看板 SLG 關於我們 聯絡資訊
先行警告:這章的量是整份說明書裡量最多的 只看頁數的話,佔了整份說明書超過1/3,是前兩章加起來的三倍 然後因為正式牽涉到遊戲本身,也多了不少比較專門的用詞 所以我翻譯起來比前兩章還凌亂 文章中會有不少的(譯註:blablabla),大都是我翻譯時碰到問題無法解決的地方 希望大家能耐心看完之後替我解惑及指正,感謝>"< 有需要的話我再把它分成幾篇文章貼,現在先全部貼上來 =============================== Chapter 3 Interface 介面 This section will provide information about various interface elements, as well as the keyboard shortcuts and the different actions that can be used in the game. 這部份有各種遊戲介面元素的資訊、鍵盤快捷鍵和能用在遊戲中的不同動作。 --------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Starting the game 開始遊戲 --------------------------------------------------- If you installed FreeCol with the system independent installer, or the Windows installer, there should be a shortcut on your desktop. Double click the icon in order to start the game. If that does not work, or if you prefer using the command line, then please read the following paragraphs. 如果你用獨立安裝器或者Windows安裝器安裝FreeCol,桌面上會出現捷徑,快按兩下捷徑 圖示以開始遊戲。如果沒作用、或你比較喜歡用指令,那請閱讀下面的段落。 ------------------------------------------ 3.1.1 Command line option 選擇用指令列 If you are in the directory in which FreeCol is installed, you can start the game with the command java -Xmx512M -jar FreeCol.jar. This will tell the Virtual Machine to load the game and to set the maximum heap size to 512 MB. Refer to the manual of your Java Virtual Machine for details. 如果你在安裝著FreeCol的資料夾中,你能以指令java -Xmx512M -jar FreeCol.jar開始 遊戲。這指令會告訴虛擬機器載入遊戲,並把最大記憶體設為512MB。參閱你的Java虛擬 機器使用手冊來得知細節。 There are many other Java options, but you probably won’t need to change the default settings. FreeCol is developed in English, but it includes translations into many other languages, some of which are not very complete, however. Java will automatically select the translation for your locale, if available, and English otherwise. If you should wish to select a different language, or if language selection fails, you can choose a different language from the preferences menu. 有很多其他的Java設定,但你應該不會需要動到初始設定。FreeCol用英文開發,但它也 包含許多語言的翻譯版,不過有些語言還翻的不完整。Java會自動選擇你所在地區的語言 (如果有這翻譯版的話),要不就是英文。如果你想選擇別的語言,或者選擇語言時出了 問題,你能從偏好選單中選擇不同的語言。 FreeCol also provides several application-specific command line options: FreeCol也提供一些特殊用途的指令: --freecol-data DIR Specify the directory that contains FreeCol’s data files. In general, you will only need to use this if you have installed a modified copy of FreeCol’s data files. --freecol-data DIR指定含有FreeCol資料檔的目錄(資料夾)。只有當你已經安裝修改過的 FreeCol,你才需要這個這個指令。 (其實就是叫遊戲去讀取MOD檔案所在的目錄) (譯註:感謝THC13更正) --windowed[[=]WIDTHxHEIGHT] Run FreeCol in windowed mode instead of full screen mode and set the window width and height. You will need this if your window manager or Java Virtual Machine do not (correctly) support FreeCol’s full screen mode. If you use Linux and Java 5, for example, you should set the window width to the width of your screen, but probably set the window height slightly lower than the height of your screen, in order to leave space for the menu bar, dock etc. --windowed[[=]WIDTHxHEIGHT]會以視窗模式而非全螢幕運行FreeCol, 並能設定長寬。 如果你的視窗管理員或Java虛擬機不(完全)支援FreeCol全螢幕模式,你會需要它。舉 例來說,如果你在Linux系統上用Java5,你要設定你螢幕的長寬,但可能要讓視窗寬比你 的螢幕寬稍微小一點,為了留給選單條空間。 --load-savegame SAVEGAME_FILE Load the given savegame. This is particularly useful in combination with the client option show savegame settings. --load-savegame SAVEGAME_FILE會載入選定的存檔。這和用戶端的「顯示存檔設定」一 起用會很有用。 --no-intro Skip the introductory video. --no-intro會跳過介紹影片 --no-sound Run FreeCol without sound. Note that the game does not yet contain any music, so the only sounds you will hear will be special effects. --no-sound會關掉FreeCol的音效。記住遊戲還沒有任何音樂,因此你原本只會聽到效果 音。 --usage Display the help screen. --usage會叫出幫助畫面。 --version Display the version number. --version會告訴你這是第幾版。 --server PORT Start a stand-alone server on the specified port. If you don't know what that means, you will not need the option. --server PORT會用特定的port開啟一個獨立伺服器。如果你不知道這是什麼意思,那你 用不到這指令。 --server-help Display a help screen for the more advanced server options. --server-help會叫出包含伺服器選項的幫助畫面。 --font[[=]FONTSPEC] Override the default font with a Java font specifier (e.g. Arial-BOLD-12). --font[[=]FONTSPEC]會用Java字體(像是Arial-BOLD-12)取代預設字體。 --home-directory DIRECTORY Use the given directory instead of your default home directory to load and save games, options and log files. You can use this in order to run the game from a USB stick, for example. Please note that specifying a save game file on the command line will override the save game directory. --home-directory DIRECTORY會用給定的路徑來載入、儲存遊戲、設定和記錄檔,而非預 設的家目錄。你能用這指令來從像是USB之類的地方跑遊戲。請注意,在指令列中輸入的 特定存檔路徑會取代原本的存檔路徑。 --clientOptions FILE Override the client options file (normally options.xml in the freecol directory). --clientOptions FILE會重寫用戶端設定檔(通常是freecol資料夾中的options.xml檔) --timeout TIMEOUT Specifies the number of seconds the server should wait for a player to answer a question (e.g. demands from natives). This is ‘infinite’ by default in single player mode, and 60 seconds in multiplayer. --timeout TIMEOUT會設定伺服器要等玩家幾秒,透過對玩家拋問題來決定是否要繼續等 (像是問他國籍)。在單人模式中,預設是「無限」,而多人時預設60秒。 There are several other options that you will probably only be interested in if you are a developer: 有些指令是在你要開發遊戲時才要用到: --no-java-check Skip the java version check. --no-java-check會跳過Java版本檢查。 --no-memory-check Skip the memory check. --no-memory-check跳過記憶體檢查。 --log-level LEVEL Set the java log level. --log-level LEVEL會設定java記錄等級。 --check-savegame GAME Check the integrity of a saved game, exit with status equal to the result of the check. --check-savegame GAME檢查遊戲存檔是否完整,結束時會跑出檢查結果。 --seed SEED Seed the random number generator. --seed SEED產生隨機數目的產生器。 --debug[[=]MODES] Start the game in (non-scoring) debugging mode. The argument is a comma separated list of the debug modes: ‘menus’ (enables the debug menu and extra entries in popups and panels), ‘init’ (generates a starting colony) , and ‘comms’ (massive client-server communications tracing). It defaults to ‘menus’ if null. --debug[[=]MODES]會以(不留記錄的)除錯模式開啟遊戲。這個參數是一個用逗號分開 的,除錯模式的列表:”menus”(開啟除錯選單及能進入popups 和panels)、”init” (產生開始的殖民地)和”comms”(大量用戶端伺服器的通訊記錄)。如果沒輸入參數 的話,那就會開啟”menus”。 --debug-run[=]TURNS[,SAVENAME] Run in debug ‘menus’ mode for the specified number of turns, then optionally save the game to the specified save name and quit. --debug-run[=]TURNS[,SAVENAME](譯註:這段看不懂._.) ------------------------------------------ 3.1.2 Game setup 設定遊戲 Main panel 主控版 If you start FreeCol without command line options, the game will first open a dialog that allows you to continue a game already started, to start a new game, to open a saved game, to open the map editor, to set various options, and to quit. 如果你不是用指令列開啟FreeCol,遊戲會先跳出一段對話框讓你繼續遊戲、開始新遊戲 、開啟存檔、開啟地圖編輯器、設定、以及離開。 If you decide to start a new game, you will be presented with another dialog, which enables you to start a single-player game, to retrieve a list of servers from meta.freecol.org, to join a multi-player game, or to start a new multi-player game. 如果你要開新遊戲,你會看到其他對話框,要你選擇單人模式、從meta.freecol.org中選 擇一個伺服器、加入多人遊戲、或者開啟新的多人遊戲。 New game 新遊戲 If you start a new single-player or multi-player game, you must also decide whether to use fixed or selectable national advantages, or no national advantages at all. In the original game, national advantages were always fixed. The Dutch, for example, always had a trading advantage. You must also decide which rule set to use. At the moment, FreeCol comes with two rule sets, namely “FreeCol” (the default) and “Classic”. In the future, we will probably distribute additional rule sets contributed by players. If you join another game, then you must accept the settings the game’s owner selected. 如果你開始一個新的單人或多人遊戲,你必須也決定要用固定或可選的國家加成,或都沒 有加成。在原版遊戲中,國家加成是固定的。舉例來說,荷蘭人在貿易上有加成。你也要 決定要用哪種模式,目前FreeCol有兩種模式,也就是”FreeCol”(預設)和”Classic ”。未來我們可能會提供其他玩家提供的遊戲模式。如果你加入其他遊戲,那你必須接受 開這個遊戲的人的選擇。 Difficulty level 難度 The next screen allows you to select an appropriate difficulty level. The game comes with five pre-defined difficulty levels: “Very Easy”, “Easy”, “Normal” (the default), “Hard” and “Very Hard”. The level is defined by about two dozen different settings, such as the amount of gold you start the game with. If you select “Very Easy”, for example, you will start with 1000 gold, if you select “Easy”, you will start with only 300 gold, and in higher levels you will start entirely penniless. 下一個畫面會要你選擇適合的難度。遊戲有五種定好的難度:「超簡單」、「簡單」、「 正常」、「難」、「超難」。大約24個不同設定來定義難度,像是起始金錢之類的。舉例 來說。如果你選擇「超簡單」,你一開始會有一千元。如果你選擇「簡單」,那你一開始 只會有三百元。更高難度的話你會身無分文。 You can also create your own custom difficulty level. Just select the difficulty level that is closest to what you want (i.e. select “Very Hard” if you want a difficulty level that is even harder) and press the “edit” button to change the settings. Please note that the range of all settings is limited. 你也可以創造你自己的難度。只要選擇接近你想要的難度的選項(也就是說,如果你要的 難度比「超難」還難,就選這個選項),然後按「編輯」按鈕來改變設定。請記住所有設 定都是有範圍的。 