看板 SLG 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然六七章的東西不多,但之前先把Index幾乎都翻譯完了,給自己個對照 所以這次也是花了點時間才生出來 另外也針對不少詞修改了翻譯,感覺會更通順 等全部翻譯完後還要來個大修改...... 不過果然有玩過遊戲再來翻譯就好翻譯的多 之前很多地方都不知道在幹嘛,玩了一下後就全都知道怎麼講了 然後瑞典的國家加成真好用,蓋房子不要命的...... ================================== Chapter 6 Your Home Country 你的祖國 Your Home Country is a European monarchy and colonial power. The original game featured four playable nations, namely Spain, France, England and the Netherlands. FreeCol optionally adds Portugal, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. 你的祖國是一個歐洲的殖民帝國。原版遊戲有四個可選國家,也就是西班牙、法蘭西、英 格蘭和荷蘭。FreeCol額外增加了葡萄牙、丹麥、瑞典和俄羅斯。 Virtually all players agree that the addition of Portugal corrects a glaring omission of the original game, but the other three European nations are controversial. Sweden, Denmark and Russia all had colonies or territories in the Americas, but were either minor colonial powers or arrived very late. However, as we wished to make multi-player games with up to eight human players possible, we had to add further nations. We might well change the selection at some later date, and you can change the selection by editing the rules yourself. 事實上所有玩家都同意增加葡萄牙修正了原版遊戲的一個重大遺漏,但另外三個歐洲國家 有爭議。瑞典、丹麥和俄羅斯都曾經在美洲有殖民地或領土,但不是殖民勢力太小就是來 的太晚。然而,因為我們希望能讓最多八個玩家進行多人遊戲,我們必須增加額外的國家 。我們可能會在之後改變這個選擇,而你能自己編輯規則來改變這個選擇(譯註:求高手 修飾這句)。 Each of these countries may have special abilities and different starting units. In the original game, these abilities and units were tied to particular nations. FreeCol, however, optionally allows you to select your national advantage. 每個國家都有特殊能力和不同的起始單位。在原版遊戲中,這些能力和單位都和特定國家 綁在一起,然而在FreeCol能讓你選擇你的國家加成。 At the moment, FreeCol defines the following eight advantages, and also allows you to select no advantage at all: 目前FreeCol定義下面八種加成,也能讓你選擇沒有加成: No advantage: You start with two Free Colonists and a Caravel, and no special abilities. This is mainly intended for multi-player games, as it removes a potential imbalance between players. 沒有加成:你一開始有兩名自由民和一艘輕帆船,沒有特殊能力。這主要是為了移除多人 遊戲中玩家之間的潛在不平衡。 The trade advantage: You can buy and sell twice as many goods in Europe before prices change. You start with two Free Colonists and a Merchantman. 貿易加成:你能在價格改變前在歐洲買賣兩倍的貨品。你一開始有兩名自由民和一艘商船 The cooperation advantage: You generate only half as much native alarm as the other European nations. You start with a Free Colonist, a Hardy Pioneer and a Caravel. 合作加成:原住民只會對你產生其他歐洲國家一半的警戒值。你一開始有一個自由民、一 個開拓者和一艘輕帆船。 The immigration advantage: You need to generate only two thirds as many crosses as the other European nations in order to attract new immigrants. You start with two Free Colonists and a Caravel. 移民加成:你要吸引新移民的話,只要生產其他歐洲國家三分之二的十字架量。你一開始 有兩名自由民和一艘輕帆船。 The conquest advantage: You have a 50% advantage when attacking natives and capture twice as many “converts” when destroying native settlements. You start with a Free Colonist, a Veteran Soldier and a Caravel. 征服加成:你在攻擊原住民時有50%的加成,摧毀原住民居住地時還能得到兩倍的「皈依 者」。你一開始有一個自由民、一個老練步兵和一艘輕帆船。 The naval advantage: All your ships can move one tile further than those of other European nations. You start with two Free Colonists and a Merchantman. 船艦加成:你所有的船隻都能比其他歐洲國家多移動一塊地磚。你一開始有兩個自由民和 一艘商船。 The building advantage: Your lumberjacks produce two units of lumber and your carpenters produce two hammers more than those of other European nations. You start with an Expert Lumberjack, a Master Carpenter and a Caravel. 建造加成:你的伐木工能比其他歐洲國家多生產兩單位的木材,你的木匠也能比其他歐洲 國家多生產兩單位的槌子。你一開始有一個專業伐木工、一個木匠大師和一艘輕帆船。 The agriculture advantage: Your farmers produce two units of food more than those of other European nations. You start with an Expert Farmer, a Free Colonist and a Caravel. 農業加成:你的農夫比其他歐洲國家多生產兩單位的食物。你一開始有一個專業農夫、一 個自由民和一艘輕帆船。 The fur trapping advantage: Your fur trappers produce two units of fur and your fur traders produce two coats more than those of other European nations. You start with an Expert Fur Trapper, a Master Fur Trader and a Caravel. 毛皮加成:你的毛皮獵人能比其他歐洲國家多生產兩單位的毛皮,而你的毛皮商能比其他 歐洲國家多生產兩件外套。你一開始有一個專業毛皮獵人、一個毛皮大亨和一艘輕帆船。 In the original game, the Dutch had the trade advantage, the French had the cooperation advantage, the English had the immigration advantage and the Spanish had the conquest advantage. In FreeCol, this is also the default, although you can optionally select different advantages. By default, the Portuguese have the naval advantage, the Swedish have the building advantage, the Danish have the agriculture advantage and the Russians have the fur trapping advantage. This is likely to change in the future, however. 在原版遊戲中,荷蘭有貿易加成、法蘭西有合作加成、英格蘭有移民加成、西班牙有征服 加成。這在FreeCol中也是預設值,不過你可以選擇不同的加成。預設中,葡萄牙有船艦 加成、瑞典有建造加成、丹麥有農業加成、俄羅斯有毛皮加成,不過這幾個以後可能會做 更動。 --------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Your Home Port 你的母港 --------------------------------------------------------- The Home Port is a port city in your home country, where you can trade Goods, and train, recruit and buy Units. If you have not built a Drydock in any of your colonies, your damaged ships will also return to the Home Port for repairs. 母港是你的母國裡的一個港口城市,你能在此買賣貨品以期訓練、招募和買單位。如果你 還沒在任何殖民地裡蓋旱塢,受損的船也能回母港修理。 As you generate Crosses in your colonies, colonists will appear at the docks of the Home Port. Unless William Brewster has joined the Continental Congress, many of these colonists will be Indentured Servants and Petty Criminals. Once William Brewster has been elected, these units will no longer appear at the docks, and you will be able to select the next colonist to emigrate from the recruitment list. 當你在殖民地內生產十字架時,殖民者會出現在母港的碼頭。在威廉.布魯斯特加入大陸 議會之前,大部分這些殖民者都是長工和罪犯。一旦威廉.布魯斯特加入後,這些單位就 不會再出現在碼頭上,而你能從徵募表上選擇下一個想移民的殖民者。 The recruitment list is a list of three colonists who are thinking about emigrating to the New World, but have not yet reached a decision. You can recruit them by offering gold as an incentive. At the beginning of the game, this is a good way of increasing the population of your colonies. However, the amount of gold required will greatly increase during the game. 徵募表是一張列表,上面有三個想移民到新世界但還沒下決定的殖民者。你能給他們獎勵 金來招募他們。在遊戲一開始,這是一個增加你殖民地人口的好方法。但是需要的金錢量 會隨著遊戲進行而增加。 If you have enough gold, you can also train colonists at the Royal Academy. In exchange for the education you provide, they will also emigrate to the New World. Not all types of colonists can be trained at the Royal Academy, however. 如果你有足夠金錢,你也能在皇家學院訓練殖民者。為了回報你提供的教育,他們也會移 民前往新世界,然而並不是所有種類的殖民者都能在皇家學院訓練。 Ships and Artillery can also be purchased in the Home Port. You can also build these units in your colonies, as soon as you have built a Shipyard and an Armory, respectively. 船和火炮也能在母港購買,你也能在蓋了船塢和軍械庫後在殖民地內製造。 For further information about the actions available in your Home Port, please refer to the section on the europe panel. 要得知關於你的母港能做的行動的進一步資訊,請參照歐洲面板部分。 ----------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Your Monarch 你的國王 ----------------------------------------------------- Your Home Country is ruled by a Monarch whose actions can have a profound influence on your colonies and your relations to other nations present in the New World. 你的母國由一個國王統治,他的行動會對你的殖民地及你與其他在新世界有出現的國家的 關係造成很大的影響。 From time to time, the Monarch may decide to raise the Taxes you pay on all goods you sell in the Home Port. You may refuse to accept these taxes, however, in which case your colonists will stage a protest similar to the Boston Tea Party and throw some goods into the harbour. The Monarch will not be amused and will boycott this type of goods. This means that you will no longer be able to trade these goods in the Home Port until the Boycott is lifted. 有時國王可能會決定調漲你在母港賣貨品時要付的稅。不過你能拒絕接受新稅,這會讓你 的殖民地發生類似波士頓茶黨的抗議事件,並把一些貨品扔到港灣裡。國王會不爽並抵制 被扔到港灣裡的貨品類型。這代表你再也不能在母港出售這類型貨品,直到抵制解除。 You can end a Boycott by paying the outstanding tax arrears. As soon as Jacob Fugger II joins the Continental Congress, all Boycotts will be lifted, but the Monarch may declare further Boycotts later on. As soon as Peter Stuyvesant joins the Continental Congress, you will be able to build Custom Houses in your colonies. The original Colonization game contained a bug which made the Custom House ignore all Boycotts, and this behaviour is available as a rule variant (see ignoring boycotts). 你能把所有欠的稅都付清以解除抵制。在賈科伯.法格二世加入大陸議會後,所有抵制都 會解除,但國王之後可能會宣布進一步的抵制。在彼得.史蒂文森加入大陸議會後,你能 在殖民地內蓋海關。原版Colonization中有一個bug,能讓海關忽視任何抵制,這在更動 規則中能調整(參照忽略抵制) Naturally, the Monarch does not trust your colonists, some of which are nothing but Petty Criminals, and some of which even support the infamous Sons of Liberty. For this reason, the crown maintains the Royal Expeditionary Force, which is to put an end to insurrections in the New World. From time to time the Monarch may inform you that further units have been added to the Royal Expeditionary Force, just so that you don’t get any ideas. 