看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
首先感謝 bri 兄的好文,太精彩了!! 做些小小的回饋,我試翻這段 Russell 的專訪 http://www2.macleans.ca/2009/06/18/macleans-interview-bill-russell/ Maclean’s Interview: Bill Russell Boston Celtics legend Bill Russell on his big ring, his favourite coach—and why he won’t visit the Basketball Hall of Fame Maclean 對 Bill Russell 的專訪 關於波士頓賽爾提克一代傳奇 Bill Russell,他的特製大戒指、他最愛的 教練、以及他為何不會去參觀籃球名人堂。 Q: I read that your grandchild once asked you if you were as good a basketball player as Michael Jordan, but I never read your answer. A: I told him, that’s the wrong question. The question is, was Michael Jordan as good as me. 問:我看過一個消息,有一次你的孫子問你是不是個跟 Michael Jordan一 樣棒的籃球員,但我沒找到你的答覆。 答:我跟他說那是個錯誤的問題,應該問「Michael Jordan 有沒有跟我一 樣棒。」 Q: Wayne Embry, who’s been in Canada with the Toronto Raptors, said that you were not the greatest player to play basketball but you would be the first player that he would want if he was going to start a team. That makes no sense to me. A: Aha! Well, there’s my whole history, okay? The reason is that when people talk about great players they’re always talking about the offence, there are no real adequate stats for defence. When I was in college, my junior year in college we were 28-and-1. I was MVP at the Final Four. We won it, okay? I was first team all-American, my team was the number one defensive team in the nation. At the end of the season they picked another centre as player of the year. And my second year in the NBA the players voted me MVP, and the writers voted me second team all-league. So I’m used to that. But by my way of thinking, individual stats are great for golf, tennis, and most track and field [events]. 問:多倫多暴龍的 Wayne Embry 說你並不是最偉大的籃球員,但如果他要 組一支球隊,你會是他想要找的第一個球員。我覺得他的話沒啥意義。 答:啊哈! 這得講到我的整個歷史,OK? 原因就是當大家討論到最偉大的球 員時,他們聊的都是進攻,沒有什麼真正夠代表性的數據能夠闡述防守的價 值。當我念大學打 NCAA 時,大二那年我們的戰績是 28 勝 1 負,我獲選 為最後四強的 MVP (按:應該是 MOP 才對,NCAA 沒有 MVP ),我們拿到冠 軍了 OK ? 我也入選全美大學第一隊,我們球隊是全國最棒的防守球隊。那 個球季結束後,他們選了另一個中鋒為年度最佳球員,而不是我。(按: 意 思是這個頭銜會給進攻數據較好的人) 我進 NBA的第二個球季,球員們選我 是 MVP,但專欄作家們卻只把我放在年度第二隊而已,我已經很習慣這類的 對待了。以我的觀點,個人數據對於高爾夫球、網球以及大部分的田徑比賽 是比較值得讚賞的。 Q: Individual sports. A: Yes. But I played a team sport. So to my way of thinking, the only important thing is how does my play impact my team’s winning or losing. I won MVP five times, I never once led my team in scoring. I led in rebounding, and I was always second in assists. So, my impact on my team was offence and defence. But a long time ago, I dismissed individual honours. 問:你是指那些個人運動。 答:沒錯,可是我參與的是團隊運動,所以對我來說,唯一重要的事情就是 我的表現如何影響球隊的勝負。我拿過五座 NBA 年度 MVP ,但我從沒當過 隊上的得分王。我搶最多的籃板,而且在助攻上排名球隊第二 (按:第一當 然是 Bob Cousy ),我對球隊的影響可是涵蓋攻守兩端,但有很長的一段時 間我損失了個人的榮譽。 Q: I notice you’re wearing a big ring. A: Well, this ring is from NBA commissioner David Stern, who’s a friend of mine. Years ago, everybody used to ask me, “Which rings do you wear?” because we won 11 championships with the Boston Celtics. So David had this ring designed for me. It’s one of a kind. It has a cloverleaf, for the Celtics, with a six—my number—and on the side it has all 11 NBA championships. So I don’t have to make that decision anymore about which ring I’m going to wear. 