看板 MAC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《qacvb (朝氣)》之銘言: : 如題~ : 接下來有約一周的時間待在香港~ : 應該會去apple store買 MBA or MBP : 不知道可否持台灣學生證在香港以學生價購買? : 不好意思 麻煩大家了~謝謝~感激不盡~^^ 特地翻了一下條款 注意一下加色那段 http://store.apple.com/Catalog/HongKong/Images/hk-salespoliciescon.html#HongKongsalesonly 應該是沒什麼討價還價的空間 =P -- 4. Education Eligibility Those eligible to purchase from the Apple Store for Education Individuals include faculty, staff, students and parents as follows: Kindergarten, Primary and secondary schools - Any employee of a public or private kindergarten, primary or secondary schools in Hong Kong is eligible. University and Polytechnics - Faculty and staff of Universities or Polytechnics in Hong Kong; and students attending, or accepted into Universities or Polytechnics in Hong Kong are eligible to purchase. University and Polytechnics - Parents purchasing on behalf of their child, who is a student currently attending or accepted into a into a University or Polytechnics in Hong Kong, are eligible to purchase. Purchases from the Apple Store for Education Individuals are not for institutional purchase or resale. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: