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Cubs, Kerry Wood Progressing Toward One-Year Deal The Cubs and free agent reliever Kerry Wood are making progress on a one-year, Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe tweets. The Cubs and the SFX client have not completed a deal, however. President of baseball operations Theo Epstein recently said he'd be greatly disappointed if the Cubs don't re-sign Wood. The right-hander signed a below-market $1.5MM deal last offseason but is said to want a market value deal this winter. Wood posted a 3.35 ERA with 10.1 K/9, 3.7 BB/9 and a 35.8% ground ball rate in 51 innings for the Cubs in 2011. He's 34, but remains a flamethrower; his average fastball checked in at 94.4 mph last year. http://tinyurl.com/8y7m594 以下開放推關鍵字... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chuyoung929:BAKER 01/07 02:44
vincexxx:Dusty Baker ____s 01/07 02:45
realestate: s 01/07 02:46
solarcells:這是讓人傷心的投手 01/07 02:55
celipliz: 貝克街的亡靈... 01/07 03:05
david18:從哪裡跌倒,就要從哪裡站起來嗎.... 01/07 03:22
htcheng:20K,尤其最後2K實在是嚇死人....... 01/07 04:35
EEERRIICC:20K那場超威 一堆強棒 01/07 09:24
Dimitre:木頭真是有情有義 01/07 10:14
p09171989:20K的最後2K有夠噁心的 01/07 10:19
jason12308:42K最後2K超威的 01/07 10:51
ohmyya:薩克斯風 01/07 10:57
ajburnett:這人真的是不離不棄 01/07 11:39
rex1224:真的好愛芝加哥的木頭 01/07 12:28
jason741230:我也有40K...T_T 01/07 18:57
AvriLavigne:QQ 不來紐約嗎 01/07 19:29
Bagwell5:推可敬的對手 01/07 22:06
tim1112:普萊爾:你算幸福了好嗎..... 01/07 22:19
lwei781:天份真的好...... 01/08 00:15
GamELisT:爛梗 01/08 20:21
Kerry906:Kerry 01/10 05:55