看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Ross Detwiler replaces Chien-Ming Wang in the Nationals’ rotation As the Nationals and Rays continued to exchange barbs about the pine tar on Joel Peralta’s glove – much, much more to come on that – the Nationals made a significant baseball decision today: Ross Detwiler will move back into the rotation as the Nationals’ fifth starter and Chien-Ming Wang will pitch out of the bullpen as he fixes a mechanical glitch in his delivery. “Chien-Ming is very valuable to us,” Johnson said. “In the [four] starts, he hasn’t gotten better with his mechanics. I need him. I need him to get right. I really like where his arm strength is at. But I really need him to get back comfortable.” Wang will work closely with pitching coach Steve McCatty while pitching as a reliever. Wang has been rushing through his delivery, which causes his arm to drag behind his body and prevents him from getting his hand on top of the ball. The result is a fastball that lacks its trademark sink and instead moves wildly across the plate. The glitch has made Wang ineffective. Wang has a 6.62 ERA over four starts, allowing 14 walks and 26 hits in only 17 2/3 innings. Last night, the Rays drilled seven hits and drew three walks against him as they scored five runs in only 3 1/3 innings. Detwiler relieved Wang and again showed how dominant he can be at his best. The 26-year-old left-handed retired 11 of 12 hitters in 3 1/3 hitless innings. Since the Nationals moved Detwiler from the rotation to the bullpen, he has responded by allowing two runs in 13 1/3 innings with 10 strikeouts. “If you compared his performance last night with his last two [starts], he’ s a totally different pitcher,” Johnson said. “He was dominating last night. Very aggressive after the hitters.” With Wang in the bullpen, Johnson will be able to give the Nationals’ other six relievers more work. With Henry Rodriguez and Drew Storen nearing returns from injury, Johnson feels comfortable with the state of his bullpen even with Wang, who because of the shoulder surgery he recovered from last year requires extra time to warm up. 連結:http://ppt.cc/7_CL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
WuAShan:葛格去牛棚 Det回到先發 06/21 07:30
tswperfect:Det奪回 06/21 07:32
Caryniko:大樹倒了 06/21 07:50
Sechslee:果然... 06/21 07:50
kmorgue:觀眾跟球隊還是很實際的啊! 06/21 07:52
k33536:該來的 還是會來 06/21 07:56
shineyoung:該慶幸還有牛棚可待 唉 06/21 08:04
casko:沒學洋基那招 躺DL調整 06/21 08:08
kauw:果然 教練場面話聽聽就好 昨天還一堆人高興的感激 06/21 08:11
zacloud:轉錄至看板 Baseball 06/21 08:11
kauw:比起李吉好多了... 06/21 08:13
Aggro:-w- 還有牛棚 算是不錯了 06/21 08:22
o0991758566:正常,表現真的太差了 06/21 08:34
pathfinder:丟1M比丟4M容易些,怎麼沒有心理分析大師來分析一下 ww 06/21 08:36
waiani:不意外阿- -輪值整個大斷層的事實擺在眼前 Det近期中繼表現 06/21 09:08
waiani:良好 雖然在Wang取代前幾場失控 但至少最近是努力拉回來 06/21 09:09
Caryniko:教練沒有說謊阿~ 昨天說暫時不會更動~ 又沒說多久 06/21 09:21
krajicek:就跟無限期停賽事一樣的邏輯,也可能是一場XD 06/21 09:24
unmeinohito:只能說還了德威樂一個清白.... 06/21 09:45
