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原文出處 http://ppt.cc/4Umo 單間的說,Michael Young 將回來擔任 "special assistant to the general manager" Sources: Michael Young finalizing deal to join Rangers' front office When Michael Young last week turned down the opportunity to interview for the Rangers’ managerial opening, he didn’t turn down the Rangers. Instead, he and general manager Jon Daniels seamlessly transitioned from discussing the managerial position to a broader role with the club that would allow him to fill a significant void in the front office and still be able to coach his kids’ soccer teams and enjoy the trappings of being 38 years old (in three weeks) and classified as “comfortably retired.” According to two sources close to the situation, Young and Daniels are moving towards finalizing a deal that would put the Rangers’ all-time games played and hits leader in the front office in a significant, albeit unstructured, role akin to a “special assistant to the general manager.” The Rangers are also discussing a similar role with Darren Oliver. Young was involved in staff meetings Monday as the Rangers vetted a number of managerial candidates. Daniels acknowledged Wednesday that he has discussed a role in the organization with Young and Oliver, but that nothing has been finalized. There may be no greater job in sports than to be a former player labeled “ special assistant.” Typically, it means a loose affiliation with a club, a spring training appearance, a few visits to minor league teams (but only if they are located in the vicinity of nice golf courses) and some public appearances. Such moves often are really designed just to boost relations with the fan base a little. This is not that kind of role. This has real meat to it. One thing that has sorely lacked from the Rangers’ inner circle over the last two years is the presence of a former player. They had bright minds, creative thinkers and risk-takers. But they lacked somebody who understood the contemporary player and how he thinks. For all the debate throughout the game about whether scouting or analytics is more integral to a team’s success, what often gets glossed over in the passionate argument is the psychology of sport. Scouts and analytics help teams evaluate talent and ability. Neither helps a team guarantee a team will get the most possible out of that talent/ability level. An understanding of the player’s mind – his desires, concerns and insecurities - does. In some ways, Nolan Ryan served as that guy for the Rangers for his first few years with the club. Ryan also retired at 46 in 1993. His days of being a contemporary to anybody on the roster, besides some of the older coaches, ended more than 20 years ago. Ryan retired five months before Rougned Odor was born. Players have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. On the other hand, Young and Oliver were teammates with Adrian Beltre, Elvis Andrus, Derek Holland, Neftali Feliz and others. It was Young whom Holland often sought out to discuss pitching theory and how hitters viewed pitch sequences. When Feliz was learning the art of closer, Oliver was the dean of the Texas bullpen. Giving Young and Oliver significant voices in Daniels’ restructured inner circle will only help the club better understand their own players and those in whom the Rangers intend to make long-term investments. The role may branch out into other areas, too, including field work and evaluation. The idea is for these to be positions that aren’t your typical “ special assistants.” In that regard, Young and Oliver may very well become special among the “ special assistants.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rangers/M.1412238371.A.B19.html
o0991758566: 哈哈 歡迎!!! 10/02 17:15
well0103: 推老大哥 10/02 19:14
onime0704: 取代Maddog的位置啊? 10/02 19:23
tucker: 算是manager見習嗎XD 10/02 20:08
hcju: 這個職務基本上就是回報性質 有活動就讓他配合參加之類的 10/02 21:11
hcju: 去年Pudge也是給他這個職位... 10/02 21:12
hcju: J.D.在管理上是比較獨斷的 他有他自己的團隊 這也是之前Ryan 10/02 21:13
hcju: 會說他感覺自己被丟到JD的sandbox裡而格格不入.. 10/02 21:15
Yierhmo: QAQ 10/03 03:12
JustinIdiot: 不管如何 能見到Young回來真是太好了 最喜歡的球員 10/03 04:10
JustinIdiot: 沒有之一~~~ 10/03 04:10
ForgerEames: 這一定要推的! 10/30 07:40