國王當然不會信任你的殖民者,這些人之中有些就只是罪犯,有些人甚至幫助惡名昭彰的 自由之子。因此皇室有一支皇家遠征軍,用來弭平新世界的叛亂。有時國王會通知你更多 單位加入了皇家遠征軍,好警告你不要亂打主意。 The Monarch may also declare war on any nation present in the New World, both European and native. This will also affect your relations with this nation, unless Benjamin Franklin has already been elected to the Continental Congress. In this case, the Monarch’s wars do not affect you anymore, except that the Monarch may still use the war as an excuse to raise your taxes. 國王也可能對任何在新世界中有出現的國家宣戰,無論歐洲國家或原住民。這也會影響你 和這些國家的關係,除非班傑明.富蘭克林已經加入了大陸議會,這樣國王的宣戰就不會 影響到你,除非國王可能會用戰爭當藉口來調漲稅率。 If you are already at war with some nation, either due to the Monarch’s actions, or your own, the crown may offer you some cheap Mercenaries. If you agree to their price, these units will appear at the docks in your Home Port, ready to set sail for the New World. 如果你已經和一些國家打起來了,不管是因為國王還是你自己的行動,皇室都可能會提供 你一些便宜的傭兵。如果你同意這價錢,這些單位會出現在你母港碼頭並準備好前往新世 界。 ****************************************************************************** Chapter 7 Units 單位 Several dozen different units are available in FreeCol, but not all units are available to all players. Some units are available only to Indian Players, some units are only available to European Players, and other units are available only to the Royal Expeditionary Force. 在FreeCol中有好幾打不同的單位,但並不是所有單位都能被所有玩家使用。有些單位只 有印第安玩家才有,有些單位只有歐洲玩家才有,有些單位只有皇家遠征軍才有。 The most basic unit of the European Players (including you) is the Free Colonist. The Free Colonist is quite good at any task, but has no special skills. At the beginning of the game, many of the colonists will not be volunteers, but Indentured Servant, or Petty Criminal, who are deported to the New World. Indentured Servants are pretty bad at all jobs within the colony, but just like Free Colonists, they can be sent to native villages to learn a skill from the natives. Petty Criminals are very bad at all jobs within the colony and can not learn anything from the natives. However, both Indentured Servants and Petty Criminals can become Free Colonists through Education. 歐洲玩家(包括你)最基本的單位是自由民。一般殖民者能勝任各種任務,但沒有特殊技 能。遊戲一開始,大部分的殖民者都不是志願者,除了長工和被放逐到新世界的罪犯。長 工在殖民地內每項工作都做的不好,但他們像自由民一樣能到原住民村莊中向原住民學習 技能。罪犯在殖民地內每項工作都做的超爛,又不能向原住民學技能。但長工和罪犯都能 透過教育來變成自由民。 Many early colonies failed due to a lack of food. In order to avoid a similar fate, you must ensure adequate food production from the very beginning. All your colonists can produce some amount of food, especially on the more fertile terrain types, but the Expert Farmer and the Expert Fisherman will greatly increase your food production. But note that the Expert Fisherman requires a Dock to moor his boat to, and that this requires at least one ocean tile adjacent to your colony. 很多早期的殖民地都因為缺乏食物而毀滅。為了避免相似的命運,你必須在一開始就確保 足夠的食物產量。你所有的殖民者都能生產一些食物,尤其在較肥沃的地形上更是如此, 但專業農夫和專業漁夫能大量增加你的食物產量。但要記住專業漁夫需要一個碼頭來停他 的小船,要有碼頭至少要有一片海洋臨接你的殖民地。 Four types of units are not available in Europe because they possess skills that can only be learned from the native population. These are the Master Sugar Planter, the Master Cotton Planter, the Master Tobacco Planter, and the Expert Fur Trapper. These units are able to greatly increase your production of Sugar, Cotton, Tobacco, and Furs, respectively. 有四種單位歐洲沒有,因為他們的技能只能從原住民身上學到。這四種單位是甘蔗種植大 師、棉花種植大師、煙草種植大師和專業毛皮獵人。這些單位能大量增加你的甘蔗、棉花 、煙草和毛皮產量。 In the beginning of the game, you will most likely export a great deal of these goods to Europe, but beware, prices will drop! However, all the raw materials of the New World can be used to produce luxury goods that will sell for higher prices in Europe. Sugar can be used to distill Rum, Cotton can be used to produce Cloth, Cigars are made from Tobacco, and Coats are made from Furs. All your colonists can do this, but the Master Distiller, the Master Weaver, the Master Tobacconist, and the Master Fur Trader are the experts who will really rev up your production. 在遊戲一開始,你很可能會出口大量的這些貨品到歐洲,但要小心跌價!然而,所有新世 界的原料都能用來生產能在歐洲賣比較高價的奢侈品。甘蔗能用來釀蘭姆酒,棉花能用來 紡衣服,煙草能用來做雪茄,毛皮能用來做外套。你所有的殖民者都能生產這些奢侈品, 但釀酒大師、紡織大師、煙草大亨和毛皮大亨能大量增加對應貨品的產量。 The New World also has two mineral resources, Ore and Silver, to offer. Again, all your colonists are able to mine these resources to a certain extent, but you will need the Expert Ore Miner and the Expert SilverMiner to make the most of them. 新世界還有兩種礦產:礦和銀。你的殖民者同樣能在特定地區挖到這些資源,但你需要專 業礦工和專業銀礦工來增加產量。 Lumber can be produced in all forested tiles, and can also be exported to Europe, although prices are low. However, you will need vast amounts of lumber in order to upgrade your colonies, and no colonist is more skilled at cutting down forests than the Expert LumberJack. Nor is any colonist more skilled at turning the lumber into buildings than the Master Carpenter. 所有森林地磚都能生產木材,也能出口到歐洲,但價格很低。然而,你會需要大量木材來 升級你的殖民地,而沒有其他殖民者比專業伐木工更會砍樹,也沒有人比木匠大師更會蓋 建築。 The more advanced buildings you can construct in the your colonies require not only lumber but also Tools, which are produced from Ore. This is the job the Master Blacksmith excels in. Tools are also used by your Pioneer to clear forests, to plow fields and to build roads, but none of your other colonists can match the outdoors skills of your Hardy Pioneer. And finally, Tools are required for the production of Muskets, a demanding task best left to the Master Gunsmith. 要在你的殖民地內蓋更高級的建築,不僅需要木材還需要工具,而工具要用礦來生產,專 業鐵匠能勝任這個工作。拓荒者也能用工具清除樹林、犁地和鋪路,而沒有其他人能比你 的開拓者更能勝任這些戶外活動。最後,生產毛瑟槍也需要工具,槍械大師最適合這項工 作。 All your units are able to explore the New World, but the colonist most suited to this dangerous endeavour is the Scout, a mounted colonist. A Scout may become a Seasoned Scout through experience, either by visiting native settlements, or by investigating Lost City Rumours. The Seasoned Scout is much more skillful at these jobs, but beware, they are dangerous! 你所有的單位都能探險新世界,但最適合為此賭命的人是斥候.騎馬的殖民者。斥候可能 會因經驗累積,無論是藉著拜訪原住民居住地或調查失落城市的傳聞,而變成偵查兵。偵 查兵對於這些工作更在行,但小心,他們與危險為伍! Another colonist able to visit native settlements is the Missionary. Any colonist can be converted to a Missionary by blessing him in a colony with a Church, or in the Home Port, which is sure to have several churches and maybe even a Cathedral. Missionaries are able to establish a Mission in the native settlement, and to convert the natives. The Jesuit Missionary, however, is much more accomplished at the job. 其他能拜訪原住民居住地的殖民者是傳教士。任何殖民者都能藉著在殖民地裡的教堂受祝 福而成為傳教士,或者在母港也行,母港一定會有教堂,還可能會有一間大教堂。傳教士 能在原住民居住地建立傳教團並使原住民皈依。不過耶穌會教士更能做到這件事。 The converted natives may join your colonies as Indian Converts. They are unskilled at all jobs within the colony, but more skilled than your Free Colonists at producing food and New World Goods such as sugar, tobacco, cotton and furs. Indian Converts can not be upgraded through Education, but they become Free Colonists as soon as Bartolomé de las Casas joins the Continental Congress. 皈依的原住民可能會以印第安皈依者的身分加入你的殖民地。他們不擅長所有殖民地內的 工作,但比自由民更擅長生產食物和新世界的貨物,像是甘蔗、煙草、棉花和毛皮。印第 安皈依者無法透過教育升級,但在巴托洛梅.德拉斯.卡薩斯加入大陸議會後他們就會變 成自由民。 Many colonists come to the New World in search of religious freedom. Thus, they desire a Church in which to preach and pray. This religious freedom, which attracts more European colonists, is represented by Crosses. Naturally, some colonists are more eloquent and inspired than others, and the most famous of these are known as Firebrand Preacher. 許多殖民者為了追求宗教自由而來到新世界,因此他們需要一個教堂來佈道和禱告。十字 架代表著這個吸引更多歐洲殖民者的宗教自由。有些殖民者自然比其他人更激進,這之中 最有名的是狂熱牧師(譯註:感覺好像賓拉登之類的...徵求更好的翻譯0.0)。 While the preachers are concerned with the spiritual welfare of the colonists, the colonists concerned with the secular welfare of their fellow citizens meet in the Town Hall, which generates Liberty Bells. The most dignified and influential of these citizens are considered Elder Statesman. 當牧師在擔心殖民者的心靈安寧時,擔心同胞的物質安寧的殖民者們在生產自由鐘的城鎮 中心裡會面了。其中最高貴、最有影響力的人會成為老練政治家。 Any colonist can be equipped with Muskets, which makes him a Soldier, or a Dragoon if he is mounted. However, combat-hardened Veteran Soldier and Veteran Dragoon are much more effective. A dragoon that is beaten in battle is downgraded to a soldier. A beaten soldier becomes an unarmed colonist. 任何殖民者都能裝備毛瑟槍成為步兵,或者騎上馬變成騎兵。然而慣戰的老練步兵和老練 騎兵會強的多。一個在戰鬥中被擊敗的騎兵會降級成步兵,一個被擊敗的步兵會變成毫無 武裝的殖民者。 On the other hand, any soldier or dragoon that wins a battle may be upgraded. A Petty Criminal will be upgraded to an Indentured Servant, an Indentured Servant will be upgraded to a Free Colonist, and a Free Colonist to a veteran unit. Veteran units may be further upgraded to Colonial Regular or Colonial Cavalry, but only after the Declaration of Independence. 另一方面,任何在戰鬥中獲勝的步兵或騎兵可能會升級。