看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《khsiuol (邪惡能量)》之銘言: : 聽說今年是選秀大年 會有很多很強的人參加 : 加上我暑假可能會過去美國 : 所以對選秀有點心動! 想去親身體驗NBA等級的選拔! : 順便跟未來的球星交朋友! : (有沒有被選上就隨緣吧 其實我也不太想打NBA) : 可是我不知道報名表格要到哪裡下載 : 已經估狗過 也爬過文了 還是找不到 : 有人能提供網址嗎? 不知現在報名還來不來得及 : 還有報名費是多少呢? : 有參加過的板友麻煩講一下情況吧 : 誠心發問 雖然我知道這篇來亂的機率很高 但我本身也很好奇這問題 剛剛上網隨便找到 翻譯一下 正確性我不敢說 但應該可參考一下 如果有誤請指證 希望能釣到真正專業的 來源:http://www.ehow.com/how_4465178_enter-nba-draft.html Instructions 1 Pass your 19th birthday before attempting to enter the NBA Draft. The NBA has prohibited high school players from entering the draft since the 2006-2007 season due to a glut of young players failing to find positions in the league. 首先你必須滿19歲,06-07球季開始就禁止高中生報名。 (目前規則是甚麼我不太清楚@@") 2 Attend a university with an excellent history of turning out professional basketball players in preparation for the NBA Draft. Elite NBA players like former University of Texas guard Kevin Durant attend school for one year to play against strong competitors and fulfill the league's age limit for players. 最好是去念一所籃球名校。 (這段只是參考用,有名校加持當然會比較好) 3 Send a letter expressing your interest in entering the NBA Draft to the league's New York City headquarters. The NBA's general counsel will send a response with an attached application for entry in the NBA Draft. 寫一封信給NBA總部(在紐約),表達你強烈進入NBA的意願。 他們會寄給你選秀報名表格(難怪上網好像找不到)。 剛剛找到給各位參考一下 大概長這樣 http://www.draftfeinstein.com/process.php 地址剛剛查了一下 645 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022. United States 電話是: 212-407-8000 這段我比較好奇,有沒有強者真的試過啊,寫信就可以報名?? 4 Fill out the NBA Draft Application Form completely to ensure a fair hearing from the league's general counsel. This application form requires players to submit academic information, criminal histories and other information that are used by NBA scouts. Complete the application and accompanying forms at least 60 days before the NBA Draft to get on the list of players available to drafting teams. 填寫表格,內容大概就是你的學業背景、有無犯罪紀錄,還有其他球探需要的資訊。 選秀會前60天要寄出去。 5 Consult with your coach, parents and fellow players about the pros and cons of signing with an agent. Entrants in the NBA Draft cannot return to play in college after they have hired agents due to the loss of amateur status. Players who are projected in the first round should sign with agents quickly to negotiate contracts and take sponsorship offers. 與你的教練、家長、同儕討論簽經紀人的利弊。 如果你已經簽經紀人,你就沒辦法再返回學校,因為你已經喪失業餘資格。 第一輪會入選的應該要盡快找經紀人,來協商合約及代言等事宜。 6 Attend pre-draft camps held by the NBA to show off your skills to professional coaches, general managers and scouts. Players can participate in the NBA pre-draft camp in Orlando as well as the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament in Virginia ahead of the July draft. There is a pre-draft camp for the NBA Developmental League for players who want to break into basketball through its minor league system. 參加選秀會前NBA官方舉行的pre-draft camp,在教練、總管、球探面前展現你的球技。 球員可以參加在Virginia舉辦的Portsmouth Invitational Tournament 以及Orlando舉行的pre-draft camp。 7 Coordinate individual workouts and interviews with NBA teams with the help of your agent or adviser. These workouts are favored by coaches and general managers who want to meet with prospective players outside of the camp environment. 