看板 Mavericks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The dollars of the proposed Chandler deal June, 25, 2014 JUN 25 4:12PM CT By Tim MacMahon | ESPNDallas.com With the Dallas Mavericks on the verge of re-acquiring center Tyson Chandler, here is a quick look at the dollars involved in the pending deal with the New York Knicks as reported by ESPN.com’s Marc Stein. Going to Dallas: Tyson Chandler: $14,596,888 Raymond Felton: $3,793,693 (player option for $3,950,313 in 2015-16) Total for 2013-14: $18,390,581 Going to New York: Jose Calderon: $7,097,191 (guaranteed salaries of $7,402,812 and $7,708,427 next two seasons) Samuel Dalembert: $3,867,282 (partially guaranteed) Shane Larkin: $1,606,080 (team options of $1,675,320 and $2,576,642 next two seasons) Wayne Ellington: $2,771,340 Total for 2013-14: $15,341,893 The deal slices a little more than $3 million into Dallas’ cap space, but the Mavs still have ample room to be aggressive shoppers once free agency opens July 1. The Mavs’ cap commitments for next season: Tyson Chandler: $14,596,888 Monta Ellis: $8,360,000 Brandan Wright: $5,000,000 Raymond Felton: $3,793,693 Jae Crowder: $915,243 Ricky Ledo: $816,482 Gal Mekel: $816,482 Minimum cap holds (5 at $490,180 each): $2,450,900 Cap commitments (including minimum holds): $36,749,688 With the cap projected to be $63.2 million, the Mavs have approximately $26.5 million available. A chunk of that will go to Dirk Nowitzki. He’s been careful not to publicly discuss specifics about the dollars of his next contract, but he hasn’t shot down suggestions that it will be similar to Tim Duncan’s discount deal (three years, $30 million). The Mavs would have some cap-clearing work to do to be able to sign LeBron James or Carmelo Anthony, but those are long-shot scenarios. They’re set up to be aggressive filling their other holes in free agency after significantly upgrading the center shot and acquiring a potential stopgap starting point guard to replace Calderon. Salary information is from ShamSports.com. 簡單來說 可用空間減少了3M 還剩約26.5M 薪資操作彈性變得更好 不過要爭取大咖勢必還得進行其他操作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1403737534.A.B99.html
popstarkirby:yup,這筆交易薪資上考量滿明顯的 06/26 07:07
LKN555 :而且還把C的位置補起來~ 06/26 07:15
blacklittle :希望別痛痛.... 06/26 07:21
JanWen :但是PG又是洞了啊Orz 小哈+肥頓扛整季...(抖) 06/26 07:28
SKnight :感覺PG還會再作補強,但大概是等大咖(Melo)爭奪戰過後 06/26 07:46
Kay731 :肥頓才三百萬 買斷也還好啦~ 06/26 07:50
SKnight :希望拳王回鍋是成功爭取甜瓜加盟的前兆! 06/26 07:54
popstarkirby:往好處想..至少不是萬用包....而且應該還有後續動作 06/26 07:59
amadis01 :借問一下 假如肥頓入獄 小牛是不是直接多三百萬空間? 06/26 08:38
k1230588 :送走Larkin 也就是說卡帥決定要留Mekel 06/26 08:40
febulous2011:肥頓應該不會留吧?XD其實龍哥防守不大行 砍掉重練 06/26 08:46
febulous2011:還不知道是不是壞事... 06/26 08:47
enmucioe :Ellis+Caldron後防是真的很慘,問題是市場上有防守+ 06/26 08:50
enmucioe :三分的PG哪裡找 06/26 08:50
kccc418 :小牛收的人比較貴,為什麼可用空間會變多? 06/26 09:00
hkb :同樓上疑問 06/26 09:40
febulous2011:要看看之後有什麼補強了~只有肥頓+harris真的不大ok 06/26 09:43
tatata :小牛系統 Ellis主打控球也可以 或許該找防守SG? 06/26 09:44
febulous2011:溜馬的Hill不知道有沒有搞頭? 06/26 09:48
Howard1984 :有機會簽到小羅莉嗎? 06/26 09:53
sVs :找科科韓吧 今年自由球員 能打1 2號又穩 06/26 10:09
blacklittle :Hill感覺不太行 小蘿莉來就好了!! 06/26 10:18
SP88 :Lowry~ 06/26 10:19
jww :翻譯反了,是空間被削掉了 06/26 10:20
yao60301 :龍哥 QQ 雖然防守不怎樣 但即時的3分火力支援沒了 06/26 10:22
yao60301 :結果Dirk一覺醒來 隊友一半都不見了 06/26 10:24
tatata : 薪水也一半不見了 06/26 10:32
yianstan :呃 用了3M不就是空間少了3M? 還是改一下好了 06/26 11:14
※ 編輯: yianstan (, 06/26/2014 11:16:04
anguskenneth:快艇的影武者不考慮一下嗎? 06/26 12:06
noah1005 :影武者不就是在小牛太腦衝才放他去快艇的嗎? 06/26 12:55
noah1005 :怎麼可能找他回來 06/26 12:56
david820505 :影武者..的防守也滿慘的 06/26 21:11
CB400SF :防守+3分+年輕有啊,Bledsoe就是,只是搶不搶得贏就 06/26 22:11
CB400SF :就難說,肥頓很大機會會買斷,VC香妹約簽得漂亮的話 06/26 22:13
CB400SF :或許簽完Melo還有餘力搶Lowry。 06/26 22:14
CB400SF :這個交易會成,我想跟Melo不無關係,說不定已達成某 06/26 22:16
CB400SF :種程度默契在。 06/26 22:16
mickey0223w :先簽大咖 還怕堪用PG不來嗎? 06/27 08:05