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關於FaceTime HD 請見以下連結 http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4534 目前只有新版的MBP 可以傳送 HD video call 因為內建的是FaceTime HD camera 且預載正式版FaceTime 其他的Mac 只能傳送 SD video call 至於自行購買外接式camera 搭配正式版FaceTime 是否能達成HD video call 就不得而知了? -------------------------------------------------- 以下節錄自Apple新聞稿: The MacBook Pro now includes a built-in FaceTime HD camera with triple the resolution of the previous generation for crisp, widescreen video calls. With Apple’s innovative FaceTime video calling software, the new camera allows high definition video calls between all new MacBook Pro models and supports standard resolution calls with other Intel-based Macs, iPhone® 4 and the current generation iPod touch®. FaceTime is included with all new MacBook Pro models and is available for other Intel-based Macs from the Mac® App Store for 99 cents. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
weiany:我猜Apple使用者不會做出買第二個camera來玩HD Facetime... 02/26 01:16
Lr1:誰會阿XD 02/26 01:20