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Jerome Williams (2010年效力過統一獅的威廉)算不算是運動家隊的「剋星」呢? 根據威廉BR頁面上的統計 http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/w/willije01.shtml 在今天這場比賽之前,他生涯對A's出賽過17場 (含10場先發) 5勝5敗 自責分率3.96 WHIP 1.459 A's打者面對他的打擊三圍是 .277 .343 .411 改看2010年之後的成績 (最後面括號中的數字是A's對威廉的打擊三圍) 2011 (LAA) 1-0 3.38, WHIP 1.781 (.286 .388 .357) 2012 (LAA) 0-2 5.91, WHIP 1.594 (.275 .383 .525) 2013 (LAA) 0-2 4.26, WHIP 1.579 (.278 .352 .443) 2014 (HOU-TEX-PHI) 2-0 3.46, WHIP 1.308 (.294 .315 .451) 若說威廉是運動家的剋星,或許存在著討論的空間。 ====================================================================== 要說A's打不好 (或不願面對)的投手,別忘了Justin Verlander 7/2 Verlander於老虎主場面對綠帽前,Verlander本季的個人成績為 6-7 4.80 該場比賽,Verlander主投六局,丟掉兩分自責分,獲得勝投(當時也中止他個人的三連敗) Verlander生涯對A's的季賽成績=> 9-6 2.51, WHIP 1.154 (.218 .283 .331) 近兩年在季後賽面對A's時,31局只失1分 (生涯只有一場丟超過兩分,06年5.1局掉4分) http://goo.gl/q58Efu 除了Verlander,還有King Felix Felix Hernandez生涯與A's的對戰成績=> 19-7 2.58, WHIP 1.105 (.228 .284 .336) ※ 引述《nicholas8855 ( )》之銘言: : Williams' third win vs. A's one for the books : Veteran righty beats Oakland for third time with third different club : this year. : OAKLAND -- Jerome Williams made baseball history on Saturday -- albeit in : bizarre fashion -- as he became the first pitcher ever to earn three wins again : st the same team in one season as a member of three different clubs. : Williams beat the A's on April 26 with the Astros, on July 25 with the Rangers, : and on Saturday with the Phillies, throwing seven scoreless innings in a 3-0 : victory. : "That is crazy," Williams said. "For one, you would never think that you would : face the same team. Obviously I was with the AL West so I knew I was going to : face them, but coming over to the Phillies in Interleague Play, you didn't : think you were going to face the team again. It's a good feat." : Phillies manager Ryne Sandberg was already impressed with Williams' ability to : simply pitch for three teams in one season. : "That's one thing," Sandberg said, "and then to beat a team three times, that's : pretty ironic." : Adding to the irony is the fact that the first two wins of Williams' career : came against Oakland -- in 2003, as a member of the Giants. : Now with his seventh team, Williams is still putting up zeros. He has not allow : ed an earned run in 14 2/3 innings over his last two starts, and he is 4-2 with : a 2.45 ERA in eight outings since joining the Phillies. : Aaron Leibowitz is an associate reporter for MLB.com. This story was not : subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. : J.Williams為史上第一個單季待過3隻不同球隊,卻對同一隊都拿下勝投的投手 : 分別在美國時間4/26在太空人後援上場拿到一勝 後來轉到遊騎兵上運動家投6局 : 失1分內容再度取得勝投 後來轉到國聯費城人 今天又碰上運動家 投7局無失分 : 再拿下一勝 名符其實運動剋星 : p.s 旅台就是神(無誤) -- A's大象的森林綠 https://www.facebook.com/umin27 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1411294280.A.893.html
lwifbf: King平常也會有這個成績阿 不算特別強 09/21 18:19
King生涯對同區: 遊騎兵 12-21 4.01 天使 10-13 3.60 運動家 19-7 2.58 太空人 3-2 1.84
yangmie: 說實在這兩個投手應該是舉對他們打的好的球隊吧 09/21 18:28
※ 編輯: umin (, 09/21/2014 18:32:32
sky419012: 陳生涯對綠帽也投很好 5場ERA1.69 WHIP0.938 09/21 18:38
sky419012: .183/.248/.304 09/21 18:39
wuming2: 條子好可怕 反國王的叛軍嗎 09/21 18:43
wjp: Kenny Rogers表示: 09/21 19:52
ps20012001: 之前好不容易打出那種成績 現在掉進外卡 可能又得作嫁 09/21 20:54
greenYoshi: 今天看FOX直播聽到這人物,另外V中之前逛綠帽板有提到 09/21 23:32
greenYoshi: 國王的樣本數夠大,有些人說外卡驟死戰不想和他對決.. 09/21 23:39
nobodyknow: 還有紡織弟 09/22 10:02
pengiak47: 威廉3勝影片:http://www.sportsv.net/articles/927 09/22 14:36