一個罪犯能升級成長工、一個長 工會升級成自由民、一個自由民會變成老練單位。老練單位還可能會升級為殖民地步兵團 或殖民地騎兵團,但要在宣告獨立後才能升級。 Artillery is most effective at attacking and defending colonies and fortified units, but is also very vulnerable in the open. Artillery may become damaged, which decreases its efficiency. Damaged Artillery is still quite powerful, but it can not be repaired, and further damage will destroy it. 火炮對於殖民地和防衛狀態的單位的攻擊或防禦都很有效,但在開闊地形非常脆弱。火炮 可能會損壞而降低效率。受損的火炮仍然相當強,但無法修理,進一步的攻擊就能摧毀它 The Wagon Train, which has to be built in one of your colonies, can be used to transport up to 200 units of goods over land and to trade with native settlements, and foreign colonies if Jan de Witt has joined the Continental Congress. There is a limit on the number of wagon trains you can build— it may not exceed the number of colonies you have (plus the “Settlement limit modifier” game option which defaults to zero). 蓬車隊能在陸地上載運最多兩百單位貨品,並能和原住民居住地貿易,如果簡.德.威特 加入大陸議會後還能和外國殖民地貿易,每個殖民地一定要有一台。你能建造的蓬車隊有 一定數量限制─無法超過你擁有的殖民地數量(加上遊戲設定中「居住地限制修改器」裡 的設定數量,預設值是0)。 The Treasure Train is similar to the Wagon Train, but is used only to transport treasures. You can find these treasures in Lost Cities, or in the ruins of native settlements you have destroyed. If you move your Treasure Trains into a colony with access to the sea, your Monarch will offer to ship it to Europe for a “reasonable fee”, unless Hernán Cortés has joined the Continental Congress, in which case it will be shipped free of charge. If you have a Galleon, however, you can take the Treasure Train to Europe yourself. 寶藏車隊和蓬車隊很像,但只能用來載運寶藏。你能在失落城市或你摧毀的原住民居住地 中找到這些寶藏。如果你把你的寶藏車隊開到一個靠海的殖民地,你的國王會開一個「合 理的運費」來把它運回歐洲,除非荷南.科爾蒂斯加入了大陸議會才不用付運費。然而如 果你有一艘大帆船的話,你就能自己把寶藏車隊運回歐洲。 The Caravel, the Merchantman and the Galleon are unarmed naval units, with two, four or six cargo holds, respectively. A cargo hold may contain up to 100 units of goods, or any land unit except the Treasure Train, which takes up six cargo holds all by itself, and the Wagon Train, which can not be transported by sea at all. 輕帆船、商船和大帆船都是非武裝船艦單位,分別有2、4、6個貨倉。每個貨倉能裝最多 一百單位的貨品,或者除了寶藏車隊以外的任何陸地單位,寶藏車隊要用到六個貨倉來裝 。蓬車隊無法海運。 The Privateer and the Frigate are armed naval vessel with two or four cargo holds, respectively. The Privateer is unique in that it does not fly the flag of your country and can attack the vessels of other countries with impunity. It becomes even more deadly when Francis Drake joins the Continental Congress. 私掠船和驅逐艦是武裝船艦,分別有2和4個貨倉。私掠船獨特的地方是它不會掛你的國家 的國旗,並且可以免除攻擊其他國家船隻受到的負面影響。法蘭西斯.德瑞克加入大陸議 會後它會變得更致命。 The Man of War is the most powerful naval vessel, and has six cargo holds. At the beginning of the game, only the Monarch has these powerful ships, but when you gain independence you can also construct them in your colonies. 軍艦是最強大的船艦,有六個貨倉。一開始只有國王有這種強大的船,但當你獨立後你也 能在殖民地內建造它們。 The Monarch has two types of units that you can never command, however. These are the King’s Regular and King’s Cavalry, which are roughly as powerful as your Colonial Regulars and Colonial Cavalry. 然而,國王有兩種你永遠得不到的單位。它們是王之步兵和王之騎兵,基本上和殖民地步 兵團及殖民地騎兵團差不多強。 The natives also have two types of units that you can not recruit, namely the Indian Brave and the Indian Dragoon. These are strong fighting units that can also carry up to 100 units of goods each. 原住民也有兩種你無法招募的單位,也就是印第安勇士和印第安騎兵。這些單位不僅打仗 很強,每個人還能載最多一百單位的貨品。 ---------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Equipment 裝備 ---------------------------------------------------- Most units can be equipped with tools, horses, muskets, or a bible. Most types of equipment are not compatible with each other, however. If you equip a unit with tools, for example, then that unit will drop any other equipment it is currently using. Equipment grants a unit certain abilities, which it does not possess otherwise. Certain units are particularly skilled with a certain type of equipment, but without it they have no special abilities: 大部分的單位都能裝備工具、馬、毛瑟槍或一本聖經,不過大部分裝備彼此都互不相容。 舉例來說,如果你裝備了一個工具,那該單位就會扔掉其他目前裝在他身上的東西。裝備 會提昇一個單位的特定能力,但不會提昇其他能力。特定單位對於特定裝備會特別有心得 ,但沒有這些裝備他們就不會有特殊能力: Only a unit equipped with tools is able to build roads, plow fields and cut down forests. Even the Hardy Pioneer is unable to do so without suitable equipment. 只有裝備了工具的單位能鋪路、犁田和清除樹林。就算是開拓者也無法在沒裝工具的情況 下做這些事情。 Only a unit equipped with horses is able to scout Indian settlements and foreign colonies. Even the Seasoned Scout can’t do that without being mounted. 