看板 Rangers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/iTTHhz SURPRISE, Ariz. - Josh Hamilton will open the season on the DL for the second straight year the Rangers said Wednesday after acknowledging that he had an injection of stem cells and platelet rich plasma into his left knee a day earlier. Hamilton underwent the procedure in Alabama on Tuesday and returned to the Rangers complex early Wednesday on crutches. Assistant general manager Thad Levine said Hamilton would be on crutches for seven to 10 days, then begin a rehab program that would last about eight weeks. The Rangers hope to send him on a rehab assignment the third week of April with the possibility of a return in late April or early May. "We are giving him an eight-week program because we don't want to cut any corners," Levine said. "Last year, we may have accelerated things and he suffered the hamstring injury early and it was an issue all year. This way he will get the benefit of a full spring training." Hamilton opened last year on the DL with the Los Angeles Angels while recovering from shoulder surgery and then being trapped in the Angels' freeze-out before being traded to the Rangers. But injuries hampered his return to Texas and he was limited to 50 games. Levine said the news does not greatly change the Rangers' approach to left field. The club could give top prospects Nomar Mazara and Lewis Brinson a longer look this spring. It also opens the possibility that Ryan Rua, last year's opening day left fielder could re-emerge as a factor with a strong spring. The Rangers have been in contact with the agents for David Murphy and Will Venable, a pair of left-handed hitters who could fill in Hamilton's side of the planned outfield platoon for the first month. Venable, however, would seem to have more long-term value because of his ability to also play center field, an area where the Rangers would like some more depth. Murphy would likely offer more offense, though. Hammy左膝又中箭了.... 治療加上復健預計4月底或五月後回來 或許可以春訓時多關注看看Brinson或Mazara 或是去簽David Murphy或Will Venable -- a █◣ ╮ ╭══╮ ╭ ◢█ ◣ ◢█ ◣ ════╮ █▌ █ theanswer3╯☆ █ ◣╰══════╯ █▋ █ █▌ █ █▌the◢█◣ ◣ █◣ ◣ █ ◥█◣ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢ ◤ █ ████ █◢█an██swer3█ █▌█ ███ ◥ ◣ ◢ ◤˙3 █▌ █ ◥◤◥ ◥ ▌◤ ◥ █ ◥█◤ ◥▌◤ █▌ █ ◢◤ ▄ ╱〈 ██ █◤ ══════════════════ ◥█ ◤ ██ █ ════╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rangers/M.1456330475.A.C13.html
JustinIdiot : 這下真的要找backup了 夏威夷人?Austin Jackson? 02/25 00:28
ivan2260 : 前陣子用可體松治療時不是說的像好了一樣嗎?== 02/25 00:29
JustinIdiot : 老實說 我比較想找中外野來 然後讓DDS去左外 但條子 02/25 00:29
JustinIdiot : 應該不會這麼做XD 02/25 00:30
JustinIdiot : 膝蓋問題看來很嚴重 整個休季第二次開刀了 02/25 00:30
LucasDuda : 來換阿炸 02/25 00:34
bbo40453 : Gallo外野練得怎麼樣了 02/25 00:36
JustinIdiot : 春訓會把他釘三壘 吹哥年紀畢竟也大了… 02/25 00:43
ltab23279264: 只是吹哥可能跟條子續約,短期內可能都還會在陣中 02/25 01:27
ltab23279264: 先前有傳出過條子對Drew Stubbs有興趣,不知現在會 02/25 01:29
ltab23279264: 不會列入考量 02/25 01:29
JustinIdiot : 不 是怕吹哥的大拇指 而且目前也沒有足夠的深度可以 02/25 01:51
JustinIdiot : 補三壘 02/25 01:51
onime0704 : Gallo不要把球傳到一壘後方記者的脖子上就好... 02/25 12:46
ltab23279264: 對齁都忘記吹哥曾說去年一度想動拇指手術。至於三壘 02/25 13:20
ltab23279264: 深度,Gallo? 02/25 13:20
JustinIdiot : 所以才要Gallo釘三壘阿 02/25 13:31
ivan2260 : 所以Profar 到底回不回的來啊@@ 02/25 17:16
JustinIdiot : 要看他守游擊阿!!今年春訓重點之一 02/25 17:53
yrt3168 : 任內幾度嗎XD 02/25 21:18
kuankubank : PROFAR游擊? 那貓王呢? 02/25 21:42
JustinIdiot : Profar春訓表現再好都會從3A出發的XD 02/25 22:54
WuAShan : 補洞了 小聯盟約+春訓邀約簽下Drew Stubbs 02/27 03:05
JustinIdiot : Stubbs nice,Brinson的地板XD 02/27 04:18
yrt3168 : XD 02/27 20:19
WuAShan : 別這樣嘛 好歹Stubbs也是首輪新秀 不過也只是曾經 02/27 20:53
JustinIdiot : Shawn Tolleson背部不適 要去看隊醫了…Luke Jackso 03/05 03:31
JustinIdiot : n和Guthrie這幾天也報傷號… 03/05 03:31
onime0704 : 又是個命願多舛的開始 囧 03/05 22:57