看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/2wF8 The Mexican League announced that it has suspended Cuban outfielder Alfredo Despaigne for life for using a false Dominican passport to play for the Campeche Pirates. Should Despaigne ever choose to leave Cuba, his Mexican League suspension would not affect his ability to play in Major League Baseball.According to MLB, while the league honors the contractual rights of the Mexican League (as it does with other foreign professional leagues), MLB does not have have any agreement to honor Mexican League suspensions. The Mexican League is an associate member of Minor League Baseball, but it is an independent league. Last month the league had temporarily suspended Despaigne after Dominican authorities told ESPN Deportes that his passport was fraudulent, but the league has since said it received official word from the Dominican government that Despaigne’s passport was false. The Mexican League also announced that Enrique Rosado, the president of the Campeche Pirates, is banned for life from holding any title in the league. Despaigne, who turns 28 next week, had been playing for Cuba in a deal brokered by the Cuban government that allowed him to play for Campeche and earn a salary from the Pirates, then return home to Cuba when the season ended. Despaigne had played for Campeche at the end of the Mexican League season last year too, but at the Winter Meetings in December, Minor League Baseball told the league it would prefer it didn’t sign Cuban residents, since it could create an issue with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which enforces the Cuban embargo. So to play in the league, Despaigne was using a Dominican passport, although given that OFAC would only care that a player is still a Cuban resident, the logic of using that passport to allow him to play in the league isn’t clear. Despaigne joined Campeche on April 23 and hit .346/.407/.603 in 20 games for the Pirates. During the 2013-14 Cuban season that ended in March, Despaigne led Serie Nacional in OPS by batting .311/.474/.533 in 254 plate appearances split between Granma in the first half and Santiago de Cuba in the second half. The next step for Despaigne could be a contract with a Japanese team, following in the path of Frederich Cepeda and Yulieski Gourriel, who are already playing in Nippon Professional Baseball on government-brokered contracts, with righthander Vladimir Garcia possibly joining them as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 另一隻古巴巨砲Alfredo Despaigne因為持有假護照在墨西哥聯盟被終身禁賽了 文中說MLB沒有和墨聯簽訂禁賽協定 所以MLB不用鳥他的禁賽處分 會不會他將錯將錯乾脆叛逃到美國 會有MLB球隊對他有興趣嗎? 不過文末認為因古巴政府最近和NPB剛簽了合作協定 覺得他可能隨著Frederich Cepeda和 Yulieski Gourriel的腳步前往日職發展。 WBC看到他身材非常不出色(175cm而已) 揮棒力道卻誇張的強 對中華隊好像也開砲 古巴聯賽的單季全壘打紀錄保持人就是他 11-12球季 87G幹了36HR 前紀錄保持人正是兩隻在MLB轟很兇的Jose Abreu和Yoennis Cespedes(均為33HR) 各位看好他前往MLB發展嗎? 古巴貨最近超夯啊 --
d9637568:四國跟台灣差不多大小05/30 22:18
d23378686: 四國大概只有台灣一半大好嘛... 05/30 22:20
d9637568:台灣2300平方公里 四國1850平方公里05/30 22:23
kimchimars:2300???? 台灣是36000左右,不是國小有教嗎?05/30 22:24
d23378686:天啊...台灣是三萬六平方公里 四國 一萬八好嗎...05/30 22:24
文章代碼(AID): #1JY98LRg (Baseball) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1402592548.A.FD1.html ※ 編輯: albertlaw (, 06/13/2014 01:10:48
johntennis:WBC熱身賽對中華隊在台南三響砲就是他~~ 06/13 01:11
wahaha5678:如果他真的要去MLB的話...各球團又要磨刀霍霍了 06/13 01:16
剛查了一下BOX 他WBC對曾仁和的陽春砲是壓倒中華的最後一根稻草 把比數拉開到14:0
rapf1111:同一樓 台南那天真的超猛 三響!!! 06/13 01:20
※ 編輯: albertlaw (, 06/13/2014 01:24:31
dan1984:有一年世界杯打超猛和smoak兩個都打很多發 06/13 01:35
nickyang:MLB今年不太可能簽他 06/13 02:21
nickyang:NPB機會大一點,但要看政治角力 06/13 02:22
johntennis:台南的其中一發也是曾仁和~~他那天超慘 震撼教育! 06/13 02:26
bigmowang:為什麼到NPB需要政治角力? 06/13 02:30
nickyang:因為古日協議、古墨默契、墨美協議,要看他要不要判逃 06/13 02:32
nickyang:這問題很複雜,主要要看他逃不逃和墨聯會不會作廢他合約 06/13 02:33
bigmowang:謝謝解釋 06/13 02:33
erotica:戴克 06/13 10:32
JakeMcGee:這隻滿猛的 去東京巨蛋看台灣對古巴 輕鬆扛出去 06/13 10:46
metalguy:都13分了 哪來最後一根稻草 06/13 11:21
完全把中華隊打趴了 有錯嗎。
dannyalex:我也覺得這形容很奇怪...14:0~最後一根稻草? 06/13 11:45
aiiverson:原來不只我覺得奇怪XD 06/13 11:51
oukeheo:補跩一脚啦 06/13 12:02
kyo40108:應該是壓死曾仁和的最後一根稻草 06/13 12:13
※ 編輯: albertlaw (, 06/13/2014 14:15:30
alfredgod:可以來中職吧 06/13 19:28
cena0605:很猛 身材條件不太好 爆發力超強 06/13 19:31
hayato01:被打13分還趴的不夠嗎? 06/13 19:54
aikensh:現場看他幹三支 猛 06/13 22:19
cena0605:http://youtu.be/TFQvCiHpAu4 打荷蘭 一推就出去了 06/13 22:24
jses1:假護照? 禁賽活該 06/14 11:12