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這則新聞台灣人應該要知道 港被剔出聯合國名單 【本報訊】聯合國致力保障殖民地人民的自決權(self determination),卻遺漏了香港 。英國解封檔案揭露中英雙方在聯合國就香港問題的角力,英方拒絕承認人民自決是一項 權利,中方則堅稱香港是其領土,令聯合國在殖民地名單上剔除香港,變相剝奪港人自決 權。 英拒承認自決權 聯合國50年代起因應殖民地問題而草議公約,保障人民自決權。解密檔案披露,英方一直 盤算如何應付聯合國,擔心殖民地問題成為國際社會話柄。英國以自決權的定義缺乏國際 共識為由,只肯承認自決是一項「原則」,而非法定「權利」。 聯合國成員國須按殖民地名單,定期匯報如何保障人民自決甚至獨立的權利。中國1971年 重返聯合國,翌年即去信要求在名單上剔除香港,獲聯合國接納。其後英國向聯合國匯報 時,多次強調不能以同一方法處理所有殖民地,須按經濟及人口等因素考慮,確保解殖後 不會出現經濟或政治動盪,又以新界必須歸還中國為由,表明香港獨立不可行。許多殖民 地最終透過公投自決命運。 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20140205/18615630 這裡所提到的保障殖民地人民自決權的決議是根據2908(XXVII)號決議文 請到這裡下載 http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/27/ares27.htm 但是香港和澳門為什麼被排除在這項決議之外? 因為中國聲稱香港和澳門都是中國領土的一部分 The Special Committee adopted a recommendation, embodied in its report to the General Assembly, that Hong Kong and Macao and dependencies be excluded from the list of territories to which the Declaration on the granting of independence was applicable. The decision was taken without objection, it being understood that the reservations expressed by Fiji, Sweden and Venezuela would be reflected in the record of the meeting. The Committee adopted its recommendation on the basis of a proposal by its Working Group, which had received a letter dated 8 March 1972 from China stating that Hong Kong and Macao were part of Chinese territory occupied by the British and Portuguese authorities. The settlement of the questions involved, the letter had stated, was entirely within China's sovereign right. Consequently, they should not be included in a list of colonial territories covered by the Declaration on the granting of independence. China requested that they be removed from that list. (See also pp. 625-26.) http://www.unmultimedia.org/searchers/yearbook/page.jsp?volume=1972&page=554 接著是上述文字所提到的 pp. 625,香港和澳門確定被剔除 With the adoption of resolution 2908(XXVII) on 2 November 1972, the General Assembly among other things approved the report of the Special Committee, which contained a recommendation that Hong Kong and Macao and dependencies be excluded from the list of territories to which the Declaration on the granting of independence was applicable. (See pp. 550-52 for text of resolution 2908(XXVII).) http://www.unmultimedia.org/searchers/yearbook/page.jsp?volume=1972&page=636 最後是 pp. 626 英國對聯合國的決議進行抗議 Subsequently, on 14 December 1972, the United Kingdom informed the Secretary-General that in view of the Assembly's approval of the report of the Special Committee, no useful purpose would be served by continuing to transmit information ou Hong Kong under Article 73e of the Charter. The United Kingdom also stated that the action of the General Assembly in no way affected the legal status of Hong Kong. Its views on that status were well known and it was unable to accept any differing views which had been or might be expressed by other Governments. (See also p. 543.) http://www.unmultimedia.org/searchers/yearbook/page.jsp?volume=1972&page=637 那年十二月,英國的這項舉動最後只得到三票支持..... 之後1982年柴契爾夫人到北京談判,但基本上香港的命運在1972那年就已經決定了... -- 公民議題相關書單 http://tinyurl.com/q5eebtv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1402805883.A.B66.html
sevenath:血淋淋的推 QQ 06/15 12:19
ozz987:先通知記者和台聯立委啊 06/15 12:20
donnamonya:借轉八卦,謝謝。 06/15 12:24
donnamonya:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 06/15 12:24
timshan:感謝幫轉 我退文還不能消~"~ 06/15 12:25
Gnome:推推推 06/15 12:31
jpg10330:依附國際法論述也是形式比人強 重點還是在公民覺醒 06/15 12:33
bugbook:小蜜蜂是否要把此重要議題加入宣傳? 06/15 12:33
Gnome:大推! 06/15 12:38
※ 編輯: timshan (, 06/15/2014 12:47:03
MDCCLXXVI:http://tinyurl.com/mmwy6zd 利用傳真通知立委~ 06/15 12:42
lyu0001:英國為何不接受香港有"自決權利"? 06/15 12:49
onelove:雖然這麼說不好,不過聯合國當初會退讓,應該也是有數英 06/15 12:49
onelove:國不可能一直將香港作為其海外領土,遲早還是得重回中國 06/15 12:49
onelove:領土,但立基點上,台港完全不相同 06/15 12:49
onelove,這也是為什麼我後面補充了中華人民共和國外交部的聲明 現在中國認定台澎二地主權的擁有者並非中華民國,而是美國政府 換言之香港之於英國就和台澎之於美國一樣... 用這賤招就可以將台港放在同樣的立場上..... ※ 編輯: timshan (, 06/15/2014 12:53:28
bugbook:總之,台灣人千萬不能在此事件中沉默,因為沉默通常會被直 06/15 12:51
Gnome: 06/15 12:51
bugbook:接衍生為默認,所以絕對要發聲!且越大聲越好! 06/15 12:51
jetalpha:高調 06/15 12:52
onelove:我知道,這聲明出來換言之,台澎根本不是中國領土,我們 06/15 12:57
onelove:或許可以好好利用這次,國際不懂政治的也可以了他們一直在 06/15 12:57
onelove:放嘴炮 06/15 12:57
timshan:中共主動否認中華民國對台灣的主權,這機會不把握就沒下次 06/15 13:06
chiamin116:幫高調 06/15 13:13
Gnome: 06/15 13:32
JimEPLab:是否可以借轉政黑 O_o? 06/15 13:34
timshan:請轉 如果可以分享到FB或Twitter上更好。 06/15 13:35
JimEPLab:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 06/15 13:37
clover1211:英國這樣賣掉香港 難怪最近被支那嗆 06/15 13:45
sufferp:中國也很明確知道,台澎主權事實上未定,故意冠給美國 06/15 14:14
※ 編輯: timshan (, 06/15/2014 14:16:38
sufferp:更可證明台澎與金馬的主權歸屬不同! 06/15 14:15
sufferp:中國外交部立場那段有誤嗎? 06/15 14:35
timshan:那個在別篇論述會比較適合 06/15 14:36
joe2233:高調 06/15 15:02
Gnome:主權的確未定! 06/15 15:46
Gnome:timshan大,把你這篇放進本文裡了,這樣OK嗎? 06/15 15:55
iammiya:推 06/15 16:36
timshan:OK 06/15 19:07
noneed2argue: 06/15 23:19
fakeimage:所以重點在美國放不放手啊!快承認台灣人的權力吧! 06/16 01:55