Select nations 選擇國家 The next screen allows you to select which European and native nations will be present in the game, which colour will be used to represent them, and whether they will be played by humans or computer players. At the moment, human players can only select a European nation. In future, that might change. If you chose selectable national advantages, then you can also change the national advantage of the nation you are playing. 下一個畫面要你選擇哪些歐洲和當地國家會出現在遊戲裡,國家會用顏色來區別,由人或 電腦玩家來操控。目前人類玩家只能選擇歐洲國家,未來這可能會改變。如果你選擇國家 加成可選,那你也能在這裡改變你玩的國家的國家加成。 The original game only included four European nations, namely the Dutch, English, French and Spanish. FreeCol includes eight, mainly in order to support large multi-player games, but also in order to include the Portuguese, who were sadly absent from the original game. By default, however, only the original four European nations are selected. 原版只有四個歐洲國家,荷蘭、英國、法國和西班牙。FreeCol有八個國家,主要是為了 支援大型多人遊戲,也是為了把在原版中悲慘的缺席了的葡萄牙給加進來。然而,預設值 仍然是一開始的四個歐洲國家。 The table headers for the Nation and Advantage columns are buttons that will take you to the relevant sections of the Colopedia. Also see the chapter on your Home Country for further information on the national advantages of various European nations. 「國家與加成」一欄的按鈕會連到Colopedia(譯註:與FreeCol有關的百科)的相關部分 。要得知更多關於國家加成與各個歐洲國家的資訊,請看「你的祖國」一節。 This screen also allows you to change various game options. 這個畫面也能讓你更動各種遊戲設定。 Joining a game 加入一個遊戲 If you choose to retrieve a list of running games from the metaserver, your computer will attempt to establish a connection to meta.freecol.org, port 3540. You will be presented with a list of games, from which you can select one to connect to. Please note that the list will frequently be empty, since not that many public multi-player games are being run. 如果你選擇從metaserver中列出來的所有進行中遊戲中找一個,你的電腦必須要和 meta.freecol.org, port 3540建立連結。你會看到一串遊戲列表,能選擇其中一個連進 去。要知道列表經常會是空的,因為沒有這麼多公開多人遊戲在跑。 If you wish to join a multi-player game, you must enter the IP address of a server that is running a FreeCol game as well as the port it is running on. The default port is 3541. If you join a multi-player game, you can also choose a nation and colour, but another players might already have selected your preferred nation. 如果你要加入一個多人遊戲,你要輸入一個有在運行FreeCol的伺服器的IP和port,預設 的port是3541。如果你加入了一個多人遊戲,你也能選擇國家和顏色,但可能已經有其他 玩家選走你想要的國家了。 Setting up a multi-player game 設立一個多人遊戲 (譯註:這段翻的七零八落的,求大家幫忙) If you wish to start a multi-player game, then the IP address of the server will be that of your computer, but you must still select a port to run the server on. Again, the default port is 3541. You must also decide whether you want to run a public server or a private server. By default, you start a private game, which means that the game will not be available on the metaserver. Furthermore, you must decide on the number of European players (see above), and whether to use national advantages. A multi-player game may be more balanced if you do not use them, so that all players start with the same units and abilities. 如果你想創立一個多人遊戲,那伺服器IP就是你的電腦的IP,但你仍要選擇一個port來讓 伺服器運作,預設port同樣是3541。你也要決定你要用公開或是私人伺服器。預設是私人 遊戲,這代表不會在metaserver看到你創的遊戲。此外,你要決定歐洲玩家的數目(看上 述),以及是否要國家加成。如果不用國家加成的話,所有玩家都能在同樣的出發點,多 人遊戲會更平衡。 FreeCol is a client-server game. The game server takes care of the game logic, and the client provides the graphical user interface. One or several clients can connect to the game server via the network. In the case of a single-player game, all other players are handled by the game server. At the moment, however, your client uses a network connection even if the server is running on the same computer. FreeCol是一款用戶伺服器導向的遊戲,遊戲伺服器掌管遊戲邏輯運算,用戶伺服器則提 供使用者圖像化介面。一或多個用戶能透過網路連結遊戲伺服器。以單人遊戲為例,其他 玩家都由遊戲伺服器掌控。然而,你的用戶端也能同時連到網路,儘管伺服器就在同一台 電腦上。 This means that you can only run FreeCol if you have the necessary privileges to bind an unprivileged port. If you use a personal firewall that blocks the port you wish to use, you will need to configure your firewall accordingly. If you wish to retrieve a list of games from the metaserver, you also need to configure your firewall to permit connections to that server, port 3540. In order to connect to a server, your client also needs to bind a port. Which port depends on the operating system you use. 這代表如果你有必要優先權去連結一個沒有優先權的port,你能只跑FreeCol。如果你的 個人防火牆擋住你想用的port,你需要設定你的防火牆。如果你想要在metaserver上瀏覽 遊戲,你也需要設定防火牆來讓它允許與伺服器,port3540的連結。為了連到伺服器,你 的用戶端也需要連到一個port,這個port與你用的系統有關。 If you are running a public game server, then your firewall must also permit the clients to connect to the port of the game server. 如果你正在跑一個公開遊戲伺服器,那你的防火牆也需要允許其他用戶端連到這個伺服器 的port。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.1.3 Map Generator Options 地圖產生器設定 (譯註:這段翻的七零八落的,求大家幫忙) The map generator options allow you to import a map, and to set several parameters that influence the size and terrain of a randomly generated map. FreeCol includes several hand-made maps, which can be selected by clicking on the map icon. 地圖產生器設定能讓你輸入一張地圖,並設定各種能改變隨機產生的地圖的大小、地形的 參數。FreeCol包括數張手製地圖,能透過點擊地圖圖標來選擇它們。 To import a map, either select one of the maps in the shortcut panel, enter the name of a file in the import field, or click on the browser button in order to select a file via a file browser. You have the choice to import terrain, bonuses, rumors and settlements. At the moment, the map editor does not provide all these options, however. 要輸入一張地圖,除了在捷徑板上選擇一個地圖、輸入存在於地圖輸入區中檔案的名字, 還能點瀏覽器按鈕以連到檔案瀏覽器來找檔案。你能選擇輸入地形、福利(譯註:啥鬼) 、失落城市和居住地。然而目前的地圖編輯器還不能提供所有這些功能。 The map generator tab allows you to select the size of the map, as well as the amount and the general shape of the land on the map. The terrain generator tab allows you to select the number of rivers, mountains, lost city rumors, native settlements, forests, and bonus tiles on the map, as well as the humidity and temperature of the map. The latter settings will influence the terrain. 地圖產生器標籤能讓你選擇地圖大小,和地圖中陸地的數量和形狀。地形產生器標籤讓你 選擇河流、山脈、失落城市、當地部落、森林和額外地磚的數量,還能決定地圖的濕度和 溫度。後續設定還會影響地形。 -------------------------------------------- 3.1.4 Game Options 遊戲設定 The game options allow you to select several parameters that influence game play, such as non-standard rules and victory conditions. 遊戲設定讓你調整某些會影響遊戲進行的參數,像是非標準規則和勝利條件。 Map Options 地圖設定 The option Turns to Sail allows you to change the number of turns required to sail between Europe and the New World. By default, the journey takes three turns. 「航行時間」讓你改變航行於歐洲和新世界之間所花的回合數,預設是三回合。 The Settlement Limit Modifier allows you to relax the settlement limit, which currently applies only to the number of Wagon Trains that your colonies can support. 「居住地限制修改器」讓你能放鬆居住地本身的限制,現在只會限制你的殖民地所能負擔 的馬車隊數量。 The checkbox Fog of War allows you to toggle whether the areas of the map your units can not currently see are marked. 選取方塊「戰爭迷霧」讓你選擇是否要讓那些你的單位視野看不到的地圖顯示出來。 The checkbox Exploration Points allows you to award exploration points for regions discovered by the players. By default, exploration points are only awarded for the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. 選取方塊「探險點數」讓你能讓玩家透過發現新地區得到探險點數。預設是探險點數只能 透過發現太平洋得到。 The checkbox Amphibious Moves enables offensive units to attack colonies from a ship. This is necessary in order to prevent the construction of unassaillable strongholds on small islands. 選取方塊「兩棲行動」能讓攻擊性單位從船上攻擊殖民地。為了避免無敵鐵龜島的情況發 生,必須勾選這個。 The checkbox Empty Trade Units enables empty carriers to trade with foreign settlements, in other words to buy foreign goods without selling goods first. 選取方塊「空的貿易單位」能讓沒裝東西的運輸單位與外國人的居住地貿易。也就是說, 在還沒賣東西之前就先買舶來品。 The checkbox Chief Contact toggles whether all interactions with a settlement, such as sending a unit to learn a skill, automatically contact its chief. 選取方塊「首長聯絡」選擇是否要讓所有對居住地的聯絡,像是讓一個單位去學技術之類 ,都自動透過該居住地的首長。 The checkbox Enhanced Missionaries grants missionaries various abilities, making them more valuable than in the original game. 選取方塊「強化教會」讓教會有更多能力,比在原版中更有價值。 The Gift Probability influences the amount of gifts your colonies will receive from the natives. 「禮物機率」影響原住民送給你的殖民地禮物的數量。 The Demand Probability influences the number of demands your colonies will receive from the natives. 「要求機率」影響原住民對你的殖民地提出要求的數量。 The checkbox Continue Recruiting Founding Fathers allows you to elect Founding Fathers after independence has been granted. 選取方塊「繼續招募國父」讓你能在獨立後舉辦國父選舉。 The checkbox Teleport REF enables the Royal Expeditionary Force to arrive directly at its destination, as in the original game. If this option is disabled, the REF must sail to its destination and can be attacked en route. 選取方塊「傳送REF」能讓皇家遠征軍像原版一樣直接到達目的地。如果這選項被取消, REF必須乖乖航行,而且能在途中攻擊它。 The option Starting Positions allows you to determine whether the various European nations will start at positions similar to those of the original game, at positions closer to their historical landfalls, or at random locations. 選項「起始點」能讓你決定各種歐洲國家會從原版起始點、歷史上真正的起始點、或隨機 地區開始遊戲。 Colony Options 殖民地選項 The checkbox Custom House Ignores Boycott enables Custom Houses to ignore boycotts and export boycotted goods regardless. This does not apply to carriers, however, and does not prevent further boycotts by the Crown. This feature of the original game is considered a bug by the FreeCol team and is therefore disabled by default in the FreeCol rule set. 選取方塊「海關忽略抵制」能讓海關忽略抵制規則,並能出口被抵制的貨物。這並不適用 於運輸單位,也不能避免國王做出的進一步抵制。這在原版中被FreeCol團隊認為是一個 bug,因此在FreeCol中是預設取消的。 The checkbox Experts Have Connections enables experts working in factory-level buildings to produce a small amount of goods even if the necessary raw material are not generally available. This alleged feature of the original game is also disabled by default. 選取方塊「專家有連結」能讓專家在原料缺乏的情況下也能在工廠等級的建築生產較少數 量的貨品。這在原版中令人疑惑的狀況也在預設中被取消掉了。 The checkbox Save Production Overflow, toggles whether the construction of new units or buildings uses up all available hammers, or only the exact number required. In the latter case, the remaining hammers will remain available for the next building project. 選取方塊「保留過量的生產力」會選擇是否要在建造新單位或建築時用所有的鎚子,或只 要用真正需要的數量。在後面的情況,剩下的鎚子在下一次建築時還能用。 (譯註:感謝s2327259修正) The checkbox Allow Student Selection enables (and obliges) you to explicitly assign students to teachers. The original game always selects a random student from those available. 選取方塊「能夠選擇學生成為老師」能(和迫使)明確指定某個學生變成老師。原版總是 從那些能成為老師的學生隨機選擇一個變成老師。 The checkbox Buildings Require Upkeep toggles whether you have to pay for the upkeep of all buildings not present in a newly established colony. If you fail to pay the upkeep, you will suffer a production penalty. This feature was apparently considered for the original game, but was removed during play-testing. 選取方塊「建築需要保養」會選擇是否要替在新建立的殖民地中,所有還沒蓋好的建築物 副保養費。如果你沒付的話,將會受到生產力懲罰。這機制在原版中有,但目前被移除了 The option Natural Disasters influences the probability of natural disasters devastating your colonies. If this option is set to zero, no natural disasters will occur. 選項「自然災害」會影響自然災害破壞你的殖民地的機率。如果選擇0的話,那就不會有 任何自然災害。 Victory Conditions 勝利條件 Victory conditions allow you to choose how a European player may win the game: 勝利條件讓你選擇一個選擇歐洲國家的玩家如何贏這場遊戲: First Player to Gain Independence 第一個獨立的玩家 All Other European Players Defeated 其他歐洲國家玩家都被擊敗 All Other Human Players Defeated 其他人類玩家都被擊敗 Please note that if you start a single-player game and select the defeat of all other human players as a victory condition, your game will end immediately, since the victory condition already applies. 請記住如果你玩單人遊戲並選擇擊敗所有其他人類玩家作為勝利條件,遊戲會立刻結束, 因為勝利條件已經達到了。 Year Options 年代設定 The Starting Year determines the year in which the game starts (defaults to 1492). 「起始年份」決定遊戲從幾年開始(預設是1492年) The Season Year determines the first year with two turns or seasons per year (defaults to 1600). (譯註:這句話看不懂0.0) The Mandatory Colony Year determines the first year in which it becomes mandatory for European players to own at least one colony in order to avoid defeat (defaults to 1600). 「強制殖民年份」決定選擇歐洲國家的玩家要在哪年前至少建立一個殖民地,以免被強制 宣告失敗(預設是1600年) The Last Game Year determines the year in which the game ends (defaults to 1850 「遊戲結束年份」決定要在西元幾年結束遊戲(預設是1850年) The Last Colonial Game Year determines the year by which European players must have declared independence in order to avoid defeat (defaults to 1800). 「最後殖民年份」決定你最晚要在哪年之前宣告獨立,以免被強制宣告失敗(預設是1800 年) Initial Prices 初始價格 The initial price options determine the minimum and maximum initial prices for all goods traded in Europe, as well as the difference between the buy and sell prices. Unless the initial prices for a type of goods are set to the same value, the initial price will be randomized at the beginning of the game. The price spread, however, remains constant. 初始價格選項決定所有在歐洲交易的貨物的最高最低價格,以及買進賣出的價差。除非有 某個類別的貨物的初始價格都被設為相同的價格,要不所有初始價格都會在遊戲開始前隨 機決定,但價差仍然是常數。 You can also set the price of hammers when paying for the completion of buildings and buildable units. 你也能設定槌子的價錢,這是要拿來付建築工錢的。 ----------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Client Options 用戶端設定 ----------------------------------------------------- The client options panel allows you to customize how your client displays the game objects and how it handles some tasks such as auto-saving. 用戶端設定控制面板讓你客製化你的用戶會如何展現遊戲中的物件以及如何使用一些東西 ,像自動儲存。 --------------------------------------------- 3.2.1 Display Options 顯示設定 The language to use. Some languages are spoken in more than one country. In this case, you might also be able to select a specific country. See Translations for further details. 「語言使用」有些語言被不只一個國家使用,這種情況下你也許能選一些比較特殊的國家 ,請看「翻譯」章節來得知進一步細節。 The minimum number of goods to display with a counter. If you accept the default setting of seven, for example, six hammers will be displayed without a number, and seven hammers will be displayed with the number 7 on top. Note that some panels only show a single item with a number next to it or below it anyway. 「顯示的最小貨品數量」假設如果你設定最小值7,那6根槌子就不會顯示任何數字,而7根 槌子會在頂端顯示數字7。記住有些面板只會顯示一個物品加一個在旁邊或下面的數字。 The maximum number of goods to display. If you accept the default setting of seven, then no more than seven items will be displayed, even if the corresponding counter tells you that these seven items represent a far larger amount. 「顯示的最大貨品數量」如果你接受預設數字7,那就不會看到有物品的數量大於7,儘管 這7個物品代表更大的數量。 Whether to center on the selected tile automatically. 「是否要自動把被選擇的地磚置中在畫面上」 Whether to center on the active unit always. 「是否要總是追蹤活動單位」 Whether to display the Fog of War, which enables you to see which tiles are currently visible to your units. 「是否要顯示戰爭迷霧」這能讓你看到哪些區域能讓你目前的單位看到。 Whether to scroll the map when dragging with the mouse. 「當用滑鼠拖曳時是否要捲動地圖」 Whether to display the compass rose in the top right hand corner of the map. The compass rose enables you to direct your units with the mouse as well as the keypad. This is particularly useful if you play with a small keyboard, such as a laptop keyboard, which does not have a keypad. 「是否要把羅盤標記放在地圖的最右上角」羅盤標記能讓你像用九宮格鍵盤一樣,用滑鼠 指揮單位。如果你用小型鍵盤、像是筆電鍵盤這種沒有九宮格鍵盤的,這會特別有用。 Whether to display the map controls, which include the minimap, the info panel and the unit buttons. 「是否要把包括小地圖、資訊面板、單位按鈕等地圖控制器放在地圖上」 Whether to display the map grid. 「是否要顯示地圖網格」 Whether to display tile names, owners, regions or none of the above. 「是否要顯示地磚名稱、擁有者、地區或以上皆非」 Whether to sort your colonies by name, age, position, size or Sons of Liberty membership. Since name, age and position are unique, these keys impose a total order, whereas size and Sons of Liberty membership do not. In the case of size, the Sons of Liberty membership is used as a secondary key, and vice versa. 「是否要替你的殖民地按照名字、年紀、地點、大小或自由之子組織(譯註:美國革命期 間反抗英國統治的祕密民間組織)成員來排序」因為名字、年紀和地點都是獨特的,這些 關鍵字能形成排序,但大小和與自由之子的成員不行。這種情況下,大小和與自由之子成 員會變成第二關鍵字。反之亦然。(譯註,這段求高手修正) How to animate the movements of your own units. 「如何繪製你自己的單位的行動」(譯註:真的假的0.0) How to animate the movements of enemy units. 「如何繪製敵方單位的行動」 How to display the minimap: 「如何顯示小地圖」 Whether to attempt smooth rendering. (譯註:求高手幫忙) Which background color to use. 「要用哪種背景顏色」 Which zoom level to use as default. 「預設要用哪種鳥瞰高度」 Beware that some Java implementations have bugs that cause high CPU load and very slow performance if animation is enabled. If this happens, either disable animation or experiment with the -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false Java command line option. 要小心如果繪製能用的話,有些Java版本會有使CPD負擔過重、動作過慢的問題。如果這 些問題發生了,把繪製關掉,或者試試看用Java指令-Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.2.2 Translations 翻譯 The FreeCol user interface has been translated into several languages, but not all translations are complete. If the translation you choose is not complete, the missing strings will be taken from another language file. This could be the default translation for your language or the English language version. If you selected Austrian German, for example, missing strings would be taken from the default German translation if available, and the English language version otherwise. FreeCol使用者介面有幾種語言的翻譯,但不是每種語言都完全翻譯。如果你選擇的翻譯 是不完全的,空缺的字串會由別的語言檔案來補,一般會用你的預設語言或英文版本。假 設如果你選擇奧地利德文,空缺字串會在可能的前提下用德文版來補,要不就是用英文版 Translations for the FreeCol user interface are kindly provided by translatewiki.net. If you want to improve the translation you use, please get an account at the wiki and contribute. The translation available at the wiki may well be more complete than the one included in the latest FreeCol package, which may be several months old. translatewiki.net很好心的提供了FreeCol使用者介面的翻譯。如果你想改進你使用的翻 譯版本,請在這個wiki辦個帳號並貢獻自己的力量。在wiki的翻譯版可能會比最新版的 FreeCol的還完整,因為那個最新版也已經是好幾個月前的事情了。 If you want to install the latest translation available, go to translatewiki.net and follow the link Special pages from the navigation bar on the left. Scroll down to the section Wiki data and tools and follow the link Translate, which takes you to a list of the projects for which the wiki provides translations. Choose FreeCol to view a form. Select Export translations to file from the dropdown box labelled I want to. Select the language you are interested in and press the Fetch button. Please take note of the abbreviation used for the language, which you will need during the next step. 