看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
之前在公司看到有人穿Fear Factory的衣服,結果去攀談後才發現對方根本不知道那是啥, 讓我想到這條前幾年聽的歌,MV也做的很有趣。 今天穿著Russian Circles的衣服來上班,大家現在身上穿著團踢嗎? ===================================================================================== TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT(脫掉你的團踢!)- Watt White http://goo.gl/v3Te7u I cut class, I skipped school I hauled ass to sleep out in the parking lot of Coconuts where they had the Ticketron Tower 2; Obstructed View I saw the show that changed my life But I did not see you so 我蹺課,我逃學 我不辭勞苦睡在Coconuts處Ticketron售票亭的停車場裡 第二區,視野受阻,我看了改變我一生的表演 但是我卻沒有看到你! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT Miss Metallica: You were 2 years old when Ride The Lightning came out You felt no pain when Burton died but you cried when they cancelled Baby Muppets You master of no puppets 脫掉你的團踢! Metallica小姐:當Ride the Lighting發行時你才兩歲 Cliff Burton死掉的時候你根本無感!但是當Baby Muppets停播時你卻大哭 你這個魁儡吱汪! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT Miss AC/DC: you don't even know Hells Bells from Hatebreed You got that shirt cuz Urban stuff is so cool (Fool!) For those about to suck we salute you 脫掉你的團踢! AC/DC小姐:你連Hells Bells跟Hatebreed有啥差都不知道 你買這件衣服只是因為Urban衣服很酷而已(北七!) 這些爛咖們,啊你們不就真的是好棒棒!? TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT If you can't name a song by the band that's on it 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT If you can't name a song by the band that's on it 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! No size tag and faded Decal disintegrated How I suffered cash in hand while clawing to the concession stand Like a flag my shirt has flown through countless painful nights you could have never known 標籤不見而且褪色 印花剝落 我千辛萬苦手裡拿錢連滾帶爬到達紀念品販賣處 就像英挺的旗幟!我的團踢跟我在你一無所知的無數痛苦夜晚一起昂揚! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT Mr. Misfits: you mistook Glen Danzig for Trent Reznor once you dipshit Miss Motley Crue I mean you, no they did not sing Every Rose Has its Thorn The sheep must be shorn 脫掉你的團踢! Misfits先生:你這白爛還曾把Glen Danzig誤以為是Trent Reznor 還看別人啊?Motley Crue小姐!Every Rose Has its Thorn不是他們唱的! 這種爛咖不抓出來尻一頓行嗎? TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT Iron Maiden the number of the beast was not 6-6-7 I'd like to learn about Black Sabbath from you But they don't play them on MTV2 脫掉你的團踢! Iron Maiden的惡魔數字才不是667! 我想跟你請教Black Sabbath的事情 但是他們可不會在MTV2頻道打歌咧! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT If you can't name a song by the band that's on it 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT Strip to the waist, take it off be honest If you can't name a song by the band that's on it NO 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 褪下你的衣服,老實的脫掉它 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! Still so crisp from hanging on the rack This T-shirt stretched across your back Says nothing of a sacrifice; through thick and thin, wind snow and ice Did I through adolescence wield This 100% cotton shield Now face to face and shirt to shirt it's revealed: Your ignorance of Queensryche! Won't you let them be? Cuz they belong to me 在衣架仍是如此英姿颯颯 這件你批在身上的的團踢 根本毫無任何風雨無阻出生入死的犧牲血汗印記 而非我年少青春時所親身經歷 這件百分百純棉裝甲 現在我們面對面衣對衣對質後,很明顯的! 你對Queensryche無所知悉 你就讓他們適得其所吧?因為他們都屬於我! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT If you can't name a song by the band that's on it 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT (Check it out, it says Molly Hatchets) 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! (看!上面寫Molly Hatchets耶~) TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT You can't name a song by the band that's on it 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT Strip to the waist, take it off be honest If you can't name a song by the band that's on it If you don't know the guys printed on your garment so TAKE THAT SHIT OFF NOW 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 脫掉你的團踢! 褪下你的衣服,老實的脫掉它 如果你連上面樂團的一條歌都說不出來的話! 你根本不認識你衣服上面印的人 所以他媽的你現在給我就把衣服脫掉!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1404452891.A.9FA.html
andrewyachu:之前看到一個同班的穿PINK FLOYD還以為遇到同好了 07/04 14:53
andrewyachu:結果他根本不知道那是甚麼 我他媽超失望的 07/04 14:53
Opethmist:之前碰到一個穿the Final Frontier的也是QQ他不知鐵媽 07/04 15:07
miabcd199:之前在路上看過有媽媽穿LOG和suicide silence.. 07/04 15:18
live1002:搞不好媽媽戰力十足 07/04 15:29
jyunwei:XD 07/04 17:29
jyunwei:NIRVANA笑臉我基本上不會認為穿的人認識他 07/04 17:29
GLAMOROCK:樓上我知道耶 而且超愛穿那件的 07/04 17:47
GLAMOROCK:話說以前高中熱舞社很多女生愛穿acdc 以為是同好結果問 07/04 17:49
GLAMOROCK:她居然跟我說 '我覺得這牌子很好看'= = 07/04 17:49
sugizo0:穿AE的旁人只淡淡說:這骷髏好醜... 幹 07/04 17:54
jyunwei:哈我是說路上看到的會預設他不知道,在版上就要預設知道了 07/04 18:09
Imhuang:AC/DC的團徽頗有設計感 07/04 18:30
yumshit1999:還有一堆穿The Rolling Stones的潮屁啊wwww 07/04 19:41
hh963369:在路上看到A7X束口袋 我比較希望他只是單純覺得帥而已 07/04 19:52
c332008:畢業前我們班也是一堆妹子穿AC/DC 07/04 20:04
c332008:"幹!你也喜歡AC/DC喔!?" "蛤?" 這種對話大概發生過四次吧 07/04 20:05
EDGE: 之前由你哭囉有出一系列的經典搖滾主題踢袖,包含 07/05 00:00
EDGE: Nirvana、KISS、The Clash「London Calling」封面… 07/05 00:01
EDGE: 最近在醫院看到連印傭看護都在穿Nirvana踢袖了,Rock! 07/05 00:03
sugizo0:樓上看護真是太金屬了 07/05 01:27
kingroy:樓樓上正解,uniqlo現在都還有那些系列w 07/05 03:55
kingroy:Megadeth的thirteen的T不錯看,一個把鐘面劃成13份的鐘 XD 07/05 03:55
EDGE: uniqlo的那系列踢袖我很想買,但布料超薄居然還賣400 07/05 08:26
saigxx:魯蛇扣有團T阿? (驚 07/05 10:38
DEATH66611:還是第一次聽到穿團T竟然不是搖滾金屬咖,不過比起來另 07/05 13:51
DEATH66611:一種更討厭,就是把團徽字樣拿去改別的字然後把他當做 07/05 13:52
DEATH66611:潮流品牌的感覺,一堆人穿還覺得是潮流牌很帥幹看了就賭 07/05 13:53
DEATH66611:爛,喜歡那字的設計幹麻不穿原本的團t原本的設計還比較 07/05 13:53
DEATH66611:衷於原著,這好像叫翻玩是嗎?可是像把小護士改成七恐流 07/05 13:54
DEATH66611:血這也叫翻玩,但這就蠻有創意的阿,最長看到是metallica 07/05 13:55
DEATH66611:被改成別的字樣 07/05 13:55
dgmnewlife:有些人純粹覺得很好看而已 我是覺得還好拉.. 07/05 16:33
GLAMOROCK:樓樓上讓我想到偽slayer洨賈T XDD 07/05 17:25
kingroy:Metallica改成Plastica? 07/05 19:30
Imhuang:http://ppt.cc/hn3G 07/05 20:11
nbaworf:覺得好看穿沒關係吧 07/05 21:32
vul3G:金屬變潮是好事啊,我才不要脫下來咧~ 07/05 21:38
jyunwei:翻玩還好啦...沒啥討厭的,只是玩的沒創意的話像抄襲而已 07/06 14:44
iuka666:有次倒垃圾,隔壁5X歲的婦人穿X-JAPAN一起在等垃圾車(哭) 07/06 15:05
saigxx:之前不就有人翻玩大顆松的字體 07/06 17:03
osnapitslo:路上看過有人穿misfit的冒牌踢,圖案一樣可是上面寫的 07/22 17:29
osnapitslo:是mistake,差點沒笑死 07/22 17:29
Imhuang:XDDDDDD 07/23 12:08