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就是關於Intel剛宣布的Sandy Bridge設計失誤的問題 可以先去PC_Shopping板看文章 #1DHrc9oj Mac Rumors今天也來了一篇 http://goo.gl/DkWw8 Intel Announces Setback in Production of Chipsets Destined for iMac and MacBook Pro Revisions [updated] Monday January 31, 2011 02:02 PM EST Intel today announced that it has discovered a "design error" in its "Cougar Point" support chip that is part of its implementation of the Sandy Bridge architecture for desktop machines, chipsets that are expected to make their way into the next-generation iMac. ... Update: While initial reports had suggested that the issue is limited to desktop versions of the platform, Cougar Point is in fact used in both desktop and mobile chipsets based on Sandy Bridge, indicating that the recall could also delay availability of refreshed Apple notebooks such as MacBook Pros. Q_Q 看來最近想買的人可以多考慮Air了 -- It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ryanlei 來自: (02/01 17:55)
IMGOODYES:這問題是故意壓到最近幾天才爆出來的 02/01 22:17
Ding1208:唉... 等到天荒地老,Intel拍拍,加油!! 02/02 00:29
forever215:Macbook pro 13' 應該不會有Sandy Bridge 跳太快了... 02/03 02:41
kalmia:樓上不快 已經改版了 還沒量產 02/04 12:02
IMGOODYES:Intel說瑕疵晶片組會繼續出貨給業者...顆顆 02/08 15:06