如果你想安裝最新版的翻譯版,去translatewiki.net並在左邊的導航欄中點進去「專門 頁面」連結。往下拉到「Wiki檔案與工具」部分並點進去「翻譯」連結,你會看到一排 wiki提供的翻譯計畫。選擇FreeCol來看裡面的表格、從標籤「我想要」的下拉欄中選擇 「輸出翻譯到檔案中」、選擇你想用的語言並按開始鈕。請注意你選擇的語言的縮寫,這 在下一步驟會用到。 Now, save the result as a file. Find the directory where FreeCol is installed and open the sub-directory data, then the sub-directory strings, where you will find a large number of files called 現在,把結果存成檔案。找到FreeCol安裝的路徑並開啟子路徑data,然後是子路徑 strings,你會看到一個很長的檔案名叫: FreeColMessages_abbreviation.properties. Overwrite the file with the correct abbreviation and you are done. The next time you start FreeCol, it will use the updated translation. 用正確的縮寫改掉這個檔案名,然後大功告成。下次你開啟FreeCol時,它就會用升級過 後的翻譯版了。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.2.3 Message Options 訊息設定 You can choose whether to group messages by type, by source, or not at all. The source of the message is a game object, typically a colony or unit, and the type of the message is either the default type, which is always displayed, or one of the following types, which can be turned off: 你能選擇是否要用類型、來源來替訊息分類,或者都不要。訊息來源是遊戲物件,通常是 殖民地或單位,訊息類型則是預設類型,顯示所有種類的訊息。或者你可以選擇開關下列 的訊息種類: Warning messages. These are important and should generally not be turned off. 警告訊息。這很重要,不應該被關掉。 Messages about the Sons of Liberty membership in your colonies. 關於在你的殖民地內自由之子會員的訊息。 Messages about the efficiency of the government in your colonies. The efficiency of the government influences the production of all types of goods. 關於殖民地內政府效率的訊息。政府效率會影響到所有貨品的生產效率。 Messages about the number of goods in your colonies’ warehouses. 關於放在你殖民地內倉庫貨物數量的訊息。 Messages about units improving through experience, education or promotion after a battle won. 關於單位因為經歷、教育而提昇素質、或是因軍功升級的訊息。 Messages about units being demoted after a battle lost. 關於單位因為打仗打輸而降級的訊息。 Messages about new units, such as colonists born in your colonies. 關於像是殖民者之類的新單位在你的殖民地內出生的訊息。 Messages about units lost in battle, missing in action or dead of starvation. 關於單位在戰鬥中失蹤、在行動中失蹤或餓死的訊息。 Messages about the completion of buildings in your colonies. 關於殖民地內建築完成的訊息。 Foreign diplomatic messages about the declaration of wars and signing of peace treaties. 關於宣戰、簽署和平條約的國際外交訊息。 Messages about the prices of goods in Europe changing. 關於歐洲物價的訊息。 Messages about reduced production due to missing goods. 關於因為貨品遺失而減少產量的訊息。 Warnings about the suitability of colony sites. These messages are particularly useful for new players. Turn them on if you are unsure where to establish your colonies. 關於殖民地地點的適合度警告。這訊息對新手特別有用,如果你不確定要在哪建立殖民地 就打開它。 Messages about the factors that influence combat. Turn them on to learn more about things like the terrain bonus, the ambush bonus, or the “artillery in the open” penalty. 關於影響戰鬥的要素的訊息。把它打開以得知更多關於地形加成、伏擊加成或「砲兵在開 闊地形」所受到的戰力懲罰的相關資訊。 (譯註:感謝THC13補充) Tutorial messages. These are still a work in progress and thus rather limited. 教學訊息。這仍然在建構中,因此還有很大的限制。 --------------------------------------- 3.2.4 Audio Options 音控設定 FreeCol comes with a limited selection of music and special sound effects. The audio options enable you to select the output device, which you should probably leave to be automatically detected, as well as the volume of the music and special effects. FreeCol提供有限的音樂及音效選擇。音控設定能讓你選擇輸出裝置,一般都會用自動偵 測。你還能選擇音量和音效。 -------------------------------------------- 3.2.5 Savegame Options 存檔設定 Whether to show savegame settings always, only when starting multi-player games, or never. These settings include the name, address and port of the game server you wish to connect to. If you only play single-player games, you can choose the option “never”. 是否要總是顯示、只在開始多人遊戲時顯示、或永不顯示存檔設置。這些設置包括名字、 位置和你想連過去的遊戲伺服器的port。如果你只玩單人遊戲,你可以選擇「永不顯示」 的選項。 After how many turns you want the client to create an auto-save file. If you select 0, the client will never create auto-save files. If you select 1, the client will create an auto-save file every turn. 在多少回合後自動存檔。如果你選擇0,用戶端就不會創造自動存檔。如果你選擇1,用戶 端每過一回合就會創造一個自動存檔。 How many generations of auto-save files you wish to retain. 你想保留多少個自動存檔。 ------------------------------------------- 3.2.6 Warehouse Options 倉庫設定 The number of goods to keep in your warehouse when exporting goods automatically (which requires a custom house), or by means of a trade route. 當自動出口(需要海關)或藉著貿易路線出口貨品時,留在倉庫內的貨品數量。 The minimum number of goods in your warehouse. If you store goods of a certain type in your warehouse and the level drops below this number, you will be warned. 倉庫內的最少貨品數量。如果你在倉庫裡存放特定種類的貨品,而該貨品的量掉到小於最 小數字時,你會收到警告。 The maximum number of goods in your warehouse. If you store goods of a certain type in your warehouse and the level rises above this number, you will be warned. 倉庫內的最多貨品數量。如果你在倉庫裡存放特定種類的貨品,而該貨品的量堆到大於最 大數字時,你會收到警告。 -------------------------------------------- 3.2.7 Keyboard Accelerators 鍵盤快捷鍵 Many but not all of the actions available via the game menu or via orders buttons are also available as keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts can be configured. 許多但並非所有能透過遊戲選單或指令鈕來實行的動作,也能透過鍵盤快捷鍵來實行,這 些快捷鍵能夠自定義。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.2.8 Other Options 其他設定 Whether to load immigrants waiting in Europe onto your ships automatically. 是否要自動把在歐洲等的移民載到你的船上去。 Whether to end the turn automatically after all your units have been moved. 是否要在你所有單位都行動過後自動結束這回合。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 The main screen 主畫面 ---------------------------------------------------------- The figure 3.1 represents the main screen. 圖3.1展示主畫面 http://www.freecol.org/docs/images/main_screen.png
Figure 3.1: The main screen. 圖3.1:主畫面 ________________________________________ The main screen consists of up to six different areas: the menu bar at the top, the minimap in the lower left corner, the info panel in the lower right corner, the order buttons between the minimap and the info panel, the compass rose in the top right corner, and the main map in the background. The units, colonies, and so forth can be seen on the main map. They are also represented as coloured dots on the minimap. The preferences menu allows you to disable some of these controls if you wish to do so. 主畫面由最多六塊不同區域組成:頂端的選單條、左下角的小地圖、右下角的資訊面板、 在小地圖和資訊面板之間的指令鈕、右上角的羅盤標記(譯註:圖中沒有)和在背景的主 地圖。單位、殖民地之類的能在主地圖上看到,他們也會在小地圖上以色塊標示出來。如 果你想的話,偏好選單能讓你取消掉其中某些控制。 ------------------------------------------------ 3.3.1 The Menubar 選單條 The menubar contains the Game, View, Orders, Report and Colopedia submenus at the left hand of the screen, as well as a status area at the right hand of the screen. The status area displays your score, the amount of gold you possess, your current tax rate and the current turn. 選單條包括遊戲、外觀、指令(譯註:求這兩個的較好翻譯)、報告和Colopedia等位於 左邊的子選單,以及位於右邊的狀態區。狀態區有你的分數、你擁有的金錢、目前稅率及 目前回合。 The Game Menu allows you to: 遊戲選單能讓你: start a new game 開始新遊戲 open a savegame 開啟舊檔 save the current game 存檔 change your preferences 改變你的喜好(譯註:看不懂) reconnect to the server 重新連到伺服器 chat with another player 和其他玩家聊天 declare independence 宣告獨立 end your turn 結束這回合 return to the main menu 回到主選單 view high scores 看高分記錄 retire from the game 離開目前的遊戲 quit the game entirely 關掉這個遊戲 The View Menu allows you to: 外觀選單能讓你: turn the map controls (minimap and info panel) on or off 開關地圖控制(小地圖和資訊面板) turn the map grid on or off 開關地圖網格 turn borders on or off 開關疆界線 switch between the unit view and the terrain view 在觀察單位或觀察地形之間轉換 switch between full-screen mode and windowed mode 在全螢幕或視窗模式之間轉換 display tile names, owners, regions or none of the above 顯示地磚名字、擁有者、地區或都不要顯示 change the zoom level of the main map 改變地圖鳥瞰高度 switch to the Europe panel 換到歐洲面板 display trade routes 顯示貿易路線 center the map on a known settlement 把地圖固定在一個已知居住地上 The Orders Menu enables you to give orders to the currently selected unit: 指令選單能讓你對目前選取的單位下命令: switch to sentry mode 轉為警戒模式 fortify 防禦模式(譯註:大概吧) go to a destination you select 去你選定的地方 go to a tile you select 去你選定的地磚 execute goto orders 取消移動指令 assign trade route 設定貿易路線 build or join a colony 建造或加入一個殖民地 plow the tile the unit is on (requires 20 tools) 要他犁他所在的地磚(需要20個工具) build a road on the tile the unit is on (requires 20 tools) 在他所在的地磚上蓋路(需要20個工具) load a carrier if possible 能的話替馬車裝貨物 unload all goods and units on board if possible 能的話把所有貨品和單位卸貨到船上去 wait until other units have moved 原地等待直到其他單位都動過了 skip this turn 跳過這回合 switch to a different unit on the same tile 選擇在同一塊地磚上的不同單位 clear current orders 清除目前的命令 change the unit’s name 改變這個單位的名稱 disband the unit 遣散這個單位 Note that not all orders are available at all times. The build colony order is only available if the unit is able to build colonies and the tile it is on will support a colony, for example. The unload order is only available if the unit is carrying goods. You can unload the goods anywhere, but if you are not in Europe or in a colony, the goods will be lost. You can use this feature to dump unwanted cargo in order to avoid the cargo penalty. 