看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《tokuda ()》之銘言: : 來自ESPN的消息 : 先轉一下 讓各位練一下英文(誤) : http://tinyurl.com/8nc2qxe : Mariano Rivera Thinking Retirement : ESPN New York's Andrew Marchand discusses the possibility of Mariano Rivera's : retirement as well as options for the Yankees if he decides not to come : back.Tags: MLB, Yankees, Rivera, Andrew Marchand, Jade McCarthy : New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said closer Mariano Rivera : informed him earlier this week that he is unsure if he will play again or : retire. 紐約洋基總管 Brian Cashman 提到 Mariano Rivera 在這星期稍早時告知他, 自己不是這麼確定他將再回到場上或退休。 : Cashman told ESPN New York that on Tuesday he and Rivera had a conversation : in which Rivera said he does not know yet if he will return for a 19th season. : "He wasn't certain on what he is going to do," Cashman said. : After he crumbled to the turf and tore his ACL in Kansas City in early May, : Rivera vowed he would return in 2013. Cashman 告訴 ESPN New York,在這個星期二,他與 Rivera 有過一次談話, 過程中,Rivera 提到他還不知道自己是否將會為他的第 19 個賽季而回歸。 "他還沒有確定自己將要怎麼做。" Cashman 說。 MO 在稍早 5 月於 Kansas City 摔倒而受傷,他曾誓言自己將於 2013 回來。 : Most Memorable Mo-ments : ESPN New York takes a look back at Mariano Rivera's greatest saves. : Photo Gallery Top 50 Yanks : "I'm coming back," an emotional Rivera said in Kansas City a day after the : injury. "Put it down. Write it down in big letters. I ain't going down like : this." : Now, with his 43rd birthday next month and as he's worked very hard during : his rehab to return, Rivera has the familiar tug that he has carried for many : years of possibly wanting to stay home with his family and call it a career. : In the past, Rivera also has emphasized that he expects to leave the game as : an elite player. If he has doubts that he will retain his skill level, that : also could tilt him to call it a career with the most saves (608) in major : league history and five World Series rings. Rivera 曾在受傷後的某天於 Kansas City 發表這段感性的談話。 隨著下個月 43 歲的生日到來,他仍在這段準備回歸的復建過程中非常的努力。 Rivera 也有家人,他或許也想待在家和家人一起生活。 他也強調自己離開時期望能夠像個頂尖的球員。 如果他對於是否能夠恢復自己的技術水平有所疑慮, 也可退休讓他保有大聯盟歷來最多救援 (608) 和 5 枚世界大賽冠軍戒指, 退休與否對此紀錄是沒什麼可以懷疑的。 : The negotiations for a new contract also could be a bit complicated. Rivera : made $15 million last season, but even with the front office's utmost respect : for him, it is unclear what it will offer him considering he would be : returning after a season in which he pitched in only nine games. 在新合約的協商也是有些複雜。 Rivera 上一季拿到 $15M 的合約,但是即使對他保有尊敬的態度, 他是否能夠重回賽季在比賽第 9 局中投球,對此卻仍不明朗。 : The 50 Greatest Yankees : Choosing the 50 Greatest Yankees was a daunting task. ESPNNewYork.com rose to : the challenge. Top 50 Rank 'Em : This offseason, the Yankees are beginning to tighten their budget in : anticipation of trying to lower payroll by 10 percent to $189 million for : 2014. Yankees owner Hal Steinbrenner has mandated the plan to take advantage : of the new luxury tax breaks. Hal Steinbrenner 計劃 2014 年將 payroll 金額控制在 $189M 以下。 : During his end-of-season news conference Wednesday, Yankees manager Joe : Girardi hinted that Rivera may not return. : "From watching how he rehabbed and everything that he was going through, : picked up a baseball sooner than he was supposed to and got his hand smacked : a little bit, that would tell me that Mo probably wants to play," Girardi : said. "But in saying that, it's a decision that I think he'll sit down with : his family, evaluate where he is maybe a little bit later in this process and : how he feels and how his arm feels, to feel like you think you can compete at : the same level he's always competed at. But I don't think that you push a : rehab like he pushed it unless you think that you possibly have some interest : in coming back." 在星期三教練 Joe Girardi 暗示 Rivera 可能不會回歸。 (概譯) MO 非常努力在他準備回來的復健過程中, 但他也有家人,也想和家人一起生活。 (Girardi 用了兩次 But,語意轉折可注意) : Since Rivera already had vowed to come back last May, Girardi's words were : taken as managerial-speak, the feeling being Girardi did not want to commit : to a player who wasn't signed yet. 自從 Rivera 在 5 月時誓言回歸, 之後 Girardi 對此的發言用語就像是個教練會說出的措辭。 就像是 Girardi 不會想在球員自己有所表示前為此作出擔保。 : In Rivera's place this season, Rafael Soriano thrived as the Yankees' closer, : converting 42-of-46 save chances. Soriano could opt out of the final season : of his contract. Soriano's agent, Scott Boras, hinted that Soriano would : choose free agency but said a final decision had not been made. : "He's one of the best closers in baseball," Boras said. "He had 42 saves, and : he didn't start until May." 在 Rivera 這賽季休息期間, Rafael Soriano 擔任洋基的救援工作。 在 46 次救援機會中完成了 42 次。 Soriano 可以在這個賽季結束後,針對合約內容作出 OPT 選擇。 Soriano 的經紀人 Scott Boras 暗示 Soriano 可能會選擇 FA 但是還沒下最後決定。 "他是聯盟最棒的 closer 之一。" Boras 說 "他有 42 次的救援成功,甚至還是直到 5 月就才開始接任 CL 這項工作。" : Rivera has been cryptic about his plans to play or retire. During spring : training, he said that he knew whether 2012 would be his last season, but he : declined to tell anyone in the front office or the media. : After the injury, Rivera said he would come back for 2013. Now it is still : probable, but suddenly it is not certain. Rivera 過去計劃是否繼續球員生涯或退休都還很模糊難定, 在春訓時,他曾說知道 2012 是否他的最後賽季, 但他拒絕告知 FO 的成員或任何媒體。 在受傷過後,Rivera 說他將為 2013 賽季回歸。 而今,它仍是可能,但突然間並不是這麼明確了。 -- 大概幫忙翻譯一下,如有疏忽錯譯之處,還請各位板友不吝指正,謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fox308 :幫推~~~~ 10/26 22:37
matonw :最後一段是說:Mo過去對要續戰或退休態度不明 10/26 22:52
matonw :春訓時,他說他知道2012是否為他的最後球季 10/26 22:52
matonw :但他拒絕告知FO所有成員或媒體 10/26 22:53
matonw :受傷後他說他2013年會回來 10/26 22:53
matonw :此說仍有可能,但忽然間卻又變得不明確 10/26 22:53
matonw :所以總之就如上篇推文所說,一切都不確定 10/26 22:54
tokuda :可參考Nick大所提 美國人說話有時會翻來覆去的概念.. 10/26 22:57
tokuda :不是只有東方人會拐彎抹角說話呀XD 10/26 22:59
wsan :都繞圈說話啊 關鍵字 MO 總管 曾告知 都不確定 end~ 10/26 23:05
LoveMoose :推~ 10/27 01:09
ewing :可以像佩提特依樣 下半年回歸 只為季後賽 10/27 02:09
matonw :其實最後一段語意是:MO春訓時已做好是否續戰決定 10/27 12:31
matonw :但拒絕透露 10/27 12:31
matonw :受傷後他則說他會回來,結果現在態度卻又變得不明確 10/27 12:32
nickyang :有點小錯但是大致正確 10/27 12:52
nickyang :1.第三段是說如果他對自己傷後的水準有疑慮,這也可 10/27 12:53
nickyang :讓他帶著最多救援和五枚戒指的記錄結束生涯,他退不 10/27 12:53
nickyang :退休對他的記錄沒有什麼可以懷疑的 10/27 12:54
nickyang :2.Boras是說他直到五月才接下CL的工作 10/27 12:54
nickyang :3.如二樓所言 10/27 12:55
感謝 matonw 和 nickyang 兩位板友, 在第三段那處,的確是在下比較困惑之處。 謝謝兩位的意見和指教!! :) ※ 編輯: wsan 來自: (10/27 18:08)
d86012005 :大推專業 有些自以為是的人講話大聲也不是一天兩天 10/28 03:05
nickyang :第一點的後面那句話是我自己加的,不過無妨啦... 10/28 05:32