看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
For CC Sabathia, embracing a new life in the New York area as the Yankees' ace suggested that he would probably spend more time in the air come the holiday season. It also inspires Sabathia to make the most of the time when he returns to his roots, like this month's trip to spend Christmas near his hometown of Vallejo, Calif. So Sabathia's PitCCh In Foundation made several stops over a week-long rush, exploring the city limits where the left-hander threw his first pitches. The hurler helped launch a Christmas Caravan to help give back to a community that has offered him so much. "It's my hometown and my heart is always here," Sabathia said. "I owe a lot to this city and the people here. It's a real small, tight-knit community. To be a part of it and be able to pitch for the Yankees, I'm able to show kids that I came from the same small city they came from and can try to do some good things." Along with his wife, Amber, Sabathia hoped to make small but meaningful changes for those in the community, offering them some joy and comfort during the holiday season. They did more than that. The Sabathias helped to remodel a nursery for a local foster care family that is caring for two infants, partnering with the city's Youth and Family Services group and community volunteers. "To be able to do that for the family, with the way they take care of the kids with no hesitation, it felt so good," Sabathia said. Sabathia was also a guest at a United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots event, offering signed baseballs and photos to those who donated gifts, and later visited with children whose parents are undergoing treatment at the Vallejo Medical Center. He spent time making bedside visits in the hospital's pediatric ward and offering gifts before hosting a holiday barbecue. The Sabathias also brought a group of teenagers from Vallejo Youth and Family Services on a local shopping trip. Finally, to complete the week, the foundation led a makeover of a Victorian home in Vallejo that serves as a clean and sober living environment for women who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addictions. "We just tried to do whatever we could to cheer them up this close to Christmas," Sabathia said. "I've seen how gracious the people are here. It's tough times everywhere, but it's really tough times here. This is the time of the year where it is so important to give." Before jetting out west for the holidays, Sabathia also made it a point to engage the community in the tri-state area, having happily found a new home in the suburb of Alpine, N.J. On Dec. 10, Sabathia appeared at a Payless ShoeSource in midtown Manhattan to benefit the Madison Square Boys & Girls Club, a cause near to his heart. He and Amber distributed free shoes to about 60 children from the the Bronx, and Sabathia said he had been inspired when Oakland Athletics hurler Dave Stewart paid a similar visit to his Boys & Girls Club in Vallejo. "I always go back to the experience I had with Dave Stewart, when I was young," Sabathia said. "He came and visited my Boys & Girls Club, just talked for like 15 minutes, and it kind of lasted with me. So, if I could do that with one of these kids, it would feel great." Christmas was always a special time for Sabathia, who can still remember spending late nights and early mornings by the tree in the home of his grandmother, Ethel. "I have a really big family, and I just remember getting together at my grandma's house -- everybody being together, the food, opening presents, always playing music," Sabathia said. "I just remember it being a really happy time. With everybody in my family being around, you could look forward to seeing someone you hadn't seen for a long time during the holidays. My grandma's house was always the place for that." With no hesitation, Sabathia can even recall the most exciting thing he found under the tree one Christmas morning. "I got a ping-pong table when I was probably 10 or 11 years old," Sabathia said, his voice jumping even now. "That's one thing that kind of stands out to me. If I can still recall it at 30 years old, you know I was pretty excited to get that. [Even today] I'm pretty good, and that's what started it for me." Now that he and Amber have four children of their own, Sabathia said that he enjoys watching the glee unfold at home, as the house is filled with family members and the decorative lights sparkle late into the evening. But Sabathia also wants his sons and daughters to understand that the holiday season is about giving, so for each toy they discover under the tree on Christmas morning, they will also have to donate one that they play with. "Hopefully, that can help them realize that they need to give back too," Sabathia said. 簡譯: 在聖誕節這天,CC回到他的家鄉Vallejo,透過自已的基金會送給小朋一些禮物。 「這裡是我的家鄉,我的心永遠在這」CC說。 CC幫忙重整當地的一間育嬰室、參加公益活動、還拜訪當地的醫療中心。 最後帶著一票的小孩去shopping。 CC連休季也可以這麼忙錄。XD http://tinyurl.com/38rpeqg -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chancewen :運動員回饋社會(≧▽≦)b 12/25 18:13
eeqqww112233:帶小孩去shopping..真好Q口Q 12/25 18:14
asdfzx :CC休季都這樣的啊~ 好人一個 12/25 18:41
four5 :Jeter:我平常也有帶小妹妹去shopping啊 12/25 20:02
GodDamnMe :沒想到CC是Vallejo出生的... 12/25 20:51
jagdzaku :以前在印第安人隊就會這樣了,ESPN有播過 12/25 21:03
ling800 :真的瘦好多 12/25 21:17
bnsblue :CC肚子變好小! 但還是好可愛>///< 12/25 21:23
songga0909 :好瘦@@! 12/25 23:59
SKY760508 :性格的鬍子 12/26 01:01
paul51134 :美國很多運動員都這樣,不然就是念故事書給孩童聽 12/26 01:23
onsan :是阿.多少紐約女大生都靠吉特葛葛的獎學金接濟的~(誤 12/26 02:00
chihlanren : (?) 12/26 02:04
IAMVIC :回饋社會的運動員很帥 12/26 12:02
djviva :推樓上, 推CC好榜樣~ 12/27 12:38
vincent59 :運動員回饋社會(≧▽≦)b 01/04 18:08