要知道並不是所有命令都能在任何時候使用。舉例來說,建造殖民地命令只能在單位能蓋 殖民地,且他所在的地磚能蓋殖民地時才能使用。卸貨命令只能在單位有帶貨物時才能用 。你能在任何地方卸下貨物,但要是你不在歐洲或殖民地,貨物會失蹤。你能用這個方法 扔掉不想要的貨物以避免貨物懲罰。 The Reports Menu provides access to various reports on the current state of your colonies. In these reports, icons as well as blue text strings link to the places they refer to. If you click on the name of a colony, for example, the Colony Panel will be opened. 報告選單提供各種關於你的殖民地目前狀態回報的途徑。(譯註:中間這句不會翻譯)舉 例來說,如果你點了殖民地的名字,殖民地面板會被打開。 The Religious Advisor tells you how many crosses your colonies produce, and how many crosses are required in order to recruit the next emigrant in Europe. 「宗教指導」告訴你你的殖民地生產多少十字架,以及還要多少十字架以招募下一波的歐 洲移民。 The Labour Advisor tells you which types of colonists have emigrated to the New World or are waiting in Europe. If you can not remember where you sent your only Expert Ore Miner, for example, you can use this report to locate him. 「勞動指導」告訴你哪些類型的殖民者已經移民入新世界或還在歐洲等。舉例來說,如果 你不記得你把你唯一的礦石專家扔到哪裡去了,你能用這個回報來找到他。 The Colony Advisor tells you which units are present in each of your colonies, what each colony is producing, which buildings have already been built, and which building is currently being built. 「殖民地指導」告訴你哪個單位在哪個你的殖民地之中、殖民地在生產什麼、哪個建築已 經蓋了、和哪個建築正在蓋。 The Foreign Affairs Advisor tells you about your relations with foreign powers, the number of colonies and units they possess, as well as their relative naval and military strength, and the amount of gold they possess. As soon as Jan de Witt has joined the Continental Congress, you are also informed about the number of Founding Fathers, the current tax and the current Sons of Liberty membership of your opponents. 「國際事件指導」告訴你你和外國勢力的關係、他們擁有的殖民地和單位數量、他們的海 軍及陸軍力量、和他們的黃金數量。一旦Jan de Witt加入大陸議會,你還能得知你的敵 人的國父數量、目前稅率及目前自由之子的會員數。 The Indian Advisor tells you about your relations with the various Indian nations, and the number of settlements they possess. 「印第安指導」告訴你你和各個印第安國家的關係,以及他們擁有的居住地數量。 The Continental Congress Advisor tells you which Founding Fathers are already present in the Continental Congress and which Founding Father is currently being elected. 「大陸議會指導」告訴你哪個國父已經加入大陸會議,以及目前是哪個國父當選。 The Military Advisor informs you of the deployment of your military units, as well as the strength of the Royal Expeditionary Force. 「陸軍指導」告訴你你的陸軍單位的部屬,以及皇家遠征軍的力量。 The Naval Advisor informs you of the whereabouts of your naval units, as well as the strength of the Royal Expeditionary Force. 「船艦指導」告訴你你的艦艇的位置,以及皇家遠征軍的力量。 The Trade Advisor details the current market prices of all goods, the profits before and after taxes you have made, as well as the amount of goods present in each of your colonies. Colonies that have already built the Custom House are highlighted, as are all goods that are currently being automatically exported from these colonies. 「貿易指導」列出關於目前貨品市價、你在稅前稅後賺的利益、以及你每個殖民地能生產 的貨品數量的細節。設了海關的殖民地會被特別重視,所有貨物都會自動透過這些殖民地 出口。 The Turn Report presents a summary of various events that have occurred during the current turn. If no such events have occurred, the Turn Report will not open. 「回合報告」報告該回合目前為止發生的所有事情的簡報。如果這回合都還沒有事件發生 ,那回合回報不會打開。 The Requirements Report gives an account of how well certain requirements of your colonies are met. It tells you which colonies require expert units and where these units can be obtained or trained, for example. It also tells you which colonies require raw materials in order to increase their production of manufactured goods, and which colonies produce a surplus of these materials. 「需求報告」列出一份關於你目前的殖民地需要什麼的帳目。舉例來說,它告訴你哪個殖 民地需要專業人員,而這些單位能在哪裡得到或訓練。它也告訴你哪個殖民地需要原料以 增加加工品的產量,而哪些殖民地又生產這些原料生產過剩。 The Exploration Report provides some information about the regions you have discovered and named. If you did not select the exploration option, then the report will only show you when you discovered the Pacific Ocean, provided you did discover it. 「探險報告」提供一些關於你已經發現及命名的地區的資訊。如果你沒選擇探險設定,那 這個回報只會在你發現太平洋時開啟。 The History Report contains a short overview of important events that took place during the game, such as the first meeting with native tribes, the foundation and abandonment of colonies, among other things. 「歷史報告」有從遊戲開始至今發生的重大事件的簡短回顧,像是與原住民第一次相遇、 殖民地的建立與放棄之類的。 The Production Report provides you with an overview of the production of up to four different kinds of goods in your colonies, as well as the buildings that produce these goods. 「生產報告」提供你的殖民底裡最多四種不同貨品的產況,及生產這些貨品的建築的概要 The Education Report shows you the schoolhouses, colleges and universities in your colonies, as well as a list of potential teachers and potential students. 「教育報告」展示在你的殖民地內的校舍、學院和大學,以及能成為老師和學生的人的清 單。 The menu item “Show Difficulty Level” displays the difficulty level of the current game. 類別(譯註:求更好的翻譯)「顯示難度」會顯示目前遊戲的難度。 The menu item “Show Game Options” displays the Game Options of the current game. 類別「顯示遊戲設定」會顯示目前遊戲的遊戲設定。 The menu item “Show Map Generator Options” displays the options that produced the map used by the current game. 類別「顯示地圖產生器設定」會顯示產生目前遊戲所使用的地圖的相關設定。 The Colopedia Menu provides access to the online game help, which is divided into eight sections: Colopedia選單提供遊戲線上援助的途徑,這被分為八部分: The terrain section contains information on all the different types of terrain you may encounter in the New World. 地形部分包含了你可能會在新世界遇到的所有不同種類地形的資訊。 The bonus resources section lists the special resources of the New World. These resources greatly increase the production of certain goods. In some cases, tiles can only produce particular goods if a resource is present. 額外資源部分列出新世界的特殊資源,這些資源會大幅增加特定貨品的生產力。某些情況 下,擁有某樣資源的地磚只能生展特定貨品。 The goods section gives on overview of all the types of goods in the game. 貨品部分有遊戲裡所有種類貨品的概觀。 The unit section provides details on various types of units, your own as well native units and units of the Royal Expeditionary Force. Skilled units are not included. 單位部分提供各種單位的細節,包括你自己的、海軍及皇家遠征軍的單位。擁有特殊技能 的單位不會包含在裡面。 The skills section lists the various expert units you may recruit or train. 技能部分會列出你能招募或訓練的專業單位。 The buildings section provides information on the various constructions you may build in your colonies. 建築部分提供各種你能在你的殖民地內建造的建築物的資訊。 The Founding Father section can be used to look up information on the various Founding Fathers you may elect to the Continental Congress. 國父部分能用來查詢每個你能在大陸議會選舉的國父的資訊。 The nations section tells you which nations are available in the game, which national advantage they currently have, and which one they have by default. 國家部分告訴你哪個國家能在遊戲裡使用、他們目前有什麼樣的國家加成、以及他們的預 設值。 The national advantages section tells you which national advantages are available. Some advantages only apply to European players, others only to native players. 國家加成部分告訴你哪些國家加成可用。有些加成只有歐洲國家可以用,其他的只有當地 國家才能用。 ----------------------------------------------------- 3.3.2 The Info Panel 資訊面板 If you are in unit view mode (the default), the info panel in the lower right corner of the screen either shows information about the currently selected unit, or contains a button to end the current turn if no unit is selected. If a unit is selected, then the info panel shows an image of the unit, as well as its name and the moves it has left. If the unit is a carrier unit, such as a ship or wagon train, the info panel also shows the units or goods on board of the carrier. If the unit is a pioneer, the info panel shows the number of tools the unit carries. 如果你選擇觀察單位模式(預設),位在螢幕右下角的資訊面板會顯示目前選擇單位的資 訊,如果沒有選擇單位的話則會出現一個結束當前回合的按鈕。如果選擇一個單位,資訊 面板會顯示單位的影像、名字和他已經完成的行動。如果這個單位是運輸單位,像是船或 蓬車隊,資訊面板也會顯示在船或馬車上的單位或貨品。如果該單位是個拓荒者,資訊面 板會顯示他帶的工具數量。 If a unit is displayed, you can click on the info panel in order to centre the map on this unit. 如果資訊面板顯示一個單位,你可以點資訊面板好讓地圖移到以該單位為中心。 If you are in terrain view mode, then the info panel displays the name, owner, defense bonus, movement cost and potential production of the selected tile. You can switch between view modes by pressing Shift-Ctrl-V, or by using the view menu. 如果你選擇觀察地形模式,資訊面板會顯示你選擇的地磚的名字、擁有者、防禦加成、移 動花費及潛在生產力。你能用Shift-Ctrl-V在兩種觀察模式中交換,或者使用外觀選單。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.3.3 The Minimap 小地圖 The minimap in the lower left corner of the screen shows you a more abstract view of the map than the main map. Different types of terrain are distinguished by colour, and units and settlements are also represented by dots in the colour of the nation that owns them. You can use the minimap to navigate around the map quickly. Either click on the minimap to center the view on a certain point, or drag the white frame around. Zoom buttons to the left and to the right of the minimap allow you to zoom into and out of the view. 螢幕左下角的小地圖會顯示一個比主地圖還抽象的地圖外觀。不同種類的地形會用顏色區 分,單位和居住地也會用各個國家各自代表的顏色的色點來區分。你能用小地圖來快速瀏 覽整個地圖。