看板 ManCity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
City set to unveil Mangala at #citylive this Thursday according to various reports, which also say Nastasic is up for sale once he arrives. Official: City have announced the signing of Eliaquim Mangala from Porto. He will take the #20 shirt. Welcome to Manchester, @Elia22Mangala! First linked almost a year ago, Mangala has been City's top priority for at least 6 months. Now they have their man. MP: "In my opinion, he has all of the mental, physical, technical and tactical attributes to become one of Europe’s very best defenders." Pellegrini: I believe EM will make an immediate impact in the PL thanks to his physicality, his reading of the game and quality on the ball. 曼城官方宣布簽下波爾圖後衛-Eliaquim Mangala 她將穿20號球衣,歡迎來到曼城 曼城第一次跟曼加拉掛勾是一年前,他從六個月前就是曼城頭號目標。 工程師:"在我的眼中,曼加拉不管是精神上,身體上,技術上,還是戰術上,他都將是 歐洲最好後衛之一。" "我相信曼加拉在英超會有很強的影響力,看看他的身體能力吧。" -------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/NCfo 官網文章 圖:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuwUX5GIcAEu8XF.jpg
Manchester City are delighted to announce the signing of Eliaquim Mangala from FC Porto. 曼加拉終於空降曼城了。 The 23-year old central defender becomes the sixth signing of the summer, and will quickly re-join his old Porto teammate Fernando at the Etihad Stadium. He will wear the no.20 shirt. The Paris-born defender said: “City is a top club in Europe. For me, it was an important step to leave Porto and join Manchester City in order to continue my progress. I want to win titles and I believe I can do this. I am ambitious and this is why I am here. 這位23歲中衛將成為曼城今夏第六簽,他將隨著他的老隊友-費男一起來到伊蒂哈德球場 他身穿20號球衣。 曼加拉:"曼城是歐洲頂尖球隊之一,對我而言,離開波圖是很重要的一步,而加盟曼城是 為了讓我繼續成長,我想要贏得冠軍,我相信我做得到,我的野心可是很大的,這就是我 在這的原因。" “I’m very happy to come to England because for me, the Premier League is the best league in the world. It is a very intense and very aggressive competition. There are plenty of goals, so it is also really nice to watch and I can’t wait to get started! “The fact that Fernando is here is better because I played with him at Porto but there is also other players that I know like Sagna, Clichy and Nasri. 曼加拉:"我很開心可以來到英格蘭,因為對我而言,英超是世上最棒的聯賽,這裡非常激烈 ,這裡有很多進球,而且這裡的比賽超好看,我等不及要上場拉! "有費男在身旁很棒,因為我跟他一起在波圖踢球過,還有一些我知道的球員,像是Sagna ,Clichy,跟Nasri。" “I am really looking forward to thechallenge, and I now need to settle inquickly and be ready for the season.” 曼加拉:"我正在尋求挑戰,我知道我得要快點做好準備,準備迎接英超的賽季。" His new manager, Manuel Pellegrini added: “I’m delighted to have added a player of Eliaquim’s quality in the squad ahead of the new season. “He is already a fine player but in my opinion, he has all of the mental, physical, technical and tactical attributes to become one of Europe’s very best defenders. “Eliaquim is a player I believe will make an immediate impact in the Premier League, thanks to his physicality, his reading of the game and quality on the ball. “I think he will prove to be a great signing for us.” 工程師:"有曼加拉超爽der~~,他已經是個很棒的球員,但在我眼中,她不管是精神上, 身體上,技術上,還是戰術上,他都將是歐洲最好後衛之一。 "曼加拉是個我相信可以在英超有重大影響力的球員,由於她的身體素質,閱讀比賽的 能力,還有控球能力。" 我相信他會證明他是很棒的簽約。" 高光 球探報告 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LquwEtin0k8
Eliaquim Mangala Welcome to Manchester City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8SEG2FMyLY
-------------------------------------------------- 據說是3200萬磅(不確定) 更新 Mangala has signed a 5-year deal with City and the fee was €40m (£31.9m). (via @mikekeeganbbc) BBC說:5年合約 3190萬磅!!! Woah. City paid Porto £24.3m for Eliaquim Mangala. That wouldn't be too bad, but Porto only own 58% of him! Total price? Around £41.9m. Wow. Manchester City reached different deals with Porto and the 3rd party owners, so we can only speculate the total amount paid. -> RT @PandaGCMC €40 million euros has been confirmed to journalists, people are just guessing based on the amount Porto received. 但是其他人猜測那只是波圖收到的錢,波圖只擁有58%所有權,所以曼城可能付了4190萬磅 (如果是真的就破了kun的轉隊紀錄了XD 曼加拉將成為曼城轉會費最高的人) Man City paid £24.4m to Porto for Mangala. Also paid £14.2m to 3rd party owner + £4.3m to Standard Liege. £42.9m total (Source: @JakeFCohen) 據說是2440萬磅給波圖,1420萬磅給第三方,430萬給Standard Liege(前東家) 共4290萬磅 Updated #MCFC player transfer fees http://bit.ly/Xd2NZR and contract dates http://bit.ly/1oDieox following the @Elia22Mangala deal 曼城晚報也是寫3200萬英鎊 Am told #mcfc paid 40 million euros all in for Mangala, including 3rd parties etc etc. (works out £31.9m based on Google currency converter) 另外個記者:"曼加拉轉會總額就是4000萬歐元" Mangala's fee is 40m euros, or £31.9m.Porto putting out a figure for their share of Mangala, but City insist £31.9m is total. Porto say City have paid them 30.5m euros for their 56% share of Mangala. Remaining 9.5m euros has gone to third party. 鏡報也說了,曼加拉轉會總額4000萬歐元。 波圖說他們拿3050萬歐元,其他第三方則是950萬歐元 Standad dont get €5m for Mangala, as some websites in Belgium are reporting. No fee (%) on the next sale included. #rscl 據說他的老東家不收錢 (目前官方,BBC,曼城晚報,鏡報都說是3200萬磅) -- 2012 EPL CHAMPION 2014 Captal One AND EPL CHAMPION | \/ | / \ | \| | o O O / __| |_ _| |_ _|\ \ / / | |\/| | | - | | .` | o | (__ | | | | \ V / |_|__|_| |_|_| |_|\_| TS__[O] \___| |___| _|_|_ _|_|_ _|"""""||"""""||"""""| {======||"""""||"""""||"""""|| """ | "`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'./o--000'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ManCity/M.1407758929.A.FBD.html ※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 08/11/2014 20:09:16
singzion333: 終於搞定了!! 08/11 20:24
hangl0: 終於!!! 08/11 20:38
Verola: 終於完成 到底在拖什麼啊QQ 08/11 21:57
clamens22: Standard Liege是他去波圖前的東家比甲標準列日隊 08/11 21:57
BSH99: 感恩~ 應該是在等哈加轉會談定,現在哈加要去俄羅斯了 08/11 22:08
zkow: 推 08/12 00:21
qe50569: 還是等到了XD 08/12 00:30
bhgkai: 這支是黑又硬裡面 個人技術算好的 08/12 00:39
bryant780417: 爽阿 終於補強完成囉 下一季曼城連霸吧 歐冠就隨緣 08/12 09:01
titan7585: 高層現在不是要拼歐洲戰場嗎?! 08/12 11:06
※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 08/12/2014 11:13:08