問:我有注意到你的大戒指。 答:嗯,這是我朋友 NBA 總裁 David Stern 送我的。多年以前,每個人都 會問我「你都戴哪些戒指?」,因為我跟波士頓賽爾提克足足一起贏得十一 座總冠軍。於是 David替我訂做了這個獨一無二的款式,上頭有綠色苜蓿的 圖案,代表賽爾提克隊,有個 6 在上頭 --我的背號,週邊則是我的十一座 NBA 總冠軍。有了這個戒指,我再也不用去考慮要戴哪個冠軍戒了。 Q: David Stern did that? A: Yeah. For my birthday. 問:David Stern 送你的? 答:是阿,我的生日禮物。 Q: I’m really interested in the notion of a team player versus a great player, because you’re often referred to as the greatest team player and it seems . . . A: Inconsistent. 問:我對於團隊球員跟偉大球員的話題很有興趣,因為你通常被認定是個 偉大的團隊球員,這似乎... 答:有點矛盾是嗎? Q: . . . that even people in basketball are missing the point. A: Right, that’s why we won so many championships! 問:似乎籃球界的人士也弄不清這點。 答:沒錯,這是為何我們可以拿那麼多次總冠軍! Q: I know, you’ve won a lot of championships, and one would think that players are in it to win championships, so why not look at the example of people who won championships, and how they did it? A: I played organized basketball for 21 years, and I was on 18 championship teams. Now, you could call it luck. 問:我知道,你們贏了很多次總冠軍。人們會覺得這群球員靠著團隊贏得 冠軍。我們為何不談談那些拿冠軍的例子,而他們又是怎麼辦到的? 答:我打了 21 年有組織的籃球,其中有 18 年我在冠軍隊。現在你可以 說那是幸運。 Q: You could. A: But I’m perfectly satisfied with it. In fact, I personally reject those individual things. I don’t know if you know that I have never been to the Basketball Hall of Fame. 問:你的確是可以。 答:但我對這成果是極度滿意,以我的立場,我拒絕那些個人數據,我不 曉得你知不知道我從沒去過籃球名人堂。 Q: I’m surprised at that. A: Well, because if I say that I reject that because of negatives I can’t turn around and say the positives I’ll accept. 問:這太令我驚訝了! 答:嗯,因為如果我說我拒絕是因為那些負面事物,我不可能轉頭又說那 些我接受的正面事物。(這段比較難理解,請功力較深的版友賜教) -- Price 的噗浪 http://www.plurk.com/PriceLu/invite -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Price 來自: (07/25 00:37)
mikado67:推神偷普萊斯。 07/25 00:38
wuchidu:推 07/25 00:40
capalari:專業推 這篇好像針對本系列的某篇文章回文 (挖鼻孔) 07/25 00:41
Alfred:推翻譯,不過原文後面還有兩頁喔 07/25 00:47
Price:哈,我沒注意到還有兩頁,好好,待我補完 ^^ 07/25 00:49
wilsonhws:推 07/25 01:00
jonestem:推好久不見的Price大~ 07/25 01:02
TheDream:推:應該問 Michael Jordan 有沒有跟我一樣棒。XD 夠豪氣 07/25 01:03
hllwolfkhan:M請來收精華區 07/25 01:03
hllwolfkhan:補推 07/25 01:04
celestial318:斗膽嚐試一下...若我因為這些與個人榮耀相關的負面意 07/25 01:23
celestial318:涵就將其否定,那麼我也無法表達我對其部分正面意義 07/25 01:23
celestial318:的認同了。 (有點類似自打嘴巴的感覺,個人淺見..) 07/25 01:24
Phatmen:我的想法大概同樓上 Russell是要表達他對同一個標準的中 07/25 01:26
Phatmen:立看法 很明顯他認為團隊還是遠大於個人數據 07/25 01:26
hllwolfkhan:推!! 07/25 01:33
rukawa514:推用掉了 等下會回來補XD 07/25 01:45
rukawa514:推推 07/25 01:50
PiGFAcE:普大 夢大 都回來了 07/25 07:51
AIPTT:我拒絕名人堂 是因為我無法讓負面的轉為我能接受的正面 07/25 08:06
Gerrard1004:再推~~~~~ 07/25 09:35
saurian:推神偷Price 07/25 11:16
v32767:推 07/25 11:51
Rhulf:好文推 07/25 13:48
Creuset:我不能因為它(名人堂)的負面(只注重數據)拒絕它之後, 07/25 14:22
Creuset:一轉身又因為它的正面而接受它 07/25 14:23
scdou:推Price大好文 07/25 18:59
ups:PRICE大耶 ㄎ ㄎ 07/25 21:32