按小地圖,或是拉小地圖上的白框來把特定點置中在主地圖。小地圖左右邊 的鏡頭按鈕能讓你調整鳥瞰地圖的高度。 ---------------------------------------------- 3.3.4 The Unit Buttons 單位按鈕 The unit buttons displayed between the minimap and the info panel allow you to give order to your units. Note that not all buttons are always active. A ship can not plow a tile, for example, so the plow button is never active if the selected unit is a ship. The eight buttons have the following functions: 位於小地圖和資訊面板之間的單位按鈕,能讓你對你的單位下命令。記住並不是所有按鈕 都總是能按。像是船就不能犁田,所以你選擇船的話犁田按鈕就永遠不會亮。一共有八個 按鈕,分別有以下作用: wait 等待 skip turn 跳過回合 fortify 原地堅守 clear forest / plow tile (requires 20 tools) 清除樹林/犁所在地專(需要20個工具) build road (requires 20 tools) 鋪路(需要20個工具) build colony 建造殖民地 disband unit 遣散該單位 All these actions are also available from the Orders Menu of the menu bar, and as keyboard shortcuts. 所有這些動作也能在選單條裡的指令選單、或鍵盤上的快捷鍵中使用。 -------------------------------------------- 3.3.5 The Compass Rose 羅盤標記 The compass rose can be displayed in the top right corner and allows you to give your units movement orders by clicking on the corresponding direction. It is primarily intended for users who do not wish to (or are unable to) use the keyboard shortcuts. 位於右上角的羅盤標記能讓你藉由點擊對應方向來讓你的單位移動。這原本是為了那些不 想(或不能)使用鍵盤快捷鍵的使用者而加的。 -------------------------------------------- 3.3.6 The Main Map 主地圖 The main map shows you the New World in greater detail. You can see the different types of terrain, forested and otherwise, hills, mountains, rivers, and, of course, the various units and settlements of the native and European players. Sometimes units will be all grey—this shows the position of the unit when you could last see that tile, but does not guarantee that the unit is still there. Left click on a tile in order to center the main map, or on a unit in order to select it (a display option allows you to decide whether the map should always centre on the selected unit, or not). 主地圖顯示新世界的細節。你能看到不同種類的地形、樹林、山丘、山脈、河流,當然還 有各種當地和歐洲的單位和居住地。有時單位會是灰色的─這代表你上次在那塊地磚看到 他們的位置,但不保證他們現在還在那裏。左鍵按一塊地磚好讓主地圖對它置中,或按一 個單位選擇他(顯示設定能讓你決定要不要永遠對該被選擇的單位置中)。 Your colonies as well as those of your opponents are displayed on the map. You can see their names as well as their sizes, which are displayed as a number and also influence the image used to represent them. The color of the colony’s name is always the color of its owner, but the color of the colony size indicates whether any production bonuses or penalties apply (at normal difficulty): 你和敵人的殖民地都會顯示在地圖上。你能看到它們的名字和大小,大小會用一個數字來 表示,並會影響代表那些殖民地的圖像。殖民地名字的顏色就是擁有者的顏色,但殖民地 大小的顏色還象徵是否有任何生產加成或懲罰(在正常難度下): Colour Bonus/Penalty Requirements 顏色 加成/懲罰 條件 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Red -2 more than eight tories Orange -1 four to seven tories White 0 less than four tories and less than 50% SoL Green +1 50% SoL or more Blue +2 100% SoL 紅色 -2 超過八個保守派人士 橘色 -1 四到七個保守派人士 白色 0 少於四個保守派及少於一半的自由之子 綠色 +1 一半以上都是自由之子 藍色 +2 全部都是自由之子 Left click on a colony in order to open the colony panel. If there is an active unit outside of the colony on the same tile, then a single left click will select the unit instead. In this case, a double click will still open the colony panel. 左鍵點一個殖民地以開啟殖民地面板。如果有個位於同一塊地磚的單位待在殖民地外面, 那單擊左鍵會變成選擇該單位,要雙擊才能開啟殖民地面板。 Right clicking on an empty tile, will either display some information on that tile if no unit is selected, or open a pop-up menu that additionally allows you to send the selected unit to this tile. If the tile contains some of your units, the menu will also enable you to select each of these units. If the tile contains a native settlement, the menu will also provide you with an item that will bring up some information on that settlement. If the tile contains one of your own colonies, the menu will also allow you to open the colony panel. 右鍵點擊一個空的地磚,如果前面沒有先選單位的話會顯示關於這塊地磚的資訊,有的話 就會跳出一個選單讓你能把被選擇的單位送到這塊地磚上。如果這塊地磚有一些你的單位 ,你也能在選單選擇這些單位。如果地磚有原住民的居住地,選單也會告訴你一些關於那 個居住地的資訊。如果地磚有你自己的殖民地,你也能在選單開啟殖民地面板。 You can also activate the map scroll by moving the cursor towards the edges of the main map. Scrolling with the minimap is faster, however. 你也能把游標移到主地圖邊緣來捲動整個地圖,不過在小地圖上捲地圖會更快。 If a unit is selected, further information about that unit is displayed in the info panel, and you can move the unit using the numeric keypad or the compass rose. If you select a unit with the left mouse button and drag the mouse, the main map will display the best path from the unit’s current position to the tile the mouse is hovering over. 如果選擇了一個單位,關於該單位的進一步資訊會顯示在資訊面板,你能用九宮格鍵盤或 羅盤標記來移動該單位。如果你用左鍵選擇一個單位並拖曳滑鼠,主地圖會顯示從該單位 目前位置到滑鼠拖曳到的點的最佳路徑 The tiles the path consists of will be marked with boots if the unit is on foot, with horseshoes if the unit is mounted, with wheels if the unit is a wagon train, or with sextants if the unit is a naval unit. Full-colour symbols mark tiles that can be reached in the same turn, whereas shaded symbols mark tiles that can be reached only in subsequent turns. A number indicates how many turns later the unit will arrive on this tile. You can see this on the main screen. 如果單位用腳走路,路徑經過的地磚會用靴子標記;騎馬單位的話會用馬蹄鐵;蓬車隊會 用輪子;船艦則會用六分儀。彩色圖標會標記那些能在同一回合內到達的地磚,暗色圖標 則會標記那些只能在之後的回合到達的地磚,並會用一個數字表示這個單位要花多少回合 到達那個地磚。你能在主畫面看到這些。 http://www.freecol.org/docs/images/path-foot.png
(譯註:上面四張圖分別是代表四種行動單位的圖標) Once you release the mouse button, the selected unit will begin to follow this path. It will awake once it has arrived at its destination or if it can no longer follow the path (if a unit belonging to a different player is in the way, for instance). You can also press the middle mouse button, or both mouse buttons if your mouse only has two buttons, in order to give the selected unit a movement order. 一旦你放開滑鼠鍵,被選定的單位會開始沿著路徑走。如果到達目的地、或是無法繼續沿 著路徑走(像是在路上撞到別的玩家的單位),該單位會回到可控制狀態。你也能按滑鼠 滾輪、或左右鍵一起按(如果你的滑鼠沒有滾輪)以對被選定的單位下行動命令。 In the original Colonization game, a unit always used up all movement points when entering a colony. In FreeCol, this is not the case—a unit can enter a colony just like any other tile. If the unit is placed in a building, or on a colony tile, or if a carrier is loaded or unloaded, however, it will lose all its movement points. 在原版Colonization中,單位要進入一個殖民地時總是會用掉所有的行動點數。在 FreeCol中不會發生這種事─單位進入殖民地就像到別的地磚一樣。但如果單位要被佈署 到一棟建築、一個殖民地、或是一個運輸單位正在裝載卸載貨物,則會用掉所有行動點數 Units are marked with small coloured shields, which may or may not display a letter. The background colour indicates the nation this unit belongs to. The Dutch units, for example, are usually marked with orange shields. The letter indicates the current state of the unit: 單位會用有顏色的小盾形做標記,上面有時會跟一個字母,背景顏色代表這個單位所屬的 國家。舉例來說,荷蘭會有橘色盾牌標記,而上面的字母代表該單位目前的狀態: -: the unit is active (no orders). -:該單位處於活躍狀態(沒有字母) F: the unit is fortified. F:該單位處於堅守狀態 G: the unit is going somewhere. G:該單位正要去某個地方 P: the unit is plowing a tile. P:該單位正在犁地磚 R: the unit is building a road. R:該單位正在鋪路 S: the unit is a sentry (waiting for transport). S:該單位正在警戒中(等待運輸中) T: the unit is following a trade route. T:該單位正沿著一條貿易路線行走 W: the unit is waiting for orders (skipped). W:該單位正在等待命令(被跳過) 0: the unit has no moves left. 0:該單位不能再行動了 #: the unit’s state is unknown (some enemy units). #:無法得知該單位狀態(某些敵方單位) If the unit is a foreign naval unit, the shield will display a number instead. This is the number of holds this unit is using. 如果該單位是外國船艦,盾牌會被一個數字所取代。(譯註:後面這句不會翻譯) Indian Settlements display at least two shields: The colour of the first shield indicates the nation this settlement belongs to. A * on this shield indicates that this settlement is the nation’s capital, a - that it is not. The second shield, which bears an exclamation mark (!) if you have visited the settlement, and a question mark (?) if you have not, indicates the current relations between the nation and your colonists. Its background may be green, blue, yellow, orange or red, depending on whether your relations are good, mediocre or bad. 印地安人的居住地會顯示至少兩面盾牌:第一面盾牌的顏色代表該居住地所屬的國家,有 ”*”的盾牌代表該居住地是該國家的首都,有”-“的則不是。第二面盾牌代表你的殖民 者和該國的關係,如果有一個驚嘆號”!”,代表你已經造訪過該居住地了,有一個問號 ”?”則還沒。背景顏色可能是綠、藍、黃、橘或紅色,代表你們的關係是好、中等或糟 糕。 A Settlement with a European mission displays a third shield bearing a cross on a black or grey background. The colour of the cross indicates the European nation that established the mission. The background of the shield is black if the mission was established by a Jesuit Missionary, and grey otherwise. 有歐洲傳教團的居住地會顯示第三面盾牌,黑底或灰底配上一個十字架。十字架的顏色代 表建立該傳教團的歐洲國家。盾的底色是黑色的話,代表該傳教團隸屬於耶穌會,灰色則 是其他的。 The preferences menu allows you to select “modern” colony labels instead of these “classic” labels. The modern labels display the same information, but in a slightly different way. 偏好選單能讓你用「現代化」殖民地標記取代這些「經典」標記,現代化標記會用比較不 一樣的方式呈現同樣的資訊。 The order buttons represent some of the orders you can give to your units. You can move your mouse over the buttons to see their respective orders. If a unit is unable to perform a certain action, the corresponding order button will be disabled. The orders are also available from the Orders Menu, and you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: 指令鈕代表某些你能對你的單位下的命令,你能把滑鼠移到按鈕上來看他們各自的指令。 