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親愛的 PCManX GTK+ 使用者, PCManX GTK+ 專案網站搬家到 http://code.google.com/p/pcmanx-gtk2/ 原本的 http://pcmanx.csie.net 將捨棄不再繼續維護使用 討論區及郵寄清單仍然在 http://groups.google.com/group/pcmanx 有任何問題可以到這裡尋求協助 PCManX GTK+ 0.3.9 原始碼下載點 http://pcmanx-gtk2.googlecode.com/svn/website/release/pcmanx-gtk2-0.3.9.tar.bz2 # 新增功能: * Middle mouse click as tab close (similar behavior under Firefox). * GNOME Goal - Clean up GLib and GTK+ includes. It is known to be easier to migrate to future gtk+ version. * Keep version information in libpcmanx-core and perform insanity checks for libpcmanx. * Enable [KP_Enter] key in URL entry box. * Improved vertical and horizontal center alignment. # 錯誤修正: * Prevent compilers from over-optimizing with -ftree-vectorize. * gcc 4.4 and gtk+ < 2.10 build failures. * Do not call gdk_window_invalidate_rect on a non-realized GtkWidget to avoid Segfault. * Avoid memory leak when event is not mouse right-click and unnecessary resource re-allocation. * Fix Simplified Chinese translation of "Line" and "Col". * Properly handle the character set convertion during copy and paste from X clipboard. * Prevent GTK+ from catching F10 and Handle F1-F12 keys. * Provide WM_CLASS property for several X window managers. * Respect user preference about showing/hiding status bar. * Avoid SegFault when closing a disconnected tab. * Trim trailing spaces of each line when downloading articles. 歡迎舊語新知繼續支持~ PCManX GTK+ 開發團隊敬上 <(_::_)> -- ※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <bbs.sayya.org> ◆ From: 59-104-128-248.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw
knight00931:你覺得這真讚! 08/30 21:54
kewang:大推! 08/30 22:58
CrBoy:推PCManX!! (我只是想表達一下支持~:P) 08/30 23:27
sb107912:推!上BBS專用瀏覽器 08/31 01:21
czberlin:支持open source軟體 08/31 10:43
karst10607:Push 08/31 15:29
jbluebox:推!感謝你們的努力 08/31 15:38
virtuemood:喔,更新後yaourt -Sy pcmanx-gtk2總算可以編過了 09/01 00:19
icycandle:有用有推! 09/01 00:43
ssskav:請問一下Ubuntu8.04要怎麼"更新"PCmanX?thanks 09/01 20:01
et1783:樓上我是把它轉成tar.gz後再用alien這個套件轉deb安裝 09/01 21:16
sb107912:checkinstall 就有deb包了 09/01 22:47
slinh:推 09/04 00:53