看板 Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions + Added Slime Block + Added Iron Trapdoor + Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks + Added the Ocean Monument + Added Red Sandstone + Added Banners + Added Armor Stands + Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow) + Added Guardian mobs, with item drops + Added Endermite mob + Added Rabbits, with item drops + Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton + Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones + Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable + Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable + Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants + Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet + Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3) + Added one new achievement + Added “Customized” world type + Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type + Worlds can now have a world barrier + Added @e target selector for Command Blocks + Added /blockdata command + Added /clone command + Added /execute command + Added /fill command + Added /particle command + Added /testforblocks command + Added /title command + Added /trigger command + Added /worldborder command + Added /stats command + Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag + Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules + Added three new statistics + Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently + Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex? + Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible + Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs + Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online + Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps * Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted * Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels * Villager trading has been rebalanced * Anvil repairing has been rebalanced * Considerable faster client-side performance * Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks) * Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag * Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures * Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features * Tweaked the F3 debug screen * Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone) * Server list has been improved * A few minor changes to village and temple generation * Mob heads for players now show both skin layers * Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling * Lots and lots of other changes * LOTS AND LOTS of other changes - Removed Herobrine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Minecraft/M.1409647324.A.87B.html
Standpoint: @@!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/02 17:05
edisonhello: 依舊remove himXD 09/02 17:12
olys: Lots and lots of other changes *2 09/02 17:39
PixiuFox: 現在server jar 檔只要在官網登入就可以下載了。 09/02 18:25
chenmengchie: 來了來了~~~~~~~~~ 09/02 18:56
Nuaaukw: 從山坡上…… (拖走 09/02 19:04
adolphjong: 輕輕的... 09/02 19:10
cheko: 舔了一地沙 09/02 19:54
LoveyouLin: 是我的錯覺還是1.8處理超多家畜的表現明顯變慢了 09/02 20:43
kuso0516: 是我的問題還是現在官方論壇進不去? 09/02 21:21
PixiuFox: 論壇最近我連也都超慢,或者根本連不上。 09/02 22:20
InfinitySA: 可以客制化生成世界還不錯 可以選沒有地洞的 XD 09/02 23:09
InfinitySA: 期待1.8可以有更多整地相關mod 最近選到一個seed 09/02 23:09
InfinitySA: 出生點就在村莊 附近地勢也不錯 想來個整地造鎮計畫 09/02 23:10
poppinmee: 最近Realms的伺服器好像問題也很大 09/03 08:53
qscgg: 來啦! 09/03 12:15
cooper6334: 覺得1.8 server loading變重,以前架在桌電上都順順跑 09/06 16:18
cooper6334: 現在動不動就Warn can't keep up! 09/06 16:19