倆真的很有難度 可 05/27 12:29
pennykidd:能得把BEN/PICK8一起打包才行 但希望能帶回SHEVD頂上SG 05/27 12:30
GodEyes:動到八號籤最後只得到清薪資不如別換,不能保證今年的新秀 05/27 12:34
GodEyes:打不出來,不續約就算了 05/27 12:34
GodEyes:我認為單純這個動作真實成份不高,爭取當第三方的空間比較 05/27 12:37
GodEyes:有可能 05/27 12:37
arsia:我要甲甲 我不要愛愛 05/27 12:39
kingpredrag:wow~老闆真有guts 05/27 12:57
Richelieu:小時候,我書桌的牌子好像就叫"愛王"... 05/27 13:02
a00779928:不希望愛神來 會與表弟搶球進攻 05/27 14:00
bighead50405:就進攻來說應該不錯,可是就防守來說可能會很慘? 05/27 16:07
nanogiant:我覺得新團隊不一定會想清掉自己簽的長約(洗衣店) 05/27 16:43
nanogiant:灰狼應該也會想用Love凹好料,選秀權或是年輕潛力 05/27 16:43
nanogiant:對我們來說,Love的打法剛好能和表弟一裡一外,也許是想 05/27 16:44
nanogiant:打造進攻至上的球風? Love拉開空間,Gay多少也能得利 05/27 16:45
nanogiant:不過Gay Love Cousins三巨頭大概也只能組一季吧... 05/27 16:47
yeeh:老塞想做的事跟國王一樣,而且老塞還是6號籤 05/27 18:06
yeeh:灰狼現在交易的對象起碼8隊,還想要灰狼吞長約幾乎不可能 05/27 18:07
pennykidd:新團隊一直有一種「不去試,怎麼知道結果如何?」的心態 05/27 18:31
pennykidd:我認為這是好事情 從DW到Gay 事實證明都獲得良好的效果 05/27 18:32
pennykidd:而且換來的球員合約都不長 不會卡死未來薪資 這很重要 05/27 18:33
pennykidd:Love還剩一加一的兩年合約 就算沒有化學作用 代價也不高 05/27 18:34
pennykidd:國王不在乎他是否有續約保證 若是他真的順利跟表弟搭配 05/27 18:35
pennykidd:國王最好的情況將會有兩位全明星 還怕Love跑掉嗎?Do it 05/27 18:37
pennykidd:就算Gay Love Cousins三巨頭只能組一季 也值得給PDA掌聲 05/27 18:39
ImMACACO:我看法和penny大一樣,新團隊就是很敢嘗試,我認為這對球 05/27 18:44
ImMACACO:隊絕對好事,就像是我們在公司碰到新官上任新氣象,若一 05/27 18:45
ImMACACO:開始就保守,那最後大部分都是無甚建樹 05/27 18:46
kingpredrag:推penny大 05/27 19:31
yoyoman0529:love+cousins>webber+divac 05/27 20:19
yangcar:大膽嘗試+1 05/27 20:28
pennykidd:Love Shved for Tompson Terry McLemore pick8 希望如此 05/27 21:43
pennykidd:可能需要再加些甜頭給灰狼 但不要求Love續約保證是賣點 05/27 21:44
justin1943:想要LIN啦 05/27 22:22
yeeh:http://ppt.cc/rAqW 只有在8號籤能選到Randle/Vonleh的情況下 05/27 22:24
yeeh:灰狼才會換 05/27 22:24
icetornado:真的有辦法盤到 那前場的進攻應該是全聯盟最強的了 05/27 23:58
icetornado:表弟的內線牽制力、愛神的外線牽制力、Gay的突破能力 05/27 23:58
icetornado:國王的進攻不只提高一個檔次。愛神的籃板能力也夠,現 05/27 23:59
icetornado:在問題應該是愛神會不會想來 XD 05/27 23:59
icetornado:我也推新團隊的敢嘗試。 05/28 00:01
viorc:8號籤選到randle有機會 05/28 00:23
KillLakers: 我比較想看溜馬會不會清錫箔 XDDDDDDDDD 05/28 09:28
kuang7cheng:Gay cousin love 05/28 14:35
starxls:表弟愛甲甲 05/28 15:03
justid113:Cousins love gay. 05/28 15:27
kingpredrag:http://0rz.tw/mffMF 05/28 15:44
BnLou:樓上XDDD 05/28 15:53
icetornado:這女的玩好大 XD 05/29 01:08
Gunsroses:這樣換後場怎麼辦... 05/30 22:57