看板 NCCU_Exam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
課程名稱:總體經濟學 課程性質:經整開 開課教師:蕭明福 開課學院:社會科學院 開課系級:經濟系 考試日期(年月日):2006年11月17日 考試時限(Mins):90分鐘(印象中) 試題本文: Ⅰ選擇題(每題3分,總計75分) 1.Which of the following provide the best information about the standard of living of an economy? a)Retail prices of consumption goods. b)Wholesale prices of incestment goods. c)Real GDP. d)Real GDP per person. e)Nominal GDP. 2.The Bigdrill company drills for oil, which it sells for $200 million to the Bigoil company to be made into gas. The Bigoil company's gas is sold for a total of $600 million. What is the total contribution to the country's GDP from companies Bigdrill and Bigoil? a)$200 million b)$400 million c)$600 million d)$800 million 3.Nations such as Egypt and Turkey may have wide differences between GNP and GDP because both the coutries a)have a high level of imports and exports relative to GNP. b)have a large portion of their GNP produced by multinational corporations. c)have a large number of citizens working abroad. d)purchase large amounts of military wares from other countries. 4.The largest and the fastest growing component of government spending is on; a)Transfer payments such as unemployment insurance, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid etc. b)Interest payment on Government debt. c)Government purchase on imported goods. d)Goverment purchase on foreign laborers. e)Wages paid to government federal employees. 5.What makes up the largest part of nationl expenditure in the US? a)Durable, nondurable and service consumption. b)Spending on brand new houses. c)Interest paid on national debt. d)Financing the War with Terrorism e)Wages/Salaries paid on outsourced jobs. 6.If Y=A*N*(75+K/N), where K=1000, N=20, and A=10, what happens if K doubles? a)Y is unchanged. b)Y increases 50%. c)Y doubles. d)Y quadruples. 7.One reason that firms hire labor at the point where w=MPN is a)if w < MPN, the cost(w) of hiring additional workers exceeds the benefits(MPN) of hiring them, so they should hire fewer workers. b)if w > MPN, the cost(w) of hiring additional workers is less than the benefits(MPN) of hiring them, so they should hire more workers. c)if w < MPN, the cost(w) of hiring additional workers equals the benefits(MPN) of hiring them, so they have the right number of workers. d)if w > MPN, the cost(w) of hiring additional workers exceeds the benefits(MPN) of hiring them, so they should hire fewer workers. 8.A winter ice storm has paralyzed the entire east coast, reducing productivity sharply. This supply the marginal product of labor curve a)up and to the right, raising the quantity of labor demanded at any given real wage. b)down and to the left, reducing the quantity of labor demanded at any given real wage. c)up and to the right, reducing the quantity of labor demanded at any given real wage. d)down and to the left, raising the quantity of labor demanded at any given real wage. 9.Suppose the marginal product of labor is MPN=200-0.5N where N is aggregate emplotment. The aggregate quantity of labor supplied is 300+8w, where w is the real wage. If supply shock increases the marginal product of labor by 10 (to MPN=210-0.5N), by how much does employment increase? a)0 b)4 c)8 d)16 10.If Eckstein is unemployed due to the fact that she is currently relocating and will start work in one month. We can say that Eckstein is: a)Seasonal unemployed b)Cyclical unemployed c)Structural unemployed d)Frictional unemployed e)Discouraged unemployed 11.Cyclical umemloyment arises when a)unskilled or low-skilled workers find it difficult to obtain desirable, long-term jobs. b)labor must be reallocated from industries that are shrinking to areas that are growing. c)workers must search for suitable jobs and firms must search for suitable workers. d)output and employment are below full-employment levels. 12.When a person receives an increase in wealth, what is likely to happen to consumption and saving? a)Consumption increases and saving increases. b)Consumption increases and saving decreases. c)Consumption decreases and saving increases. d)Consumption decreases and saving decreases. 