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Struggling Valverde re-assigned to setup role By Spencer Fordin / MLB.com | 4/20/2014 1:14 P.M. ET http://goo.gl/yR6yiV 2011 神蹟 (49 SVO 全部成功)、2012 季後賽崩潰 (莫忘 Ibanez) 2013 渾渾噩噩的肥弟,2014 以 1M/y 來到梅子 前幾場丟得不錯,但經過連續三場炸裂 回不去的 Valverde 在四月還沒打完就被拔除終結者角色 梅子的 CL 將由賽季前二度簽約 (小聯盟約) 的 38 歲老將 Kyle Farnsworth 取代 --- NEW YORK -- The first loss of Jose Valverde's season was the loss of his role. Valverde struggled in the first two weeks of the year as the Mets' closer, and manager Terry Collins announced Sunday that he was switching to veteran Kyle Farnsworth in save situations for the foreseeable future. Valverde started the year with five straight scoreless appearances, but he's given up at least one home run in each of his last three outings. The right-hander has one blown save, and he allowed a three-run homer in Saturday night's loss before Collins elected to try a different option in the ninth inning. 肥弟前五次出賽都沒丟分,但他後三場比賽每場都被打全壘打,BS 掉 1 場 (兇手:LAA Ibanez、ARI Hill+Goldschmidt、ATL J.Upton ) 在星期六晚上被 (Justin Upton) 打三分砲之後,Collins 把他拔掉了 "I'm going to close with Farnsworth right now," Collins said Sunday. "I talked with Jose about it. I know he's still got the stuff to get people out. I want him to start using his other pitches a little bit. His fastball is certainly not 97 [mph] anymore, but it's good enough. He's just got to mix up some pitches." Collins: 我跟肥弟談過了 他應該要換點別的武器 畢竟他已經沒辦法丟出 97mi 那種快速球了 Valverde has 288 career saves, but the 36-year-old struggled to a 5.59 ERA in 20 appearances for the American League champion Tigers last season. Valverde signed with the Mets before Spring Training and won the closer's job, but he has an 8.00 ERA in his first eight appearances. Valverde was playful and dismissive Sunday morning when he met with the media, but he said that he understands the manager's position and wants to do the best he can for the team. Valverde, who has cracked 40 saves three times in his career, didn't want to dwell too much on his adversity. "It's a part of the game," said Valverde of his recent struggles. "There's nothing you can do. It's over already. You know what I mean? It's a new game today. Try to win today, and that's it." 肥弟看起來表現的不是太在乎 他說可以理解教練的決定 肥弟:這是比賽的一部份,誰都做不了什麼,明天又是新的一場比賽 Valverde stressed several times on Sunday that everybody in the Mets' clubhouse wants to win, and he said he's going to work with his pitching coach and catchers to find his best form. But he's not taking his new role as a slight, and he doesn't think pitching earlier in the game will be any easier. "I've never had pressure in my life," he said of taking a less stressful role. "The people who have pressure can go home. If you want to play baseball, play it because you like it. You enjoy it. You want to win. If you [fear] pressure, you have to go home, because this is not the situation you want." 當被問到可能會被調往比較沒那麼關鍵的投球角色 肥弟:伶盃的人生從來都不知道什麼叫壓力,誰如果帶著壓力打球那他可以回家了 打棒球就是要愛它享受它啦! --  ◢██◣██▉█◣◢█◢██◣█◣ ▊◢██◣◢◢◣◣█◣ ▊ ┌────┐  ███◣ █ ███▉██▉▉▉█◣▊██▉▉███▉▉█◣▊ │賽門‧翁│  ◥███ █ █◥◤▉██▉▉▉██▊██▉▉███▉▉██▊ │simonown│ ◥██◤██▉█ ▉◥██◤▉◥█▊◥██◤◥◤◥◤▉◥█▊ └────┘ Simon's Blog: http://simonown.blogspot.tw 單車/登山/運動/社會/亂寫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1398017354.A.6DD.html
julianscorpi:為什麼每次都看成Valvrave... 04/21 02:12
LoveMoose:換火哥@@ 04/21 02:14
cxzaqweds:放肆火燒大番薯 04/21 02:18
lovecszoo:請保全順便投球(?) 04/21 02:26
leon04277:放肆火:誰敢打我全壘打,我會在他回本壘時送他吃Spear 04/21 02:28
其實,Farnsworth 成名擒抱該役 (vs. Paul Wilson),距今已經 11 年了....(2003) 現在都變大叔啦!!
heacoun:我還每次看成Verlander咧 04/21 02:30
※ 編輯: simonown (, 04/21/2014 02:31:53
miabcd199:一直很好奇他那種姿勢為什麼可以丟到97 98 04/21 02:51
dragonsleep:某種層面上是Valvrave沒錯啊 => 火人 04/21 02:58
mrkey:沒差, 下個月Valverde就會拿回CL的位子 04/21 03:32
s127din:就算已經11年還是覺得他能夠再重現一次 XD 04/21 07:29
scimonster:江湖上誰沒聽過放肆火 去年Maddon西瓜就把他放上去 04/21 07:35
scimonster:嚇得老虎整隊跟米糕皮皮剉 XDDD 04/21 07:36
scimonster:結果 什麼事也沒發生 XD 放肆火就是有這種能力 04/21 07:36
HansLee:推樓上 04/21 08:24
Toy17:霸氣外漏 放肆火!!! 04/21 08:26
corlos:放肆火! 04/21 09:22
MindWork:xdd 人品敗光的下場 04/21 09:49
mksykcntdnrr: 一樓革命機看太多XD 04/21 10:01
yankeesaluba:肥弟差不多該來旅台了,義大牛棚很缺 04/21 10:09
secpeda:肥弟不意外 04/21 10:14
yrt3168:肥克 04/21 11:31
svuper:看到放肆火只能推了!!我真的好喜歡他~~XDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/21 12:37
terop:經過歲月的淬煉,取代那把放肆火的是股內斂的霸氣 04/21 12:58
Danielhsieh:看到下一篇覺得Gomez要是被老方扁一次就會學乖了 04/21 14:02
ohmyya:放肆火很久不發飆了 04/21 14:15
lordi:Cole才欠尻吧,扯Gomez是哪招? 04/21 16:49
Spartan5566:兩個都是放火王 04/22 00:20