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剛看到這blog文, 有影片喔! Original iPad Gets A Smart Cover With A Simple Hack When Apple announced the iPad 2, they also announced the new Smart Cover, which connects to the iPad 2 with magnets, and uses magnets inside the iPad 2 to keep the case on. One clever iPad fan has decided that they wanted to use the Smart Cover with their original iPad, and they have put together a video showing how this was done, although it will include attaching some magnets to the outside of your iPad. Before ever seeing a Smart Cover in person, I figured this hack might need to be much more involved, perhaps even needing a 3D printed part that would interact with the hinge in some way. You can find out full details of how the new iPad 2 Smart Cover was fitted to an original iPad over at The Russians Used A Pencil. 影片: http://ppt.cc/qBoV 文章來源 http://ppt.cc/I3_U By Roland Hutchinson on Tuesday 22nd March -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eggimage:不過 與其用聰明蓋(?) 我寧可用個可翻開的保護套 04/01 14:46
swpoker:樓上我也是這麼想~我自己覺得中看不中用 04/01 14:53
eggimage:不論在保護或外觀上 都比聰明蓋好多了orz 04/01 14:57
luisfan:聰明蓋蠻蠢的 會刮底部又會積灰塵 也不好看 還很貴 04/01 15:07
eggimage:蠢蓋 04/01 15:10
Hollowcorpse:風呂蓋加白色iPad2用水波桌面實在是很優啊 XDDDD 04/01 16:35
erickunder:Jobs:等到背面刮傷的時候就是買iPad 3的時候了 XD 04/01 19:23
Austria998:★在家網路創業 月增3~20萬http://0rz.tw/H5OM3 04/06 15:00
Austria998:★在家網路創業 月增3~20萬http://0rz.tw/H5OM3 04/06 15:00