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※ 引述《heavengate (什麼才叫命中註定?)》之銘言: : 如題,想創個名人隊伍 : 領隊-崔斯特 二版簡述 無序善良 STR13 DEX20 CON15 WIS17 INT17 CHA14 Drizzt Do'Urden, Last son of House Do'Urden (fallen) of Menzoberranzan Drow Male, 16th Level Ranger (was 18th level fighter) Armour Class: -8 Move: 12 Hit Points: 92 THACO: 5 No. of Attacks: 5 Damage/Attack: 1d8+7 (x3), 1d8+5 (x2). Magic Resistance: 82%, +2 on saves vs. Magic Alignment: Chaotic Good 三版簡述 http://wizards.com/forgottenrealms/FR_3E_Drizzt.asp 無序善良 Male Drow (Dark Elf), 16th-Level Ranger (10級戰士/六級遊俠/一級野蠻人) Strength ........ 13 (+1) Dexterity ....... 21 (+5) Constitution ... 15 (+2) Intelligence .... 17 (+3) Wisdom ........ 17 (+3) Charisma ...... 14 (+2) Fortitude Save +12 Reflex Save +12 Will Save +8 Alignment Chaotic good Speed 30 ft. Size M Initiative +9 (Improved Initiative) Armor Class 24 (+5 Dex, +9 armor) Hit Points 92 Attack Bonus +16/+11/+6/+1 (primary weapon), +17/+12 (secondary weapon). Skills: Animal Empathy +6, Bluff +3, Climb +5, Handle Animal +5, Heal +4, Hide +12, Intuit Direction +9, Jump +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +12, Ride +8, Rope Use +4, Search +8, Spot +9, Track +12, Wilderness Lore +10 Feats: Ambidexterity (ranger bonus feat), Blind-Fight, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Lightning Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting (ranger bonus feat) Ranger Spells (3/3/2/1): Drizzt is a follower of Mielikki, the goddess of the forest. Ranger spells he typically has prepared include: 1st--animal friendship, entangle, pass without trace; 2nd--detect evil, hold animal, protection from elements; 3rd --control plants, neutralize poison; 4th--nondetection. Special: As a ranger, Drizzt gains a bonus to Bluff, Listen, Spot, and Track, as well as damage rolls against the following types of creatures: goblinoids (+4), magical beasts (+3), evil outsiders (+2), and vermin (+1). As a drow, he can use the following spell-like abilities, each once per day, as a sorcerer of his level: dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness. He has darkvision and +2 to saving throws against spells and spell-like effects; he’s lost his normal spell resistance, as he’s been on the surface too long. Languages: Drizzt speaks Common, Elven, Dwarven, and Undercommon (the language of the Underdark). Possessions: mithral chain mail +4, a frostbrand +3 scimitar (named Icingdeath), a defender +5 scimitar (named Twinkle), and a figurine of wondrous power, an onyx panther named Guenhwyvar (see the end of this entry for more information). Drizzt carries a mix of adventuring gear, including some drow and dwarven equipment. : 戰士-布魯諾,沃夫加 布魯諾 Bruenor 我手邊只有二版資料 Dwarf male 13th-level fighter Armor Class: -3 Move: 12 Hit points : 130 THAC0: 8 No of attacks: 2 Alignment : Neutral good STR: 17 DEX: 15 CON: 19 INT: 12 WIS: 15 CHA: 15 Weapons of Proficiencies: battle axe, dagger, heavy crossbow, footman's mace, morning star, short sword, warhammer, 1 open. Non Weapon Proficiencies: armorer, blacksmithing, heraldry ( dwarven ), mountaineering, weapon smithing, 2 opens. Equipment : as the king of Mithril hall, Bruenor's wealth is almost endless, and this afford him to access to almost anything that money can buy. Magical items: mithril field plate armor +2, a shield +1 (which bears the clan Battlehammer's standard of a foaming beer mug ) and an axe +3 (treat as an hand axe if Bruenor wield it one handed, and as a battle axe if he wears it two-handed.) 沃夫加 Human male 9th-level fighter Armor Class: 5 Move: 15 Hit points : 87 THAC0: 12 No of attacks: 3/2 Alignment : Chaotic good STR: 19 DEX: 16 CON: 18 INT: 15 WIS: 14 CHA: 15 Weapons of Proficiency: war hammer ( thrown and wielded), two handedsword, bastard sword, dagger, long sword, spear. Non Weapons Proficiencies: endurance, blacksmithing, fire-building, hunting, riding land based (horse), survival (arctic climate), running, weather sense. Equipment: wolf skin furs (that provide protection equal to studded leather armor ) and standard adventuring equipment for cold climates. : 盜賊-恩崔立 11盜賊/15戰士 STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 15 INT: 16 WIS: 15 CHA: 13 AC: -2(-6) MOVE: 12 Hit Point: 107 No of Attack: 5 守序邪惡 盜賊能力 扒竊80% 開鎖65% 隱藏90% 無聲移動99% F/RT50% DN55% RL20% SU75% 武器專精 two-weapon fighting ambidexterity 短弓 輕十字弓 匕首(投擲或是肉搏) rapier 投石器 手杖 長劍 短劍 非武器專精 Blind-fighting, 方向感, 易容, 耐力, 使用繩索, 求生能力 tightrope walking, 追蹤 裝備 標準冒險用具,盜賊用具,武器,繩索等等 魔法物件 +4 防護斗篷 +4 匕首defender(可竊取生命值) +2 防護戒指 Sword of Wounder +1(就是那軍刀) : 法師-艾拉斯卓 這我就不知了 : 牧師-(從缺) : 還有想問一下魚人城小惡魔謎題裡的那些人 : Piergeiron & Khelben有什麼功績? 應該是命運石碑的人物吧 -- ┌────╮ ○ ╭╮ │╭──╮│───╮╭╮╭──╮╭──╮╯╰┐ ││ ││ ──│││╰╮─╯╰╮─╯╮╭╯ │╰──╯│ ╭─╯││╭─╰╮╭─╰╮││ └────╯─╯─╯╰╯╰──╯╰──╯└┘ All I wish is continue my journey. Draw your steel & we shall see... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: