看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Lakers great Jerry West suggested last week that the team's defensive issues were related to their 'getting long in the tooth,' and Coach Phil Jackson agrees, up to a point. But the statistics say they're doing a pretty good job. 湖人隊的傳奇球員J.West在上周指出湖人現在的防守強度不足 可能跟他們的年紀有關係,而禪師表示:我同意...... 不過從數據來看 好像並不是這樣子耶 (怎麼這句有劉寶傑的feel XDD) Phil Jackson looked at reporters after practice Sunday and smiled when told of recent comments by Jerry West, who seemed to suggest age might be catching up with the Lakers, particularly on defense. 禪師在星期天的練習結束後看到NBA LOGO發表的評論後 露出招牌的微笑 深深表示同意...(你確定你只該笑嗎) "The reason you can't play defense is because you can't," West, the Lakers legend and Hall of Famer, told a group of automotive dealers in Orange County last Thursday. 當你防守做不好的時候 唯一的理由就是你無能!!! 這個前湖人傳奇球星發表的這個評論 引起了大家的熱烈關注 Jackson, without hesitation, agreed with West — even if the statistics suggest otherwise. 而禪師沒有任何猶豫的表示同意....即使從數據上來看並不是這樣 He's right," the Lakers' coach said, still smiling. "We have to do a lot of things right to be able to play defense the way we want to. And most of it is about controlling the tempo of the game." 禪師微笑表示:大哥是對的(OS:你是要笑多久啦) 我們在防守端還有很多要努力的 不過最重要的是就是要控制比賽的節奏了~ Maybe, West seemed to imply, the Lakers have defensive issues at times because they are "getting long in the tooth." 也許West是想強調 因為湖人隊的年紀稍微大了一點.....所以防守心有餘而力不足 The Lakers do have 10 players on their roster who are 30 or older. Again, Jackson was asked whether in fact his team's age plays a part in this. "There's some," he said. "There's something about just speed, just outright speed. We're not the fastest team on the board here in the NBA. But we do it if we control things the right way." 湖人有著10位球員是30歲以上的(高齡產婦)XD 而當禪師被問到這個問題時 他說:這只是一部份 有時候需要速度 有時候需要的是經驗(對吧老魚) 我們不是最快的球隊 可是我們是最可以掌握比賽的球隊 :) Interestingly enough, the Lakers actually rank as one of the better defensive teams in the NBA. They allow 96.4 points per game, 10th best in the league. 有趣的是湖人隊這季卻是防守前十名(剛好第10 XD)的球隊 他們每場只讓對手得到96.4分而已耶 還有一場讓騎士得到了幾乎要比我們大學系隊還少的57分!!!! They allow opponents to shoot 43.8% from the field, tied for third best in the NBA, and 33.9% from three-point range, fifth in the league. 他們也讓對手只有43.8的FG命中率 這是全聯盟第三名的表現 還有33.9的 3PT命中率 這是全聯盟第五的表現 從數據來看真的會打West的嘴巴 XDD They are fourth in point differential, at plus-7.04. 而每一場的平均得失分差 來到了 -7.04分 In the last 10 games, the Lakers have allowed 93.3 points per game, fifth best in the league, and allowed opponents to make 43.8% of their field goals, fourth best. Their point differential during that span is plus-10.3. 在這10場比賽內 湖人防守強度提高 讓對手每場得到93.3分 43.8% FG跟 平均每場贏對手 10.3分 :)))))) The role Ron Artest plays in the Lakers' defense is important. Artest usually takes the opponent's best wing player, either the small forward or the shooting guard. 有這種表現 Artest姊姊扮演很關鍵的角色XDD 他不求進攻 總是負責糾纏對手的一號得分手 從得分後衛到小前鋒他都可以包下來 "Ron really can help us out a lot, as long as he doesn't chase the ball in the backcourt after somebody else gets the rebound and he minds his business and gets back on defense," Jackson said. KFC爺爺表示:Artest 真的可以幫了我們一個大忙 哪個人可以像他一樣什麼都不管的 只追著球跑 只要不要在對手搶到後場籃板球後還跟人家勾勾禪,管好他自己的 事然後趕快回來防守的情況下,阿泰確實能幫我們很大忙 Time off Over the first 21 days of this month, the Lakers played 12 games. They played four games in each of the last three weeks. 