看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FmFWYLM ] 作者: loserkobe (喪家犬科比) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Kobe Bryant的"陌生領域" 時間: Sat May 26 23:34:55 2012 'Unfamiliar territory' for Kobe Bryant By Ramona Shelburne | ESPNLosAngeles.com Kobe Bryant has never slept much. In a few years, when basketball is over for him and there is nothing left to chase, maybe then he'll sleep. Kobe從來睡的就不多。幾年之後,當他的籃球生涯結束以及世界上再沒剩下什麼他可以追 求的東西的時候,也許那時他會去好好睡一覺吧。 For now, rest is nothing more than a function. He sleeps in staccato segments. A few hours at night, a few more in the middle of the day if there's time before a game. Off-days are miserable. Those in his inner circle are used to short, late-night text messages that name a time and a place. The expectation? Be there quick. Kobe wants to work. 在現在這種情況下,休息只不過是一個職責罷了。Kobe的睡眠時間都是些斷斷續續的片段 。晚上睡幾個小時,如果在比賽前還有空的話,那麼白天就再多睡幾個小時。連休息的日 子也是悲慘的。Kobe的內部圈子裡的人都習慣了那些言簡意賅只寫著一個時間和一個地點 的,深夜發來的短信。言下之意是什麼呢?趕快給我過來。Kobe要工作了。 It's how he deals with things even when there's nothing to deal with. 這就是Kobe對待事情的態度,哪怕實際上沒有任何事情需要處理。 But on this night there was a lot to work through. This was the night after Kobe Bryant had failed. After he had turned around for a pass that never came from Metta World Peace at the end of Game 2 of the Los Angeles Lakers Western Conference semifinal series against the Oklahoma City Thunder. 但是這一夜卻有一大堆工作要搞定。這是Kobe失敗之後的那個夜晚。是西區半決賽湖人打 雷霆第2場終場前,Kobe轉過身準備接慈世平的傳球,但那個球從來就沒有傳出的那個夜 晚。 Steve Blake had popped wide open in the corner. With Kobe covered on the far side of the court, Metta almost had to pass it to Blake. Still, Kobe was mad. His turnovers in the final few minutes allowed the Thunder to seize control over a game they had no business winning. They were his mistakes to atone for. Bryant has always been OK with those terms. All the great ones are. Just put the ball in his hands and whatever comes of it, he'll live with. Blake在底角投出了一個空位投籃。因為Kobe在球場的遠端被防守人照顧著,慈世平幾乎 是不得不把球傳給Blake。誠然,Kobe有些氣急敗壞。他在最後幾分鐘裡的失誤讓雷霆掌 握了他們幾乎沒可能贏下的比賽的主動權。那些都是Kobe犯的錯誤,他要彌補它們。Kobe 一直以來在那些情況下都表現尚可。所有偉大的球員都是這樣的。只要把球交給他而且不 論結果是什麼,他會承擔。 But instead of getting the last shot, instead of getting that chance to fix things, the ball never came to him. Blake missed. The Lakers lost. The most important game of the season and he didn't even get a chance to settle it. There was no way to sleep after that. 但是這回沒有出手最後一投,沒有得到彌補過錯的機會,球沒有交到他手上。Blake錯失 了這個絕殺。湖人輸了。Blake甚至沒有得到給本賽季最最重要的比賽一錘定音的機會。 在那一切發生之後,睡覺?沒門! This Oklahoma City team was too good. Its stars were too much like him. 這支雷霆隊太出色了。他們的球星和Kobe太像了。 "They grew up watching me," Bryant said. "It's like I'm playing a mirror image of myself in [Russell] Westbrook, [James] Harden and [Kevin] Durant. You've just got to dig deep and fight 'em back." “他們是看著我打球長大的,”Kobe說。“和Westbrook, Harden和 Durant 比賽就像是在和我自己的鏡像在比賽一樣。你必須要明白這些並且做出反擊。 ” So the next night he went to shoot. He texted a friend, asking to meet him at the Lakers' practice facility. And for two hours, while everyone else in this brutally scheduled series was catching some rest where they could, Kobe Bryant put up shots. This is his routine the night before a game. It cleanses the palate. It helps him move on. 所以第二天晚上,他跑過去練投籃了。他給一個朋友發了短信,要求他趕到湖人隊的訓練 場和他見面。然後整整2個小時,當這輪賽程安排可以用殘忍來形容的季後賽裡的其他人 隨處都在抓緊時間休息的時候,Kobe在定點跳投。這是他在比賽的前夜裡的習慣。 這可以一掃之前的陰霾。這還可以幫助他前進。 