8 Express willingness to switch positions, come off the bench and change training habits when meeting with prospective NBA teams. The issue that many players face as they leave college is finding their ideal positions in the NBA. A player who shows flexibility and the drive to improve may leap over players with questionable character in the draft. Read more: How to Enter the NBA Draft | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4465178_enter-nba-draft.html#ixzz1t2Qt2Y59 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gary31723 :長知識推 04/25 16:37
chipndale :剛剛發現推文celestial318也有找到XD 04/25 16:38
l12112 :你真的很認真 (話說看了上一篇我也想知道... 04/25 16:38
MrHeat :推認真 04/25 16:39
chipndale :我隨便翻 還請見諒 其實重點應該是第三項 04/25 16:39
chipndale :好像真的要寫信過去 然後會給你表格 04/25 16:39
zealeliot :有點像推甄 備審資料準備+面試 04/25 16:39
chipndale :我比較好奇的是NBA怎麼決定要給誰回函 04/25 16:39
celestial318:感謝翻譯 我找到懶得動= = 04/25 16:41
chipndale :我剛剛看 似乎不用報名費 it is FREE to declare 04/25 16:41
morris1661 :對阿!你寫那麼多屁話幹麻?上面有人兩行就解決了! 04/25 16:42
kullan :報名倒是滿方便的XD 04/25 16:45
chipndale :對不起啦 我比較笨 的確是很像推甄那樣 04/25 16:46
LASIDEKING :全民NBA,以後報名NBA也成立專版,跟考碩士國考一樣 04/25 16:47
LASIDEKING :然後再期待上榜大大的心得文! 04/25 16:48
chipndale :另外補充 來亂的會被選秀網站列為unknown players 04/25 16:48
MrHeat :史藤:有ptt帳號的請勿再寄信來亂 違者劣退+砍帳號 04/25 16:48
morris1661 :請問上次我推快艇隊的得分後衛,結果備14.那有機會上 04/25 16:50
morris1661 :嗎?如果我火箭得分後衛有推上,但是我還是想加入快艇 04/25 16:51
morris1661 :這樣可以兩邊報到嗎? 04/25 16:51
chipndale :morris大 你沒把申請表拍下來給大家看看 怎麼評估你 04/25 16:51
chipndale :會不會上阿 04/25 16:52
pumakiyo5566:morris大真強者!! 我推山貓的控衛備92 沒上QQ 04/25 16:53
morris1661 :樓上,這話很難說,看機運.說不定你推湖人的控球後衛 04/25 16:54
morris1661 :會上喔!因為聽說大家今年都報熱火跟雷霆還有小牛 04/25 16:55
morris1661 :所以你可以避一下高手 04/25 16:55
dioib :合不試試推拖地板專員 機會應該大很多! 04/25 16:55
cyp001 :我覺得我去應徵送毛巾的 應該會上 04/25 17:01
Kay731 :我想去幫小牛或太陽擦地板 怎麼報名= =薪水好嗎!@@ 04/25 17:02
pigmai5207 :公告那個是被盜帳號? 04/25 17:02
EX37 :看推文好像到了研究所板 04/25 17:10
bfetter :擦地板應該是體育館職缺 04/25 17:14
langeo :推文好好笑 04/25 17:18
HKH210 :受教了..晚點來去報名NBA選秀 會的工讀生 04/25 17:20
aaeL :XDDDDDDDDDDD 04/25 17:24
kobesuck :我前幾年申請小牛的中鋒 結果備1 正1Kidd 正2Dampier 04/25 17:36
yjkuo :長知識,可是無用 XDDDDDD 04/25 17:42
wadeawp :純粹長知識 04/25 17:43
ggosiang :感謝分享 我要去報名惹~~ 04/25 18:20
k761014 :推!! 04/25 18:27
lword :如果本來就很強的那種應該人家就會自動寄表格了吧 04/25 18:28
ddt73930 :你有未讀信件!! 樓上是說真的!!!! 04/25 18:31
iatb21 :結果NBA總部信箱被鄉民灌爆 04/25 18:48
LBJ23 :我03年那次是Stern寄站內信給我 結果想想不錯就去了 04/25 18:57
LBJ23 :沒想到變壯元 04/25 18:58
evilvens :推 04/25 18:58
AirRider :好慘,寶潔果然中文很爛,狀元 壯元分不清 04/25 19:08
ldstar :快報名 你也可以成為新一代的台灣之肛 04/25 19:17
Liszt1025 :好文 04/25 19:19
kuogun :湖人備2 人稱肥雪二世在此參見 04/25 19:37
bri :#187y6mgU (NBAGM) 你可以看看前輩的經驗 04/25 19:38
amozartea :NBA研究所XDDDD 04/25 19:38
bert016 :認真推!! 04/25 19:58
MVPkobe :<--中壢布萊恩 04/25 20:07
h45279802 :<--中壢布萊恩他爹 04/25 20:19
tracy2817038:推原PO 看NBA這麼多年也沒想過這問題XDD 04/25 20:34
s891050 :一定要推啊XD 04/25 20:49
houchungqq :有推有上啦~~~ 04/25 21:21
Siiiiimon :有推有正取~~~~ 04/25 21:29
MK12 :備取山貓控衛第987個~ 04/25 22:06
picohuman :應該都可以報名吧 只是有沒有回音 04/25 22:22
bsb1530 :剛報完名 想請問各位大大都去哪拜拜求保佑的啊 04/25 23:04
sluttysavage:可以去行天宮!! 04/26 01:51
alanbird :會放榜嗎? 比如說第351輪第49順位 被馬刺選上 04/26 02:41
lee1126 :推文實在太好笑了XDDDDD 04/26 17:17