看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The future is uncertain to say the least for the Los Angeles Lakers with no clear indication as to which players will be returning outside of Kobe Bryant, Robert Sacre and Steve Nash. One player that made quite an impression after being called up from the D-League is point guard Kendall Marshall. The North Carolina product called up after Kobe Bryant went down with the knee injury in December and instantly made an impact once he received some playing time. – Lakers Nation Store Is Back! Check Out The Latest Gear! – With Marshall proving his worth this past season, the team appears to be leaning toward keeping him around for another year according to Mark Medina of the L.A. Daily News: http://ppt.cc/t0kL With a team option of less than $1 million ($915,000), it is a no-brainer to retain Marshall moving forward. The point guard showed a remarkable ability to get his teammates involved this season while also becoming a threat from beyond the arc. There’s no question Marshall still has areas of his game to work on moving forward, but there’s definitely reasons for optimism surrounding his future as he could become a very good player in this league with more time on the floor. As for the rest of the point guards on the roster, Steve Nash will likely be retained rather than released. Jordan Farmar also appears to have a good chance of returning with the two-time NBA champion having a solid season in his first year back with the Lakers. 心得: 大概介紹一下Kendall Marshall來的時間 還有他的優點等等的 湖人傾向明年留下Kendall Marshall 各位怎麼看呢!? 我覺得他可以當個稱職的替補PG 但他是那種跟KOBE最搭不起來的後衛 畢竟他需要一球在手 留下他當PG的備案也不錯,其他人太痛痛了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1398042236.A.C02.html
WSnipes:下季非保障合約,便宜就留著用吧 04/21 09:09
black1108:留Farmar跟Marshall才有保障,Nash只能算半個戰力 04/21 09:19
kobeslaker:0.9M 傻子才直接放他走 04/21 09:33
gordon27:這麼便宜當然留啊 04/21 09:37
WSnipes:有rumor說MDA或許會留下來當進攻教練...反正就看看吧 04/21 09:43
jimli:他當進攻教練的話根本是聯盟最奢侈的選擇阿 強烈支持 04/21 09:48
WASP01:當然留呀 04/21 10:06
WASP01:Nash 已經算是冗員了 04/21 10:06
asonofdevily:這樣似乎是指會選那幾個前鋒了 04/21 10:17
asonofdevily:Aaron Gordon, Julius Randle第六應該選的到 04/21 10:18
WASP01:有乳摸青賽可能在第五就抓下 Gordon 04/21 10:22
WSnipes:前鋒後衛都有可能,反正就選該順位最好的球員就對了 04/21 10:35
Aggro:他很便宜又年輕 完全想不到不留的理由 04/21 10:42
WASP01:亂入一下 隔壁中二獸的表現要吃一年2000萬 看起來真的 04/21 11:12
WASP01:太高了 該說還好沒簽成嗎? XDD 04/21 11:12
o0991758566:我現在很懷念Ariza~ 04/21 11:13
justin0416:在換個防守專長的當總教練 剛剛好互補 04/21 11:27
rainy0312:推Wiggins 04/21 11:27
ToBeGentle:重點是那要誰來當總教練 04/21 11:44
szuta:Young跟Farmar沒意見的話, why not? 04/21 11:56
