看板 Mavericks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Mavericks have to stick together and be patient with Parsons 小牛得團結起來,並對Parsons更有耐心些。 Our four game-night observations about the Dallas Mavericks’ 105-96 loss to the Miami Heat Sunday at American Airlines Center, a game in which they were down by 22 in the fourth quarter before a junk-time rally served as make-up to cover up an ugly night of zits. 小牛剛輸了對熱火的比賽(105-96), 第四節垃圾時間的反彈稍稍掩飾了曾落後22分噩夢般的比賽。 No time to splinter: The Mavericks have hit the season’s first storm as they have been blown out in two of their last three games, although they did have a man-up moment in Utah in between. What it boils down to is this likely poses a good early season test of their unity. “We feel like we got a deep team,” Dirk Nowitzki said. “We just got to get it done together. There will be some nights when the starters are flat and our bench is great, and the other way around. So we’re too good, too experienced, to point fingers. Whoever’s out there has to bust his butt for the success of the team.” It will be up to Nowitzki, Tyson Chandler and the other senior members of the team to make sure everybody pulls in the same direction going forward. 沒有時間搞分裂了: 小牛隊正面臨這賽季的第一個難關,近三場比賽中, 有兩場潰不成軍,雖然其中在猶他有稍微堅強起來。 這對於小牛來說是個能讓大夥團結一心的考驗。 Dirk:"我們認為自己是支板凳深度很夠的球隊, 但我們才湊在一起不久,在比賽中, 有時候我們先發的表現不佳,但替補會撐起比賽,反過來說也行。 我們球隊夠好、夠有經驗才會被批評。 球隊裡的每個人都必須為了勝利竭盡所能。" Dirk、Tyson 和其他球隊的老成員們,必須要確保大家都走在正確的方向。 About the energy: It wasn’t there. At least not in the amounts that coach Rick Carlisle wanted. He had a calm, but stern, commentary on the level of competitiveness his team displayed and he said until it rises to the level that’s needed, they will continue to fight inconsistency. “For sure, top to bottom, our energy was not what you need to compete in this league,” said Jae Crowder. “The energy was not there.” 關於球隊的活力: 似乎不存在這玩意。至少不符合Carlisle的期望。 他平淡、嚴肅的談論球隊所展現出的活力、競爭力, 他說他們必須將其提升到比賽所需的程度。 Crowder:"恩...從上到下,我們的活力能量都不足以在聯盟中競爭。" Speaking of Crowder: Though the game was out of reach, he was the one player who in the fourth quarter showed the sort of fire that Carlisle wanted to see. Crowder had gone four games without playing more than token minutes. In one game, he didn’t play at all. Yet he responded with 5-of-6 shooting and lots of energized play in playing the entire fourth quarter. “I thought Crowder played really hard,” Carlisle said. “I thought he competed hard. When you do things hard, other good things happen. There’s a guy that has been sitting now for a couple of weeks ever since Barea got here, and he’s continued to work. He got his chance. I thought he guarded the heck out of (Dwyane) Wade. He hit shots and you knew he was out there. He’s gotten my attention and we need more guys to follow his lead.” 談談Crowder吧! 雖然本場比賽的勝利有些遙不可及,但他在第四節的表現是Carlisle想要看到的。 Crowder本季有4場比賽上場時間不到10分鐘,還有一場根本沒上場。 但他的回應是今天在第四節有著投6中5的高命中率以及各種充滿活力的表現。 Carlisle :"我認為Crowder 今天在場上很努力, 當你很努力的做一些事情時,就會有好事(表現)發生。" 有個傢伙自從JJB來了就總是待在板凳上,但他仍不斷練習。 我認為他的防守讓Wade感到困擾。 他能投進球,雖然不是很穩定, 但我們注意到他了,我們需要更多人像他一樣有著充滿活力的表現。 Don’t worry about Parsons: Yes, he’s 2-for-20 in the last two games. Before that he was 22-of-41 in the previous three games. This is what Parsons will be like at times. He’s still too young to be consistent every night. There will be some down moments. But the key is to remember that Parsons is in this for the long haul. He’s going to have games when he carries the Mavericks. It ’s way too early to be searching for any panic buttons about him. 