只有騎馬的單位能偵查印第安居住地和外國殖民地。就算是偵查兵也無法在沒騎馬的情況 下這樣做。 Only a unit equipped with muskets is a soldier. Veteran Soldiers are more effective than other units when equipped with muskets, but without muskets they have no advantage. 只有裝備毛瑟槍的單位能成為士兵,老練步兵在裝備毛瑟槍時比其他裝備了毛瑟槍的單位 還強,但沒有毛瑟槍就是普通人。 Only a unit equipped with a bible is commissioned as a missionary and able to establish a mission in an Indian settlement. Even the Jesuit Missionary is unable to do so without a bible. If a Jesuit Missionary is equipped with tools, muskets or horses, he loses his bible. If that happens, the Jesuit Missionary carries his hat, rather than his bible, in his hand. 只有裝備聖經的單位會被任命為傳教士並能在印第安居住地組建傳教團。就算是耶穌會教 士也無法在沒有聖經的情況下做這些事情。如果一個耶穌會教士裝備了工具、毛瑟槍或馬 ,他就會失去他的聖經。發生這種事的話,耶穌會教士手裡會拿著帽子,而非他的聖經。 Of course, units that do not represent people, such as ships, wagon trains and treasure trains, can not be equipped. The Indian Convert is another unit that can not be equipped. 當然,非人形單位,像是船、蓬車隊和寶藏車隊都不能裝備東西,印第安皈依者也無法裝 備。 You can equip a unit by selecting the appropriate menu item from the context menu. If the equipment is produced from a single type of goods you can also equip a unit by dragging a sufficient amount of goods from a warehouse, the European market, a ship or wagon train and dropping it onto the unit while holding down the alt key. 你能在一個單位上點右鍵叫出主選單並選擇適合的物品來裝備他,如果該物品能透過特定 貨品生產,你也能從倉庫、歐洲市場、船或蓬車隊把適當數量的貨品拉到單位身上替他裝 備,並按住alt鍵解除裝備。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.2 Skills and Education 技能和教育 ---------------------------------------------------------- In FreeCol, your colonists come from all walks of life. Some are unskilled Petty Criminals, who are deported to the colonies. Others are Indentured Servants, or Free Colonists with moderate skills. Still others are masters of their craft, experts at their trade or profession, who were educated at the Royal College in Europe. If you have enough gold, you can recruit units directly from the Royal College. 在FreeCol中,你的殖民者一輩子都在工作。有些人是被放逐到殖民地,能力低落的罪犯 ,其他人則是能力一般的長工或自由民。還有人是特定技藝的專家、貿易或生產的行家, 這些人都曾在歐洲的皇家學院受教育。如果你有足夠的金錢,就能直接從皇家學院招募這 些單位。 Not all skills, however, can be learned in Europe. Sugar, Cotton and Tobacco, as well as Furs are apparently unknown in Europe. Thus, Master Sugar Planters, Master Cotton Planters, Master Tobacco Planters, as well as the Expert Fur Trappers, can not be recruited in Europe. 然而並不是所有技能都能在歐洲學到。歐洲人沒聽過甘蔗、棉花、煙草和毛皮(譯註:最 好啦),因此甘蔗種植大師、棉花種植大師、煙草種植大師和專業毛皮獵人都無法在歐洲 招募到。 At the beginning of the game, these skills can only be learned at Indian Settlements, or through experience. If you put a Free Colonist to work outside of the colony for a long time without changing his work assignment, he may learn the necessary skill and become an expert. This does not work for the more complicated jobs within the colony, however. 在遊戲一開始,這些技能只能在印第安居住地,或透過經驗累積學到。如果你讓一個自由 民在殖民地外長時間持續做同一種工作,他可能就會學到必須的技能並成為專家。然而這 不適用於殖民地內的更複雜的工作。 The Schoolhouse and its upgrades, the College and the University, allow you to train your units yourself by placing a skilled unit in one of these buildings. If a suitable student exists in the colony it will automatically appear next to the teacher in the building, as well as continuing to perform its current task. Note that the Master Sugar Planter, the Master Cotton Planter, the Master Tobacco Planter, the Master Fur Trader, the Master Distiller, the Master Weaver, the Master Tobacconist, the Master Blacksmith and the Master Gunsmith all require at least a College, while the Elder Statesman, the Firebrand Preacher and the Jesuit Missionary even require a University to teach their profession. 校舍和它的升級.學院和大學,能讓你藉由把一個擁有技能的單位放進這些建築中來訓練 你的單位。如果殖民地內有適合的學生的話,他會自動跑到建築裡老師的旁邊,並繼續他 目前的工作。記得甘蔗種植大師、棉花種植大師、煙草種植大師、毛皮大亨、釀酒大師、 紡織大師、煙草大亨、鐵匠大師和槍械大師都至少需要學院才能教,而老練政治家、狂熱 牧師和耶穌會教士得在大學內教授他們的專業。 Usually, units need four turns to learn a profession taught in schoolhouse, six turns to learn a profession taught in college, and eight turns to learn a profession taught at university. However, the colony’s production bonus or penalty is subtracted from this value, so that units in colonies with a production bonus learn faster, and units in colonies with a production penalty require more time to learn. 通常單位需要花四回合學習校舍內教授的專業、六回合學習學院內教授的專業、八回合學 習大學內教授的專業。不過殖民地的生產加成和懲罰會增減這些時間,因此單位在有生產 加成的殖民地裡會學的比較快,在有生產懲罰的殖民地內要花更多時間學習。 A Free Colonist can learn any skill or profession in this manner, but Petty Criminals and Indentured Servants can not. However, a Petty Criminal may become an Indentured Servant, and an Indentured Servant may become a Free Colonist through education. Any colonist placed in a schoolhouse, college or university is able to provide this kind of education. 自由民能用這個方法學到所有專業,但罪犯和長工不行。然而罪犯可能會透過教育變成長 工,長工可能會透過教育變成自由民。任何在校舍、學院或大學裡的殖民者都能提供這種 教育。 Petty Criminals may also become Indentured Servants, and Indentured Servants may also become Free Colonists by winning a battle and being promoted. Free Colonists can be promoted to Veteran Soldiers, and after the Declaration of Independence, these may be promoted to Colonial Regulars. 罪犯和長工也可能因為打勝仗而晉升為長工和自由民。自由民能晉升為老練步兵,而在宣 告獨立後,他們能晉升為殖民地步兵團。 Indian units are more productive than free colonists when working outside of the colony, and less productive when working inside a building. Indian units can not become free colonists through education, but all Indian units become free colonists as soon as Bartolomé de las Casas joins the Continental Congress. 印第安單位在殖民地外工作時產量比自由民更高,而在建築內工作時產能比自由民更低。 印第安單位無法透過教育成為自由民,但在巴托洛梅.德拉斯.卡薩斯加入大陸議會後他 們就能成為自由民。 However, Indian Converts that join your colonies after Bartolomé de las Casas has been elected to the Continental Congress will always remain converts and can not be upgraded. 然而,在巴托洛梅.德拉斯.卡薩斯被選入大陸議會後才加入的印第安皈依者會一直維持 皈依者的身分而無法升級。 Scouts can explore the New World and enter Indian Settlements in order to speak with the tribal chiefs. A scout entering an Indian Settlement may become a Seasoned Scout through experience. A colonist investigating a Lost City Rumours may also be upgraded to a Seasoned Scout, unless that unit already has another skill. 斥候能探險新世界並進入印第安居住地和部落酋長講話。一個進入印第安居住地的斥候可 能會因為經驗累積而成為偵查兵。一個調查失落城市的傳聞的殖民者也可能會升級為偵查 兵,除非他已經有別的技能了。 --------------------------------------------------- 7.3 Combat 戰鬥 --------------------------------------------------- A tile can only be occupied by units of a single Player. If a unit of another Player attempts to enter that tile, combat ensues. The combat mechanism of FreeCol is very simple: Each unit has an attack strength and a defence strength. Attack bonuses and defence bonuses granted by terrain, fortifications or Founding Fathers are added to the base values of the units. A random element is then added to the calculations in order to determine the winner of the battle. If a tile is occupied by more than one unit, the attacker will fight against the defender with the strongest defence. 一塊地磚可能會被某個玩家的單位給佔據,如果其他玩家的單位想要進入這塊地磚就會發 生戰鬥。FreeCol的戰鬥機制很簡單:每個單位都有攻擊力和防禦力,因為地形、防禦工 事或國父而產生的攻擊力和防禦力加成會加到單位的基礎值上。接著會在計算時加入一個 隨機因素以決定戰鬥的贏家。如果地磚被多於一個單位佔據,攻方會需要和防禦較強的守 方戰鬥。 Most units that win a battle may be promoted, and all units that lose a battle will always be captured, demoted, damaged or destroyed. A Petty Criminal may be promoted to an Indentured Servant, and an Indentured Servant may be promoted to a Free Colonist. A Free Colonist may be promoted to a Veteran Soldier, which in turn may be promoted to a Colonial Regular, but only after the Declaration of Independence. 大部分贏得戰鬥的單位都可能會晉升,而所有輸掉戰鬥的單位都會被俘虜、降級、被打傷 或被摧毀。罪犯能晉升為長工、長工能晉升為自由民、自由民能晉升為老練步兵,而老練 步兵能在宣告獨立後晉升為殖民地步兵團。 A Dragoon that loses a battle will be demoted to a Soldier, and a Soldier that loses a battle will be demoted to an unarmed colonist. An unarmed colonist that loses a battle is either captured, if the attacker is a European Player, or slaughtered, if the attacker is a Native Player. Wagon Trains and Treasure Trains may also be captured by a European Player and destroyed by a Native Player. Native units that lose a battle are always slaughtered. 一個輸掉戰鬥的騎兵會降級為士兵、輸掉戰鬥的士兵會降級為無武裝的殖民者。輸掉戰鬥 的無武裝殖民者會被俘虜(如果攻方是歐洲玩家)或被殺害(如果攻方是原住民玩家)。 蓬車隊和寶藏車隊也可能被歐洲玩家俘虜和被原住民玩家摧毀。輸掉戰鬥的原住民單位一 定會被殺害。 Naval units and Artillery can not be promoted. A beaten artillery unit becomes a Damaged Artillery, which can not be repaired and will be destroyed if it loses another battle. Ships are either sunk or damaged when they lose a battle. In either case all units and cargo aboard the ship are lost, and the ship automatically returns to the nearest repair location. This may be one of your colonies with a Drydock or the Home Port. 船艦單位和火炮無法晉升。