Aggro:重點是下個臉孔在哪吧 先決定臉孔是誰再來談教練要換誰 04/21 11:59
john7420:其實中二獸只是拿來吸引第三個Star,然後中二獸要轉賣也 04/21 12:11
john7420:還算容易XDDD 04/21 12:11
Lattendue:MDA真肯留下來變進攻教練當然好阿XD... 04/21 12:12
LBJKO:若消息是真的 MDA很不想去大學教XDD 04/21 12:22
Lattendue:繼續留著領總教練等級的薪水好像也不錯阿XDD 04/21 12:34
LBJKO:AGG第一PF拿定了了嗎.....好準 04/21 12:44
WASP01:AGG這場的身價值3000萬鎂 04/21 13:08
okla689:新人王整個就老將魂……處理球超穩 04/21 13:15
hikaruton:阿基基超恐怖.... 04/21 13:17
Cj3636736:看火箭輸就是爽XD 04/21 13:18
WASP01:草莓真的退化不少 才28歲而已... 04/21 13:21
GANZ:gasol季後賽好像也沒得那麼多分過 可怕 04/21 13:21
o0991758566:AGG最恐怖的地方是 他突破了阿拓魔咒 靈魂升級了 04/21 13:21
Kreen:突破的是 Lopez 吧,他居然整季當 c 都沒壞掉。 04/21 13:26
AngelNo13:現在換湖人有魔咒了 而且每個位置都不能倖免 04/21 13:27
o0991758566:也對 Lopez這季算是阿拓隱形的MVP 沒有他AGG打不出來 04/21 13:29
YamagiN:Lopez反骨命啊 在太陽狂受傷 在阿拓超健康 04/21 13:34
jimli:總教練找個人和超強的人來吧 關鍵進攻戰術給mda畫就對了 04/21 13:35
jimli:mda這季看過太多次畫戰術版的功力根本鬼神莫測 進攻教練極致 04/21 13:36
Kreen:反骨命XD 04/21 13:48
asd778a:阿拓那一前一後好猛阿... 04/21 13:48
Samuel0324:拓火打超嗨 04/21 13:53
Cj3636736:不過Lopez真的是慢 草莓常常隨便轉就到籃下了 04/21 13:58
YamagiN:我覺得這場DH幾個進攻動作表現很不錯了 04/21 14:01
Aggro:他問題在脾氣和罰球 剩下天花板大概就這樣 04/21 14:08
WSnipes:早就料定他會如此了,以前我說過他要拿到冠軍,大概是晚年 04/21 14:26
WSnipes:抱隊當苦工才有機會!且讓我們拭目以待吧 04/21 14:27
Aggro:沒這麼差吧 我是覺的火箭問題在教練 如果找到好教練帶 04/21 14:32
Aggro:這幾年火箭算很有競爭力的 04/21 14:32
Aggro:起碼他和鬍子一攻一守雙核心真的不錯 04/21 14:32
Eloye:今天這場真的跟可以看出某鬍跟KB的差距,一個買飯一個雙決殺 04/21 14:34
WSnipes:有競爭力沒錯,但想拿到冠軍也要有點機運,你看那個鬍子XD 04/21 14:35
Aggro:鬍子是有他的本事 但用成這樣 我覺得蠻可惜的 04/21 14:35
WSnipes:最後切入卡在禁區,防守就算了,連進攻都沒有團隊意識XD 04/21 14:36
Aggro:我個人是覺得教練沒換前不可能有冠軍拉..功力真的有落差 04/21 14:36
Aggro:現在的火箭就是吃一票球員的天賦 04/21 14:36
Eloye:鬍子有他的天分,但他的打法要接KB或WADE的香火真的有段距離 04/21 14:43
BryantKobe:DH準備一輪遊~~ 04/21 14:43
Aggro:這東西看時代的 就像DH扛第一C一樣意思 04/21 14:44
spko:感覺尼克羊還比較強 (誤) 04/21 14:44
Eloye:心態就差很,一個是要窮盡一切的得分,令一個是....買飯 04/21 14:45
Aggro:不過火箭感覺整體還是比阿拓強一些 應該還是會過吧.... 04/21 14:45
kobeslaker:鬍子扣掉罰球,其實真的跟Young差不多 XD 04/21 15:11
Lattendue:阿拓最後防守感覺就是你就是要靠我來買飯我就退到碰不到 04/21 15:21
Lattendue:別這樣鬍子還有歐洲步能看(喂) 04/21 15:22
vick6339:看到駭獸戰術就想到去年的痛.. 04/21 15:22
GANZ: 0-4 04/21 15:30
angelmax:不算傳球策應和要飯功力的話 我真心覺得Young不輸鬍子 04/21 15:59
AngelNo13:Kobe在NBA板只有在鬍子落難時會白回來一下XD 04/21 16:00
AngelNo13:看來鬍子在NBA板也是沒什麼人緣 04/21 16:02
WASP01:28歲 爆發力回不來 鬍子這種心態 頂多也就是有競爭力 04/21 16:13
WASP01:要殺出西區 基本是不可能了 除非八奇又來次搶劫交易 04/21 16:14
rexagi1988:Lopez慢又沒差,能健康活著就是MVP了... 04/21 16:18
Sephiroth:YamagiN...XDD 我笑了 04/21 16:36
YamagiN:不要把我楊跟鬍子比 我楊打球有趣多了 04/21 16:42
cvbn7910:看到DH罰球沒進 我都想起以前被逆轉的痛了XDD 04/21 16:45
Lattendue:看他罰球心情超好的想看換別人心臟被鍛鍊整個就是讚啦XD 04/21 16:50
evomichael:MDA當進攻教練,MB防守教練,Phil回來接head coach付負責 04/22 01:14
evomichael:嘴老大和睡覺就好 04/22 01:14