He said nothing during the workout. Not one word. At the end of it he was drenched in sweat. His shot felt good. It was enough. He went home and slept a few hours. 在訓練裡,他一言不發。一個字都沒說。在訓練結束的時候,他渾身被汗水浸透。他的投 籃手感很不錯。所以訓練量已經足夠了。然後他就回去了,小睡了幾個小時。 "This is what I do," Bryant said. "I've always done this." “這就是我的方式,”Kobe說。“我一直都在幹這個。” AP Photo/Alonzo Adams "We want to win and win now," Bryant said after the Lakers' ouster. "I'm sure we'll figure it out. We always have and I'm sure we will again." Kobe Bryant figured out how to make himself into a great player a long time ago. His routines, his preparation, his approach have all been honed and refined over the years. It's the other stuff that gets to him. The things he can't prepare for or forget with a night of shooting in the gym. The place he finds himself now after the Lakers were eliminated in Game 5 of the best-of-seven series. 圖:http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0522/nb_a_bryant_gb2_576.jpg
“我們想要贏球,現在就想要,”Kobe在湖人被淘汰後說道。“我確信我們會把問題找出 來的。我們總是能夠(把問題)找出來而且我確信我們會再一次找出來。” Kobe很久以前就找到了怎麼樣才能讓自己成為偉大球員的方法。年復一年,他的日常訓練 計劃,他對比賽的準備,他的方法都已經被磨練得爐火純青了。這回困擾他的是其他的問 題。困擾他的是那些他沒辦法提前準備或者用一個晚上在體育館裡的投籃就能忘記的事情 。困擾他的是湖人在7場4勝的系列賽的第5場就被淘汰回家之後,他發現的自己現在所處 的位置。 For the second straight year they weren't good enough. 連續第二年湖人還不夠出色。 For the second straight year Bryant couldn't fix them. 連續第二年Kobe沒能拯救湖人。 It was wrong from the beginning. All jumbled and strange with the failed trade for Chris Paul on the eve of training camp. He probably should've known then this wasn't meant to be. But knowing and accepting are two different things. 事情從賽季一開始就不在正軌上。所有的事情都隨著訓練營開始的前夜那樁失敗的換CP3 的交易而變得混亂和陌生。他也許本應該在那之後明白事情本不該變成這樣的。但是知道 和接受畢竟是兩碼事。 "It's kind of unfamiliar territory," Bryant said when it was all over. "I'm really not used to it." “這有點像是一個陌生的領域,”當一切都結束的時候Kobe說道。“我真的不習慣。” The words were honest, but they sounded wrong coming out of his mouth. This was a dangerous road to walk. He caught himself. There is only one way to ride. 雖然這是心裡話,但是它們從Kobe的嘴巴里冒出來就聽上去像是假話。這是一條危險的道 路。他把握住了自己。他只能沿著一條路走下去。 "I'm not the most patient of people and the organization is not extremely patient, either," Bryant said, defiant again. "We want to win and win now. I'm sure we'll figure it out. We always have and I'm sure we will again." “我不是所有人裡最耐心的那個,球隊也不是特別的耐心,”Kobe說道,重新恢復了目中 無人的口氣。“我們想要贏球,而且現在就想。我確信我們會把問題找出來的。我們總是 能夠(把問題)找出來而且我確信我們會再一次找出來。” The circle of people Kobe Bryant trusts is small and getting smaller. In the last year, he has lost too many of them. Phil Jackson retired and is reachable only by phone now. Lamar Odom lost his way. Derek Fisher was traded. Pau Gasol has faded. Andrew Bynum isn't worthy yet. Kobe信任的人很少而且在變得越來越少。去年他已經失去了太多他信任的人。禪師退休了 ,而且現在只能通過電話聯繫上。Odom迷失了他的方向。Fisher被交易走了。Gasol的 地位下降了。但Bynum還不值得信任。 Only general manager Mitch Kupchak remains. 只有總經理Mitch還在那兒。 Kupchak's place with the Lakers is different now. Everything is. The team let many of its longest tenured employees go during the lockout. Scouts, equipment managers, strength coaches, front office personnel. All discarded for unsatisfying reasons. 但Mitch現在在湖人隊裡的地位也和以前不同了。所有的事情都不同了。球隊在停擺期 間放走了許多為球隊效力時間最長的員工。球探、器材經理、力量教練和前台人員。都用 難以讓人滿意的理由辭退了。 Like Bryant, Kupchak's job is harder now. He has fewer resources. His options are limited. He took his big shot by trading for Paul, but it was taken away before it became a reality. After that, there was almost no way to make it right. At least not right away. But knowing and accepting are different things. 