看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Bullet to the Brain 子彈穿腦 Megadeth No one knows what draws the moth to the flame And nothing costs as much as playing the game She had to know, know, know... he'd give love for sex He had to know, know, know... she'd give sex for love 沒人知道是什麼令飛蛾撲向烈火 而沒有什麼比感情遊戲代價高昂 她必須知道、知道、知道……他願為性付出愛 他必須知道、知道、知道……她願為愛付出性 The taste, touching his tongue, sweet to his lips Poison, now penetrating deeper Betrayed by just one bite, for just one night To find forbidden fruit tastes sweeter 那滋味,觸動他的舌尖,雙唇品味甜美 毒藥,如今滲得更深 背叛,只需一咬,只消一晚 去發現,禁果嚐來更加甜美 Just like pressing a loaded gun to your head One knows only the spider can navigate its web She had to know, know, know... he'd get what he wants He had to know, know, know... she'd get what she needs 猶如舉著裝填子彈的槍對準腦門 你該知道只有蜘蛛能操控牠的網 她必須知道、知道、知道……他會得到他想要的 他必須知道、知道、知道……她會得到她需要的 Soon under the spell, emotions are high Mind control penetrating deeper The hex was cast on him, all he believes Now is forbidden fruit tastes sweeter 很快地,魔咒之下,情緒高張 心靈控制穿透得更深 法術已施於身上,他所深信之事 如今唯有禁果嚐來更加甜美 She had to know, know, know... he'd win at the start He had to know, know, know... she'd win in the end 她必須知道、知道、知道……他會旗開得勝 他必須知道、知道、知道……她會笑到最後 His one last thought blew his mind, bullet to the brain Hot lead was penetrating deeper Just one reckless shot squeezed from the hand That knows forbidden fruit tastes sweeter 最後一個念頭劃過他思緒,如子彈擊中腦海 熱鉛,貫透得更深 只需手指奮不顧身地一扣-- 你知道禁果總是嚐來更加甜美 (高仕艷 譯) -- 在這首歌以前,(我們)所有的歌都是一堆吉他速彈、演奏得超快、 充滿侵略性的作品。但當〈Peace Sells〉一出來,感覺就是「哇,這 真是首好歌」;是那種--儘管我當時並未查覺這點--能經得起時間 考驗、會成為我永恆摯友的作品。                       --Dave Mustaine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1516403035.A.EF0.html
LouisTung: 推 01/21 21:07