riahserf:清白= =? 當時Det那幾場表現不夠好也是事實 06/21 10:06
dp44:不意外 06/21 10:07
WuAShan:Det是有被抹黑還是誣陷嗎 清白是什麼 06/21 10:08
linmelissa:果然先講好聽的 06/21 10:10
riahserf:表現不好換來換去正常 Det若也沒把握好 只是再換一次 06/21 10:12
pttnoguest:教練團作出正確的決定 06/21 10:20
waiani:Det如果這次回來又炸搞不好是找新的五號來頂= = 06/21 10:34
kittywilliy:呀呼!!高興勒 06/21 10:41
jardon:下面還有個Lannan 06/21 10:44
asd25:Detwiler 好多了 06/21 10:49
LWK:無限期停賽(一場) 久旱逢甘霖(一滴) 暫時不更動(一天) 06/21 10:52
windingday:Detwiler如果爆了換大樹 看誰ㄍㄧㄥ比較久 06/21 11:32
jerryklu:樓上掰 06/21 11:35
JeremyKSKGA:希望王建民被交易出去 06/21 11:36
danny789:王現在的交易價值趨近於零不太可能交易,若牛棚還投不好被 06/21 11:48
danny789:DFA的可能性很大,不過應該還有其他隊會對他有興趣 06/21 11:49
ruffryders:AAA歡迎您 06/21 11:49
WuAShan:王建民早就沒option了 除非受傷復健賽不然不能降到minor 06/21 11:53
oncee:被DFA的機率很高~基本上沒球隊會用一個年薪400萬的中繼投手 06/21 11:59
oncee:中繼再調整不回來~就差不多DFA了~可是王不是中繼投手的料 06/21 12:00
oncee:一來是因為他的投球型態~本就不是強力投手狂三振型 06/21 12:01
oncee:再來危機處理上~他又是屬於滾球型~球真的找洞穿出去也沒轍 06/21 12:02
oncee:短局數的中繼又沒法發揮用他的效益~長局數又不夠穩 06/21 12:04
qe2525:他真的不會中繼 06/21 12:04
oncee:恐怕還是看有沒有其他球隊缺先發~還是他最適合的位置 06/21 12:04
Asdalavista:OK的啦 小市場球隊有些投手防禦率很誇張還是繼續先發 06/21 12:05
Asdalavista:建仔去那種球隊發揮空間應該還不錯 06/21 12:06
pathfinder:Ankiel:要轉職嗎?問我問我!!! 06/21 12:06
Asdalavista:別吧 建仔打擊很令人害怕 06/21 12:06
decorum:他的跑壘更令人害怕 06/21 12:30
carrhung:換個心情重新再出發!!! 06/21 12:36
danny789:他的下盤強度才真的令人害怕 06/21 12:37
bert:賣給COL好了,這樣就不用搞四人輪值了 06/21 13:07
w9103:去COL好了 06/21 13:18
kenro:DFA機率很大 這也是對王較好的方式 06/21 13:42
roj349:順便問一下被DFA薪水要怎麼算?後面薪水揀的人擔? 06/21 13:52
tunababy:沒人撿就原隊付...有人撿,撿的球隊付最低薪... 06/21 14:09
maikxz:原球隊要補完剩下的薪資 06/21 14:12
roj349:所以就是國民要付wang4百萬,然後揀的人付wang基本薪@@? 06/21 14:17
Hibachi:轉回牛棚放火了… 06/21 15:05
et25783:換隊好我不想看國民比賽... 06/21 15:59
hoster0317:好奇怪 陳先發 我爸不一定想看 王先發就一定支持~.~ 06/21 16:05
hoster0317:王投的不好還幫講話... 06/21 16:06
gokuhwanlai:王投的很抖.看起來比較刺激 王真的比較有觀眾緣 06/21 16:18
ckbaboon:為啥會覺得DFA機率很高 小史有局數限制 06/21 16:40
ckbaboon:然後大家都覺得國民目前先發可以健健康康出賽一整季? 06/21 16:40
ckbaboon:除非之後在中繼還是沒調整回來 再討論DFA也不遲 06/21 16:41
maikxz:當真的有機會進季後賽 就沒局數限制這回事 06/21 16:49
airphone:我覺得王的控球真的只能看擲骰子....有一場沒一場 06/21 16:49
airphone:亞洲投手在這年紀差不多都已經很難在大聯盟生存了 06/21 16:51
airphone:黑田表示: 06/21 16:52
nextpage:把他放牛棚我認為只是一種對外說法而已,事實上是要冰他 06/21 16:53
nextpage:現在的他,試問那個正常的教練敢讓他上來中繼?況且國民今 06/21 16:55
nextpage:年是要爭冠的,更不可能關鍵讓他上,牛棚又不是沒人 06/21 16:56
externaload:他今年才1M吧...去年才是4M 06/21 17:01
YU0987:國民3A還有一個John Lannan,所以王若被DFA應該沒差別 06/21 17:32
kauw:慢熱又不會K的投手還丟RP? 06/21 18:07
borriss:去年1+4 今年是4+4.. 06/21 18:22
maxLOVEmimi:我先發必看+1 畢竟是從05年上來支持到現在了 06/21 19:54
maxLOVEmimi:王 06/21 19:54
externaload:Wang丟RP相當不妙...我看有可能會被交易 06/21 20:05
Herlin:Asdalavista 話不是這樣說 你去看COL那群爆很大的先發幾歲 06/21 20:59
Herlin:32 歲的投手 必須要說服別人 你就是可以有某個level 的表現 06/21 21:00
Herlin:有的話人家認為你比菜鳥穩 沒有的話你ERA 6.x 沒辦法吃局數 06/21 21:01
Herlin:我家菜鳥不過也就這樣 那為什麼要對你有耐心 不是給23歲的 06/21 21:04
Herlin:人有耐心呢 他現在狀況 今年沒有實績 來年就很危險 06/21 21:05
Herlin:在那邊數誰ERA 5.xx 老王可以去那邊取代他們根本不對 06/21 21:07
Herlin:拿不出實績 沒有位置給你的 你還想取代誰........ 06/21 21:08
kkjjkkjj:大樹被樵夫砍掉了 06/22 01:04
newest:明星賽都還沒打 怎麼又有人說要爭冠 哇靠 先知喔 06/22 23:01