看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
傻子與白痴 - 你終究不愛這世界 https://youtu.be/g9dWCal7nEM?si=aZNpRgMZXnyygy-0
______________________________ 床上,下午三點近四點。 這是一個濕與熱循環交替的國家。 冷氣運轉聲像是唱不完的咒文。 “...........me?” 女人枕在男人的腋窩含糊不清的說 "Excuse me?” "Is it possible for us to get married?" "Hmmmm.....You should know that I was divorced not long ago.‘’ "My bad. Don't get mad." "I won't." 說完,女人拉開兩人身上的被子,往房間裡最黑的地方鑽去。 ___________________ “What did you do at the pub last night?” "Any problem?" "You shouldn't go there." "Why? Any reason?" "I am your girlfriend. You can't sleep with other people." "Why didn't I know you were my girlfriend? When did we start the relationship?" "Fuck you." "Help yourself." 說完,男人拉開租屋處的門,往樓道最黑的地方走去。 這是一個濕與熱循環交替的國家。 在下雨的時候感覺不到熱,偶爾覺得冷。 _______________________ “Are you going to stay up all night?” "Yep." "With your Playstation4?" "Yep again." "Can I order room service?" "Order some fish and chips, thank you." "Can i stay until morning? still raining outside." "Sure." "I thought you Chinese would chase people away after having sex.‘ “First of all, I'm Taiwanese, not Chinese. Second, you are here in my room is just because you are a part of the process. Think it this way: you are the most important actress tonight.‘’ "How come?" "Hmmmm......I have to act like those Chinese you saw at the bar because of my job." "Fooling around with them and you can earn money." "Easy way, yes." 說完,螢幕上的角色隱沒在山洞的入口,往迷宮最黑的地方走去。 冷氣運轉聲像是唱不完的咒文。 咒文的吟唱穩定反覆,掩蓋不了人聲的侷促奔放。 這是一個濕與熱循環交替的國家。 在下雨的凌晨加速酒精代謝,房內高溫蒸騰流淌。 _____________________ “Don't you miss me?” "Should I?" "Where are you now?" "Taiwan, why asking?" "When did you go back? You didn't tell me." "What happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas." 說完,男人掛了電話,咒文只剩喃喃自語,依然是濕與熱交替的國家,只待在最黑的地方。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A256E. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1711362855.A.9E4.html
PizzaKK: 你的經歷嗎? 03/29 13:32