別太擔心Parsons... 沒錯他近兩場比賽出手20次只進了2球。 但再往前三場比賽他則有超過五成命中率的好表現。 Parsons太年輕了,以至於沒辦法每場都有穩定的表現。 他有時候會低潮,但長遠來看這只是一小部分而已。 他還是會有carry小牛隊比賽的時候! 所以現在就擔心他,有點太早啦! 資料來源:http://tinyurl.com/kwo6nnq 補上一些他自己的看法@@ “I just got to keep shooting the ball,” he said. “I’ve never really gone through a slump where I’ve shot the ball this poorly. But it’s part of the game. I just got to stick with it and be confident. It’s definitely frustrating. I just got to continue to shoot the ball. “I feel confident. I try to shoot the same shot every time. I’m getting good looks, they’re just not falling. That’s just one minor part of the game. I can impact the game in so many other ways I just have to do that and help us get wins even when the shot’s not falling.” Parsons:"我必須持續出手投籃,我不曾像這幾場一樣的瘋狂打鐵。 但這只是比賽的一部分。我只能堅持下去,並保持信心。 這絕對令人挫折。但我只能繼續出手投籃。 我有信心,看了比賽自己出手的鏡頭, 我的動作並沒有哪裡不對勁,只是球都沒有進而已... 這只是比賽中的一部分,我仍能以其他方式去改變比賽, 只要能做好其他部分,就算繼續打鐵,仍能幫助球隊獲勝。" Dirk也說Parsons還年輕,身為射手就算打鐵了10次還是要相信自己下一球會投進! 資料來源:http://tinyurl.com/mzf8gud 看來Crowder接下來的上場時間會穩定一點, 希望能讓其他人在場上也跟他一樣有活力啊! 至於Parsons...就讓我們繼續看下去吧@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1415633286.A.6AD.html
ms0357648 : 垃圾時間之王!!!! 11/10 23:33
potterpig : 有個傢伙自從JJB來了就總是待在板凳上 11/11 01:36
potterpig : 那卡帥你為什麼這麼重用人家? 至少我看不出那有把球 11/11 01:36
potterpig : 流動到更好的層次 他 11/11 01:37
前面打三小時,確實有吃到SF的一點時間, 但近兩場都沒看過三小了~所以說JJB卡到Crowder時間真的怪怪的... ※ 編輯: LKN555 (, 11/11/2014 06:55:43
Royalweger : 比較擔心的是二神吧....開始南尼的節奏= = 11/11 06:58
popstarkirby: Crowder是被Aminu跟RJ吃掉時間的 11/11 07:03
popstarkirby: 有時覺得Carlisle用人有雙重標準..喜歡就狂用 11/11 07:03
popstarkirby: 不喜歡就冰到死 11/11 07:03
Royalweger : RJ就大4學長~簽來補VC的 11/11 07:05
Royalweger : 是說桂格試試他吃個五分鐘也好啊 11/11 07:10
feafow5221 : cp加油 11/11 07:52
k1230588 : RJ目前這幾場比賽看下來都在扯後腿 11/11 08:08
k1230588 : CP至少前幾場還不錯 而且人家是感冒有理由 11/11 08:09
JanWen : Crowder有辦法往下打到2號嗎?? Greg Smith很容易犯 11/11 08:09
JanWen : 規 可是我也覺得他至少可以頂個5~10分鐘啊 11/11 08:09
febulous2011: JJB感覺狀態還沒回來 不然其實蠻多球切入都蠻漂亮的 11/11 10:55
febulous2011: 只是最後沒放進QQ 11/11 10:55
febulous2011: 不用期待他能控球控多好 他的角色本來就是來砍分的 11/11 10:56
febulous2011: 昨天那場真的很沒有活力 11/11 10:56
febulous2011: 卡帥用人有時感覺太保守?通常都是比較相信老將 11/11 10:58
febulous2011: 同個位置上有老將 年輕人機會直接驟減 11/11 10:59
febulous2011: 或許是想先讓幾個預期的主力替補先融入體系? 11/11 11:00
popstarkirby: Carlisle就很會用後衛,其他位置用的沒那麼神 11/11 11:14
popstarkirby: 然後他也不太用新人..看看Dojo被冰成那樣.. 11/11 11:15
Royalweger : 卡帥好像偏愛雙能衛= = 11/11 11:36
maydayholic : 波霸也曾經很期待過 唉 11/11 17:59
kruzki : Dojo在CBA數據超猛的!雖然出手也很多哈 11/11 18:07
dmdjjj : 老實說以Dojo那種體型和爛仗能力,其實是有機會變 11/11 23:30
dmdjjj : 即戰力的,但當時Beaubois是熱門... 11/11 23:30
ahsoo : Beaubois當年有人想要交易,小牛不肯,結果...... 11/11 23:38
ahsoo : 波霸09-10年的命中率居然有達到180俱樂部的標準 11/11 23:42
ahsoo : 170才對 FG5成,三分4成,罰球8成 11/11 23:42
ahsoo : 卡帥在活塞時,突然在季後賽擺上小王子,就看得出他 11/11 23:45
ahsoo : 不會不給機會新人. 在小牛時也很愛用JJB 11/11 23:46
ahsoo : 有段時間,小牛算是有心栽培Crowder,可是練不起來 11/11 23:46
popstarkirby: JJB在Carlisle來時已經第三年了..他0607對勇士季後 11/11 23:50
feafow5221 : Beaubois有機會成長成球星,但是太玻璃了阿,然後 11/11 23:51
popstarkirby: 就上過場了。Crowder是二輪選秀,選進NBA時就被認為 11/11 23:51
popstarkirby: 是即戰力=沒開發空間 11/11 23:51
feafow5221 : 就過了三年,想當初Beaubois還是非賣品阿,難怪庫班 11/11 23:52
feafow5221 : 超討厭國際賽(ps:多年之前cp3換Beaubois的包裹是真 11/11 23:52
feafow5221 : 是假阿?! 11/11 23:52
popstarkirby: Beaubois是第一年打很好,之後打很好就馬上受傷 11/11 23:53