就像Kobe一樣,Mitch現在的工作更加困難了。他的資源更少了。他的選擇處處受限。 他把自己最大的籌碼壓在了換來保羅上,但是在這筆交易實現之前它就被否決了。在那之 後,事情幾乎就沒有辦法回到正軌了。至少沒法馬上回來。但是知道和接受畢竟是兩碼事 。 Kupchak stood up to watch the final seconds of the Lakers' season Monday night in Oklahoma City. He had to if he wanted to see. The fans in front of him were standing, blocking his view. 週一晚上俄克拉荷馬城,Mitch從觀眾席上站起來,觀看湖人隊本賽季最後的光景。他 不得不站起來,因為他前面的球迷都站著,擋住了他的視線。 "It's tough right now to really process what exactly we need," Bryant said. "But that's something we've been great at as an organization. Mitch has really done a phenomenal job the past decade in building title teams pretty quickly. “就現在而言,想要追求我們真正需要的東西(總冠軍)是困難的,”Kobe說。“但是作 為一支球隊我們一直很擅長處理這些事。Mitch在過去的10年裡做的工作非常出色,他能很 迅速地把球隊打造成總冠軍球隊。” "We just have to do it again." “我們只是必須要再做一次這種工作罷了。” Bryant hasn't always had this much faith in Kupchak. It has been earned over the years. Now it's what he has left to cling to. Kobe並不是總是對Mitch如此有信心的。這些信心是經年累月積累下來的。現在信心是 他所剩的能緊握不放的東西了。 "Come hell or high water, we're going to be there again," Bryant commanded. "There's just something about the Lakers organization." “無論有什麼困難或障礙,我們都會再回來的,”Kobe斬釘截鐵地說。“湖人這樣的球隊 的精神就是這樣。” Stephen Dunn/Getty Images It stung Bryant when Derek Fisher was traded, but he tried to give the new reality a chance. 當Fisher被交易走的時候,Kobe的心被刺痛了,但他還是試著給這支新球隊一個機會。 圖:http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0522/nba_g_kobe_gb1_576.jpg
At one of the last practices before the end of the regular season, Bryant lingers a bit and makes himself available for a few extra one-on-ones with some of the local reporters he has gotten to know over the years. 在例行賽結束之前最後幾次訓練課中的一次上,Kobe多逗留了一會兒並且和幾個他已經認 識多年的本地記者一對一地額外回答了一些問題。 He makes a point of being good to the higher-profile national guys and the local guys. But only the ones who show up and earn it. 他此舉顯示了他也能和全國高水平的記者以及本地記者相處得非常好。但是只有那些出席 了訓練課的記者才能掙到這個機會。 After that day, though, he's done. Forget trying to get anything extra out of him. His answers will be clipped from here on out. His expression mirrors the seriousness of the playoffs. 然而那天之後,他就變臉了。不要再想著能從他的嘴裡套出任何額外的信息。從現在起他 的答案將會是固定的那幾句。他的表情反映出季後賽的嚴肅性。 He used to make a big show of it. Remember the "Kobe face" of the 2009 NBA Finals? The quote during those playoffs about his daughters calling him "Grumpy from the Seven Dwarfs. A grouch"? 他以前常常會露出嚴肅的表情。還記得09年總決賽“Kobe的表情(Kobe face)”嗎?還 記得他的女兒在那個系列賽期間稱呼他為“七個小矮人中的愛生氣(Grumpy)。一個怒氣 沖天的人嗎”? 【譯者:Kobe face是指09年總決賽第一場科比那一系列咬牙切齒的認真的表情。後面那 個是科比說他那段時間有點暴躁,他女兒都稱呼他為Grumpy了。Grumpy是《白雪公主與7 個小矮人》裡的角色,就是做事雙手插在胸前,一臉憤怒的那個】 It was as much for himself as for his teammates. A sign of how seriously he was taking this. 他對自己和他的隊友也是如此嚴肅的表情。這是他有多麼看重季后賽的一個信號。 This year Bryant's benevolent day came on April 24. The Lakers had just staged an 18-point comeback to win a double-overtime thriller against the Thunder in the second-to-last game of the regular season. 今年科比善心大發的日子是4月24號。那天湖人剛剛在常規賽倒數第二場對陣雷霆的比賽 裡通過雙加時的苦戰逆轉18分取得了勝利。 Kobe stuck around for a good 10 minutes after practice that day, answering all sorts of questions with a rare and endearing candor. "This is it, guys," he joked. "This is your last chance." Kobe在那天的訓練結束後在訓練場上多逗留了10分鐘,以一種罕見又惹人喜愛的直率回答 了各種各樣的問題。“伙計們,這就是所有了”他打趣道。“這就是你們最後的機會了。 ” We laughed and prepared for him to adopt a scowl the rest of the way out. 我們都笑了並且都做好了在接下來的時間裡見到一臉苦大仇深的Kobe的準備。 But the next day came and he was still cool. Then the playoffs started and he was still candid. The frown never appeared. Not for long, anyway. 但是到了第二天,他仍然讓人感到清風拂面。然後季後賽開始了,而他還是那麼率真。完 全見不到他眉頭緊皺,不過,這沒持續多久。 Derek Fisher watched him from afar. They had grown up together and should've gone out together. Or at least parted on their own terms. He had seen Bryant evolve from the petulant young star to the man he is today. They had learned how to stay centered from Jackson. The journey mattered as much as the destination. Fisher在遠方注視著他。他們曾在一起成長而且他們也本應一同退役的。或者至少一起被 母隊放棄。他見證了Kobe從一個年少輕狂的球星成長成為今天的這個男人。他們從禪師那 裡學會瞭如何保持團結。旅途的過程和目的地同樣重要。 "I just think with age and maturity and wisdom, you figure out that it's a waste of energy to do all that other stuff," Fisher said. "It's just, 'Let's just solve this puzzle.' “我僅僅只是用著經驗、成熟和智慧來思考這一切,你知道的所有的事情全都做的話是很 浪費精力的,”Fisher說。“就像,'我們先只解決這個謎題吧。' "He's evolving as a leader. That's what's really been remarkable about his career is that he's continued to evolve in that area." “他正在成長成為一個領袖。他的職業生涯最卓越的地方是他持續地在學習怎麼成為一個 領袖。” It stung Bryant when Fisher was traded, but he tried to give the new reality a chance. Change is inevitable, even as each break leaves him more alone. 當Fisher被交易走的時候,Kobe的心被刺痛了。但是他還是試著給這支新球隊一個機會。 改變是不可避免的,哪怕每一次分手都讓他更加的孤獨。 This series has been memorable, but awkward for both of them. 這個是個值得銘記的系列賽,但是這也是一個對他們兩人來說都十分尷尬的系列賽。 On the court it was the same as ever. Every time Bryant saw Fisher switch on to him, he backed him down and posted up. Fish dug his forearm hard into Bryant's back and used his sturdy frame to check him. Bryant shot over him. 在球場上,事情還和以前一樣。每當Kobe看到Fisher輪換到防守他的位置,他就用後撤步 然後跳投。Fisher也會用胳膊死死頂著Kobe並且用他結實的身體延阻Kobe的進攻。Kobe就 在他頭上投籃。 "It's the same result of all the times we've played 1-on-1 in the gym by ourselves," Bryant joked after Game 3. "I love him but he's a midget." “這和每次我們倆單獨在體育館單挑時的結果一樣,”Kobe在第3場結束後打趣道。“我 愛他,但是他是一個小矮子。” Fisher heard the quote and laughed. He expected as much. This is how they are together. 聽到別人轉述了這段話並且哈哈大笑。他早就猜到Kobe會這樣說了。這就是他們在一起時 的感覺。 I ask if the "Grumpy Kobe" of years gone by would ever say such a thing during the playoffs. The ball is set up on a tee for Fisher. He doesn't miss. 我問道如果那些年的“愛生氣的Kobe”出現在這裡,他才不會在季後賽期間 說出這樣的話。問題已經拋給Fisher了。他也沒有置之不顧。 "He's got shoes to sell now," Fisher jokes. "He can't be doing that anymore." “他現在要賣他的鞋子了,”Fisher開玩笑地說。“他不可能再像那樣幹了。” "That's going to get back to him, you know?" "Good," Fisher said, smiling widely. "Make sure it does." “但是那種狀態還是會回到他身上的,你很清楚吧?”“很好,”Fisher會心一笑,說。 “請保證這樣的事情會發生。” Chris Chambers/Getty Images Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant are cerebral players, but their approaches are markedly different. Gasol和Kobe都是用頭腦打球的球員,但是他們的方法卻大相徑庭。 圖:http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0220/nba_g_kobegasol_576.jpg
