看板 Lakers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In the weeks following the announcement of Mike Woodson’s firing as head coach of the New York Knicks, it was assumed by many Steve Kerr was going to take his place. Wednesday saw Kerr go a different direction as he decided to coach the Golden State Warriors instead. – Lakers Nation Store Is Back! Check Out The Latest Gear! – As a result, the Knicks were left to begin their search anew with names like Derek Fisher and Kurt Rambis possibility in the mix. If Knicks team president Phil Jackson were to hire Rambis, the Lakers could potentially benefit in their alleged pursuit of Kevin Love, according to Frank Isola of the NY Daily News: Rambis also butted head with Kevin Love, who has become one of the NBA’s top power forwards. It has been speculated that Love would have reservations about possibly signing with the Lakers as a free agent if Rambis remains on the coaching staff. As it stands, Rambis remains a Laker assistant coach as the team continues its search to replace Mike D’Antoni. Rambis’ name has been linked to the opening, but in his earlier stints as head coach of the Lakers and Timberwolves, he failed to produce any winning seasons and only produced a record of 56-145. The Lakers will be looking to assemble a championship contending team as fast as they can. In this year’s off-season, the team could use their lottery pick and ample cap space to build some of the pieces. When Steve Nash’s contract comes off the books next year, the Lakers could be in the market to add an additional piece such as Kevin Love provided they don’t commit too much money to other players this summer. Love競爭名單的尼克 最後如果決定聘請蘭比斯當總教練的話 那湖人可能受益於此有機會簽下K.Love 前提是NASH的合約需先在明年走完 且沒有跟其他球員亂簽一些不合理的薪水 這樣有搞頭嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1400227140.A.DDC.html
Cj3636736:Rambis..... 05/16 16:11
micbrimac:我要Aldgige 05/16 16:11
Cj3636736:看成湖人僱用Rambis Love就會來....嚇我一跳 05/16 16:13
wzmildf:見光死 05/16 16:14
omyh:見光死就掰了 老實說我也不覺得愛神適合... 05/16 16:18
o0991758566:我也看成雇用Rambis 想說嚇死 要簽Love的代價也太大 05/16 16:22
kobe1204:也更好的人選的話就不會想要他來 但沒人的話她來也行.... 05/16 16:46
jimli:河流要是不想待快艇可以挖他嗎 目前最會帶心的總教練 05/16 16:58
WASP01:快艇如果沒辦法迅速完成移交 Rivers走人可能性很高 05/16 17:05
WASP01:其實有另一種選擇 簽下Monroe 順位第六以後的話:Payne 05/16 17:49
WASP01:Payne 就老了點23歲 不然表現也是讓人流口水 05/16 17:50
WASP01:Monroe/Payne 的組合有攻有守 攻擊還可拉到三分 05/16 17:50
justinxue:河流說他至少現在不會走… 05/16 18:16
yeeh:順位6以後簽Payne?Payne值得前10順位? 05/16 18:43
WASP01:我覺得值得 05/16 18:51
WASP01:說精確點 第六選並不值 若掉到8/9選他 其實並不虧 05/16 19:02
spko:Have Faith in Silver,許我們一個狀元吧 XD 05/16 19:04
WASP01:DraftExpress排到22 我是覺得太扯了 XD 05/16 19:04