在這個月的前21天 湖人隊經歷了辛苦的12場比賽 在這三個星期平均一個星期要打四場比賽耶!!! Stern你這是對衛冕冠軍隊該有的禮遇嗎~~~ Now comes some down time — a lot of down time. The Lakers, who won at Denver on Friday, play just two games in an eight-day span, both at home — Tuesday against the Utah Jazz and Friday against the Sacramento Kings. 湖人在贏了作客丹佛的比賽之後 接下來八天內只要再打兩場比賽 而且都是在家裡:) 兩場分別是對上爵爵還有國王 "I don't think there is anything bad about it, regardless," Jackson said. "It's just about having the opportunity to do some things in practice that we haven't in maybe the last month. And at this time of the season you have to do some things that are different and stretch some things out that you haven't done. Physically, guys have the opportunity to get themselves ready." 禪師:我不覺得這有任何不好 這是一個機會讓我們可以好好練習的時候了 (雖然湖人隊裡面已經有一堆怪物 會自己到體育館練球XDD) 而在球季裡這也是我們可以好好調整的時候了 讓大家重新武裝調整自己狀態 Ratliff, Barnes progressing 傷兵動態 For the first time since he had left knee surgery almost nine weeks ago, Lakers backup center Theo Ratliff practiced Sunday. 在九個星期前的膝蓋受傷之後 Ratliff星期天回來開始練習了!!! Jackson said Ratliff was able to play some full- and half-court sessions. "He did pretty well," Jackson said. 禪師:他已經可以開始半場還有全場練習了 他恢復得很好 (你這邊報導的戲份還真多) Matt Barnes, still recovering from right knee surgery, shot some at practice Sunday. 到處流浪的流浪者還在努力的復健中 在星期天的練習他開始投了一些球 "This was my first time touching the ball," Barnes said. "So it felt good." 這是我受傷後第一次摸到球 我感覺很好 (好到jizz in the ball?) 外電來源: http://www.latimes.com/sports/basketball/nba/lakers/la-sp-lakers-fyi-20110124,0,4243827.story 覺得這篇報導還蠻有趣的 就試著翻譯給大家看看摟 覺得翻外電是一件很有趣的事情 可以順便練習我的英文 :)))) 謝謝大家的捧場!!!! -- ██◢█ ███◣ζacenova ╓──╖ . ███◤ ██◣◤╚══╮ ╭───────────╯ ███◣███◣ ██◣ ◣◣ ◢█◣ ◢◣◣ ███ ╙╥##╜ "○/ \|○ ██████◣ █◣◤ █◣█ █◣█ █◥█ █ ║ (34 24 ██◥████◤ █◥◣ ◥██ █ █ █ █ █ ∥ / ) /∕ ╰═══╝╚╝╰══════╝◥█◤╯ ╰── #24 ╴∥╴╴╴╴╴╴" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ibfem:外電推 01/24 12:49
danieljaw:推 01/24 12:53
timothy70417:West只是覺得還不夠好吧~要三連霸防守還要加強! 01/24 13:08
wangjason:推 01/24 13:12
mrporing:阿泰居然被禪師誇獎了... 01/24 13:45
benson:是不夠好阿 不過Bynum回來幫助不小 後勢可期~ 01/24 13:57
reko3:阿泰:我錯了 別這樣... 01/24 14:34
zard1983:希望巴呢司快回來~ 01/24 14:44
kazake:推外電,"確"是防守第十名那邊有個錯字^^ 01/24 14:59
謝謝K大 你眼睛真利 :) ※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/24 15:11)
Yentim:推辛苦翻譯的外電 01/24 15:15
SureHappy:推 不過自我加註的句子的地方要不要統一括弧或用暗色? 01/24 15:37
謝謝S大建議 改過來瞜
derwy:辛苦了~推翻譯!! 01/24 16:01
datoking:推這篇外電!!!也辛苦dannyyang大的翻譯~~ 01/24 16:19
※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/24 17:01) ※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/24 17:04) ※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/24 17:05)
rockywu:阿泰那段 哪個人可以像他一樣什麼都不管的只追著球跑 01/24 19:08
rockywu:只要不要在對手搶到後場籃板球後還跟人家勾勾禪,管好他自 01/24 19:08
rockywu:己的事然後趕快回來防守的情況下,阿泰確實能幫我們很大忙 01/24 19:10
rockywu:辛苦翻譯推一個 加小小建議 01/24 19:11
好喔 謝謝ROCK大~
cutejerry25:OS:你是要笑多久啦 01/24 19:53
goldenlen:推~ 01/24 20:22
nightmood:大推 外電翻譯文!!! 辛苦dannyyang大的翻譯~ 01/24 20:27
nopa118:推 01/24 20:52
camel0726:我覺得對於勝率較高的球隊 數據就比較會真實點 01/24 21:26
camel0726:所以湖人還是得繼續加油且保持下去 01/24 21:27
laitsaichieh:失分排第10的確不是很好吧...logo蠻中肯的沒說錯啊 01/24 21:45
tomatosoup:外電推^^ 01/24 21:54
kb5566:總板酸民老大居然請辭了 真是太神奇了~ 01/24 22:03
FSGuitar:總算滾下台了 01/24 22:32
adew913:營造悲劇英雄的形象吧 想由黑翻紅 01/24 22:33
Kreen:XD 01/24 23:05
※ 編輯: dannyyang 來自: (01/24 23:19)
fukobe:有看有推~~~~~~~~~ 01/25 05:42
hfi780:外電推~ 01/25 09:41
hf0989986162:WEST:我只是把湖人隊跟全明星的陣容比較一下而已 01/25 14:09
hf0989986162:相較之下 湖人是差了一點啦! 01/25 14:09
iittala:完全同意樓上說法 01/25 18:12
sneak: XD https://noxiv.com 08/08 13:15
sneak: WEST:我只是把湖人 https://daxiv.com 09/11 02:27
sneak: 辛苦了~推翻譯!! https://daxiv.com 09/11 05:04
sneak: 推辛苦翻譯的外電 https://noxiv.com 12/11 19:55