Pau Gasol has never traded barbs with Bryant like that. Not publicly, anyway. That's not their relationship. Gasol從來不會像Fisher和Kobe那樣互相之間說些尖酸刻薄的話。不管怎樣,至少沒公開這 樣做過。他們的關係不是這樣的 Both men are smart and cerebral about the game of basketball. But here's the difference: 這兩個人都是球商很高的球員。但是也有著差異: After Game 3, Gasol was presented with the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship award by the Professional Basketball Writers Association for his charity work. The Lakers had pulled out a big win. Gasol and Bryant both spoke on the podium afterward. But when the discussion turned to the way Bryant attacked Fisher every time he tried to guard him, Gasol couldn't hang. 第3場比賽之後,Gasol因為他的慈善工作而被美國職業籃球作家協會授予了肯尼迪公民 獎。湖人隊也剛剛艱難地取得以一場重要的勝利。Gasol和Kobe在比賽後在新聞發布會講 了話。但是當討論的話題轉移到Kobe在Fisher每次試著防守他時他是如何在Fisher頭上取 分的時候,Gasol就沒辦法說下去了。 As he started in on a measured, respectful answer, Bryant interrupted. "Stop. Do you guys want the politically correct answer or the real answer? Dude, come on, Fish is like 5-2!" 正當他開始念出一段仔細斟酌過的,非常禮貌的答案的時候,Kobe打斷了他的話。“打住 。你們這幫傢伙是想要聽官方的正確的答案還是想要聽真正的答案?別扯了,伙計們, Fisher只有5尺2啊!” Gasol laughed with the rest of the room, then got up and ceded the stage to Bryant. Gasol和房間裡的其他人都笑了,然後他起身把舞台讓給了Kobe。 "He just won a citizenship award. He has to give a politically correct answer," I joked. “他剛拿了一個公民獎。他不得不給出官方的正確的答案,”我開著玩笑說。 Bryant laughed and said, "I would never, ever win that." Kobe也笑了並且說,“我永遠都不可能得到那個獎的。” The next night Bryant fried Gasol. The Spaniard had been too passive, too quick to pass, too unselfish. The Thunder essentially stopped defending him, sent his man over to double-team Andrew Bynum and dared Gasol to do something about it. 第二天晚上,Kobe就炮轟了Gasol。西班牙人在比賽裡太被動、太急著把球傳出去、太無 私了。雷霆基本上都沒防守他了,把防守他的人派去雙人包夾Bynum並且諒Gasol不敢對 此有所回應。 Even Gasol knew he had blown it on the Lakers' final possession when he passed up an open 14-foot jumper and ended up turning the ball over the Durant, who then drained a backbreaking 3-pointer. 甚至Gasol都知道當他把球傳給世界和平給他投一個14英尺的跳投結果卻被KD斷下的時 候,他把湖人隊最後一次進攻搞砸了。然後KD投進了一個高難度三分。 "Pau's got to be more assertive," Bryant said. "He's the guy that they're leaving. When he catches the ball, he's looking to pass. He's got to be aggressive. He's got to shoot the ball, drive the ball to the basket. He will be the next game." “Gasol必須要打得更加果斷一點,”Kobe說。“他是對面放空的那個人。當他接到球的時 候,他卻想著傳球。他必須要打得更加有侵略性。他必須要出手投籃,他必須要突到籃底 下。下一場比賽他會這樣做的。” And as usual, Gasol responded with class and was more assertive in the next game, with 14 points and 16 rebounds. 和以往一樣,Gasol在下一場比賽用出色的表現和更加果斷的球風回應了Kobe,他拿下14 分16個籃板。 He took Bryant's criticism and did not fire back, except to politely point out that his role in the Lakers' offense forces him to look to facilitate and pass first. Then he answered the challenge on the court. 他接受了Kobe的批評而且除開禮貌地指出他在湖人隊進攻端扮演的角色迫使他要以傳球和 組織進攻為首任之外,他沒有回擊Kobe。然後他在球場上回應了挑戰。 It wasn't the first time Bryant had called on Gasol to do more. In the past he famously called him "The White Swan" and himself the "Black Swan," a nickname Gasol laughed at publicly but privately resented. But the fact they've spent nearly four seasons being teammates and incidents like this still come up suggests that it's probably always going to be this way if they remain together. 這不是Kobe第一次要求Gasol在場上做出更多的貢獻了。以前他廣為人知地稱呼他“白天 鵝”並且把自己稱作“黑天鵝”——雖然Gasol在公共場合對這個外號置之一笑,但私下 裡他卻對此表示不滿。但是他們已經做了將近4年的隊友的事實和類似的事情仍在發生暗 示我們:只要他們還在一起共事,日子也許會一直像這樣過下去。 Much like his previous partnership with Shaquille O'Neal, Bryant can't hide his disappointment in Gasol. It's no doubt hard to understand how Gasol could play like a superhero for his country in the Olympics, but accept a lesser role with the Lakers. Bryant never would've ceded his role as the No. 2 option in the Lakers offense to Bynum, as Gasol has this year. Heck, he would've been pushing to take over as the lead dog. Gasol isn't wired that way. Kobe無法隱藏他對Gasol的失望,這很像他之前和沙克搭檔的時候那樣。