如果一個單位不能履行一個特定的行動,鄉對應的指令鈕會無法使用。這些指令也能在指 令選單裡使用,你也能用以下的鍵盤快捷鍵下達指令: a: assign a trade route. a:設定一條貿易路線 b: build a colony, or join an existing colony. b:蓋一個殖民地,或加入一個現有的殖民地 c: clear forest (requires 20 tools) c:清除樹林(需要20個工具) d: disband the active unit. d:解散該單位 e: show the Europe panel. e:顯示歐洲面板 f: fortify. f:堅守原地 g: go to some destination tile. g:去某個目標地磚 h: go to a settlement (or Europe if a ship). h:去一個居住地(如果是船的話就是去歐洲) l: load (fill up all holds already in use). l:裝載(譯註:不知道hold要怎麼翻譯……) n: rename the unit. n:重新命名該單位 o: execute goto orders immediately. o:立刻取消行進命令 p: plow the current tile (requires 20 tools). p:犁目前所在的地磚(需要20個工具) r: build a road on the current tile (requires 20 tools). r:在目前所在地磚鋪路(需要20個工具) s: be a sentry (wait for something to happen). s:進入警戒模式(等待什麼事情發生) t: show trade routes. t:顯示貿易路線 u: unload or dump cargo. u:卸載或丟棄貨物 w: wait for another unit to move. w:等其他單位動作 z: clear orders. z:清除指令 tab: switch to next unit on tile, or to colony screen. tab:換到下一個在地磚上的單位、或換到殖民地畫面 space: skip for this turn. space:跳過這回合 enter: end the turn. enter:結束這回合 plus or equals: zoom in. +或=:鏡頭拉近 minus or underscore: zoom out. -或_:鏡頭拉遠 ctrl-c: center on the currently selected unit. ctrl-c:置中目前選擇的單位 ctrl-d: display tile names. ctrl-d:顯示地磚名稱 ctrl-f: find a colony. ctrl-f:尋找一個殖民地 ctrl-g: display grid. ctrl-g:顯示網格 ctrl-m: show/hide the map controls. ctrl-m:顯示/隱藏地圖控制 ctrl-n: new game. ctrl-n:新遊戲 ctrl-o: open a game. ctrl-o:開啟舊檔 ctrl-q: quit the game. qtrl-q:結束遊戲 ctrl-r: reconnect. ctrl-r:重新連線 ctrl-s: save a game. ctrl-s:存檔 ctrl-t: show the chat panel. ctrl-t:顯示聊天面板 You can customize these settings in the preferences dialog. 你能在偏好日誌中客製化這些設定。 ------------------------------------------------------ 3.4 The Europe Panel 歐洲面板 ------------------------------------------------------ The figure 3.2 represents the Europe panel. 圖3.2是歐洲面板 http://www.freecol.org/docs/images/europe_panel.png
Figure 3.2: The Europe Panel 圖3.2:歐洲面板________________________________________ In this panel, you can control the ships sailing between America and Europe, as well as the ships currently docked in Europe. You can also buy goods, recruit, purchase and train units. Units recruited, purchased or trained are visible in the Docks Area in the Europe panel. 在這面板中,你能控制在美洲和歐洲之間航行的船,以及正停泊在歐洲港口的船。你也能 買貨品、徵募、購買和訓練單位。徵募、購買或訓練來的單位能在歐洲面板的碼頭區看到 If a ship has set sail for Europe or America, you can change its direction by dragging it from the Going to America box to the Going to Europe box (or vice versa). 如果某艘船已經設定航行到歐洲或美洲,你能把船從「去美洲」格子拉到「去歐洲」格子 (或反過來)來更換目的地。 If a ship has docked at the European port you can drag and drop units between the Docks and Cargo panel. You drag and drop goods between the Cargo panel and the Market panel. If you want to buy or sell less than 100 units of goods, press the shift key while dragging. This will allow you to specify how many units you wish to transfer. If you press the “Unload” button, all goods will be unloaded. 如果船已經停泊在歐洲碼頭了,你能在碼頭和貨物面板之間拉放單位、在貨物曼市場面板 之間拉放貨品。如果你要買賣少於100單位的貨品,就在拖曳時按shift鍵,這能讓你設定 你要轉移多少單位。如果你按「卸載」按鈕,所有貨物都會被卸載下來。 If any of the goods are displayed in grey, this means they are being boycotted by the Crown because you refused a tax raise. You must pay your tax arrears before you can trade these goods. You can do this by dragging the goods as usual, in which case you will be given the chance to pay your tax arrears (provided you have enough money). A small area at the top right of the screen will keep track of how much money you made or spent and how much taxes you paid. 如果有任何貨品顯示灰色,代表這些貨品被國王抵制了,因為你拒絕接受稅賦調漲。你必 須支付欠的稅才能交易這些貨品。要這樣做,你可以向平常一樣拖曳貨品,然後(假如有 足夠金錢的話)會給你機會來支付拖欠的稅。螢幕右上角一個小區域會持續追蹤你賺或花 了多少錢、你繳了多少稅。 From time to time, new colonists eager to join you in the New World will appear on the European Docks. If you are unwilling to wait, you can also recruit new colonists by paying for their journey to the New World. Alternatively, you can train expert units at the Royal University. Paying for their education is expensive, however, and not all types of experts are available in Europe. 有時,想要加入你一起去新世界的新殖民者會出現在歐洲碼頭上。如果你不想等這種人, 你可以自掏腰包出到新世界的旅費來徵募新血。要不然你也可以在皇家學院訓練專業單位 ,然而學費很貴,而且不是所有專業都能在歐洲受訓。 Units present in Europe can also be armed, mounted, equipped with tools or blessed as missionaries in Europe. In order to select one of these actions, you need to right click on the unit. Note that you will have to pay for the arms, horses or tools required to equip your units. Blessing a missionary, however, is free. 在歐洲的單位也能裝備器具、或者受祝福成為傳教士。要選擇這些動作,你需要右鍵點擊 單位。記住你需要替武器、馬或工具花錢好給你的單位,不過成為傳教士是免費的。 In order to send a ship back to the New World, you must drag it to the Going to America section of the Europe panel, or press the “Set sail” button. 要把船送回新世界,你要在歐洲面板把船拖到「去美洲」格子,或者按「啟航」按鈕。 -------------------------------------------------- 3.5 The Colony panel 殖民地面板 -------------------------------------------------- The figure 3.3 represents the Colony panel. 圖3.3是殖民地面板。 ________________________________________ http://www.freecol.org/docs/images/colony_panel.png
Figure 3.3: The Colony Panel 圖3.3:殖民地面板 ________________________________________ To view a colony’s panel, left click on it from the main screen. In this panel, colonists can be assigned to cultivate tiles surrounding the colony, to work in buildings, defend the colony against attackers or wait outside of the colony. 要查看殖民地面板,要在主畫面左鍵點擊該殖民地。在這個面板中,能把殖民者分派去犁 殖民地附近的地磚、在建築內工作、遭受攻擊時防禦殖民地或在殖民地外面等。 The select box at the top left of the panel displaying the name of the colony can be used to select a different colony. You can also use the “left” and “ right” keys to “scroll” through your colonies. Next to the colony’s name, the production panel shows all the goods your colony is producing. 左上角的選擇區會顯示殖民地的名字,可以從這裡選擇查看不同殖民地。你也能用左右方 向鍵來切換殖民地。在殖民地名稱旁邊,生產面板會顯示所有你的殖民地目前能生產的貨 品。 Below colony name, you can see the area surrounding the colony to the left and a scroll pane displaying the buildings of the colony to the right. You can drag and drop a unit on a tile or a building. Buildings only ever produce a single type of goods. The tiles surrounding the colony can produce several kinds of goods, however. If the unit is not producing the right kind of goods, you can right click on the unit to select a different kind of work. If a tile has a red border, then it can not be used—it is either assigned to another colony or settlement, or is occupied by a hostile unit, or is a water tile which can not be used until you have built docks. Note that if you drag a unit onto a tile owned by the natives you may be offered the chance to purchase the land. 在殖民地名稱下面,分別是顯示在左邊、圍繞在殖民地旁邊的地區,以及顯示在右邊、顯 示該殖民地所有建築的捲動格。你能拖拉一個單位到一個地磚或建築之中。建築只能生產 一種貨品,而殖民地周遭的地磚能生產數種貨品。如果單位在生產不對的貨品,你能右鍵 點擊該單位讓他做別的工作。如果一個地磚有紅色外框,那這地磚無法使用─可能是屬於 別的殖民地或居住地,或者被敵對單位佔據、或者它是塊水地磚,在你蓋碼頭之前都無法 使用。記住如果你把一個單位拉到原住民擁有的地磚上,你可以選擇是否要買下這塊地磚 Below the surrounding area, you can see the population panel, which displays the size of your colony, the number and percentage of colonists that support independence, the number and percentage of colonists that support the crown, as well as the current production bonus. 在周遭區下面,你能看到人口面板,它顯示了你的殖民地的大小、支持獨立的殖民者的數 量和比例、支持王室的殖民者的數量和比例、以及當前的生產加成。 Below the status panel, the port panel shows you any ships or wagon trains in the colony. If there is at least one unit present, the cargo panel below the port panel shows you the cargo of the selected carrier (if any). 在狀態面板下方的運輸面板會顯示所有在你的殖民地內的船或蓬車隊。如果裡面至少有一 個單位在,旁邊的貨物面板會顯示你選擇的運輸單位中裝載的貨物(如果有的話)。 On the right hand side of the panel, you can see the buildings panel, which displays an image for every building in the colony, as well as the building or unit currently being built. You can see the units working in a building, as well as its production. If you let the mouse hover over a building, you can see a slightly larger and more detailed view. You can click on any building in order to open the build queue dialog, which enables you to create a list of units and buildings to build. 在面板右邊,你能看到建築面板,裡頭有該殖民地裡所有的建築,以及目前正在生產中的 建築或單位。你能看到在建築裡工作的單位,及該建築生產的東西。如果你把游標停留在 一個建築上,你能看到較大較詳細的圖像。你能點擊任何建築以開啟建築排程日誌,你能 在裡面安排一串接下來要生產的建築或單位。 Below the buildings panel, the outside colony panel shows you which colonists are present on the same tile, but are not working inside the colony. Any units shown here are able to defend the colony against attacks. 在建築面板下面,殖民地外部面板會顯示哪些殖民者待在同一塊地磚,但不在殖民地內工 作。這些顯示在此的單位能替殖民地防禦攻擊。 Below this panels, you can see the colony’s warehouse area. You can drag and drop goods from the warehouse to the cargo panel and vice versa in order to load and unload your ships or wagon trains. Press the shift key while selecting goods if you do not wish to select all the goods present, or less than one hundred units. 