violing613:那只是說Love絕對不想被Rambis帶到吧 05/16 19:05
TrevorAriza:河流說還有合約還不會走 畢竟沒定局前話都不能說死~ 05/16 19:16
kobe1204:$$$$跟骨氣你會選哪個啦 最好是會那麼有guts 05/16 19:19
qhaabk:明年的事明年在說吧 先展望下季 05/16 21:11
ssweet:先5/21的謙喬定順位再說吧 05/16 22:59
yeeh:還沒看過一個版本是把Payne擺在樂透區,湖人10年一次的樂透賭 05/16 23:13
yeeh:Payne也未免風險太高了點 05/16 23:14
remix999:LOVE我覺得還好 數據刷得好看而已 季後賽不看好他 05/16 23:44
kobeslaker:Payne說不定第2輪都還有 = = 05/17 08:34
WASP01:如果順位定在8/9,Fab 4、Smart、Randle、Volehn都下架,而 05/17 10:27
WASP01:Mitch如果想明年就打出一些什麼不想等,Payne是可以納入考 05/17 10:28
WASP01:慮的人選。或者向下交易比方公牛那兩支籤,賭會不會落到這 05/17 10:28
WASP01:裡。他在各家Mock擺這麼低,就是23歲半的年紀缺乏做夢的空 05/17 10:28
WASP01:間,單純就場上的內容來講,技術體能身材心態鬥志,樣樣不 05/17 10:29
WASP01:缺,說他有第一梯隊那幾支PF的資質,並不至於太過。 05/17 10:30
Kreen:想太多,如果要選他也是向下交易兩個一輪尾撿他,哪會因為突 05/17 10:33
Kreen:然很看好他就用第八去撿,就市場行情那也太傻了吧。 05/17 10:33
WASP01:一輪尾二輪初 應是撿不到 05/17 10:35
WASP01:只是提個看法 第八撿他不見得虧啦 不特別賺是肯定的 05/17 10:36
Kreen:如果這間天沒爆什麼大料,根本不會有人用樂透選他,跟打不打 05/17 10:37
Kreen:沒什麼關係,就沒那個市場行情。 05/17 10:38
kobe1204:總版推文限制哪麼高是三小 05/17 10:40
michael12348:話說Ibaka報銷了 k大下的3k有危險了 05/17 12:58
kobeslaker:怕什麼,前兩輪也不是靠他贏 05/17 13:02
Kreen:頂他的算半個,現在還有七點五個人在場上嘛。 05/17 13:12
kobeslaker:哨子多帶兩個就好了 05/17 13:16
Bigcookie2:支持馬刺到拿冠軍XD 05/17 13:21
szuta:Love比AGG有機會,年齡上還不是急著拿冠軍的階段 05/17 13:26
moonshen:說沒有18卡沒差的是沒看過OKC比賽嗎………… 05/17 22:34
cakeGJ:18卡很重要好嗎…………防守端第一線的佼佼者 05/17 23:00
Kreen:A眼、B眼還是屁眼看到有人說 ibaka 不重要? 05/17 23:05
kobe1204:雷霆#3就是一八卡 不重要? 05/17 23:12
Xhocer:說18卡不重要的...看的是PTT不是NBA吧= = 05/17 23:12
kobeslaker:就我看了12場,哨子比Ibaka重要 05/17 23:22
DevilMayCry4:Ibaka很重要的,至少雷霆贏球時少看一點噁心哨 05/17 23:26
JeremyKSKGA:可是Kevin Love根本沒領袖的氣度跟架式 05/18 00:08
blackmamba01:愛神數據是全明星級別,但是球風就少了點秀味... 05/18 01:58
o0991758566:Love標準的2當家阿~ 05/18 07:42
moonshen:kobeslaker:怕什麼,前兩輪也不是靠他贏 05/18 10:31
kobeslaker:事實就不是靠他贏的,你想說什麼 05/18 10:58
kobeslaker:直接送你禁區球員兩個犯規,Ibaka的份就補回來了 05/18 10:59
kobeslaker:重要歸重要,但雷霆怎麼贏的是另一回事 05/18 11:02
hikaruton:同意K大 05/18 14:08
moonshen:你說「怕甚麼」聽起來就是「有他沒他無所謂」啊 05/18 14:28
Eeyniar:噓樓上自己腦補 05/18 14:37
thanos:火箭放假消息讓說要Love 讓湖人尼克去搶 其實真正目標是AGG 05/18 15:48
kobeslaker:火箭除非不續約Parsons,不然也看不出他們有空間 = = 05/18 16:14
YamagiN:火箭要交易誰要簽誰都自己放消息的 聽它們唬爛是要幹嗎? 05/18 16:15
kobe1204:Asik還有可能脫手因為大個 林書豪這個......XD 05/18 16:41
michael12348:1500都比西河貴了 05/18 17:07
thanos:萬用包就算不交易 明年也到期了 剛好用空出來的薪資空間搶 05/18 22:53
thanos:AGG 不過能交易出去換些籌碼當然是比較好囉 05/18 22:53
kobeslaker:所以才說Parsons不續約的前提下 05/18 23:26
yeeh:最新消息是Love想被交易到公牛或勇士,勇士可能出Barnes+Lee 05/19 01:14
jimli:大家都想去有希望的年輕球隊 所以先自己養一個甚至幾個吧 05/19 01:16
jimli:不然大咖根本不想來虛耗青春阿 05/19 01:16
jimli:不然就是像熱火一樣 讓自己薪資幾乎全空來個三王合體 05/19 01:17
pjharper:勇士是要找五個都可以射三分的嗎 05/19 09:31
peterqlin:六個,包括教練~ 05/19 09:40
kobeslaker:神經病,Lee跟Barnes只換到Love -.- 05/19 10:26
o0991758566:H.Barnes不會養 可以給湖人阿~代養 05/19 10:29