看板 MAC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://support.apple.com/kb/HT5167 Resolve an issue in which the "Reopen windows when logging back in" setting is always enabled. Improve compatibility with certain British third-party USB keyboards. Addresses permission issues that may be caused if you use the Get Info inspector function "Apply to enclosed items…" on your home directory. For more information, see this article. Improve Internet sharing of PPPoE connections. Improve using a proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file. Address an issue that may prevent files from being saved to an SMB server. Improve printing to an SMB print queue. Improve performance when connecting to a WebDAV server. Enable automatic login for NIS accounts. Include RAW image compatibility for additional digital cameras. Improve the reliability of binding and logging into Active Directory accounts. The OS X Lion v10.7.4 Update includes Safari 5.1.6, which contains stability improvements. --
negi522:我是筆電..裝超快的..不到半小時就安裝完畢..反而時間都花04/14 22:23
kuromu:在看糟糕物04/14 22:23
negi522:在裝常用的軟體跟一些個人設定上..最花我時間的其實是拿光04/14 22:23
iamtom88:華的A片目錄找東西04/14 22:24
#1BnSrYbS (C_Chat) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
acsa:更新完內建注音的圖示好像變了? 05/10 12:11
phoenixtree:我看沒變耶 05/10 14:45
arelu:英文輸入法圖示似乎有變 05/10 15:07
notmuchmoney:圖示都變了 而且感覺變醜... 05/10 15:10
huang0922:有人知道原本圖標的路徑在哪嘛? 05/10 15:33
inglee:我的MBP更新後就一直出現五國語言 05/10 16:09
inglee:重灌SL沒事 但灌Lion又五國語言 05/10 16:09
LOWFEEL:剛灌完VMware似乎有問題 05/10 16:38
MakaKao:我vmware也不能用 有解決辦法媽 05/10 17:59
ccpz:等 Vmware 更新, 或是還原回去 10.7.3 吧 05/10 18:09
SicInfit:難怪圖示和Dock都變了... 只好等CandyBar更新了~ 05/10 20:05
im885555:更新完後 突然想到ssd trim不知道是否會被關掉 05/10 21:04
im885555:去看了系統報告發現被關掉了 不知道是不是這版更新的原因 05/10 21:05
im885555:更新前沒檢查 也不知道關掉多久了 =.= 05/10 21:05
sinstar:我VM沒問題耶 已更新到最新版的VMware 05/10 23:17
SicInfit:果然圖示是在為了高畫質Mac繼續更新...更多1024x1024的了 05/10 23:40
iKelly:英文輸入法的圖示跟automator的檔案圖示都變暗了一些 05/11 00:05
sinstar:發現一個不知道是不是bug 拖拉拉多個檔案變成這樣 05/11 00:11
sinstar: http://goo.gl/PYXkH 05/11 00:11
NBA:輸入法圖示真的變很醜 該不會先讓使用者體會解析度不夠..然後 05/11 00:48
NBA:接著再推出MBP等 retina display... 05/11 00:51
ray3906:請問有人更新後,網路共享不能使用嗎 05/11 15:46
jvk801:我網路共享也變得很不穩T-T 05/28 11:40