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大學生應該看過的好電影(轉錄) 1. Charles Chaplin's "The Kid", "The Gold Rush", "City Lights", "The Great Dictator", "Modern Times" 2. Eisenstein's "October (Ten Days that Shook the World)", "The Battleship Potemkin" 3. Pudovkin's "Mother" 4. Dziga Vertov's "Man with a Movie Camera" 5. Robert Wiene's "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" 6. Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" 7. Jean Renoir's "Grand Illusion", "The Rules of the Game" 8. Jean Vigo's "Zero de Conduite", "L'atalante" 9. Harry Watt & Basil Wright's "Night Mail" (Commentary by John Grierson) 10. Josef von Sternberg's "The Blue Angel" 11. John Ford's "Stagecoach" 12. Howard Hawks' "Red River", "The Big Sleep" 13. Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane", "Touch of Evil" 14. Vittorio De Sica's "Bicycle Thieves", "Umberto D.", "Shoeshine" 15. Visconti's "Rocco and His Brothers" 16. Rossellini's "Rome, Open City" 17. Vincente Minnelli's "Gigi", "An American in Paris" 18. Elia Kazan's "On the Waterfront", "East of Eden" 19. Nicholas Ray's "Rebel Without a Cause" 20. Truffaut's "The 400 Blows", "Day for Night" 21. Jean-Luc Godard's "Breathless", "Une Femme Mariee" 22. Claude Chabrol's "The Cousins", "Bluebeard" 23. Alain Resnais' "Hiroshima Mon Amour", "Last Year at Marienbad" 24. Ingmar Bergman's "Wild Strawberries", "Cries & Whispers" 25. Satyajit Ray's "The Apu Trilogy" 26. Fellini's "8 1/2", "La Dolce Vita" 27. Antonioni's "Blow Up", "Red Desert" 28. Bertolucci's "The Conformist", "1900" 29. The Taviani Brothers' "Padre Padrone" 30. Ermanno Olmi's "The Tree of Wooden Clogs" 31. Pasolini's "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" 32. Volker Schlondorff's "The Tim Drum" 33. Fassbinder's "The Marriage of Maria Braun" 34. Werner Herzog's "Aguirre: The Wrath of God" 35. Wim Wenders' "Wings of Desire", "Paris, Texas" 36. Lindsay Anderson's "If...." 37. Tony Richardson's "Tom Jones" 38. Karel Reisz's "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" 39. John Schlesinger's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" 40. Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange", "Barry Lyndon", "2001: A Space Odyssey" 41. Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner", "Alien" 42. James Cameron's "The Terminator" 43. Milos Forman's "Loves of a Blonde" 44. Jiri Menzel's "Closely Watched Trains" 45. Roman Polanski's "Knife in the Water" 46. Miklos Jancso's "The Red and the White" 47. Glauber Rocha's "Black God, White Devil" 48. Bunuel's "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" 49. Tomas G. Alea's "Memories of Underdevelopment" 50. Humberto Solas' "Lucia" 51. Kenneth Anger's "Fireworks" 52. Jed Johnson's "Andy Warhol's Bad" 53. Arthur Penn's "Bonnie and Clyde" 54. Sidney Lumet's "Network" 55. Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver", "Raging Bull" 56. Dennis Hopper's "Easy Rider" 57. Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather", "Apocalypse Now" 58. Steven Spielberg's "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial", "Schindeler's List" 59. Robert Altman's "M.A.S.H.", "Short Cuts" 60. Woody Allen's "Manhattan", "Annie Hall", "Interiors" 61. Alan J. Pakula's "Klute" 62. Sydney Pollack's "Out of Africa" 63. Luc Besson's "Leon", "Nikita", "The Fifth Element" 84. Abbas Kiarostami's "Where is the Friend's Home?", "Through the Olive Trees" 65. Angelopoulos' "Landscape in the Mist", "Ulysses' Gaze" 66. Lars von Trier's "Riget" 67. 沈西苓《十字街頭》 68. 袁牧之《馬路天使》 69. 吳永剛《神女》 70. 孫瑜《小玩意》 71. 費穆《小城之春》 72. 李翰祥《喜怒哀樂》、《梁山伯與祝英台》、《武松》 73. 侯孝賢《悲情城市》、《戲夢人生》、《海上花》、《童年往事》、《好男好女》 74. 楊德昌《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》、《海灘的一天》 75. 蔡明亮《愛情萬歲》、《青少年挪吒》 76. 王小棣《我的神經病》 77. 張作驥《黑暗之光》 78. 王家衛《阿飛正傳》、《重慶森林》、《春光乍現》、《花樣年華》 79. 許鞍華《小姐撞到鬼》、《女人四十》 80. 關錦鵬《胭脂扣》、《阮玲玉》 81. 徐克《電線桿有鬼》、《倩女幽魂》、《笑傲江湖》、《上海之夜》 82. 吳宇森《英雄本色》、《變臉》 83. 杜琪峰《威龍闖天關》、《江湖傳說》 84. 張藝謀《秋菊打官司》、《一個都不能少》、《大紅燈籠高高掛》 85. 田壯壯《盜馬賊》、《藍風箏》 86. 韓剛《葛老爺子》 87. 溝口健二《雨月物語》 88. 黑澤明《七武士》、《羅生門》、《夢》 89. 小津安二郎《早安》、《東京物語》、《浮草》、《秋刀魚之味》 90. 相米慎二《颱風俱樂部》 91. 勅使河原宏《夏季士兵》 92. 大島渚《新宿小偷日記》 93. 市川崑《細雪》 94. 木下惠介《楢山節考》(1958);今村昌平《楢山節考》(1983) 95. 成瀨巳喜男《願妻如薔薇》、《勞動的一家》 96. 森田芳光《家族遊戲》、《從今而後》 97. 伊丹十三《葬禮》、《蒲公英》 98. 北野武《花火》、《奏鳴曲》 99. 黑澤清《人間合格》 100. 宮崎駿《神隱少女》、《魔女宅急便》 101. 高畑勳《螢火蟲之墓》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kaiyusnow:沒希區考克? 03/22 16:54
DramaLogue:Well...我也只能說,「不只」沒有希區考克 ^^||| 03/22 17:11
※ 編輯: DramaLogue 來自: (03/22 20:28)
liao4767:也沒有李安 04/05 01:44
DramaLogue:是啊 ^^||| 04/06 01:58