在這個面板下方的是殖民地的倉庫區。你能在倉庫和貨物面板之間拖拉貨品,以替你的船 隻或蓬車隊裝載或卸載貨品。如果你不想選擇所有貨品,或是只要少於一百單位的貨品, 那在選擇貨品時按住shift鍵。 The Warehouse can only hold a certain amount of goods of each type. Its initial capacity is limited to 100 units of each type of goods, but it can be increased to 300 by building two Warehouse Expansions. If the current limit of the warehouse is exceeded, the number of goods is printed in red. If you do not store the excess units elsewhere, they will be lost at the end of the turn. 每種貨品在倉庫都只能存放一定的數量。初始容量被限制在每種貨品一百單位,但能透過 擴張兩次倉庫來把上限提高到三百單位。如果貨品數量超出倉庫上限,那該貨品的數字會 變成紅色。如果你不把多出來的貨品存到別的地方,那多的貨品在該回合結束時都會消失 If you have already built a Custom House in the colony, you can export goods to Europe automatically. Goods marked to be exported are printed in green. Open the warehouse dialog (see below) in order to change export settings. 如果你已經在殖民地內蓋海關了,你就能自動向歐洲出口貨品。被標記要出口的貨品會顯 示綠色,開啟倉庫日誌(看下方)以改變出口設定。 At the bottom of the Colony Screen, you will see a row of buttons, not all of which are always active. These buttons will allow you to 在殖民地面板的最底下,你能看到一排按鈕,並不是每個都隨時能按。這些按鈕能讓你: Unload the active ship or wagon train 替船或蓬車隊卸載 Fill up all partially filled holds of the active ship or wagon train (譯註:這句看不太懂) Open the warehouse dialog in order to change the export and warning levels for all types of goods (see below) 開啟倉庫日誌以改變所有種類貨品的出口和警告等級(看下方) Select which buildings or units to build (see below). 選擇哪個建築或單位要生產(看下方) Close the dialog 關閉日誌 You can drag and drop colonists to and from buildings, tiles surrounding the colony, ships and the area outside of the colony. You can also use the right click menu of any unit to assign it to a work place, equip it, or place it outside of the colony (unless it already is outside of the colony). 你能拖拉殖民者進出建築物、殖民地周遭的地磚、船艦和殖民地外的地區。你也能對任何 單位按右鍵叫出選單以派給他一個工作地點、替他裝備或把他放到殖民地外面(除非他已 經在殖民地外面了)。 --------------------------------------------- 3.5.1 The Warehouse Dialog 倉庫日誌 The warehouse dialog allows you to set the warning levels for all types of goods. If you have turned on the warnings about goods levels, you will receive a warning if the number of goods drops below the lower level or rises above the higher level. In a warehouse with a capacity of 100 units of each type of goods, the lower level is set to 10 and the higher level is set to 90 by default. 倉庫日誌能讓你設定所有種類貨品的警告等級。如果你開啟這項功能,你會在貨品的數量 掉到低水平之下或飆到收到高水平之上時收到警告。以一個各種貨品容量為一百單位的倉 庫來說,低水平數量是10而高水平數量是90。 The export level allows you to specify how many goods should be kept in reserve if goods are automatically exported from this colony, either through the Custom House, or by a carrier following a Trade Route. A checkbox indicates whether this type of goods should be exported through the Custom House or not. If you have not yet built a Custom House in this colony, the checkbox is disabled. 出口等級能讓你在貨品透過運輸路線或海關自動出口時,設定貨品的保留數量。一個勾選 框會表示該類型貨品是否要透過海關出口。如果你沒在該殖民地蓋海關,就不能選取該勾 選框。 --------------------------------------------- 3.5.2 The Build Queue Panel 建築排程面板 Clicking on a building (not one of the units working in the building) opens the build queue panel, which allows you to select which items the colony should build. The panel consists of three sub-panels, the unit panel on the left, the buildings panel on the right and the build queue in the centre. You can drag and drop items from the unit panel and the buildings panel to the build queue and back. You can also double-click an item in the unit panel or the building panel to add it to the build queue, and you can double-click an item in the build queue to remove it. Right-click an item to see its entry in the Colopedia. 點建築(不是有單位在裡面工作的建築)開啟建築排程面板以選擇要準備在該殖民地內蓋 哪些東西。該面板包含三個子面板:左邊的單位面板、右邊的建築面板以及中間的建築排 程。你能從單位面板和建築面板拖拉東西到建築排程中好把他們加到排程裡,你也能在建 築排程中快按兩下一個東西以從排程中移除掉。右鍵點擊一個東西來看它進入Colopedia 的入口(譯註:不懂這句話意思)。 The panel contains a checkbox that switches between the compact view, which shows only the names of the buildable items, and the icon view, which also shows the goods required to build each item. Another checkbox allows you to see items that the colony can not build at this time because it lacks the necessary population, or because some other requirement has not yet been met. You can also add these items, which are marked with a small lock icon, to the build queue, but not as the head of the queue. 這個面板包含一個能切換兩種相對外觀的勾選框,一個只會顯示能建造的物品名稱以及圖 像,一個還會顯示要建造每個物品所需的貨品。另一個勾選框能讓你能讓你看到殖民地目 前不能蓋的物品,因為缺乏必須的貨品或其他需求。你也能把這些物品加到建築排程中, 這些物品會被標記一個小小的鎖形圖像,而且不會排到排程最前面。 The “buy building” button allows you to buy the building at the top of the build queue, provided that you have enough gold. 「買建築」按鈕能讓你在有足夠金錢的情況下買下建築排程最上面的建築。 ----------------------------------------------- 3.6 Customization 客製化 ----------------------------------------------- The FreeCol user interface can be customized to a certain degree. In the directory where FreeCol is installed, you will find a sub-directory called data, which contains configuration files and multimedia assets. These include the images used to represent units, goods, buildings and various other objects that appear in the game, sounds to play when certain events occur and so forth. You can replace them if you wish. FreeCol使用者介面能在某種程度上客製化。在FreeCol的安裝路徑中,你能找到一個名為 ”data”的子路徑,裡面包含外觀檔案及多媒體資源。這裡面有用來代表單位、貨品、建 築和各種其他出現在遊戲中的圖像、特定事件發生時會播放的音效以及其他的。你想要的 話可以替換它們。 The sub-directory data/base/ contains assets that are used for the user interface in general, independent of the rules used for a particular game. The sub-directory data/base/resources/fonts contains several fonts that are distributed with FreeCol, including the file ShadowedBlack.ttf, which contains the black letter font used to display headlines and the titles of panels. The file data/base/resources.properties allows you to configure how the assets are used. 子路徑”data/base”裡面有用於一般使用者介面的資源,這和使用於一場特定遊戲的模 式是互相獨立的(譯註:看不太懂這句)。子路徑”data/base/resources/fonts”內含 數種用於FreeCol的字體,包括檔案”ShadowedBlack.ttf”,該檔案是顯示面板的大小標 題的黑色字體。檔案” data/base/resources.properties”能讓你安排要怎麼使用這些 資源。 The line NormalFont=urn:font:Serif-PLAIN-13 for example, selects the font called “Serif” with font style “plain” and font size 13. Instead of “Serif”, you could use any other font that is known to the Java Virtual Machine of your system. In general, this includes all fonts installed by the operating system (rather than individual applications). 舉例來說,這一行: NormalFont=urn:font:Serif-PLAIN-13 會選擇名為”Serif”的字體、字體式樣”樸素”及字體大小13。你可以用你的系統裡的 Java虛擬機所有的其他字體來取代”Serif”。一般來說,這包含了所有安裝在作業系統 裡的字體(遠超過一個人所需要的) Please note that FreeCol uses a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to identify the font. For this reason, you must obey the usual quoting rules. In particular, you must use the string %20 instead of a space character in the font name. 請記住FreeCol是使用統一資源標誌符(Uniform Resource Identifier , URI)定義字體, 因此你必須遵守URI的規定。比較特別的是,你必須用字串”%20”代替字體名稱中的空格 If you are using Java 1.6 or higher, you can also use fonts that are not known to the JVM. You can copy it to the fonts directory mentioned above and add it to the configuration file by adding a line like this: 如果你是用Java 1.6以上的版本,你也能使用那些JVM(Java虛擬機)不知道的字體。你 能把那些字體複製到上面提到過的字體路徑並加到外觀檔案中,只要向這樣加入一條指令 MyFavouriteFont=resources/fonts/Chancery.ttf Then you could say: 那你能說: NormalFont=urn:font:Black%20Chancery-PLAIN-13 Instead of MyFavouriteFont, you can key any you like, as long as it is not being used for anything else. This line will add your font to the list of fonts known to the JVM, and you can then use its name, which is, however, likely to differ from the file name. The file Chancery.ttf, for example, contains a font called “Black Chancery”. 你能輸入任何你喜歡的字體取代” MyFavouriteFont”,只要這字體還沒被用在別的地方 。這條指令會把你的字體加入JVM能辨識的字體清單之中,你之後就能使用這個名字,但 可能會和檔案名稱不一樣。舉例來說,檔案” Chancery.ttf”中的字體叫做” Black Chancery”。 ============================= 沒想到連編輯都這麼累...... 希望看完整篇的人能給我指正建議,感謝>"< -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在納格蘭挖牛羊糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在血色十字軍和那個狗娘養的阿比迪斯並肩作戰!」 ~《血色全書》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
o07608:103頁......這是我發過第二長的文章的樣子...... 10/10 23:56
o07608:最長的是笨板十里坡劍神的備份文 10/10 23:56
THC13:分量多的話,要不要移到其他更方便的平台,大家一起做? 10/11 00:28
這算是份自我鞭策的作業吧XD 還是想先自己獨立翻譯看看
THC13:--freecol-data DIR指定含有FreeCol資料檔的目錄(資料夾)。 10/11 00:30
THC13:只有當你已經安裝修改過的FreeCol, 10/11 00:30
THC13:你才需要這個這個指令。 10/11 00:31
THC13:(其實就是叫遊戲去讀取MOD檔案所在的目錄啦) 10/11 00:32
THC13:--debug-run[=]TURNS[,SAVENAME] 這段我覺得不用翻譯 10/11 00:40
THC13:正常人不會用到,會用到的人不會不懂英文 ;> 10/11 00:41
囧a 能的話我還是希望能補完整份文件的翻譯啦......
THC13:“artillery in the open” penalty 10/11 00:46
THC13:我猜是砲兵在開闊地形所受到的戰力懲罰(沒有掩護) 10/11 00:47
s2327259:Save Production Overflow,感覺翻成 10/11 13:49
s2327259:「保留過量的生產力」會比較恰當 10/11 13:50
感謝你的修正! ※ 編輯: o07608 來自: (10/11 22:15)
o07608:第四章光是草原就有三種,我老天 10/11 23:02
THC13:Season Year是這樣的 原版遊戲一開始一年一回合 11/03 13:38
THC13:某個年份後會變成一年兩回合(兩季) 反應科技進步 11/03 13:38
THC13:我猜這裏的設定是選擇直接一開始就一年兩季 11/03 13:39
o07608:感謝!!! 11/03 13:40