看板 Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
- Digsy's*1 Dinner 戴格希的晚餐 By Noel Gallagher - What a life it would be 這會是多美好的生活阿 If you would come to mine for tea 如果妳願意與我一同共進晚餐 I'll pick you up at half past three 我會在三點半就去接妳 And we'll have lasagne 然後我們就可以一起吃千層麵 I'll treat you like a Queen 我會像個女王般服侍妳 I'll give you strawberries and cream 還會為妳奉上奶油草莓 And then your friends will all go green for my lasagne 而妳的朋友們會化作我千層麵上的綠色小點綴 These could be the best days of our lives 這可能就是我們生活中最美好的時光了 But I don't think we've been living very wise 但我不認為我們一直都過得非常明智 Oh no! no! 噢 不!不! What a life it would be 這會是多美好的生活阿 If you would come to mine for tea 如果妳願意與我一同共進晚餐 I'll pick you up at half past three 我會在三點半就去接妳 And we'll have lasagne 然後我們就可以一起吃千層麵 I'll treat you like a Queen 我會像個女王般服侍妳 I'll give you strawberries and cream 還會為妳奉上奶油草莓 And then your friends will all go green for my lasagne 而妳的朋友們會化作我千層麵上的綠色小點綴 - *1 Who is Digsy? 那是Gallagher兄弟倆在成名之前的老朋友(他本人也是樂團主唱) Noel也曾在Digsy的樂團 "Smaller"上客串了幾首歌 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Deary#cite_note-Wright-2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoDxxs7LnV0
- 輕鬆小品 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oasis/M.1397521972.A.185.html
Babyshambles:這首真的好青春呀(遠目 04/15 13:17
allen63521:這首風格真的很討喜 04/15 14:49
britsyan:推,不過不是我要一直吵,have my tea是指吃晚餐 04/15 15:00
不會! 我就是要發來讓大家捉錯的XD 真的是吃晚餐,修改一下 ※ 編輯: MidoriG (, 04/16/2014 00:22:01 ※ 編輯: MidoriG (, 04/16/2014 00:23:09 ※ 編輯: MidoriG (, 04/16/2014 00:32:37