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※ 引述《alaincheng (洗盡才子氣。)》之銘言: ※ 引述《Nobita2 (Patch)》之銘言: ------------------------------------------------- 1. 蒲永孝老師 (urology) A 50 year-old man with fever, micture pain (?), and urinary frequency for 2 days comes to your urology clinic. How would you approach the patient? 註: 老師會裝病人, 還會特地問impression,要不要做lab tests, 和要開什麼藥 我拿到的題目是說voiding pain and difficulty 2. 成佳憲 (放腫) 情境題, 會二選一 (a) An attendent asks you to help collect data for a clinical research project. Would you agree? 註: 老師會追問 如果上班時間要求你幫他做苦工怎麼辦? 其實是考要怎麼拒絕? 老師有最後問我 What do you expect to do in your free time there? (b) 在雜貨店買可樂的時候剛好遇到搶匪 怎麼辦 註: 另外追問 遇到乞丐要錢怎麼辦 在大樓遇到爆炸怎麼辦 註: 深夜獨自搭捷運遇到勒索錢的怎麼辦 老師一開始還很好心的問候了見習的情況,閒聊了好一陣子..^^" 3. 高憲立 (cardiology) (a) 14 女兒有abdominal pain. 考問history (b) chest pain 問 history (a) 自我介紹 (b) chest pain (a) 自我介紹 (b) cough for 2 weeks (a)自我介紹 (b)想去那個學校 為什麼 (c)cough for 2 weeks (d)chest pain 4. 王維典 老師 (family medicine) What did you do to prepare for this exchange student program? What do you think is the biggest problem you will face in America? If the other people in the team don't like you, what will you do? Did you ever seen "ER" before? What's the difference between ER in America and those in Taiwan? What kind of difficulties do you expect to meet in ER? If you get the chance to be a exchange student, what will you do? 5. 何明容 老師 (social(?) medicine) Have you ever watched the TV show ER? In the first episode a black man arrives at the ER complianing of double vision. You examine him and rule out life-threatening causes. There are two choice, receive the treatment costs $200 or be discharged home. You recommend the patient the later. But he gets angry and accuses you of being racist. How would you respond? What problems do you think will arise when you deal with people from a different culture. How would you deal with these problems? 6. 高淑芬 (psychiastry) (a) Introduce yourself in English (b) Why do you want to go to the US as an exchange student (c) What problem have you met during your clerkship? (d) Do you like to be a medical student? (e) Tell me about the advantage and disadvantage when joining this exchange program. (f) 假設一個情境,你到了美國當交換學生的第一天,同組的有四位同學 每個都對你很友善,還做了八拉八啦一大堆不勝枚舉的好事 在這些對你很好的事情裡,你最喜歡的是什麼,最不喜歡的是什麼? 註 邀你去一個seminar,卻說你是新來的,不給你主持,如何回應? -- 有人說 有人說 騎腳踏車是一件很簡單的事 談戀愛是一件很困難的事 你一旦學會了 你一旦愛過了 一輩子就再也忘不了 一輩子就再也忘不了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: largeC 來自: (04/25 22:42) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
amberchia:miction pain 04/25 22:58
-- 有氣魄的人,不可以有做不到的事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: