看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
elow is a running diary of L.A.’s Friday evening road game against the Denver Nuggets at Pepsi Center as the Lakers looked to bounce back from Wednesday’s loss in Dallas, with some comments drawn from our @LakersReporter Twitter account, and a few more details in case you missed any of the action: 以下是紫金戰士們作客Anthony領軍的丹佛金塊隊的戰況回顧 還有一些你不 想錯過的花絮 Starters Lakers: Fisher, Bryant, Artest, Gasol and Bynum Nuggets: C. Billups, A. Afflalo, C. Anthony, K. Martin, Nene 兩隊的先發五人 這一場金塊隊的後衛準得可怕 :((( FIRST QUARTER 10:10 It was a poor start for the Lakers, with Andrew Bynum missing two good looks at the rim on one end, and Carmelo Anthony’s and-1 with Arron Afflalo’ s three quickly putting the Nuggets up 6-0. Bynum was playing with a large wrap around his right elbow after he suffered a funny bone injury against Dallas on Tuesday. 比賽進行到第一節還有十分十秒的時候 是一個不怎麼好的開始 Bynum弟弟錯失了前面幾個出手機會 而金塊則是靠著Anthony的and-1跟Affalo的三分球 Bynum在這場比賽帶著他上一場受傷的右肘上陣 :( 3:00 Bynum missed two more good looks near the rim, so it’s not unfair to conclude that his elbow was causing some discomfort, or at least affecting his usual rhythm. Meanwhile, the Nuggets were aggressively double-teaming Bryant and turning him into a passer, though when they left Afflalo on him without help, he turned for a 17-foot jumper that brought L.A. to within four at 21-17. Denver had built their lead in part from the three-point line, where Afflalo hit twice and Billups once. 第一節剩下三分鐘 Bynum依舊不在狀況中 不過要說是因為他手肘的傷勢好像也不是這回事XDD 不過多少影響到了它的出手節奏 而狂人金塊隊依舊拿出包夾Kobe讓他傳球的策略對付他 不過還是讓Kobe逮到機會一個17呎的跳投命中 帶領湖人取得21:17四分領先 金塊繼續射在湖人臉上:( Billups一顆Affalo兩顆....... 0:00 Both teams shot the ball poorly in the first, with LAL checking in at 39.1 percent and Denver 37.5 percent, due mostly to Anthony’s 2-for-8 field goals. Denver did hit four free throws. 兩隊在第一節的命中率都一樣慘不忍睹....不過金塊還有4顆罰球 SECOND QUARTER 7:15 Back-to-back hoops from Bynum and Odom capped a solid start to the second for the Lakers, who used an 11-2 run to open a 33-27 lead. Steve Blake, Shannon Brown and Luke Walton (plus Bynum) would then add a bucket a piece to get the Lakers up to 41 points, the bench production that was absent against Dallas on Wednesday coming through in the early goings. 第二節剩下七分十五秒 Bynum跟老二開始硬起來了 打出一波11-2的小高潮又取回領先 而湖人的板凳暴徒們也開始加入戰局 跟上一場輸給狂牛比起來改善了XDD 2:27 With Denver’s defense focused on him, Bryant had taken only three shots, making one, while falling to a team-worst -8 in plus/minus, at least until a driving layup off a hesitation dribble made it 45-42 Lakers. Anthony, meanwhile, continued his shooting struggles at just 3-for-12. 剩下兩分二十七秒 金塊隊依舊死守纏住Kobe 讓他只有1-3的FG命中率 而+/-值只有 "-8" (冏) 不過至少靠著一次切入上籃還是有3分的領先 而Anthony依舊在場上找尋他的手感 或是在想到底可以去哪一隊 XD 0:00 After giving up 12 threes to Dallas, the Lakers conceded five in the first half to Denver, Afflalo’s fourth hit thanks to Anthony’s penetration and a missed rotation making it 52-49 for the home team at the break. Gasol joined Artest with nine points, while Odom tallied eight off the bench, with Bryant reaching just four points on 2-of-4 FG’s. 在上一場被小牛12顆三分球射到翻 湖人隊這一場上半場還是被金塊射了5顆 Affalo 靠著一個補防的空檔射進他的第4顆三分球 金塊取回了3分的領先 姊姊跟Aretest各得了9分 而老二從板凳出發得了8分 老大則只有4分..... THIRD QUARTER 10:20 Some good execution in the half court saw Kobe hit a jumper, Artest drain his fifth shot in six attempts after Bryant found him out of a double team, and Bynum lay in next to the hoop for a quick 6-0 run that put the Lakers up 55-54. 經過中場休息的討論時間 Kobe下半場開始沒多久馬上就跳投命中 Artest 也在Kobe被包夾的時候挺身而出射進了他的第五球 這一波6:0的攻勢讓湖人取回一分領先 55:54 6:31 L.A.’s best stretch of the game saw a three-point halftime deficit turn into a 5-point lead, thanks in large part to Bryant’s six points and assist in the first half of the third quarter. Denver did get Afflalo’s fifth three-pointer of the game to keep the margin close, then cut LAL’s lead to just two on Anthony’s alley-oop moments after Bynum (11 points, six rebounds) picked up his fourth foul 剩下六分五十一秒 一記三分球讓湖人取得五分領先 老大第三節開始個人得了6分還有一次漂亮助攻 金塊則靠著手感依舊火燙的Affalo 繼續拉鋸中 4:16 More Kobe. He added another field goal to reach 5-of-6 in the quarter, then an assist to Odom and two free throws after getting J.R. Smith to bite on a pump fake, and he was suddenly up to 16 points with five dimes after the 4-point, 2-assist first half. His terrific run of efficiency on offense of late (55 percent shooting in last five games) was continuing, his FG total rising to 8-of-13. 老大的個人秀開始了 他在這一節維持 5-6 FG的精采表現 一瞬間他又得到了16分5助攻的平水準成績XD 老大進攻回魂讓湖人拉開的差距 FOURTH QUARTER 10:16 Despite back-to-back buckets to open the quarter from Brown and Odom, producing a 14-point lead, Phil Jackson couldn’t have enjoyed seeing Ty Lawson get an and-1 off a screen from Martin. After all, screen/roll D with Lawson in particular was one of Jackson’s chief pregame concerns, and in this case preceded an Al Harrington bucket that cut L.A.’s lead quickly back to single digits. 第四節 香濃咖啡跟老二聯手演出 禪師看到金塊的檔拆開始睡不著了 因為這是他前一場跟記者說好不能發生的事情 怎麼可以讓他漏氣呢 而被檔拆成功的湖人隊領先的分數又回到了個位數 7:10 The Bynum-Odom combination dominated the early portion of the fourth quarter, with Odom scoring six points and Bynum four over a five-minute stretch, Bynum’s power move over Nene opening a 94-79 lead for the visitors. This also allowed Bryant some quality rest before he checked in to try and see the game through after a Lawson reverse layup. 接下來是受了傷傷的小鯊魚跟老二的組合開始主宰禁區 而小鯊魚開始恢復了他的表現 開始拉開了差距而老大說他終於可以多休息一下下了XD 5:15 Nene, frustrated perhaps that Bynum had converted seven straight field goals after missing his first four, gave L.A.’s seven footer an extra shove after fouling him hard on an inside catch. Bynum sprang right up to look down in the face of the Brazilian, but no technicals were given. Instead, ‘Drew calmly hit two free throws before checking out with 17 points, seven rebounds and two blocks, putting the Lakers up 98-82, their biggest lead of the night 小鯊魚依舊強暴對方禁區 到目前為止拿了17分7籃板2火鍋了 湖人取得18分的最大差距 2:14 Bryant took over the third, Bynum and Odom the start of the fourth, and Artest continued an excellent all-around game by first hitting his seventh field goal in 10 attempts (16 points), then grabbing consecutive rebounds to allow the Lakers to trim an extra minute off the clock, preserving a 13-point lead for L.A. and all but sealing the deal. 大家都維持高檔的表現 而Artest還繼續放火打劫對手 POSTGAME NUMBERS 58 Points in the paint for the Lakers, who found ways to effectively penetrate Denver’s defense throughout the contest. 58分的禁區得分 是湖人這次客場獲勝的重要因素 20 More rebounds grabbed by the Lakers (47) than the Nuggets (27). Denver grabbed only 12 more total rebounds than L.A. had on the offensive glass (15). 多搶了20個籃板!!!進攻籃板12個快要超過金塊全部籃板的一半了!!!讚讚讚 19 Season-high points reached by Ron Artest, who finished an excellent all-around game with a corner three at the 35-second mark. He helped limit Carmelo Anthony to 10-for-24 FG’s, blocked two shots and came up with two key offensive rebounds in the final minutes. Artest的本季新高19分 在最後35秒還砍了一顆三分球 除了進攻發揮防守讓甜瓜的命中率不佳 還蓋了他兩個火鍋跟搶了兩個關鍵進攻籃板 優質演出 可以繼續出唱片了 :D 14 Points in a dominant third quarter performance from Kobe Bryant, who added four assists and four boards in the period. The 33-20 Lakers edge in that quarter was the difference in the ball game. 老大第三節單節14分 還外加4助攻4籃板 這就是老大的價值!!! 5 Lakers in double figures, showing the balanced attack that kept Denver off balance defensively throughout the game. Artest (19) and Gasol (19) led the way, while Bryant (18), Odom (18) and Bynum (17) joined ‘em. 五個人火力平均分配 分別是Artest姊姊 19分 老大18分 老二18 小鯊魚17 這是五所不能嗎XDDD 外電來源: http://blog.lakers.com/lakers/2011/01/21/lakers-107-nuggets-97-jan-21-running-diary/ -- ██◢█ ███◣ζacenova ╓──╖ . ███◤ ██◣◤╚══╮ ╭───────────╯ ███◣███◣ ██◣ ◣◣ ◢█◣ ◢◣◣ ███ ╙╥##╜ "○/ \|○ ██████◣ █◣◤ █◣█ █◣█ █◥█ █ ║ (34 24 ██◥████◤ █◥◣ ◥██ █ █ █ █ █ ∥ / ) /∕ ╰═══╝╚╝╰══════╝◥█◤╯ ╰── #24 ╴∥╴╴╴╴╴╴" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SlamKai:好文 推一個 簽名檔那個34 是Ray-Gun還是PP? 01/23 18:23
hikaruton:外電推~ 01/23 18:25
angelmax:推翻譯 不過-8應該是+-值不是EFF 01/23 18:28
已更正 謝謝angel大
ljmk1246:翻得很好笑XD 01/23 18:29
謝謝ljmk大 我還在想怎樣翻大家才會想看落落長的文章XD
Wayne7878:Artest姊姊~~ 01/23 19:01
FSGuitar:話說KOBE都已經說上半場是他故意的 外電還說他被守住:p 01/23 19:01
cloud701002:湖人5巨頭! 01/23 19:02
hikaruton:上半場2/4看不出來什麼被守住~只是投得少~ 01/23 19:06
momowawa1981:翻外電推!!! 01/23 19:18
dannyyang:簽名檔那個是PPXD 謝謝大家的推 我都是看FB的湖人粉絲團 01/23 19:41
dannyyang:不知道這邊的新聞內容大家喜不喜歡XD 01/23 19:41
※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/23 19:44)
iittala:一樣的想法 Afflalo要是能守住Kobe 他就是全明星 01/23 19:49
Kreen:Affalo 最近很準又是小鎖,活塞真是虧大了。XD 01/23 20:04
benson:Afflal一直都蠻準的 也不是最近而已 這季進攻上授權比較多 01/23 21:42
benson:不過準也是離開去金塊才開始 金塊的SG從矮AC~>髒DJ~>阿福 01/23 21:43
benson:還好他們內線沒以前那麼暴力了 甜瓜快點離開吧~~~~~~~~ 01/23 21:43
sneak: 不知道這邊的新聞內容大 https://noxiv.com 08/08 13:14
sneak: 簽名檔那個是PPXD https://daxiv.com 09/11 02:27
sneak: 湖人5巨頭! https://daxiv.com 09/11 05:04
sneak: 翻得很好笑XD https://noxiv.com 12/11 19:55