13.Aarin places $1000 into a savings account for one year that earns him 5%. At the end of the one year, Aaron discovers that although he has earned an extra $50, his purchasing power has dropped. What has happened here? a)The inflation rate dropped leaving the real interest rate much higher than Aaron expected. b)The nominal interest rate was exactly the same as the real interest rate so that Aaron's purchasing power dropped. c)When inflation was taken into account, the real interest rate was negative. d)The real interest rate was higher than the inflation rate causing nominal rates to fall and her purchasing power to fall. 14.Which of the fact listed below might cause the Ricardian equivalence proposition to be violated? a)There may be international capital inflows and outflows. b)Consumers may not understand that an increase in govornment borrowing todays is likely to lead to higher future taxes. c)There may be constrains on the level of government spending. d)There may be constrains on the level of government taxation. 15.Calculate the user cost of capital of a machine that costs $5,000 and depreciates at a rate of 25%, when the nominak interest rate is 10% and the expected inflation rate 5%. a)$150 b)$500 c)$1500 d)$5000 16.Suppose your company is in equilibrium, with its capital stock at its desired level. A permanent decline in the expected real interest rate now has what effect on your desired capital stock? a)Raises it, because the future marginal productivity of capital is higher. b)Lowers it, because the future marginal productivity of capital is lower. c)Raises it, because the user cost of capital is now lower. d)Lowers it, bacasue the user cost of capital is now higher. 17.Any change in the economy that raises desired national saving for a given value of the reak interest rate will shift the desired national saving curve to a)the right and increase the real interest rate. b)the right and decrease the reak interest rate. c)the left and increase the real interest rate. d)the left and decrease the real interest rate. 18.The saving-investment diagram shows that a higher real interest rate due to a leftward shift to the saving curve a)raises the profitability of investment for firms. b)causes the amount of firms' investment to increase. c)increases the total amount of saving because of the increase in the real interest rate. d)causes the total amount of saving and investment to fall. 19.An invention that raises the future marginal product of capital would cause an increase in desired investment, which would cause the investment curve to shift to the ______ and would cause the real interest rate to ______. a)right; increase b)rught; decrease c)left; increase d)left; decrease 20.以下何者非古典學派總體模型的假設: a)個人及廠商符合最適化的規範 b)民眾無貨幣幻覺 c)經濟體以經濟變數之歷史資料的加權平均數作為下期經濟變數預測值 d)商品市場與要素市場皆為完全競爭市場結構 e)工資及物價自由調整 21.根據費雪效果(Fisher effect),當央行提高貨幣供給額時,導致通貨膨脹上揚,則 a)名目利率提高 b)名目利率降低 c)名目利率不變 d)實質利率一定上升 22.古典學派理論著名的Say法則:供給創造本身的需求,主要立論基礎為何? a)商品市場與要素市場皆為完全競爭市場結構 b)物價自由調整 c)民眾完全預期 d)民眾無貨幣幻覺 23.根據貨幣數量學說,其他條件不變之下,下列敘述何者正確? a)貨幣流通速度愈快,價格水準愈高 b)貨幣流通速度愈低,價格水準愈高 c)貨幣流通速度愈快,價格水準可能愈高也可能愈低 d)價格水準不受貨幣流通速度影響 24.假設某國的一般物價水準P=2,且其總和勞動需求函數為:W/P=25-2N,總和勞動供給 函數為:W/P=-5+N。請問,均衡實質工資為多少?當所有商品的價格皆上漲一倍, 則均衡就業量會如何變化? a)均衡實質工資等於5;均衡就業下滑 b)均衡實質工資等於10;均衡就業不變 c)均衡實質工資等於10;均衡就業上升 d)均衡實質工資等於10;均衡就業下滑 e)均衡實質工資等於5;均衡就業不變 25.根據古典學派總體模型之分析,政府支出增加對總體經濟的影響是: a)私部門消費與投資同幅增加,實質利率減少 b)私部門消費與投資不變,產出和就業也不變 c)排擠掉私部門消費與投資,且兩者下降幅度總和等於政府支出增幅,但實質利率卻 增加 d)部分排擠掉私部門消費與投資,產出和就業減少,實質利率則不變 Ⅱ簡答與計算題 1.假設我國各家銀行增加自動提款機的交易手續費,使得民眾增加身邊所持有的貨幣餘額  ,是根據古典學派的總體模型圖解分析,此一衝擊對於實質變數(產出、就業與實質  利率)及名目變數(物價、名目工資)的影響?(10%)並檢視此衝擊是否符合古典二分法(5%) 2.假定民眾只可活兩期,且他第一期的所得為600元,第二期為400元。他在這兩期  皆要消費,且由消費所得到的滿足為U=(C1*C2)**0.5。假定市場利率為10% 。  a) 如果市場利率增加到20%,民眾第一期的消費和儲蓄有何改變?(4%) b) 在a小題中的消費變動量裡,請算出替代效果(請同學詳列數式並畫圖說明) 3.據中國大陸的中華英才網對四大城市的調查,中國應屆生就業第一年的平均税前收入,  2006年約為年薪32,222元人民幣(折合約新台幣約144,951元,人民幣/新台幣的 匯率以4.35計算)。根據這次調查,專科生畢業首年税前總收入為21,689元,大學畢業 生為32,746元,碩士畢業(不含MBA)47,834元,博士72,122元 (報導來源:新華網,2006/10/17) 而在台灣,根據104人力銀行公佈「2006社會新鮮人起薪大調查」中,研究所畢業生月 薪為31,092元新台幣,大學生28,212元,專科25,894元。請問: a) 教育程度與薪資成正相關的理由是什麼? (5%) b) 若兩岸大幅開放勞動市場,使得台灣及中國兩地畢業學生能自由地在兩岸選擇就業 場。是以圖形分析:該政策對台灣的勞動市場有何影響?兩岸工資差距又會有何變 化? (10%) c) 根據b小題的分析,請你試著提出,你對台灣勞動政策的長斷期作法? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
RobNen:done 05/16 21:05
erobernsie:謝大大分享 10/31 17:01