毫無疑問,Gasol 是如何能夠在為國征戰奧運會時打得像一個超級英雄,但是卻能接受在湖人隊裡的一個 不那麼重要的角色是很難理解的。在湖人隊的進攻端,Kobe是絕對不會像Gasol今年做的 那樣,退居二線把出手權交給Bynum的。見鬼,他本該被推上領頭羊的位置的。Gasol並 不是天生就如此的。 With O'Neal it was a similar issue. Bryant loved his ability and intensity. But he hated that O'Neal could've been the best center of all time yet didn't train like he wanted that mantle. Bryant wants it all. He will accept nothing less. He wants to pass Michael Jordan's six rings, he wants to score more points than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, he wants to win more titles than O'Neal and Magic Johnson and any other Lakers great or would-be rival. 和大歐的故事也和此類似。Kobe熱愛大歐的能力和專注。但是他也憎恨大歐本可以成為史 上最偉大的中鋒卻並沒有像是他要奪取那個稱號那樣訓練。Kobe需要你做到這全部。他不 會接受一點的不足。他想要超過Jordan的6個戒指,他想要得到比Jabbar更多的分數,他 想要贏得比大歐和魔術師和其他任何湖人名宿或者將要成為對手的人更多的冠軍。 When O'Neal was traded after the 2004 season, Bryant became the unquestioned face of the franchise. It took until Gasol arrived in 2008, however, for Bryant to win again. 當大歐在04賽季之後被交易走的時候,Kobe成為了球隊理所當然的招牌球星。然而,直到 Gasol在2008年來到湖人,Kobe才再一次品嚐冠軍的滋味。 He needed him. They both knew it. And for a time Gasol seemed to be the perfect partner for him: comfortable as the Beta, talented enough to lean on, mature enough to handle with him. 他需要他。他們倆都知道這一點。而且Gasol一度看上去成為了Kobe的完美搭檔:對二當 家的位置沒有不滿,有著足以信任的天賦,也成熟到足以處理和Kobe的關係。 They are friends off the court. They admire each other. But you wonder if the marriage has run its course? If the partnership has been used up? 雖然在場下他們是朋友。他們互相讚美。但是你還是想知道Kobe和Gasol的聯姻是否已經 走到了盡頭?他們之間默契是否已經用完了? "Our relationship is good. We respect a lot out of each other. I love h… uhh …" Gasol paused before completing the thought. He may very well love Bryant as a teammate, but he wasn't about to say so out loud. “我們的關係很好。我們相互之間非常尊重對方。我愛……呃……”在Gasol思緒理清楚 之前他打住了。雖然作為一個隊友他也許非常喜愛Kobe,但是他不打算把這大聲說出來。 "I think what he brings to the table is very unique and he's one of the greatest that's ever played." “我認為他給我們展現的東西是非常獨特的,而且他是和我打過球的球員裡的最好的球員 之一。” Chris Graythen/Getty Images Mike Brown's work ethic made an early impression on Bryant. 圖:http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0414/la_g_bryntbrown_sy_576.jpg
Brown的職業道德一開始就給Kobe留下了印象。 As badly as things ended, there is another school of thought that says the Lakers should keep their core together and make changes at the margins. This team was assembled hastily in the first weeks after the lockout ended, then reconfigured at the trade deadline. The players never had a real training camp to learn Mike Brown's schemes. Then they didn't have much practice to make adjustments during the season. 儘管賽季的結果不盡如人意,但是還是有一幫人認為湖人隊應該保持他們的核心成員不動 ,只做一些小修小補的工作。在停擺結束之後,這支球隊是急急忙忙才集中起來的,然後 又在交易截止日那天重組了陣容。球員們根本沒能參加一個真正的訓練營來學習Brown的 戰術。然後在賽季期間,他們也沒有足夠的練習時間來調整。 Under the circumstances, has Brown been given a fair shot? Is it too soon to dump Gasol after his role was so dramatically altered this year? Would it be crazy to give up on Bynum before he matures as a person as much as he's developed as a player? 在這樣的條件下,Brown得到了一個公平的機會嗎?在Gasol的角色在今年劇烈的變動之後 馬上就甩掉他是不是太快了?