看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是基襪戰第二場賽後所發表的。 Lance Berkman was booed off the field twice on Saturday. Once when he bounced out to strand runners at the corners, and again when he grounded out to begin the eighth inning. “As long as it’s not my wife or kids, I’m fine with it,” he said. “This is a big boy’s game and place to play, and if you can’t handle that, go home.” Berkman has not hit in his eight days with the Yankees. It’s a remarkably small sample size — just 22 at-bats — but in that stretch, Berkman has just two hits. He’s also drawn two walks and struck out four times. “Trust me, I’m booing myself,” he said. “I have no credibility here… I didn’t come up here to catch a break. I came up here to play well and win.” His laid back, Texas demeanor could be taken as soft, but the guy’s been in the big leagues since 1999. Like he said, this is surely not his first 2-for-22 stretch, and he’s not surprised or upset that the fans are a little down on him. “He’s an experienced player that’s had a lot of success that’s probably been in a slump before in his career,” Joe Girardi said. “He’s pretty even keeled.” Mostly because I didn’t use it last night, here’s the Girardi postgame audio that goes into Berkman, CC Sabathia and Alex Rodriguez. 白肥來到洋基打得非常差,當他出局時紐約客毫不客氣的噓聲四起... 但他也說,他也想噓自已了...。 白肥生涯還未轉過隊,這是他的第一次,也許還在適應當中。 今天這場白肥繳出漂亮的成績單,3-4、1打點,還跑回來2分。 希望今天這手感能持續到季末。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
PinChunH :加油啊 快點在小Q後面保護小Q!! 08/09 17:37
asd25 :加油! 保護小Q 應該波波比較容易升任 08/09 17:43
※ 編輯: subcrew02 來自: (08/09 17:44)
PinChunH :可是太空人的當家第四棒 來我們這裡只能打七棒XD 08/09 17:48
papazzz :白肥打出他應有的水準的話可是不輸A-Rod的 08/09 17:50
chancewen :加油(≧▽≦)b 08/09 17:51
Alexander13 :白肥加油吧~ 08/09 20:11
wah :柏克曼加油 玩MVP2005 都會看到你 一直轟吧 08/09 20:20
joe0726 :Lance Berkman,Houston Astros,is in the game XD 08/09 21:34
jl3000x :白肥加油!! 希望你在這裡可以打出更好的表現!! 08/09 22:03
ohmyya :然後雜耍丟三顆球 08/09 22:32
matonw :加油!!! 08/09 22:40
sunshiny527 :白肥很認真 感覺是個討喜的胖子 08/09 22:46
godblesssam :Bagwell: 08/09 22:52
KusoPvt :白肥生涯OPS+比鐵爺還高好嗎... 08/10 02:51
KusoPvt :不過白肥年紀也追上來了吧... 08/10 02:52