看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/ng5f38z Then there is what the Red Sox did in the eighth inning. Already up 8-2, Boston got a leadoff single from Jacoby Ellsbury, who promptly stole second base and then scored on a single by Shane Victorino. Witn Dustin Pedroia batting, Victorino took off, and went first-to-third on a single. The Red Sox wound up getting four runs in the inning to turn a blowout into a laugher. 八局紅襪8:2大幅領先時 又盜壘又提前起跑的 再多添了四分 把大幅落後的光芒徹底打爆 When the Red Sox started the bottom of the eighth inning up 8-2, their win expectancy was 99.7 percent. That is not 100 percent, and a team that had a 99.78 percent chance of making the playoffs in September 2011 before collapsing down the stretch should know better than to take anything for granted. And if the Rays are embarrassed by the Red Sox running up the score and putting the game further out of reach? 8:2的時後紅襪勝率就高達99.7%了 光芒有因為紅襪持續衝撞本壘而感到被羞辱嗎? "If we are, it's our fault," said Tampa Bay manager Joe Maddon. "You look for the same opportunities, for them to arise, for you to do the same thing in return, if you can. But I don't play that game. I don't believe in that stuff. I know that's something that was written, I think, in 19-ought-eight, and it's supposed to be adhered to the rest of your life. ... The old-school rules that were written were when singles were the norm and homers were not. There's a lot of the game that people get upset about, and part of it is the phrase that 'they are trying to embarrass us.' If they did, that was our fault. Entirely our fault. If you get embarrassed in the game, I blame it on me, us. The accountability lies with the Rays, not the Red Sox doing their job. The object of the game is to score runs, and that's what they were doing. Joe Maddon: 有的話 那也是我們的錯 比賽就是要得分 而這正是他們在做的事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
TSbb:巴士熱好了 10/05 23:01
wangattack:Myers: my fault 10/05 23:02
DM24Tim:季後賽有辦法當然要一直得分啊 10/05 23:02
adsl7749:季後賽不同 能得分當然要拼 10/05 23:03
a000209898:如果紅襪跟兄弟打 巴士就無法出去芬威了 10/05 23:04
kazamishu:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/05 23:04
wesyrb:所以襪襪球員應該是各自開車離去囉...? XD 10/05 23:06
Edison1174:季後賽輸不起 能得一分是一分 10/05 23:06
a1868859:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/05 23:07
adsl50208:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/05 23:07
JessicaA1ba:http://tinyurl.com/q2c3shw 10/05 23:09
au3rupy3:領先不能盜壘 贏球不能比ya 10/05 23:09
lukehong:領先時要保持嚴肅 不能露出笑容 10/05 23:11
traurigkeit:勇士表示: 10/05 23:11
sabertomoaki:古巴教練表示: 10/05 23:12
BambooIL:飛機記得要熱機 10/05 23:16
taiwancat:全壘打頭要低低 經過三壘不要吐口水 10/05 23:20
scorpions:遇到捕手擋路,就從跨下鑽過 10/05 23:23
WLR:99.7% XDDD 10/05 23:23
immortalqq:這樣也可以扯到勇士啊..... 10/05 23:24
TSbb:所以你沒發現兩隊真的很像嗎 XDDDDDDD 10/05 23:25