在Bynum的為人和他的球技一樣變得成熟起來之前就放棄他 會不會太瘋狂了? There were moments this year that it looked like this group could work. That they could win it all. After Bynum's defensive dominance in Game 1 of the first-round series against Denver, it seemed probable. After the double-overtime win over the Thunder in the regular season when Jordan Hill and Devin Ebanks starred off the bench, it seemed possible. After Ramon Sessions came over in a trade and started creating offense off dribble penetration, it seemed plausible. 今年有那麼些時刻,這支球隊看上去可以走得很遠。看上去他們可以贏得總冠軍。在Bynum 第一輪對陣金塊隊第一場統治了防守端之後,總冠軍看上去是可能的。在例行賽雙加時 戰勝雷霆,Hill和Ebanks閃耀板凳席之後,總冠軍看上去是可能的。在Sessions從 一樁交易中來到湖人並且開始從持球突破裡創造進攻機會之後,總冠軍看上去是可能的。 Bryant latched on to all of them. These glimpses pushed him. Sustained him. Kobe注意到了這一切。這幾瞬的精彩促使著他(前進)。維持著他(的信心)。 In the end they proved fleeting. 結局卻是他們證明了這不過是剎那芳華。 It ended for good on Monday night in Oklahoma City. But really, it was after the Lakers blew a 13-point lead in the final eight minutes of a heartbreaking loss Saturday night that the series felt over. 週一晚在俄克拉荷馬城,賽季就那樣地結束了。但是實際上,早在周六晚湖人那場在最後 8分鐘內被逆轉了13分領先優勢的令人心碎的失利之後,這輪系列賽就結束了。 This Thunder team was too good. The Lakers had a way to win, but kept finding ways to lose. 這支雷霆隊太出色了。湖人本有取勝的機會,但是他們卻不斷地將勝利拱手讓出。 Long after the game ended, Brown changed into a comfortable pair of sweat pants and walked out of the arena holding his wife's hand. They've been married since their early 20s. Traveled all over the country together and raised a family. 比賽結束很久之後,Brown換上了一條舒適的長運動褲,牽著他妻子的手走出了球館。他們 20出頭就結婚了。這些年來在全國各地旅行並且建立了一個家庭。 During the season Brown is almost never home. He's a grinder. It's how he got where he is without playing in the NBA himself. The first few weeks of the season he took that to another level. Several nights during the abridged exhibition season, Brown slept in his office at Staples Center, emerging only to use the restroom or send an assistant to grab food at a nearby restaurant. 賽季進行期間,Brown幾乎從沒回過家。他是一個工作很刻苦的人。認真工作的精神是他在 沒有NBA打球經歷的情況下如何抵達今天的位置的方法。本賽季的前幾週,他把那種精神 提升到了另一個境界。在縮水熱身賽期間的幾個晚上,Brown就在他在斯台普斯中心的辦公 室和衣而睡,只在上洗手間或者派一個助理到附近的餐館買點食物時才出去。 That work ethic earned Brown a measure of respect from this team early on. It's why Bryant gave him a chance, after publicly endorsing former assistant Brian Shaw for the job. 那種職業道德很早就為Brown贏得了這支球隊的尊重。這就是為什麼Kobe在公開認可了前助 理教練Brian Shaw來擔當主教練之後,給了Brown一個機會。 But respect in these parts is earned only by winning in the playoffs and the Lakers didn't do that this year. 但是球場方面的尊重只能通過在季後賽裡不斷的取勝才能掙得。而湖人隊今年沒能做到。 Asked where the Lakers go from here, Brown was sullen. 當問到湖人隊今後路在何方時,Brown有點不爽。 "Nowhere," he said. "We're hopping on the plane, flying back. We've got a long time to think about it. In terms of trying to think about what to do with this team now, I'm still digesting this loss." “哪也不是,”他說。“我們希望能趕上飛機,飛回家裡。我們有很長的時間來考慮它。 至於現在就試著考慮該對這支球隊做點什麼,我得說我仍然在分析這場失利。” There is no way to know when the end will finally come for Bryant. Only that he's closer to it with each passing year. He'll be 34 before next season, his 17th in the NBA. His legs are still strong, even if they aren't as spry. He can still dunk to prove a point. (He dunked four times in Game 5, so don't tell me he wasn't thinking about it.) 世上沒有辦法能讓我們知道終結日什麼時候會降臨到Kobe頭上。我們只知道每過一年,他 又離那天近了一點。下賽季——他的第17個NBA賽季開始前,他將年滿34歲。他的雙腿仍 然有力,哪怕它們已經不如以前靈活。他仍然能扣個籃來證明這一點。(第5場,他一共 扣了4個,所以不要告訴我他沒有考慮過這樣做的後果。) "It's different from being 21 and you think there's endless amount of opportunities," Bryant said Monday. "At 33, the ending is much, much closer." “這和你過21歲生日並且想著還有數不盡的機會在等著你不一樣,”Kobe周一說道。