看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
New York Daily News 的新聞 http://tinyurl.com/y96wzqe With Melky Cabrera gone, GM Brian Cashman doesn't see 'big piece' in left field for New York Yankees BY Mark Feinsand and Bill Madden DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITERS Wednesday, December 23rd 2009, 4:00 AM The Yankees may have solidified their rotation with Tuesday's trade for Javier Vazquez, but Melky Cabrera's departure leaves a hole in left field. The two top free agents on the market are left fielders, but based on their price tags, don't expect the Yankees to make a play for Matt Holliday or Jason Bay. "I will continue to look at any remaining piece, but it won't be a big piece," Brian Cashman said. "Any speculation about a high-end player who has big ability and dollars attached on a large scale would be inappropriate." The Yankees have stated several times that they plan to open the season with a payroll lower than it was last year on Opening Day, meaning they would need to come in under $201 million. The Bombers have roughly $198 million committed in player contracts for 2010, and while they could move some players such as Chad Gaudin or Sergio Mitre to free up a couple million dollars here or there, the likelihood of them making a big splash for a left fielder is slim. "I do have a number that we're working under," Cashman said. "We will be at that number and it will be less than last year. It's as simple as that." Cabrera's departure also seemingly opens the door for Johnny Damon to return, but a source with knowledge of the Yankees' thinking said the club is not interested in retaining Damon. Although Cabrera was a popular player who came through with huge hits last season, the Yankees weren't thrilled about the prospect of paying him more than $3 million this year and $6 million in 2011, which is what he will likely receive in arbitration. Dealing Cabrera for Vazquez proved to be a no-brainer for Cashman, whose options on the pitching market were few. "Trying to strengthen the rotation with quality pitching is harder to do than trying to find someone to play left field," Cashman said. "The left field market is a lot fuller than the starting pitching market." Replacing Cabrera's production - he hit .274 with 13 homers and 68 RBI last season - won't be too difficult, as the Yankees will keep searching for his replacement in the No.9 spot in the batting order. Bergen Catholic product Mark DeRosa is one of the attractive options on the free-agent market, while Marlon Byrd, Xavier Nady and Jermaine Dye are also available. Byrd, a power-speed player who is 32 and can play all three outfield positions, would appear to be a good fit, although some inside the Yankees front office have been enamored with DeRosa for his versatility. DeRosa is said to be sitting on a two-year, $12million offer from the Giants to play third base, but the Yankees are looking for someone in the $4 million range. Should Cashman decide that the free-agent options are too expensive, Brett Gardner could be given an opportunity to earn a starting job. "Clearly he's now in the mix for an everyday role," Cashman said. 因為剩下4M可以花,所以不會追Matt Holliday或Jason Bay 可能會考慮Mark DeRosa、Marlon Byrd、Xavier Nady、Jermaine Dye 然後如果FA太貴的話偶們的左外野手就是腿弟啦 -- 和怪物作戰,小心自己也成了怪物。 當你注視深淵,深淵也正回望著你。 Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you. --Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche-- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
PinChunH:我想要Marlon Byrd 12/24 04:26
djcc:簽DeRosa好囉 2y/12M OPS+別跌破100就好 12/24 05:07
jdtrue:DeRosa的確是不錯的選擇 價碼合理的話 12/24 05:13
hughmark:總覺那兩個大物,是$man故意在外圍煽火的 12/24 06:29
danny789:DeRosa的公路車很貴 XD 希望是Holliday或Bay 12/24 07:50
s90366770607:Nady:才離開一年又要回來了嗎~ 12/24 08:08
oneindark:$man現在把價碼拉高明年競爭對手就少了XD 12/24 08:32
Terry1984:Nady沒離開喔 在傷兵名單 12/24 08:36
paoan:我要Bay~~我要Bay~~ 12/24 08:42
david319:Nady不是合約到期了..... 12/24 09:32
meier0112:簽Vladimir Guerrero ~~ 想看他跟Cano連線阿 12/24 09:40
aidsaids:球來就揮嗎 那如果B2B呢 哈 12/24 10:24
godblesssam:NADDDDYYY 12/24 10:24
NatsuoCat:$man:兵不厭詐 這是戰爭! 12/24 10:40
johnjohn1330:簽葛雷洛啊!!!趁今年沒人要便宜快簽 12/24 10:47
bdmizar:推Guerrero....無差別打法,全大聯盟好球帶最寬的打者... 12/24 10:57
jackselina:我本來以為NJ那個位置可以簽老葛說 12/24 10:57
meier0112:反正除了Bay和Matt 其他列出來的人選也沒什麼好的 12/24 10:59
tommy7594:Nady如果沒傷其實也不錯=..= 12/24 11:09
cktonthuls:X-man其實很猛,面對左右投都破三成,可惜砲管小了點 12/24 11:14
cktonthuls:但還是很不錯的囉 12/24 11:14
Sechslee:缺LF找GERORO來幹麻... 12/24 11:23
OoyaoO:Guerrero能不能守備都不知道 找他幹嘛 12/24 11:33
chancewen:當電風扇? 12/24 11:42
meier0112:當然是講好玩的,才4M能找到能打又能守的嗎 > < 12/24 11:55
goodman5566:能阿 科科 12/24 12:06
sidney78:洋基公仔隊的"能打" 4M應該很難買到 XD 12/24 12:09
PinChunH:Marlon Byrd不差吧= = 12/24 12:22
birdy590:大人 小人有一點點看錯了 應該是 14M 才對 12/24 13:17
belister:你去年看錯 今年又看錯阿~ 12/24 13:36
krizarlid:4M看要不要拿來簽牛 12/24 14:11
owenwangbaba:大人 小人有一點點看錯了 應該是 40M 才對 12/24 15:00
owenwangbaba:當然是Bay & Matt 一起簽來最保險拉!!!不給別隊撿 12/24 15:01
OoyaoO:兩個一起簽有屁用-.- 名單只有25人 打線只能排9個 12/24 15:23
b391702:兩個一起簽要先交易正妹才有位置 但正妹便宜好用 幹麻這樣 12/24 15:38
siliver:他只是開玩笑的吧 XD 12/24 15:40
b391702:老實說 如果真的簽其中一個 這樣的陣容只要沒人進DL 12/24 15:42
b391702:就算是把主力拆成一半和3A混搭 分成兩隊 也可以電爆某些隊 12/24 15:43
OoyaoO:Swisher便宜又好用 不會丟吧 12/24 15:49
jdtrue:花超過200M電爆某些隊要幹嘛 花這種錢就是要拿WS的 12/24 15:52
jdtrue:自己球隊陣容好也請不要到別人家說風涼話 plz 12/24 15:53
b391702:還好啦 那段在自己家說說就好(煙) 在主板和別人家要低調 12/24 15:54
jdtrue:我也很想知道到斧頭幫隊版說風涼話的人腦袋洞有多大 12/24 15:57
b391702:我是不會白癡到那裡發文 = = 12/24 15:59
b391702:主板被噓爆的那篇也挺白目的 12/24 16:00
owenwangbaba:......我只是開玩笑........... 12/24 17:02
b391702:對不起 突然認真了XD 不過剛剛說的話有些囂張 我該道歉~ 12/24 17:05
kusoeni:4M? 可能少說了1個1.. M??? 4個字母 算不上big name.. 12/24 17:57
sneak : 能阿 科科 https://daxiv.com 12/28 13:47