看板 Nadal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Monday, June 30, 2008 One of the best days of my life! Hi everyone, Well I suppose you all guess what I am going to say first... right?... VIVA ESPAÑA!!!. Spain is the Champion and for me a big football fan this is one of the best moments of my life. I don't know how to compare it. Obviously like when I win a big title is big, this is at that level for me. For the country obviously this is bigger, much bigger and I agree. It made me so happy. 我想你們都知道我想說什麼了...對吧?VIVA ESPAÑA!!!身為一個足球迷,這是我人生最 要的時刻之一。我不知道該拿什麼來比較,很顯然就像我贏了一個很重大的冠軍,大概 就像這種等級吧。對國家來說更是非常非常重大的。這真的讓我很開心。 (譯:Rafa有一點high到語無倫次了,文法好亂XD) I have to admit I was very nervous before the match. I didn't want to speak to many people, it was like if I was going to go on-court to play a big match. I remember that Benito, my PR Manager, wanted to take a video and some pictures and I didn't want. I didn't allow him and now that I think about it... I wanted to be focussed and expecting the match. 我必須承認我在賽前很緊張。我不想跟太多的人說話,好像我正要上場打一場重要的比賽 一樣。我記得我的經紀人Benito想要對我拍些影片跟照片,但是我不想。我不讓他拍, 因為我想專注在期待比賽上。 We were a few today. Apart from my team there was also Feliciano Lopez and his team together with his girlfriend, his mother and father. We were around 15 and we jumped many times. When Torres scored it was great and the final whistle was a big party and celebration for us. What a moment. Spain deserved it, we deserve it. We were the only big football nation that hasn't won a big title in almost the last 50 years. Spain won and showing a great football. 今天沒多少人,除了我的團隊之外還有Feliciano Lopez和他的團隊及閃光、爸媽。 我們大概有15個人,(因為興奮而)跳起來好幾次。當Torres得分的時候真是棒呆了, 最後哨聲響起時就像個大party慶典一樣,美妙的一刻啊。這是西班牙應得的。我們是 足球大國中唯一將近50年沒有拿冠軍的。西班牙贏得並表現了非常好的足球(精神)。 So my day started this morning waking up at 9.30 am and immediately listening via internet to the Spanish radios. I went to practice at 1 pm with Tipsarevic, had some press to do and then got back home to "concentrate" on the match. What did I do? Played darts in the little backyard we have with my team and Albert Molina from IMG, played some play station,... You know, just things to make the time go fast. 所以我早上九點半就起床並且馬上打開網路收聽西班牙的電台。下午一點的時候跟Tipsy 練了一下球,並且接受一些媒體訪問,然後就回家"專注"在比賽上。我做了什麼?在後院 和我的團隊及來自IMG(譯:這啥?= =)的Albert Molina玩射飛鏢和PS....你知道的,就是 想辦法讓時間過快一點。 We ate really late today. I think it was around 4.30 pm. We don't even eat that late in Spain, but you know, the after practice, coming to the house, shower, etc... late. Too late. 我們午餐吃得很晚,大約在四點半,就算在西班牙也沒這麼晚的,但是你知道的,練習完 回來、沖澡等...很晚,太晚了。 Then it was the moment of the match. But anyway, back to tennis, tomorrow I have a very difficult match against a very difficult player. I know it won't be easy, but I will have more support than in the past days since my mother and my sister are coming tomorrow morning. My sister has finished her exams and so they are coming to see me play and support me. I always enjoy their presence. 然後就是比賽時間了。但無論如何,回到網球,明天我和柚子泥有一場非常艱難的比賽。 我知道這不簡單,但是我會得到比前幾天更多的支持,因為我媽媽和妹妹明天早上會來。 我妹妹考完試了,所以她們來看我的比賽並且支持我。我總是對於她們的出現很開心。 Saludos a todos ! Rafa -- Rafa加油!!希望西班牙本週冠軍獎盃不只一座!!! -- 張爸之於ptt 就像皮皮鬼之於霍格華茲 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Athletics:最後一句用翻譯軟體翻成英文是Greetings to all 06/30 16:02
harukatakki:嗨到語無倫次的Rafa..XDDD 06/30 16:55
Gronkjaer:Nadal很正的妹要出現了 請密切注意家屬包廂jeje 06/30 17:34
littlebook3:哇跟Tip練球捏 我想看啦 06/30 21:38
CaminoI:最後一句西文是信末用語 類似"祝大家安好"之類的 06/30 22:45
changchuting:IMG是運動經紀公司吧..好像是 @@a 06/30 22:45
silence00:我今天一看到足球的新聞就好想來看RAFA的BLOG XD 06/30 23:25