看板 MAC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今日稍早,Sparrow在官網上宣佈了一個讓人始料未及的消息, 那就是Google竟然把Sparrow給買下來了! Sparrow繼Mac、iPhone後,近日原本也正在進行iPad app的開發, 雖然依官方的言論看來,原有的使用者仍會繼續獲得支援和重大更新, 但由於與Google新的合作關係,尚未登場的iPad app,以及其它平台上Sparrow的未來, 真的是讓人感到不確定,甚至有點憂心啊。 以下附上Sparrow CEO的信件原文: Hello, We're excited to let you know that Sparrow has been acquired by Google! You can view our public announcement here, but I wanted to reach out directly to make sure you were aware of the news. We will continue to make available our existing products, and we will provide support and critical updates to our users. However, as we’ll be busy with new projects at Google, we do not plan to release new features for the Sparrow apps It's been an honor and a pleasure to build products for all of our wonderful users who have supported us over the years. We can't thank you enough We look forward to working on some new and exciting projects at Google! Dom Leca CEO Sparrow -- via Sparrow // http://sprw.me/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SicInfit 來自: (07/21 01:35) SicInfit:轉錄至看板 iPhone 07/21 01:36
Xperia:並不會不好 sparrow一定還是照舊開發 但資源反而更多 07/21 01:53
Xperia:sparrow之前還給我漏信過 現在有google直接加持希望改善 07/21 01:54
baupi:難怪之前在特價(誤) 07/21 01:55
ryanlei:如果能推出高度整合Gmail的Mac app 我會考慮用 07/21 01:56
ryanlei:目前內建Mail被晾很久了 還是靠browser管理信件 XD 07/21 01:56
royalknight2:我桌機都用內建的mail iphone上才用sparrow 07/21 02:07
SicInfit:1F,CEO的信已經說Sparrow將不會繼續開發新功能囉。 07/21 02:07
royalknight2:因為sparrow在iphone上可以mark all as read 07/21 02:08
CGary:現在公司大多數都是買人才不是買專案了 07/21 02:36
CGary:byebye sparrow... 07/21 02:36
arknoah:淦 07/21 04:46
darKyle:Sparrow team 會被抓去做別的案子 07/21 08:24
brianzzy:轉錄至看板 Google 07/21 09:10
iincho:之前特價不為了撈最後一筆吧?? 07/21 09:29
SicInfit:應該是想藉他們的能力來改善Gmail 07/21 11:40