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http://tinyurl.com/9yx6gh4 Granderson ain’t so bad Posted by: Chad Jennings - Posted in Misc on Oct 26, 2012 Curtis Granderson strikes out a lot and he was a disappointment in the postseason, but do the Yankees really need to trade him this winter? Getting rid of Granderson has become a popular position ever since his dismal playoff performance — even before that, really — and I’ve said that trading Granderson might make sense if the Yankees can get a starting pitcher for him, but is Granderson really a must-go player who’s easy to lose and easy to replace? “I will listen on anybody,” Brian Cashman told Joel Sherman. “But you would be hard-pressed to get enough to trade a center fielder who is a perennial 40-homer-plus man.” If Alex Rodriguez is no longer a 30-homer guy, and Nick Swisher is on his way out, then only true home run hitters left on the Yankees roster are Robinson Cano, Mark Teixeira and Granderson. Granted, the team will almost certainly add some power at DH or an outfield corner, but the idea that this lineup is overloaded with home run hitters is an exaggeration. Frankly, putting those three — Cano, Teixeira and Granderson — in the 3, 4 and 5 spots wouldn’t be a bad middle of the order. Add Derek Jeter at the top, slide Rodriguez into the No. 2 or 6 spot, and the Yankees have the sensible beginnings of a pretty good lineup. Three common complaints about Granderson: 1. He strikes out too much He strikes out a lot, but does he really strike out too much? If he cut down on the strikeout numbers he’d be one of the elite hitters in baseball, but there’s a lot of gray area between the elite hitters and the guys who are a drain on the offense. It’s kind of like the bad routes Granderson takes in center field. Yes, he takes bad routes, but he’s athletic enough to make up for them a lot of the time. The trade off keeps him from being an elite defender, but it lets him remain a viable one. Yes, Granderson strikes out a lot, but those strikeouts come with the significant upside of 40-plus homers. 2. He was a massive disappointment in the postseason So were most of the Yankees. If Granderson is going to be knocked for his dismal showing this month, it’s also worth noting that he hit more home runs in the final month of the season than in any other month, and before this postseason he was a career .267/.375/.535 hitter in the playoffs (.313/.459/.583 in his first two postseasons with the Yankees). 3. The Yankees can’t afford him beyond 2013 I tend to agree that the Yankees will have a hard time signing both Granderson and Cano beyond next season, and with so much center field depth rising through the system — and Brett Gardner available to play center at any point — it makes sense to leave Granderson off the priority list. But that expiring contract also limits Granderson’s trade value. As Sherman wrote, the idea of a Carlos Beltran-type deal for an elite young starter seems unlikely. It’s all about value here. If nothing else, the Yankees will be able to offer Granderson a qualifying offer at the end of next season and get a draft pick for him. That’s not a terrible fallback plan, and might be as valuable as anything the Yankees will find on the trade market. Look, there’s some merit to trading Granderson, but a lot of that merit is based on the idea that some other team will value him as an elite run producer who hits for a ton of power out of the center field position. Thing is, the Yankees should — and do — view him the same way, and they’d have to get get similar value to make a trade worthwhile. He might be frustrating to watch swing and miss, but he might be just as frustrating to try and replace. == 簡單翻譯 : 也許 Grandy 有些問題,看著他揮空並且被三振是感覺相當挫敗的, 但在嘗試找到適當人選交易取代他,可能更令人感覺到挫敗。 畢竟要找到一個可取代賽季持續有 40-homer-plus 的外野手並不是這麼容易!! (中間有段未來打線的安排和火力描述預想,大家可參考看看) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wsan 來自: (10/27 01:04)
OoyaoO :跟短期賽數據認真你就輸了 10/27 01:15
wsan :其實這篇多少是針對某八卦報記者的論點發表看法~~ 10/27 01:17
shineyoung :只能說:葛嬸交易我們換過去老虎的那兩隻季後賽更搶眼 10/27 11:28
prereality :A.Jackson現在看來是長得挺不錯的 但葛嬸只是季後賽 10/27 12:51
prereality :沒打出來 不然以貢獻來說也是相當巨大 10/27 12:51
mecheers :甚麼東西阿...要換也不是換他吧 = = 10/27 12:57
Faith1128 :能尻40Hr就算200K我也不介意 10/27 14:35
genteme :能選球 能打HR NYS又對左打友善 沒幾個能替代啦~XD 10/27 15:44
genteme :反正是Cashman當GM 不太可能去亂幹蠢事的 10/27 15:45
m16a117 :真的不要對季後賽的表現做出太多結論... 10/27 16:59
m16a117 :以整季來看這種成績的CF真的是很好的球員 10/27 17:00
noahlin :前兩點同意 第三點的話...自從隊長之後十幾年來的 10/27 17:20
noahlin :首輪 扣掉還在養的 十幾個也不過Eric Miltion Hughes 10/27 17:21
noahlin :IPK在大聯盟有留下比較多紀錄 10/27 17:21
noahlin :剩下幾乎都沒什麼貢獻 補償選秀權的期望值並不高 10/27 17:22
noahlin :Granderson即使剩一年約要換好一點的東西不難 10/27 17:23
beckseaton :不要再拿寶貴的首輪去選Cito Culver這種貨色就好了 10/27 17:40
shongzcwea :那還是KT當助理時選的 而且當時明明有AJ Cole可選.. 10/27 23:34
BleuOmbre :Thanks 10/28 00:58
enthusiasm :選秀這種東西別放馬後炮 10/28 06:41
nickyang :不要再經濟野球了啦,Grandy丟出去你要誰補啊? 10/28 08:06
nickyang :都花了200M了還在自己陣容上挖洞是哪招 10/28 08:06
nickyang :現在季中交易沒有選秀補償,會想收他的是什麼球隊? 10/28 08:07
nickyang :要玩的球隊而已。你自己也是要玩的,別人也是要玩的 10/28 08:07
nickyang :啊季後賽對上了怎麼辦?麻煩你近二十年找個例子有沒 10/28 08:08
nickyang :有兩支要玩的球隊這樣交易主力的,抬頭看,別幻想 10/28 08:08
nickyang :加油,好嗎? 10/28 08:09
siliver :200M的球隊玩交易主力的遊戲,哈哈哈哈哈 XD 10/28 09:25
shineyoung :XDDDDD 10/28 09:30