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由於大學同學是在英國唸碩士,所以他習慣以英文思考回答,請大家見諒。 1.請問一下資誠稅務部平日工作內容為什麼?忙季與淡季是否工作內容相同呢? Each team has different job contents. Normally, what we are doing is for the preparation or revision of the work in busy season . 2. 請問稅務部的培訓與審計相同嗎? Don't know cuz never been to assurance department before . 3. 稅務部最辛苦與最大的樂趣在哪? To me, the most difficult part is that you have to spend a lot of time on learning but that's also where the interest is because I can get the sense of achievement. 4.可以簡述一下稅務部的工作組別的風氣嗎? It's ok generally. As for my team, it's really joyful . 5. 請問稅務部學習最多的地方在哪?如果要轉換跑道是否有利基呢? It differs from each person's career plan . 6.由於稅法有許多不同的種類、ㄧ個新人從個人稅申報到公司稅申報等歷程至少有多久 的歷練呢?而組別的主管多是由審計組出身的嗎? You won't just be an individual income tax expert or corporate tax expert by working a few years. It takes a long time, I would say 5 years at least to be an expert on certain field. In addition, it's very interesting that quite a few managers or senior managers are from law background, rather than accounting . 7.可以簡述一下平日在資誠一天的生活作息嗎? Normal working hours is 8hr, from 8 30 to 5 30, but in tax season, it's going to be tough ! 8 如果一開始選擇稅務部,則後期的生涯發展是從簡單的稅務規劃(如個人綜所稅的申報 )到複雜的稅務規劃嗎(如營所稅?)有沒有可能與大型保險公司合作的機會呢?或是換言之 ,能進入保險公司發揮稅務專長呢? When you're well-prepared, you can always catch up opportunity whenever it comes to you . 9 稅務部的工作是單人獨立進行呢?還是採小組進行申報工作呢?跟同事相處的模式? Don't know much about corporate tax. In my team, we're working on our own case, but we discuss a lot as well . 10. 忙季不斷的加班,如何安慰自己?(這個問題是進事務所大家一定都想問的) Well, just tell myself that this job is chosen by myself, so if I wanna complain, then leave . 11. 如果打算進稅務部發展,有什麼對新人的建議呢? Be prepare for working long hours . 12.稅務部有沒有出差的機會?一般出差地點是哪里? If you're in corporate tax team, then yes. 13. 稅務部主要除了幫一般公司申報所得稅之外,是否從事財產規劃的相關業務?若有, 一般需要加入稅務部多久之後才能參與此項業務? Yes. There are both tax compliance and tax consulting services. Normally, you can start doing consultation when you become senior associate which takes 2-3 years to become a senior . 14.稅務部和審計組最大的差異在哪?兩部門的升遷制度是否一致? Don't know, cuz I've never worked in assurance department. 15 稅務人員需要掌握的稅務知識需要到哪種程度?除了會計師外,稅務人員是否需要其 他證照的補強? Haven't heard there's any certificate you can get other than CPA in Tax and Legal department . 16. 是否有外派到海外工作的機會? Yes, but it normally opens for senior associates. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: