看板 Mavericks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Mavericks will be without Nowitzki against Bucks 小牛的Nowitzki明天將不會在對上公鹿的比賽中登場 The news just keeps getting worse for the Dallas Mavericks. 達拉斯小牛的壞消息不斷增加。 Not only is the team mired in the longest losing streak to start a season in franchise history, the Mavs are going to be without Dirk Nowitzki for the foreseeable future. 小牛不僅創下隊史最差開局,Dirk Nowitzki還可能要缺陣一段時間。 The sixth-leading scorer in NBA history is being shut down due to right Achilles soreness. The initial thought is Nowitzki is going to miss at least a week before being reevaluated. 生涯得分排行NBA歷史第六的Dirk將因為右腳阿基里斯腱痠痛缺陣,球隊 初期預估Dirk至少要在一周後評估是否能夠上場。 The team is not putting a timetable on his absence. The Mavericks face the Milwaukee Bucks at American Airlines Center on Sunday. 小牛沒有Dirk歸隊的時間表,明天他們將在主場迎戰密爾瓦基公鹿。 "Is it bad news? Yes. It's bad news, but we'll get through it," Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said. "We'll get through it. We've gone through some periods like this before, but his health is the most important thing. 小牛教練Rick Carlisle說:"這是個壞消息,但我們會撐過去的,我們曾 經遇過這樣的狀況,Dirk的健康才是最重要的。" "He's more than willing to continue playing, but it's pretty obvious that things just aren't right. We've got to do the right thing here and back him off, get to the root of it and get it fixed." 卡帥說:"Dirk很願意上場,但他看起來就是不太對勁,我們得讓他休息, 把問題的根本治好。" Nowitzki played only 16 first-half minutes in Friday's 105-95 home loss to Portland, dropping the Mavericks to 0-5. No team in club annals had ever started worse than 0-4. 在昨天對上波特蘭拓荒者的比賽中,Dirk只打了上半場的16分鐘,最後他 們在主場以95-105敗北,吞下開季五連敗,小牛隊史之前最差的開局是四 連敗。 Nowitzki missed two games before suiting up against Utah and the Trail Blazers. The rest initially helped, but he didn't come out of the locker room after halftime Friday. Dirk在有出賽的近兩戰之前,也曾缺席了兩場比賽。休戰兩場本來有所幫 助,但他在昨天中場休息後就決定當晚不再出賽。 "It felt better after a couple of days of not doing anything," Nowitzki said. "But as soon as I got back out there with the cutting and the showing and the quick changing of direction, it went right back to feeling the same. Dirk說:"幾天下來什麼都不做讓我的腳舒服多了,但一到場上切入或是跑 動時,感覺又怪怪的。" "I'm already not moving great at 38 as it is and to be out there on one leg is not helping myself or the team at all. We are going to get this thing right in the next few days and then ramp it back up." 他說:"我已經38歲了,本來就已經不再敏捷,如今拖著一條腿上場比賽 對我或對球隊都沒有好處,我們希望在這幾天把問題給解決了。" The Bucks (4-2) extended their winning streak to three with Saturday night's 117-91 home rout over to Sacramento. Mirza Teletovic knocked down seven 3-pointers and led Milwaukee with 22 points off the bench. 公鹿開季4勝2敗,今天在主場以117-91痛電沙加緬度國王之後,拿下最近 的三連勝,Mirza Teletovic板凳出發投進七顆三分球,拿到22分。 Jabari Parker scored 19 and Giannis Antetokounmpo added 17 points. None of the starters played in the fourth quarter. Jabari Parker拿到19分,Giannis Antetokounmpo攻下17分,公鹿的先發 球員第四節都沒有出賽。 "Getting able to get some rest in the fourth quarter is a great feeling going to Dallas with fresh legs," said Antetokounmpo, the team leader in scoring, rebounding, assists and blocks. Antetokounmpo說:"在第四節能休息不錯,明天我們還要飛往達拉斯,這 讓我們節省體力。"字母哥本季在球隊的得分、籃板、助攻、火鍋都排名 第一。 Coming to Dallas serves as a pseudo-homecoming for coach Jason Kidd, who was drafted by the Mavericks before returning years later to help lead the franchise to its first NBA championship in 2011. 公鹿教練Jason Kidd明天也算是回娘家,他生涯從小牛起步,回鍋之後 又幫助小牛在2011球季拿下冠軍。 The game is also Jason Terry's first in Dallas as a member of the Bucks. Terry was also part of the championship team during his eight-run with the Mavs and remains a fan favorite. 這也將是Jason Terry穿上公鹿球衣後首度來到達拉斯,他也是小牛冠軍 隊的一員,他在小牛效力八年,是球迷最熱愛的球員之一。 The Bucks snapped a six-game losing streak against Dallas last season. The Mavs have won three straight in the series at home and 11 of the last 13. 公鹿去年中斷了對上小牛的六連敗,小牛則是在最近13次主場面對公鹿 時拿下11勝,包括最近的主場三連勝。 聽說DWill可能也不會上 希望其他隊友要加油了 不然可是要去客場四連戰了喔... Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1478415434.A.413.html
DioEraclea : 看今天公鹿打國王 他們板凳感覺越來越強了 11/06 15:08
jardon : 就休息吧 11/06 17:43
leoliu0812 : 呵呵... 11/06 18:13
google60411 : 唉 11/06 20:56
ecolife : 感覺就是今年了..... 11/06 22:03
vcooter : 我會不離不棄的 牛牛 11/06 23:48
ms0357648 : 我覺得今年就坦一坦吧 11/06 23:50
Royalweger : 我老闆說不坦的~是很努力但就是一直打不贏~才不是坦 11/06 23:58
febulous2011: 如果今年真的坦到底 只能說小牛真的還蠻會挑時間XD 11/07 02:49
potterpig : 那也要挑一個真正會養會練 會打造新體系的教練阿 11/07 03:01
jeremykobe : 拜託要贏啊 11/07 09:01
EGVT : DIRK 感覺就是最後一年了 唉唉唉 11/07 11:14