被擊敗的火炮會變成受損的火炮,無法修理並會在輸掉另一場 戰鬥後被摧毀。船在輸掉戰鬥後不是沉沒就是受損,無論哪種狀況都會失去所有在船上的 單位和貨物,而船會自動回到最近的修理地點,可能是你有旱塢的殖民地或是母港。 The Frigate, the Man of War and the Privateer have the ability to capture the goods aboard an enemy ship they have bested in battle. Naturally, they can not take more cargo than their holds will allow. 驅逐艦、軍艦和私掠船都能從被他們擊敗的敵方船隻上搶奪貨品。它們自然無法帶走超過 它們貨倉所能負荷的貨物量。 Naval units can also attack colonies on coastal tiles, although their chance of success is not very high. And colonies with a Fort or Fortress will automatically fire at enemy ships on adjacent ocean tiles. 艦艇單位也能在海岸地磚上攻擊殖民地,不過成功機會不高。而有山寨或要塞的殖民地會 自動朝臨接的海洋地磚上的敵方船隻開火。 ----------------------------------------------------- 7.3.1 Combat Bonuses and Penalties 攻擊加成和懲罰 Bonuses and penalties for naval units: 艦艇單位的加成和懲罰: Cargo Penalty: for each unit of cargo, both the offensive and the defensive power of the unit are reduced by 12.5%. 貨物懲罰:每個有裝東西的貨倉,都會讓單位的攻擊力和防禦力降低12.5%。 Piracy Bonus: after Francis Drake has joined the Continental Congress (see below), both the offensive and the defensive power of all your Privateers is increased by 50%. 海盜加成:在法蘭西斯.德瑞克加入大陸議會(看下面)後,你所有的私掠船的攻擊力和 防禦力都會增加50%。 Bonuses and penalties for land units: 陸地單位的加成和懲罰: Armed Bonus: the offensive and defensive power of your units increases by two if they are armed. Native units and the units of the Royal Expeditionary Force are only granted half this bonus. 武裝加成:有武裝的單位攻擊力和防禦力都會加2,船艦和皇家遠征軍的單位只會得到一 半的加成。 Mounted Bonus: the offensive and defensive power of your units increases by one if they are mounted. 騎乘加成:如果你的單位有騎馬,那攻擊力和防禦力都會加1。 Veteran Bonus: the offensive and defensive power of veteran units is increased by 50%. 歷戰加成:老練單位的攻擊力和防禦力都會增加50%。 Attack Bonus: the offensive power of attacking units is increased by 50%. 攻擊加成:發動攻擊的單位攻擊力會增加50%。 Movement Penalty: the offensive power of units with only two movement points left is reduced by 33% and the offensive power of units with only one movement point left is reduced by 66%. 移動懲罰:只有兩點移動點數的單位,攻擊力會下降33%,只有一點移動點數的單位則會 下降66%。 Ambush Bonus: the offensive power of native units is increased by the defence bonus of the defender’s tile. Your units are granted the same bonus when attacking units of the Royal Expeditionary Force. 伏擊加成:艦艇單位的攻擊力會隨著防禦方所在的地磚的防禦加成而增加。你的單位在攻 擊皇家遠征軍的單位時也會獲得相同的加成。 Artillery Penalty: the offensive power of artillery attacking units not in a colony is reduced by 75%. The defensive power of artillery not in a colony is also reduced by 75%. 火炮懲罰:火炮攻擊不在殖民地裡的單位時,攻擊力會減少75%。不在殖民地裡的火炮的 防禦力也會減少75%。 Bombard Bonus: the offensive power of the units of the Royal Expeditionary Force is increased by 50% when attacking a colony. 炮擊加成:皇家遠征軍的單位在攻擊殖民地時攻擊力會增加50%。 Fortified Bonus: the defensive power of fortified units is increased by 50%. 防衛加成:防衛模式下的單位防禦力會增加50%。 Stockade Bonus: the defensive power of units in a colony with a Stockade, Fort or Fortress is increased by 100%, 150% and 200%, respectively. 柵欄加成:待在有柵欄、山寨和要塞的殖民地裡的單位的防禦力會增加100%、150%和200% Artillery Bonus: the defensive power of artillery in a colony defending against an Indian raid is increased by 50%. 火炮加成:殖民地內的火炮在防禦印地安人的侵襲時,防禦力會增加50%。 Ambush Penalty: the defensive power of your units when defending against Indians, and of the units of the Royal Expeditionary Force when defending against your units is reduced by the defence bonus of the defender’s tile. 伏擊懲罰:當你的單位在防禦印地安人、以及皇家遠征軍在防禦你的單位時,防禦力會依 防禦者所在的地磚的防禦加成而減少。 ==================================== 耶耶前進八九章啦啦啦~ --
gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :..11/04 22:52
maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53
maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
o07608:欸欸可以把最後四章一起翻譯完咧~~~ 10/30 22:57
CRPKT:皈依是佛教用語, 翻成「歸化」會不會不比較好 10/30 23:01
阿這個好,雖然我覺得皈依挺有喜感的XD 話說正好想問,"Founding Father"到底要怎麼翻譯比較好......
CRPKT:多移動一塊地磚 → 多移動一格? 10/30 23:02
o07608:這個看板友喜歡哪種講法好了,FreeCol移動方式挺詭異的 10/30 23:06
CRPKT:我一下子也想不到比國父更好的翻法 10/30 23:12
andyeva:翻譯推 10/30 23:28
PixiuFox:"開國元老"會不會太長? 10/30 23:44
CRPKT:樓上這個不錯 10/31 00:20
THC13:舊版是翻成「開國之父」的樣子 10/31 01:02
THC13:關於Wagon 每個殖民地一定要有一台 <-- 這句不對 10/31 01:03
THC13:應該是說你可以在任一殖民地建造它 10/31 01:03
原來如此0.0 我還以為是強調說Wagon很重要這樣 Founding Father我想翻成「開國元老」好了,用到「**父」感覺就有排他性XD
evilcherry:Freecol新加的 車數不可多於殖民地數目 10/31 01:23
evilcherry:相信這和某些用貨車囤槍的戰術有關 10/31 01:23
※ 編輯: o07608 來自: (10/31 22:29)
o07608:我居然天真到以為後面比較好翻譯...... 10/31 23:15