“我 33歲了,退役的日子越來越近了。” He's hungry still. He's got time left. But you get the sense he only wants it if there's a chance to do something good with it. To win. 他仍然渴望著冠軍。他還有時間。但是你可以感到如果有機會可以做些能幫他奪冠的事, 他就會去做。一切都是為了勝利。 That's less certain now. He can shoot all night in the gym, it might not matter. 而現在那變得不那麼確定了。他還能夠在體育場裡投一整晚籃,但這可能已經和求勝沒多 大關係了。 Deep down, he seems to know that. But knowing it and accepting it are very different things. 內心深處,他似乎已經意識到了。但是知道和接受完全是兩碼事。 There's only one way to ride. Bryant continues on defiantly. Kobe只能沿著一條路走下去,但他繼續在反抗。 "I'm not fading into the shadows, if that's what you're asking," he said. "I'm not going anywhere. We're not going anywhere." “我不會退居幕後的,如果那就是你問的內容的話,”他說。“我哪裡也不會去。我們哪 裡也不會去。” You wonder if he'll ever sleep well one day. When basketball is over and there is nothing left to chase, will he rest? 你好奇他是否會有一天能睡得很香。當籃球生涯結束而且也沒有什麼東西要追求的時候, 他會放鬆下來嗎? "He might dedicate himself to coaching his little girls teams," Fisher said, laughing at the thought but not joking either. "His daughters. He might just start coaching soccer teams, following them around, he'll be the dad with the camcorder on the sidelines." “他也許會投入到指導他的小女孩球隊的事情上,”Fisher取笑著這個想法但他並沒有開 玩笑。“(我說的是)他的女兒們。他也許會開始執教足球隊,跟著他們滿場跑。他會變 成站在邊線手裡拿著錄像機的父親的。” Ah, but what about his drive? 哈,但是他內心的動力會怎麼樣呢? "That doesn't turn off," Fisher said. "That'll never turn off." “那不會消失,”Fisher說。“那永遠也不會消失。” 原文:http://ppt.cc/4t0U 翻譯:http://bbs.hupu.com/3732525.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: kblover (, 時間: 05/26/2012 23:46:12 ※ 編輯: kblover 來自: (05/26 23:46)
Bigcookie2:外電推 05/26 23:50
edplayer:未看先推 05/27 00:03
hikaruton:翻譯很棒 推 05/27 00:03
kasumi28:只希望退休前KOBE能再拿到一冠 05/27 00:07
chuanche:超長~推~~ 05/27 00:10
laugino:推 05/27 00:12
askaaa:推 05/27 00:19
dingdong103:太辛苦了!!! 感謝您 05/27 00:20
davidstar:為什麼我看完有一種超級偏執的感覺,kobe好孤單阿 05/27 00:28
loquito:以星座來講蠻準的 05/27 00:32
fucx:柯比的個性造就了他的偉大 05/27 00:36
davidstar:該不會是天蠍座的吧... 希望不要 XD 05/27 00:36
sjasons:好文值得推爆啊~ 05/27 00:37
davidstar:處女座的把自己搞到這麼孤單 連朋友都賠上了... 05/27 00:39
niravaabhas:要求完美的處女座啊XD 05/27 00:42
davidstar:這篇是好文 推!! 翻譯也推!! 05/27 00:42
rl55586:推 超級執著的人 05/27 00:45
pursue2:紅的明顯 這篇文章這麼長翻譯得很辛苦 感謝一下原原PO吧 05/27 00:45
pringle348:這是虎撲那邊的人翻譯的 感謝原原PO什麼? 網址看不懂? 05/27 00:58
jyum:推 KOBE就是KOBE!!這篇也是我是柯迷的理由~ 05/27 01:14
nsmmsn:! 05/27 01:16
Bennington:104太棒啦 05/27 01:19
yisdl:又有一個智障來丟臉了.... 05/27 01:36
yisdl:喪家犬酸民只是簡轉繁貼上....XD 05/27 01:37
hasebe:應該不是天蠍,蠍子很多懶人XD 05/27 01:41
fongminp:淡淡的感傷. 05/27 01:44
a9701005:我居然看完了!! 翻得真好!! 05/27 01:45
a3300689:推!!! 05/27 01:46
momohung:推!! 05/27 02:01
freeflysky:很棒的文章, 看得出來KOBE執著的追尋傳奇明星的腳步 05/27 03:55
MVPkobe:沒仔細看我還以為他發神經去翻譯咧 05/27 04:21
Sephiroth:某p真丟臉 05/27 10:43
acenova:酸民真的是很神奇的一種生物 討厭Kobe結果一直關注他 05/27 11:00
KobePikachu:根據科比的生日他是獅子座 05/27 11:45
behero:Blake甚至沒有得到給本賽季最最重要的比賽一錘定音的機會。 05/27 11:50
behero:這句的原文的意思應該是指Kobe不是Blake? 05/27 11:51
can511616:給推阿~~ 05/27 12:17
k12151215:推 05/27 12:51
smtown:push 05/27 12:58
animalspell:風度,就算是大陸翻譯的,也謝謝原PO辛苦排版 05/27 13:07
animalspell:到別篇文章在繼續交手吧,這邊就說謝謝了 05/27 13:07
hankkchang:推翻義 05/27 13:36
c51155427:一直說fisher kobe最好有那麼信任老漁....... 05/27 13:59
fukobe:越看這篇就越覺得之前有人拉KB的態度出來戰真是喪心病狂... 05/28 08:01
willer:好文推 05/28 09:40
wrdynasty:Good article and nice translation job! 05/28 23:47
laigei:轉錄至看板 CourtBasketB 06/05 10:29
sneak: 推 超級執著的人 https://daxiv.com 09/11 06:27