ChrisDavis:McCann該挺身而出捍衛規矩了 10/05 23:27
starcry:八局領先6分 不是百分之百保險阿 又是季後賽 10/05 23:28
gyarados:好險不是對上B.MaCann,不然紅襪就慘了 10/05 23:35
TSbb:看來要期待WS是國東VS美東好惹,國東以身作則! 10/05 23:37
Zuleta:公道哥呢? 10/05 23:38
jenchieh5:美國兄弟象差點又多一隻了 10/05 23:46
fanecerce:因為我們要確保勝利阿!! 不是100%就是還沒確保阿!! 10/05 23:47
badblue:主場不是在芬威嗎?= =" 10/05 23:52
yrt3168:好險沒遇到麥肯 10/05 23:53
s955346: 領先時要如喪考妣 痛哭流涕 路上行人欲斷魂 10/05 23:55
accjm2440:XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/05 23:57
QQaka:不是每隊都像勇士好嗎 拼命得分才是尊重對手阿 10/05 23:59
maikxz:為啥推文沒多久就戰歌 XD 10/05 23:59
Uskey:麥肯不出來主持公道嗎 10/06 00:01
ddt73930:麥肯:汝何敢任意妄為! 10/06 00:05
wongwong123:愈來愈多無聊的中職梗了 ~ 建議版主管一下吧! 10/06 00:06
SkyTeam5566:還好吧開的玩笑而已 這樣也要管難怪沒要來 10/06 00:09
SkyTeam5566: 人 10/06 00:10
wongwong123:拜託!真正的MLB球迷才不會因為沒有一些無聊的中職梗就 10/06 00:11
wongwong123:就不來了好嗎 10/06 00:11
Abalamindo:真正的MLB球迷也不會因為有一些無聊的中職梗就不來^.< 10/06 00:15
ChrisDavis:真是清新健康高級板 中職梗都不能用﹨(╯▽╰)∕ 10/06 00:17
newest:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 美國兄弟象 10/06 00:23
kurt28:民視主播表示 10/06 00:32
micotosai:這己經算是MLB梗了吧XD 10/06 00:35
micotosai:今年勇士又常清空休息室XD 10/06 00:36
BLACKLIONS:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/06 00:37
force5566:美國是飛機吧XDDD 10/06 00:44
force5566:這是季後賽又不是消化試合,認真比到底很正常吧 10/06 00:45
julians:無聊 10/06 00:50
daki85421:尊爵 不凡 MLB版 10/06 00:51
lookers:引戰開心的勒 10/06 00:52
dai771224:公道哥要出來救援了嗎XD 10/06 01:03
jimmily:九局狂炸六分今年都有過了,繼續衝很正常 10/06 01:14
IronChef:美帝共識: 贏球不能 ____ 10/06 01:23
Uncontinue:McCann明明就是MLB梗 10/06 01:31
oldeight2009:WS 封王戰就算領先10分第9局還是會派終結者上來阿 10/06 01:35
chen740530:投手三振打者一定要拉弓讓打者丟臉 10/06 01:41
MTal:季後賽就是要把對手幹爆,不擇手段... 10/06 01:43
mirrorlee:都沒有人推西瓜的話 10/06 01:46
typhoonnat:但是WBC也是一場都不能放 加拿大還不是亂點? 10/06 02:06
typhoonnat:不成文規定也是現場兩隊自己再說吧XD 10/06 02:06
Connec:雖然季後賽謹慎一點比較好 但是他也太看得起光芒的打擊XD 10/06 02:13
LoveMoose:推文讓我想起某首歌XDDDDD 10/06 02:24
HOTROD:因為紅襪知道99.99%被翻船的痛苦 10/06 02:34
teller526:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/06 02:53
minicat:用中職梗很有趣阿 朋友間看MLB也經常美國XXX 10/06 02:57
IRPT001:要報%99.9的仇 10/06 03:23
dearjohn202:西瓜的棒球素養很高 10/06 04:02
a502152000:能打爆對方投手陣多少就是多少 10/06 04:52
sc321:除了贏下第一戰之外還要燒光對方牛棚啊~~ 10/06 04:54
Carmelo3:我們有自己的玩法! 10/06 07:46
elk2000:2004 ALCS G3紅襪被灌爆 打完0:3落後 結果七場打完..... 10/06 08:15
chien533:McCann表示看不下去 10/06 08:38
lampardoRio:西瓜差點就變鐵拳了 10/06 09:17
Zuleta:菁英版連無聊梗都不能用 好兇喔 10/06 11:24
hongchanghsu:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/06 11:32
SatoTakuma:以後限定推文只能用英文好了 10/06 11:53
star01:都是they的錯 10/06 12:05
fatbird:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/06 12:10
otaku5566:(  ̄□ ̄)/WO~~WOWO~~WOWO~~WOWO~BUBU 10/06 13:39
KevinLiou:領先不能盜壘 贏球不能比YA 到處都是主場 鐵拳主宰一切 10/06 13:59
Syd:爛梗一直提,這個板要八卦板化了嗎 10/06 16:25
access4096:公道伯要出來救援了 10/06 16:28
TSbb:比起紅的明顯,八卦化還不賴 10/06 16:31
linjosh5566:推Maddon的風度 10/06 18:22
spongeboyz:勇士就是這樣,難道不能說嘴?潛規則害死人 10/06 21:32